Demon Slayer Starts From the Proficiency Panel

Chapter 172

Chapter 172: 【172】Alien

Chapter 172 [172] Alien Species

Hundreds of people were all summoned to one place by the Demon Commander.

Previously, Ning Xiu ordered the excavation of the underground cave, and the Demon Masters of the Craftsman Road dug the site to be spacious, so that so many people could be accommodated at the same time.

A Ying and several silver tiger subduing demon captains stood together, scrutinizing everyone present.

“Everyone, many of you should be looking forward to going out, but I can tell you responsibly that the outside world is definitely more dangerous than this place. With your strength, going out is a dead end.

The reason why our Fumo Division appeared is to protect the people of the human race. You believe us, Fu Mowei will never harm you. Only staying in this place is the safest. Now everyone, please come and collect them. A talisman that protects you from evil. ”

A Ying was holding a box in his hand, which was filled with a lot of paper charms.

Maybe it’s because of her attractive appearance that makes people feel intimacy, the people are surprisingly cooperative, and no one objected.

came forward one by one to receive the magic charm, and would say thank you girl again.

Although they have been trapped underground, there are only a small number of people who are careful and thoughtful, and most of them are very satisfied with their current stable life.

After all, living in Outland, I have to worry every day, worrying that someday there will be monsters falling from the sky and they will be captured, killed and eaten.

It is a beautiful thing for many people to be able to regain the protection of the Demon Commander.

The magic talismans were taken away one by one, and A Ying looked at the reaction of every commoner after taking the magic talismans.

Suddenly, the moment a commoner took the magic talisman, his eyes became as black as ink, but it quickly returned to normal.

“Invite him to the side.” Seeing this scene, A Ying immediately said to a demon subduing captain beside him.

The moment    was held down by the Demon Commander’s shoulders, the commoner immediately became extremely restless.

But how could A Ying give him this opportunity, the evil spirit invaded, and the magic talisman can judge whether this person has been affected by the evil spirit by contacting the human race.

The people in front of him must have problems in their bodies.

As soon as A Ying pointed out, a spiritual light shot out and turned into a light rope, which tied the person tightly and could no longer move.

At this time, this man no longer pretended to be, and swayed his body frantically, roaring angrily on the ground, struggling non-stop.

Like the possessed old Chen before, this person also turned into a mummified corpse after a while, which made people speechless.

“Go ahead, those who didn’t get the magic talisman, come and get it.” After Aying finished all this, her expression was calm, as calm as she had controlled an ant.

There was a little confusion in the crowd, and the expressions of several people became obviously unnatural. They had no intention of going over to collect the magic amulet at all, and hurriedly fled away from the crowd.

All of this could not escape A Ying’s observation.

The    spirit talisman is just a guise to screen out whether the people are possessed by evil spirits. Since some things have revealed their whereabouts, there is no need to use the talisman.

A few light ropes rushed out quickly, tying the few people who had made a move one after another, and then forced them to show their true colors.

No one who was present could have imagined that so many evil spirits had already invaded, but they were completely unaware of it.

If it weren’t for A Ying’s inspection today, it is estimated that at least half of the people in this underground cave would have fallen.

“In the following days, everyone will be divided into two groups of men and women, men and women, women and women, eat and live together, so as to prevent being singled out by evil spirits. In addition, everyone should pay more attention to the surrounding environment. People, if you find that the other party has any strange behavior, remember to report to Fu Mowei, and we will ensure your safety as soon as possible.” A Ying said.

The people present were dumbfounded. They never imagined that the people around them had already been possessed by evil spirits.

If it weren’t for the inspection by the Demon Commander, they would still be kept in the dark.

Thinking of the existence of evil spirits in human skin around them, everyone could not help but tremble in their hearts. This is the company of ghosts.

On the people who were possessed, A Ying found parasites similar to tree roots. These tree roots were of the same material as the giant trees on the ground that harbored immortality.

A Ying’s face showed a worried look for the first time. Now the outer realm has almost become the Xuanyin realm. The earth is full of these yin trees. It seems that even if you hide in the ground, you may not always be able to be safe.

Sooner or later, the undead on earth will discover their existence.

At that time, I am afraid it will be a disaster.

Now everyone’s hopes are all on Ning Xiu’s body. Only when his strength is improved will everyone be truly safe.

And all the other subduing demon captains, what they have to do is to try not to delay Ning Xiu’s time, so that he can devote himself to the practice and not be involved in trivial matters.

In the mountains.

A yin tree that is far larger than the ordinary yin tree stands on the mountain, its height is equal to the peak of the mountain, and the exuberant treetops are full of dense heads.

was different from the undead that Ning Xiu had seen before.

These heads have already begun to grow necks and shoulders, and if this continues, it is not far from growing to perfection.

A head full of white hair kept swaying, hitting a head next to it extremely violently, and biting the other side down fiercely.

After a while, the head was gnawed clean, not even the skull was spared, all of which entered the mouth of the white-haired head.

The white-haired head that has eaten the same kind is more fierce, and he is not satisfied with eating only one of the same kind.

Take a short rest and start a new round of eating.

After half a quarter of an hour, the other heads around him had been eaten clean, and a vacuum area appeared.

The    and full of white-haired head, the growth rate of its body is much faster than that of its peers, and it has an extremely strong upper body.

With his arms, he was even more powerful, and even climbed the branches with his palms, and gradually climbed towards the undead farther away.

An undead thing with only one head is not an opponent of this kind at all. No matter how fierce it roars and how miserable it screams, it cannot escape the end of being eaten.

The   yin tree swayed faintly, as if dissatisfied with all the actions of the white-haired head, and warned him.

But it didn’t work. With a lot of undead being eaten, the white-haired head finally grew legs, and he had a body that could move freely in advance.

At this time, it is the true state of the undead.

The white-haired undead that already had a body did not choose to let it go and left.

Instead, he began to devour all the undead on this shady tree even more frantically. It was supposed to be the same kind of existence, but it was like his food, being eaten one by one.

Seeing that the resulting undead became less and less, the frequency with which the yin tree shook its body became more and more violent, and finally the tree body cracked a long slit, and a pupil opened from the tree, staring at it extremely coldly. The white-haired immortal.


However, the white-haired undead is not afraid of it at all, but instead let out a proud roar, holding the heads of the two undead and gnawing wildly.

Yinshu’s pupils grew a large number of soft tentacles, frantically entangled towards the white-haired undead thing, but didn’t think that the undead thing had become a climate, and when he reached out and grabbed it, he firmly grabbed one of the tentacles.

Then very violently, he pulled his pupils out of the Yinshu body.

In an instant, a large amount of black pus erupted, sprayed all over the sky, and then turned into rain and fell to the ground.

Facing the plump pupils, the white-haired undead thing did not hesitate at all, and immediately rushed up and began to feast on it.

At this time, from the mouth of this undead thing, various sounds came out.

“Father, Mother, Ergou doesn’t want to die… Daddy, save Ergou, Ergou hasn’t asked for a wife yet…”

“My lady! Don’t leave me, lady, I will take care of the child, even if it’s not mine, it doesn’t matter.”

“Bah! You also support his child.”

“Then it’s okay for me to take the child’s last name. He can be my father, as long as you can stay by my side.”

“Go away, you are so disgusting.”

“The flesh of the human race is the best, but it is a pity that there are no human races in Yaotuo state now…”

The white-haired undead mouth made a lot of sounds, sometimes like people talking, sometimes like the language of a monster.

After    chaos for a long time, this undead thing slowly returned to normal, revealing an inexplicable spirituality in his eyes.

The   yin tree is formed by the yin qi brought by the yin tide. It will absorb the resentment of dead creatures as nutrients for the body, and it will also be mixed with the resentment and memories of some dead creatures.

These things will all be hidden in the shade tree and will dissipate after a long period of time.

The undead takes the initiative to destroy the yin tree, which is rare, and after the white-haired undead absorbed the resentment of the souls in the yin tree, a huge amount of memories flooded into my mind.

For a while, he learned a lot about Yaotuozhou.

The chaotic memory not only failed to burst the mind of this undead thing, but made him even more excited and brutal, with an uncontrollable destructive intent surging out of his body.

Among the many memories, there is one that particularly caught the attention of the white-haired undead.

It was a stone city built on an open battlefield. Many demon clans looked at this stone city eagerly, and in this stone city, there were many guys who stood on their feet and clenched their weapons with both hands.

The undead are very similar to humans in appearance, but their skin is extremely rough, more like zombies.

“Kill, kill… Who am I, kill him…” The white-haired undead whispered, and then quickly left the place.

ran wildly according to the direction in memory.

The yin tree is dead, there is no more nutrients to absorb here, and the yin qi in the Xuanyin domain will not die, and it will not take long for a new yin tree to grow here.

“Father, I’m afraid.”

“What are you afraid of, hurry up, you must find a place to live before dark, or stay in the wild and all of us will die.”

“Second Uncle, Ya Ya is only a child, she can’t be gone for so long, why don’t you take a rest first, it’s still early before dark.”

“Women’s opinion! Is that what you say? You haven’t seen what this world has become. It’s been blessed by God that our family can survive. You haven’t seen how many people in the same village died. , you don’t know how to make progress, you want to rest all day, can’t rest, hurry up.”

On the barren land, a big man led a ox pulling a cart and walked slowly forward.

The ground is too tortuous, which makes it difficult for everyone to move forward even if there are oxen pulling the cart.

Beside the big man, followed by several old wives and three or four children.

Everyone was very tired, but under the urging of the big man, they could only choose to keep on their way.

Because everyone knows that now that he really stops, the big man will definitely leave them mercilessly.

This group of people was originally from Niujia Village. Different from ordinary villages, Niujia Village was located in a cave in a mountain, and there were many caves dug inside to hide.

It is convenient for the villagers to have a hiding place in time to save their lives when crises such as monsters or beasts come.

This habit of    has been maintained in Niujia Village for several generations, but it never occurred to him that it corresponds to the means of survival when the tide comes.

When Yin Tide passed Niujia Village, the big man and his neighbor’s family were very clever and quickly hid in the cave, so as to save his life in time.

But sometimes being alive is more painful than dying. After the cloudy tide passed, a few people walked out of the cave.

found that all the villagers in the village had disappeared, or they were all dead.

And the food in other people’s homes has also become rotten and exudes a vicious stench. Don’t even think about it, it must be poisonous.

In this case, it didn’t take long for the big man to decide to take the remaining villagers and go out to migrate, moving towards the direction of the big merchant’s territory.

In the past, there were monsters intercepting on the road. They were not strong enough to dare to go. Now that the world has become like this, the monsters should not be much better.

Staying in the Outer Territory is a dead end. The only way to survive is to flee to the big businessman.

But the big men who have no source of information do not know that in the Xuanyin Domain, there is no food or water. With the little reserves in their caves, it is impossible to reach the big business territory alive.

The shady trees with heads are moving without wind, and the heads on them are also staring at the passers-by with greedy and bloodthirsty eyes.

“Father, I’m afraid.” A little girl hugged the big man’s thigh and said in fear.

Let alone a child, even a big man in his forties has never seen a tree with a head in his life.

It really made people tremble in their legs, but on the way over, I saw a lot of such shady trees, and I knew that apart from being scary, the heads would not pose any threat to me.

So over time, the big man will be fine except for a little bit of fear in his heart.

“Don’t be afraid, they are just to scare you, if you are really afraid, you will close your eyes.” The big man comforted.

But who would have thought that just as he finished speaking, a shaking head suddenly fell off the treetop and fell to the ground.

All of a sudden, Ya Que was silent, and the group looked at the fallen head in horror, at a loss.

What’s the matter?

“Quack quack!” The head grew many knuckles that looked like external limbs, laughed wildly, and hurried towards the big man, the fangs in his mouth glistening.

(end of this chapter)

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