Demon Slayer Starts From the Proficiency Panel

Chapter 83

Chapter 83: [083] The Source Of The Disappearance, The Purple Gold Coffin With Square Corners

Chapter 83 [083] The source of the disappearance, the purple gold coffin with square corners

In Ning Xiu’s eyes, the fate lines of everyone on the street were exposed at this time. Nine times out of ten, they were all shades of cyan. At a glance, there was a large area of green and green, and red was very rare.

In the end, Ning Xiu selected a middle-aged miner whose luck had declined to the point of graying, and followed along the roofs of the houses in the street.

If someone goes missing tonight, most of them will fall on those who are very unlucky. Ning Xiu can’t guarantee that the miner he has chosen will have an accident.

But as long as the miner is really in danger, he can figure out what was behind the disappearance.

Relying on light work, the miner selected by Ning Xiu could not have imagined that at this moment there was someone following him secretly. After all, we will continue to work in the mine tomorrow, and there is not much time to breathe.

As there were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the road, the streets became gradually deserted.

Ning Xiu stared at the miner while looking at the nearby streets. If anyone approached, he would be able to detect it immediately.

Soon, Ning Xiu found something wrong. In a box not far in front of the miner, there was a faint sound.

If Ning Xiu’s hearing was not strong enough, he wouldn’t have noticed this movement.

After a few breaths, a few figures rushed out of the alley. The miner didn’t even have a chance to react. Take it up and get out of here.

This scene made Ning Xiu frown. Could it be that things were different from what he imagined?

The disappearance of Jinbian City was not done by evil spirits or demons, but by someone who secretly kidnapped the population?

Ning Xiu immediately followed him silently, but he wanted to see who in Jinbian City dared to be so daring to do such chaotic things.

There were a total of five people who kidnapped the miners. They were all ordinary men, but they were all strong, and it was not a problem to carry a miner.

And this group of people has a very high level of understanding of the terrain. They constantly shuttled through the deserted streets, perfectly avoiding all the routes that would be discovered by others. Finally, they came to the outside of a mine and ran directly from the side door. After entering this mine, he disappeared without a trace.

Ning Xiu, who watched the whole scene in his eyes, found a secret place to sit down. If this mine was really suspected of secretly kidnapping people, it would definitely not be possible to bring only one person back at night.

As expected by Ning Xiu, in less than half an hour, several groups of people carried sacks into the mine one after another. Judging from the skilled operation of these groups, it should not be the first time that they have done this kind of thing. .

“Blue Water River Gold Mine…” Looking at the plaque standing outside the mine, Ning Xiu was a little surprised, it was a coincidence, this is not the gold mine where the man came to recruit him during the day.

After a while and no new people came, Ning Xiu immediately set off and sneaked into the mine.

At night, there is no movement in the mine except for the guards, so it seems very quiet.

Ningxiu followed the brand new footprints on the ground all the way to the depths of the mine, and finally followed a series of footprints to the outside of a mine surrounded by sheds.

If you hadn’t entered the Blue Water River Gold Mine, you would never have noticed that there was such a place inside this mine.

The outside of the shed is guarded by guards with sabres. There is no chance to sneak in and find out. If you want to enter it, you have to break in.

The pitch-black awning could block all sights trying to inquire into it. Ning Xiu hid in the dark, observing if there were other ways to enter, but the result was disappointing, no.

Since that’s the case, Ning Xiu doesn’t plan to sneak in any more, so tonight we’re going to have an open and honest look.

He reached out and tore off a piece of cloth from his body, poked holes in each of his eyes and nose, and then tied it firmly to his face. With the cover of the night, it was impossible for anyone to remember his appearance. .

After doing this, Ning Xiu set off instantly and ran towards the tent. With the strength of his feet to catch the cicada in seven steps, Ning Xiu had already arrived in front of them before the guards could react. Steady shots knocked down all these guards one by one.

In about two breaths, all the eight guards were knocked unconscious by Ning Xiu. After confirming that there were no other dark posts nearby, Ning Xiu immediately opened the curtain of the tent and walked in.

I never imagined that the inside of the tent was far darker than the outside. It was almost impossible to reach out. It seemed that someone deliberately controlled the light in this place and listened to the surrounding movement.

There were a few breaths about ten steps away, but they were guards who were placed inside the tent. Ning Xiu did not act rashly, but waited for his eyes to adjust to the surrounding darkness before slowly moving towards those few. Go in the direction of the guard.

“I don’t know how many days this place has been dug, and I don’t know what the shopkeeper is busy with. He has to do this to play a hole.”

“I’ve seen that pit before, it’s called a deep one, and I feel that there may be some ancient tomb hidden underneath.”

“Ancient tomb? Whose tomb would be buried in a place like Jinbian City?”

“Shh! You guys don’t want to live anymore, do you dare to discuss the shopkeeper’s affairs in private, be careful of being overheard by the shopkeeper, and arrest you as slave laborers like those guys.”

When the guards who were talking in a low voice heard this, they all trembled, and they closed their mouths and dared not say any more.

Ning Xiu, who was hiding and overheard all this, seemed to understand that the reason behind the disappearance of Jinbian City was not the relationship between evil spirits and demons, but the Lanshuihe Gold Mine working in secret.

It’s just why these people are so secretive and secretly digging, and the regulations of Dashang do not allow civil forces to excavate ancient tombs. There must be other problems hidden in it.

After   Ning Xiu was clear about the situation, he quickly stepped forward and quickly knocked the guards unconscious, and continued to walk towards the depths of the tent.

When he reached the innermost part of the tent, what caught Ning Xiu’s eyes was a huge pit with a diameter of four or five feet long. The pit was not bottomless, but he could clearly hear the iron knocking from the bottom. Voice.

Worked as the chief engineer at the Daqingshan Mine for a day. Ning Xiu was quite familiar with this voice. It was the movement of the iron picks hitting the rock wall when the miners were digging.

Generally speaking, at night, in order to prevent accidents and allow miners to have a good rest, the mine will stop all operations, but at this moment, there is still such a working area inside the Blue Water River mine.

Ning Xiu suddenly understood why this mine was secretly arresting people.

If the internal personnel are used to dig continuously during the day and night, it will inevitably lead to protests. After all, everyone came to be miners to make money, not to die.

And if you use insiders, it is easy to expose the secret of the blue water river mine excavating the ancient tomb in private. In order to keep it secret, it is natural that no one but his confidants know about it.

The whereabouts of the captured people are unknown, which is suitable for squeezing their labor force and allowing them to mine uninterruptedly for themselves. If someone is exhausted, they need to continue to kidnap new miners to come back.

Ning Xiu stood at the edge of the pit. After a certain thought came to his mind, he jumped directly into the pit. He wanted to see that the owner of the Lanshuihe Mine made so many secrets behind his back. Accident, in order to dig up something.

There are a total of twelve mines in the east of Jinbian City, of which the Lanshuihe mine is the most special. This mine has the smallest area among all mines, but it produces the most gold ore, even if it needs to be handed over to the government. 50%, Wu Changyong, the manager of the Blue Water River Mine, can also make a lot of money because of this.

This has always made the mine owners of the other mines secretly envious and jealous, but there is nothing they can do. After all, these mountains were not mined at the beginning, and whoever digs where is all communicated in advance.

What can be mined depends on luck, which is equivalent to opening a blind box. In the end, it was clear that Wu Changyong had the best luck and got the most profitable mining area.

Below the big pit, torches were lit. At this time, Wu Changyong and his confidants were excitedly looking at a huge rock wall that was full of cracks. There were many exquisite murals on the surface of this rock wall. Know from the master.

In the vicinity of the stone wall, there are still many buried non-Dashang style brick wall pillars, which looks like an ancient tomb.

If Ning Xiu hadn’t found this today, I’d never have imagined that there would be an ancient tomb of unknown age in the underground of Jinbian City.

Beside Wu Changyong, there is a beautiful little woman. She seems to be in her early twenties and looks immature. There are so many different styles, it’s hard to stop watching.

Wu Changyong stretched out his hand and put his arms around the little woman’s waist and laughed happily: “Beauty, it’s exactly as you said, there really is an ancient tomb under my mine, tell me again, this is an ancient tomb. What tomb is coming?”

“The last **** of Dashang a hundred years ago, Duke Yin’s tomb, sir, as long as you can dig out this father-in-law’s coffin and get the treasures inside, you will send it.” The little woman stretched out her hand to Wu Changyong A little bit on the tip of his nose, he said with a chuckle,

On the two of them stood four Taoist priests dressed in different costumes. All of them were worshipped by Wu Changyong’s mansion who had spent a lot of money over the years. They were advancing and retreating with Wu Changyong’s interests. They came to excavate the ancient tomb this time. In order to prevent things from changing, Wu Changyong They deliberately brought all four of them, trying to be safe.


As a miner slammed the stone wall with force, the stone wall could no longer maintain its original shape, and immediately began to collapse, and a large number of stones fell, directly breaking the heads of several miners who were smashing under the stone wall. Blood flowed, and finally buried alive in the rubble.

“Master, be careful.” Seeing that something unexpected happened, Wu Changyong’s guards immediately escorted him away. The dust was filled with smoke, and for a while, no one could see the surrounding environment clearly.

After the stone wall collapsed, a stone room made of dark blue ore suddenly caught everyone’s eyes. There were four chandeliers hanging in this stone room, all of which were burning with dark blue flames, which looked very strange.

And under the four chandeliers, there is a purple-gold coffin with square corners. There are patterns on all sides of the coffin that no one has ever seen before. The workmanship can be regarded as quite exquisite.

Not long after this stone room came into contact with the outside air, the flames in all the chandeliers began to become weak, and then dimmed one by one, and finally all went out. Everyone’s eyes could only focus on the mysterious pair of lights. above the coffin.

The miners who were kidnapped all put down their iron picks, but they didn’t dare to dig anymore. When they were kidnapped, no one knew what Wu Changyong wanted him to dig, but now, they know. .

“Master Wu, this coffin is unknown.” One of the four Taoists standing behind Wu Changyong suddenly said.

“Unknown?” Wu Changyong asked in confusion: “Why is it unknown, tell me.”

“This coffin faces northwest, which is the most shady place in this stone room. In addition, the square-cornered purple-gold coffin has always been used only for those who have great fortune in life and cannot be restrained after death. In addition to the four cold fires in the room, all It is to suppress the deceased, this place is not simple, and the coffin is also unknown.” The Taoist explained.

Another Taoist priest immediately agreed: “Master Wu, this is indeed the case. Before I came, I didn’t expect such a situation. I still advise Master Wu not to open this coffin, so as not to cause unforeseen big trouble.”

These four Taoists are all masters who have followed Wu Changyong for many years. He trusts each other quite a bit. Now that Wu Changyong is told this, Wu Changyong’s heart is somewhat muttered, and he retreats.

If it will lead to very dangerous consequences, it is best not to open the coffin, so as to avoid any uncontrollable danger.

“Beauty, you heard it too, or don’t open the coffin this time, forget it.” Wu Changyong turned his head and said to the woman snuggling beside him.

The woman had already seen a trace of timidity in Wu Changyong’s eyes, she reached out to hold Wu Changyong’s cheek, and turned her back to the four Taoist priests.

At this moment, a strange green light suddenly lit up in the woman’s eyes, and she said to Wu Changyong tenderly: “Master, Eunuch Yin was as powerful as a prince during his lifetime, and kept countless treasures. They looted their homes, but they still brought good things into the coffin.

Believe me, there is really a treasure in that coffin. If you open it, you will have no worries about food and clothing in this life. The wealth is far greater than it is now. Why do you need to open any more mines? Open it. Absolutely nothing will happen. ”

Facing the woman’s gaze, Wu Changyong’s eyes gradually became a little confused, and finally nodded slowly: “Okay, I will listen to you and open the coffin.”

The expressions of the four Taoist priests changed slightly when they heard this, but since it was Wu Changyong’s decision, there was nothing they could do.

We can only hope that nothing major will happen after the coffin is opened.


Following Wu Changyong’s order, his subordinates immediately forced the people who were arrested to go to the stone room to prepare to open the coffin.

Although the miners were extremely scared in the face of this bizarre scene, they had nothing to do with Wu Changyong’s subordinates.

Because here, as long as you dare to resist, the end is very miserable. In the past, someone planned to go on strike because of dissatisfaction, and was directly beaten to death by Wu Changyong’s people. Finally, new innocent people were arrested the next day to replace that person. work.

Seven or eight miners walked into the stone chamber. Facing the indifferent expressions of Wu Changyong and the others, they had no choice but to pick up the iron pestle used to move the coffin and start to move.

Under the force of these people, the square-cornered purple-gold coffin soon loosened, and there was even a clicking sound.

At this moment, Ning Xiu jumped down from above the big pit and landed softly.

Because everyone over there was focused on the square-horned purple-gold coffin, no one noticed Ning Xiu’s arrival.

And the scene where this group of people was preparing to open the coffin was all watched by Ning Xiu.


As the miners pry it hard, the cover of the coffin loosened instantly and opened.

An inexplicable fragrance spewed out from the inside of the coffin, all of which happened to be smelled by the miners.

“How? What’s in the coffin.”

Seeing that these miners suddenly stopped their movements, Wu Changyong’s men immediately asked aloud.

But those miners didn’t react at all, all of them seemed to be obsessed, standing in place without any movement.

Wu Changyong gave his subordinates a look, and the two subordinates got a signal and immediately walked towards the coffin.

“The inside of the coffin has been stuffy for many years, so there must be a lot of peculiar odors. If you smell it, it will cause adverse reactions. Master Wu must pay more attention.” A Taoist priest reminded aloud.

The moment the woman who was leaning on Wu Changyong waited for the lid of the coffin to be opened, the excitement in her eyes suddenly became extremely enthusiastic. If the lid of the coffin hadn’t been fully opened, she would have rushed over by now.

When Wu Changyong’s subordinates walked to the side of the square-cornered purple-gold coffin and looked inside, their expressions became extremely shocking.

then turned his head and shouted in the direction of Wu Changyong: “Master! There is a skeleton inside, and there are many treasures.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience became restless, but the expressions of the four Taoist priests standing behind Wu Changyong became more and more uneasy.

They could vaguely feel that something bad was about to happen, and the source of the danger was in the square-horned purple-gold coffin.

This thing is quite unknown!

(end of this chapter)

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