Demon Slayer Starts From the Proficiency Panel

Chapter 105

Chapter 105: [105] Real Body Dharma

Chapter 105 [105] True Body Dharma

When the light blade penetrated Taiye Shan’s chest, there was an unknown smile on Taiye Shan’s face.

Mang Qiuliu frowned, and when he stabbed himself with the knife, it was obviously a direct hit, but for some reason, the hit didn’t seem to be a real body.

There was something unusual about it, so Mang Qiuliu waved his hands together with five fingers, and stabbed Mr. Shan’s neck. There are few things in this world that don’t die without their heads cut off. .

But before his palm touched Taiye Shan’s neck, an abnormality suddenly occurred.

I didn’t know when, a large number of willow branches had already wrapped around Mang Qiu Liu’s wrist, making it difficult for his hand to move forward even an inch.

From Ning Xiu’s point of view, the scene was even more horrifying.

The willow net on the ground had already grown densely packed with willow branches, wrapping the entire lower body of Mangqiuyu like a spider cocoon. In this state, Mangqiuliu might not be able to move.

When Mang Qiu Liu realized it, Shan Tai Ye opened his mouth and bit his neck.

This guy’s mouth is full of thorns like thorns, covering the entire inside of his mouth. If he is bitten, it will definitely not end well.

Mangqiu tightened his pupils, and his entire body began to swell in an instant. In the blink of an eye, he abandoned his human form and returned to the giant python that Ning Xiu had when he first saw it. left empty.


After being forced out of the prototype, Mang Qiu Liu’s true strength could be fully displayed. With the flick of his python tail, he violently slapped Mr. Zhongshan, and Mr. Shan’s entire body was directly pulled high, and he couldn’t bear it at all. Such a blow from Qiu Liu.

But just as Shan Taiye’s body was about to hit the rock walls around the hall, the willow net on the ground suddenly shot out a large number of long strips, pulling Shan Taiye’s body back to the ground.

After noticing this, Ning Xiu began to observe the floor of the hall. There is no doubt that this place should be the home ground of Shan Taiye. He can use the wicker nets on the ground to fight with his party. If these wicker nets are not removed , I am afraid that Mangqiu will encounter a lot of difficult troubles when he stays to deal with Shan Taiye.

Immediately, Ning Xiu stretched out his hand and shot at the ground, shooting out the internal force of his Burning Sun Tai Yao Sutra through the air, directly burning those wicker nets.

But Ning Xiu didn’t think that even the house could be burned by releasing his internal energy, but it had no effect on these willow branches. These willow branches seemed to be not afraid of fire at all. Absorbed most of it.

In the face of the mysterious Master Shan, even Mang Qiu Liu was slowly falling into a disadvantage. Although his strength was huge, in the face of Master Shang Shan’s strength and incomparably tough willow branches, it could only be said that he had no ability to parry.

Not long after, a large number of wicker sticks were implanted in the crevices of the snake scales on Mangqiuliu’s body, and he couldn’t get rid of it no matter how much he swung it, like a host controlled by parasites.

“Uh!” Mangqiu’s mind became more and more urgent after being unable to take down the mountain for a long time. He didn’t know why. After his body was pierced by those willow branches, his emotions became inexplicably more irritable and anxious. This kind of emotion As a result, he was always unable to make the most stable judgment, so he was countered step by step by Master Shan. Not only was he unable to pose any threat to the other party, but his body became more and more bad.

Master Shan saw that the time was almost up, and immediately used the willow branches on his body to connect with those on Mang Qiuliu, intending to absorb the vitality in Mangqiuliu’s body.

At this moment, Ning Xiu moved directly.

Master Shan naturally couldn’t let him rush over to rescue Mangqiu Liu at this time, thus sabotaging his actions.

With the thought of Master Shan, he immediately saw a large number of willows extending from the ground, turning into dense willow branches and rushing towards Ning Xiu, and he was about to wrap his body.

Ning Xiu’s red Tiangang battle body emerged, isolating all the willow branches from the Tiangang body, so that they could not touch his body at all.

Then he saw Ning Xiu punch, and the hot Tiangang battle body broke out directly, condensing a huge wave of fire to rush up, rushing all the willow branches away, and then flocking to Master Shan, forcing him to withdraw his body to avoid being caught by Ning. Xiu’s fist wave was affected.

“You go back, leave this to me.” Ning Xiu said to Mang Qiu Liu.

“Sir, I…” Mangqiu’s eyes were faintly red, and with a hint of unwillingness, he tried to fight Master Shan again.

Although Ning Xiu didn’t know exactly what happened, he was somewhat aware that his current state was not a good thing, and said again: “Retreat.”

Facing Ning Xiu’s order, Mang Qiuliu was impatient, but he had no choice but to turn around and leave.

Seeing that Mangqiu Liu, who was supposed to be absorbed by his own vitality, was rescued like this, Master Shan felt a little angry in his heart, and immediately stretched out his hand, and the entire hall instantly rioted.

At least tens of thousands of willow branches stabbed Ning Xiu like spears one by one.

A golden light appeared, and a golden bell appeared all over Ning Xiu’s body, welcoming all the willow branches.

bang bang bang bang!

Every willow branch will make a clanging sound when it thorns in the golden bell, and at the same time there will be a lot of ripples on the surface of the golden bell.

It looked like a stormy offensive, but in front of the golden bell, it seemed extremely powerless, unable to break even a crack.

Ning Xiu stepped on the ground hard, and the whole person came to the front of Shan Taiye, and punched down according to him.

Dengfeng Five Strength!

The expression of Shan Taiye, who was originally indifferent, suddenly changed, and he was able to detect an extremely terrifying pressure from Ning Xiu’s ordinary punch.

If he gets this punch head on, his fate will probably not be much better.

Immediately, those willow branches turned towards Shan Taiye, and gathered in front of him to form a huge shield, trying to resist Ning Xiu’s punch.

“Hurry up, it’s dangerous!” Lady Yin Liu suddenly screamed at this moment, every face on the tree was very anxious, obviously foreshadowing that Ning Xiu’s boxing was not easy.

But at this time, Taiye Shan had already missed the best chance to dodge, and he had to try his best to block Ning Xiu’s punch.


The moment Ning Xiu’s fist-faced Tiangang body hit the willow shield, the entire shield instantly burst into a big hole, and the broken wicker flew around.

Then, the Tiangang body continued to charge forward, hitting Master Zhongshan in one fell swoop. His body was like a tattered scarecrow, flying straight up, and the sound of breaking was resounding throughout his body. At the same time, the joints of the body also appeared twisted and reversed.

When    is placed on a normal person, this is an injury that can no longer be dead, but after seeing the land, Mr. Shan not only did not lose his ability to move immediately, but instead stood up from the ground again.

“Huh?” It was rare for Ning Xiu to see such a stubborn enemy. After the mountain master fell to the ground, he quickly bounced up, and the one wrapped in willow branches began to move away from Ning Xiu.

Lady Yin Liu knew that if Master Shan didn’t have her own help, it would be difficult for Ning Xiu to be a match for Ning Xiu. Immediately, the entire hall roared and vibrated. With Lady Yin Liu as the core, a large number of sturdy branches protruded from the ground and the rock walls.

There are a lot of eyes and mouths on the surface of each branch, and their strange appearance is something Ning Xiu has never seen before.

“It’s actually a tree demon. The underground root system is intricate. Why does Dimuguan have no reaction at all in the situation here?”

As one of the three major factions in the mountains of Donghai Prefecture, the Mang Sect Cave is in charge of snakes and pythons, and the Climbing Peak collects birds.

And the roots of the grass and trees are located underground, and the perception of the underground situation is even more profound. The tree demon is located here, and the existence of the tree demon cannot be sensed by the existence of the earth and wood.

Faced with the riots of the Yin Liu Niangniang, Ning Xiu instantly turned on the Heavenly King state, with red skin and black lines, his eyes widened with anger, the Heavenly Gang battle body wrapped in his arms, and the whole person’s aura changed dramatically in an instant.

The qi and blood oven has a natural restraint for evil spirits. The yin here is extremely heavy. For evil spirits, it is the best place to practice and fight.

If other people come here, they will naturally be limited by their strength, but Ning Xiu has magical powers such as a qi and blood oven, and the restraint of yin qi on him will instantly disappear.

Witnessing Ning Xiu’s state of Heavenly King, Mang Qiuliu and Hu Taigu were shocked at the same time. They both felt an extremely terrifying coercion from Ning Xiu’s body, as if they were not facing mortals at the moment, but a real statue. gods.

In fact, that is exactly what happened.

The ultimate achievement of the Supreme Body of the Black Sky Buddha is to allow Ning Xiu to possess the power of the Great Black Sky, which is a truly powerful divine power.

After Ning Xiu raised the Supreme Body of Heitian Buddha by three layers, black lines appeared on his body, and he had initially possessed some of the divine power of the Supreme Body of Heitian Buddha.

This kind of divine power has a very great suppressing effect on monsters. For low-level evil spirits, it is even more immobile and difficult to get up.

“Master Ning is not a simple demon subduing captain.” Taigu Hu muttered.

It’s not that she has never been in contact with Fu Mowei of Fu Mosi before, but none of them can give Hu Taigu a feeling like Ning Xiu.

In the face of Empress Yin Liu who controlled a large number of branches to slap, Ning Xiu directly hugged one of them, and then pulled back wildly.

The entire root of the tree was instantly pulled by Ning Xiu, sliding forward without any resistance.

Niangniang Yinliu naturally couldn’t let Ning Xiu play like this, and immediately used his strength to pull the roots back.

But he didn’t want Ning Xiu’s vigor to explode again in an instant. At the same time, the internal force of the Burning Heaven Taiyao Sutra enveloped the entire tree root. The roots keep spreading.

Lady Yin Liu saw this, her face instantly turned pale with shock. Others didn’t know about it, but Lady Yin Liu herself knew it very clearly.

After absorbing the yin energy for many years, its body has long since become invulnerable to water and fire, and ordinary ordinary fire cannot have any effect on its body at all.

But right now, the flames caused by Ning Xiu’s inner strength can easily burn down its roots.

This means that if you cannot kill this enemy quickly, you will be the one who will die in the end.

The countless faces on the tree trunk of Yin Liu Niangniang quickly made various expressions, and then the whole tree trunk began to bulge continuously, causing the entire stone temple to become buzzing.

Under the gaze of Ning Xiu and his party, they saw the rumbling bursts above the hall.

The originally closed top of the rock slowly opened, revealing the cloudy sky outside. As a result, this place became a colosseum-like existence, and Ning Xiu and his party were located in this colosseum.

Although he didn’t know what the **** was going on with this sudden change, Ning Xiu knew very well that a quick solution would be done, as long as he quickly destroyed that strange black ancient tree and prevented the opponent from using the means he was preparing to use.

So Ning Xiu kicked his legs hard, and the whole person came to Yin Liu Niangniang in a few breaths like a cannonball, and punched the opponent.

The   Tiangang battle body wrapped around his fist, setting off the flames, and wherever Ning Xiu passed, a flame path formed on the ground.

Niangniang Yinliu controlled a large number of willow branches to entangle with them, and organized a network to try to block Ning Xiu’s punch.

But he didn’t want the power that Ning Xiu’s Dengfeng Wuzhong Jin could burst out, far beyond what Yin Liu Niang had imagined.

The moment Ning Xiu’s fist hit Lady Zhongyin Liu, the black black tree broke in an instant, and the faces on the tree wailed and roared in pain.

At the same time, the entire stone temple shook and trembled, and even the dark clouds in the sky became much darker.

At the same time, the wind was blowing, the temperature limit around him dropped, and a thin layer of black frost soon appeared on the ground.

Watching the black ancient tree fall to the ground, Ning Xiu’s expression did not become relaxed, because this time the proficiency panel did not sound like the previous prompt.

This means that he has not really killed the tree demon, it must still be living somewhere nearby in other forms.

When something went wrong in the hall, Taiye Shan looked at the Lady Yin Liu and secretly said, “That person was able to force the Lady Yin Liu to the point of revealing her true body. This time the trouble was really big.”

With the stone temple at the center, the earth within a radius of several miles was rumbling. Several tons of stones were shaken several inches off the ground in this earthquake. Flying high by the gloomy wind.


In the very center of the hall, a behemoth suddenly rose from the ground and flew high into the sky. The cracked gravel flew everywhere, and huge branches crawled out of the hole. occupies the entire hall.

Ning Xiu took a closer look, and what came out of the ground was an incomparably huge ancient tree. It was more than ten feet tall, with a huge and thick tree body. It was a tree body when it descended from the mountain, and the upper body was the image of a human woman. With four arms and two heads, he looked down at Ning Xiu with a majestic expression, and a terrifying pressure shrouded him.

The location of Ning Xiu in    town began to sag downwards until a huge round pit appeared.

Even though Ning Xiu was in the state of a heavenly king at the moment, he felt a little breathless in this coercive circle.

“The real body image!” When he saw Empress Yin Liu’s real body, Mang Qiu Liu couldn’t help exclaiming.

If it is said that being able to transform into a human is a symbol of a third-grade monster, then comprehending the real body and the law is something that can only be achieved by a second-grade monster.

And truly comprehend the true form of the body, its strength has infinitely approached the first rank, and the strength is unimaginable.

This Yin Liu Niangniang has two heads and four arms. This is a pretty good dharma, which can make the possessor exert an extra 20-30% of its power.

Who would have imagined that such a big monster was hidden under this stone temple in the mountain.

The old ancestor in the rumors of the Mang Sect Cave should not be much stronger than this one.

Under the restraint of the coercion, the bodies of Mang Qiuliu and Taigu Hu couldn’t help but tremble slightly. As long as Lady Yin Liu wanted to, they would not be able to go through three rounds under each other’s hands.

As an ordinary mortal, Chang Fenghai behaved even more unbearably, his whole body was shaky and his face was pale.

The coercion caused by the Empress Yin Liu was like carrying a weight of several hundred kilograms on his body, causing Chang Fenghai’s body to rattle, as if his spine would be broken on the spot at any moment.

Aunt Hu saw Chang Fenghai’s pressure, she plucked up her strength and patted Chang Fenghai, and she immediately saw Chang Fenghai fly upside down, directly across the top of the stone temple and fell to the outside of the temple. If you come, you can reduce the pressure on the other party, and you will not die here tragically.

“I meditate and hide here, and I have no intention of revealing my identity. You all trespassed into my territory without authorization. Let’s be buried here today.” Niangniang Yinliu shouted, and a large number of willow branches immediately gathered into a huge wooden spear, facing directly below. Ning Xiu stabbed the past.

This wooden spear was about five feet long, and it fell like a tall tower, giving people nowhere to escape.

Ning Xiu was shrouded in the coercion of Empress Yin Liu, and his movement speed was greatly slowed down. Even with light work, he could not escape from this place before the wooden spear fell.

In this way, since you can’t escape, you can only fight head-on.


Ning Xiu put his strength on his legs, and pushed the Tiangang battle body to a tight position. When the wooden spear was about to head, he raised his arms at the same time, just to support the wooden spear.

The strength contained on the    wooden spear is far beyond Ning Xiu’s imagination. This should be the strongest blow he has seen since he joined the Fumo Division.

The    wooden spear was like a mountain, and kept pressing him down. In just one breath, Ning Xiu’s legs had already submerged into the ground, leaving only the waist and above exposed.

Ning Xiu clenched his teeth, his internal energy exploded, and flames shot out from his palms, covering the entire spear head of the wooden spear, trying to destroy the wooden spear by burning it in the same way.

But what Ning Xiu didn’t expect was that Chi Yan’s internal strength, which had always been very effective, turned out to be ineffective this time when facing Lady Liu Niang of Shangyin.

Even if the flame burns the wooden spear, it can only damage the outermost layer, and it is impossible to burn the entire wooden spear to **** in a short time.

As a result, Ning Xiu’s body was pressed down again by a huge force, and the soil had already covered his chest.

“Lord Ning is in danger, let’s help him.” Seeing Ning Xiu’s situation, Mang Qiu Liu said immediately.

Taigu Hu nodded in agreement, and the two demons jumped out at the same time and came under the wooden spear, revealing the body of the demon, and used all their strength to help prevent the wooden spear from continuing to descend.

Mangqiuliu rammed the wooden spear with the python head, and Taigu Hu turned into a giant fox and rammed it with her back.

But the effect of this was not so obvious, and the wooden spear was still falling.

Niangniang Yinliu smiled grimly when she saw this and said, “Ineffective struggle, none of you can leave from here today.”

“You two, leave quickly.” Ning Xiu released the golden bell to help hold the wooden spear, and shouted to Mang Qiu Liu and Tai Gu at the same time.

“Master Ning, we came together, and there is absolutely no reason to leave you now.” Mangqiu Liu said loudly.

His words were not because he really had any real feelings for Ning Xiu, but because Ning Xiu was the one who led them to this place. If they escaped and Ning Xiu died, Ning Xiu’s strength was in the position of the Demon Slayer.

When the Fu Mosi investigates, he will have to punish the Mang Zong Cave, which is not what Mangqiu Liu wants to see.

So he had already made up his mind. Even if he was crushed to death by this wooden spear with Ning Xiu, he couldn’t leave Ning Xiu to escape. When he came to investigate, he would save his life because of his sacrifice. Instead of putting anger on the Mang Zong Cave.

Aunt Hu also had this idea in her heart.

These monsters have been able to survive silently and harmoniously in Donghai Prefecture for so many years, all because of the expression on Fu Mosi’s face in the dark, but if Fu Mosi is unhappy, even if these monsters have no intention of harming others, don’t even think about treating them well. in the territory of big businessmen.

However, the truth is that these two demons think too much.

In fact, Ning Xiu’s status in the Fumo Division is not as high as they imagined. In the impression of the people in the Fumo Division, Ning Xiu is just a Bronze Leopard Fumo with a talent and a fast cultivation of the fourth rank of martial arts. Wei only.

Seeing that the two demons really didn’t plan to leave, Ning Xiu also gave up the idea of persuading them to leave.

The most important thing right now is how to destroy the wooden spear that is pressing on him, and then let it continue to descend, and his situation will become even more precarious.


The golden bell, which was supporting the wooden spear, didn’t last long, and a lot of cracks had already begun to be pressed out on the top, and it seemed that it would explode completely in a short time.

At this moment, there was a sudden burst of dragon chants in the distance, and purple-blue thunder began to appear in the massive dark clouds in the distant sky, accompanied by roaring thunder.

咻! call out!

Two streams of light, one purple and one blue, flew like meteors, hitting Ning Xiushen not far away.

“Thunder and Purple Lightning!” After seeing the appearance of the two streamers falling to the ground, Ning Xiu’s face suddenly showed a look of surprise.

He directly released his internal force and drew the two Weng Jin hammers into his hands. The two hammers were in the same hand, and the divine power was instantly released, and the different appearances were rampant.

Several thunderbolts as thick as water tanks fell from the sky, hitting this area randomly, and one of them landed on the real body image of Lady Yin Liu.

The demon suddenly let out a painful cry, and the strength on his hand obviously weakened a bit.

Ning Xiu seized this opportunity and immediately smashed the two hammers towards the wooden spear above, and a large amount of electric arc lightning burst out from the two Wengjin hammers, all of which blew on the wooden spear.

The wooden spear shook, and a crack several feet wide appeared.

(end of this chapter)

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