Demon Slayer Starts From the Proficiency Panel

Chapter 101

Chapter 101: [101] Wu Zhu, Earth Immortal

Chapter 101 [101] Wu Zhu, Earth Immortal

In Donghai Prefecture, there are many fishing villages near the sea, like stars.

Riding a dragon and following the woman to the village next door she said, this is a simple and simple village surrounded by fences and boards. It can be said that it has no defense at all. You can easily break into the village to wreak havoc.

The existence of these fishing villages for so many years must have something to do with the so-called witches.

Let Jiaolong wait outside the village, and Ning Xiu followed the woman into the village.

The woman’s name is Liu Mei. According to what she said, the witch of this village and the deceased pock-marked woman have been friends for many years. I hope you will know too.

Ning Xiu followed Liu Mei into the village, and immediately attracted the attention of many children and elderly people on the road.

Everyone in these places is very familiar. If a foreign face appears for the first time, it will attract the attention of the local villagers.

Because this village is not far from the village where Liu Mei is located, Liu Mei also knew some villagers here.

I saw her very familiarly walked into a room not far away, and asked aloud to the aunt who was weaving fishing nets, “Auntie, where is Wu Zhu.”

“Amei, why are you here?” Auntie got up and walked over and asked with concern, “Are you okay, I heard recently that many people have lost their children at home.”

Liu Mei’s eyes were slightly red: “Auntie, I don’t have time to say this now, please take me to see the Wu Zhu in your village, I have something to ask him.”

“Okay, okay, then come with me.” Although the aunt didn’t know what happened, she could sense that it should be urgent.

When even leading Ning Xiu and Liu Mei to the village, he also said: “Wu Zhu is supposed to be seeing a doctor at this meeting. I don’t know what kind of wind is blowing in our village recently, and many people are sick. They’re all looking for Wu Zhu’s help.”

I came to the largest wooden house in the village. As the place where Wu Zhu lives on weekdays, people often come to visit, so the door of this wooden house will never be closed. Food and grain, stacked boss piles.

Before Ning Xiu approached, he could already smell a herbal smell wafting from the house.

followed the aunt into the house. At this time, there were four or five villagers with pale faces and very weak looking villagers.

Three of them sat on the chairs and moaned weakly. One was sitting at the table, and the other was a pure white man with a mustache in a white robe. His eyes were closed, and he reached out to take the patient’s pulse.

This person seems to give off an inexplicable sense of righteousness.

“Wu Zhu, am I dying?” The patient who was being pulsed couldn’t help but asked aloud.

You can see the white foam oozing out of the corner of the person’s mouth, and the dark circles around his eyes are like being poisoned. If it wasn’t for the backrest of the chair to support his body, this guy would have collapsed to the ground long ago.

“No, I’ll be able to take medicine until the illness is cured, don’t worry.” The man opened his eyes and laughed softly.

At this time, Ning Xiu was able to see this man’s eyes clearly. His pupils were actually vertical, very similar to those of beasts, and at the same time, the color of his pupils was a little brownish-yellow.

Although Ning Xiu already knew something and knew that these witches in Donghai Province were all strangely capable guys, but seeing this man’s eyes, Ning Xiu suddenly understood.

What kind of ability is this strange, this is clearly not a human being!

Immediately used the Qi Consciousness Technique, Ning Xiu planned to see what this man was.

In an instant, in Ning Xiu’s eyes, a huge red fox figure appeared behind the man. It anthropomorphically drooped its forearm on the man’s shoulder, and stared at the man who was lying on the table with a pair of fox eyes. dead patient.

“Evil? Or a monster.” Ning Xiu thought to himself.

This fox figure looks like a soul, but it doesn’t have the aura of a soul. It’s the first time Ning Xiu has seen it.

The fox stretched out his body and put a paw on the patient’s head, and saw that the patient’s face was slowly starting to become healthy, and the situation was obviously under control.

Ning Xiu couldn’t help but take a few more glances at this miraculous scene.

At this moment, the figure of the fox seemed to sense Ning Xiu’s eyes, and immediately turned his head and stared at Ning Xiu tightly.

The fox showed a meaningful smile and nodded politely to Ning Xiu to show kindness and friendliness.

After more than ten breaths, the patient’s foaming at the mouth has been clearly controlled, and the condition is not harmful. Then the fox withdrew his hand and whispered to the man. After a while, the figure disappeared into the air, and Ning Xiu couldn’t. see again.

“I already understand the situation. You all have the same sudden illness. You must have eaten something that you shouldn’t eat recently.” The man said with his pulse taken back.

At this time, his eyes became normal, and they were no different from normal people. It should be because of the relationship with the fox.

Thinking of this, an idea instantly popped into Ning Xiu’s mind.

Please God!

People can cultivate, and evil spirits can naturally cultivate, but human beings have their own way, and evil spirits also have their ways.

Eating incense is one of the ways.

In some remote areas that were not yet under the control of big merchants, there were often such evil monsters who didn’t like the worst things to cooperate with the people, the people donated incense to them, and they in turn gave the people strength, and then helped each other.

However, as Dashang made a clear prohibition on this kind of thing, the cases of this kind of cooperation became less and less, and finally there was no news at all.

The situation of the man in front of him seems to be the case. The red fox that appeared behind him was the **** he invited.

As a result, Wu Zhu’s secret was instantly figured out by Ning Xiu. It seemed that there were not a few cases like this in the entire Donghai Prefecture.

“Wu Zhu, I really don’t know if I should talk about this. A few days ago, our brothers found a big fish that washed ashore on the beach. The fish looked plump, but he had never seen it before. The brothers happened to be hungry too, so they processed the fish on the spot and grilled it, and it turned out to be like this now.” The patient said weakly.

The man’s expression changed suddenly, and he said sternly: “Nonsense, how can you eat unfamiliar things casually, not to mention that I didn’t say that the sea is not clean, and fish that go ashore alone are absolutely not allowed to eat.”

“We were wrong about Wu Zhu. At that time, we really didn’t have too many scruples. Who would have thought that we would encounter such a big trouble now.”

The man began to write the prescription on the table: “You are trapped by the evil spirits. If you don’t exorcise the evil spirits quickly, you will die at the hands of the evil spirits sooner or later. Take this prescription to buy some materials to exorcise evil spirits, wash your body once a day, and insist on Seven or eight days is enough.”

“An unjust soul?!” The patient’s eyes widened instantly: “Wu Zhu, it’s just eating a fish, how come he is haunted by a wretched soul?”

“The sea contains everything, including corpses. Some fish eat the corpses. If the corpse dies in a wrongful way, it will turn into a wronged soul and become attached to the fish. If anyone accidentally eats the fish, he will naturally be possessed by the wronged soul. It will torture you to death,” the man explained.

Hearing what the man said, the patients in the room were all frightened and panicked. No one would ever want to eat a fish and eat such a thing.

Fortunately, there is Wu Zhu to help, otherwise, I really don’t know how to die.

Ning Xiu suddenly said, “Why is it so troublesome.”

As he displayed the supernatural power of the qi and blood oven, the whole person instantly became red, and the whole house became extremely hot, as if there was a big sun emitting yang energy here.

The black smoke drifted from the body of the patients, they were separated from the body, and the human-shaped ghosts dissipated from their bodies. In the blink of an eye, the complexion of these people became extremely normal, and the ghosts in their bodies had been dispelled. clean.


“Thank you very much, thank you so much.” The patient stood up, feeling that his body was back to normal, and came over to thank Ning Xiu.

The man was very calm throughout the whole process, and he didn’t seem surprised at all by Ning Xiu’s strength.

Obviously, when the red fox spirit body left just now, he had given this guy a precaution in advance while whispering, telling him that Ning Xiu was not a simple person.

“You go out first, I have something to tell this gentleman.” The man said aloud.

He is the Wuzhu of this village, and his status is guaranteed. Several patients couldn’t even care to thank Ning Xiu.

“Please sit down.” The man looked at Ning Xiu and gestured with his hand.

Ning Xiu didn’t show any politeness, he sat down opposite this person and asked directly, “Do you and Granny Ma know each other?”

“Well, yes, the two of us apprentice to Hushan together. In terms of seniority, Granny Ma can be regarded as my senior sister. Do you have anything to do with Granny Ma?”

Ning Xiu said: “She died just now.”

“Why, how could it be!” The man was stunned and looked at Ning Xiu in disbelief.

Granny Ma’s strength is very clear to him when he went out with the other teacher. It is absolutely not that easy to die so easily. Now that this kind of thing happened, the situation is beyond his imagination.

Ning Xiu asked Liu Mei to tell the other party all the reasons for the incident.

After listening to Liu Mei’s words, the man couldn’t help but sigh deeply: “I’ve heard about the loss of children in several nearby villages during this period, but I didn’t expect the hidden things to be like this. It’s not easy, even Granny Ma was poisoned because of it.”

“I was there at the time, Granny Ma seemed to know something about the master of the black hand, but unfortunately I couldn’t save her, she was already dead, you know her, I just wanted to ask you if you knew that The situation of the black hand.” Ning Xiu said.

The man frowned: “In this area of Donghai Prefecture near the East China Sea, there are many witches, and everyone worships the earth immortals in the nearby mountains. Among them, there are many factions and cave houses. It is not easy to confirm the situation of the black hand. What Granny Ma knows, I don’t necessarily know.”

The earth immortal this person refers to refers to those spirits in the mountains. If you want to become a witch, you have to find an earth immortal to apprentice, so that the other party can be invited by you, go to your god, and then Their power is available to you.

“I need you to cooperate with me to find out the identity of the black hand. Since the disappearance of the child is related to it, then this guy can’t be allowed to exist, or more people will be victimized in the future.”

After learning from Liu Mei that Ning Xiu was the Demon Commander, the man didn’t dare to refuse Ning Xiu’s meaning. The last thing in Dashang was the Demon Demon Commander.

And before the earth immortal on him left, he also told him that he must obey Ning Xiu’s orders and do not refuse.

“In Xia Chang Fenghai, you must cooperate with all the actions of the adults. If you have anything, just tell me directly.” The man cupped his hands and said.

“Now you take me to see a powerful enough witch, today I want to go into the mountain.”

In this area of Donghaizhou, there are three most famous spirit factions. Except for these three factions, the other spirits are all small cave dwellings, which is not a climate.

Mangsong Grotto, Dimu View, Climbing Peak.

The Mang Sect Cave is said to be headed by a thousand-year-old giant python, the ancestor of the snakes in the East China Sea, and the entire East China Sea will change with a single command.

The earth immortals who work with the people outside are all descendants of this thousand-year-old snake, so the Mangzong Grottoes can be described as having a long history and not a shallow background.

Dimuguan is a Taoist temple in the mountain. The vegetation inside the temple is lush, and the traffic is full of strange plants and trees. Flowers, vines, leaves and trees are devoted to cultivation and have a peaceful temperament.

often helps Wuzhu to treat the sick people everywhere. This faction is the best in popularity and the highest reputation in the Wuzhu circle in Donghai Prefecture.

But so far, no one knows who the master of Dimuguan is, people only know that it has the strength no less than the thousand-year-old snake fairy.

Pantian Peak is a spooky faction that has emerged in the past two hundred years. It is located on the highest peak in the mountain. All of them are birds.

After occupying the highest point of Pantian Peak, Pulsatilla popped up in the East China Sea in the shortest time, and became the three major factions with the same name as Mangzong Cave and Dimuguan.

Many people who want to become Wuzhu will join these three factions, which makes the three factions flourish in Donghai Prefecture, and there are many brothers and sisters.

Of course, in addition to the three major factions, there are also many powerful and powerful, but they have no intention of competing for the territory. They hide in the caves in the mountains day after day and concentrate on their cultivation. , the request for apprenticeship will not be rejected. After asking God, he can even display the strength behind the earth immortals who are not weaker than the three major factions.

If Ning Xiu wanted to find out the identity of the black hand, he would have to go into the mountain and have a good chat with these Earth Immortals.

Donghai Prefecture is the territory of big businessmen after all, and no one can violate the rules of big businessmen on this land.

(end of this chapter)

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