Demon Slayer Starts From the Proficiency Panel

Chapter 85

Chapter 85: [085] Surprised, The Remnants Of The Golden Snake Party

Chapter 85 [085] Surprised, the remnants of the Golden Snake Party

When Duke Yin led the **** to the throne, he took the lead and established a force called the “Golden Snake Party” in the court and the opposition.

Taking the meaning of golden snakes and golden dragons, the old emperor had great trust in Duke Yin and directly acquiesced to the existence of this party.

The emperor is a dragon, and the prince is a python. This Duke Yin defines the **** as a snake, which shows his ambition. When Duke Yin was in power, the Golden Snake Party developed abnormally.

Even many officials did not hesitate to put themselves in the Golden Snake Party in order to make friends with the Golden Snake Party, which was very popular for a while.

But after the Demon Demon Division destroyed all the **** system under Grand Duke Yin, the Golden Snake Party naturally collapsed instantly, and no one dared to mention this name in Dashang.

Zhao Wanwan said these three words, but it was of great significance.

After so many years, the remnants of the Golden Snake Party are still hidden under the sun.

“Zhao Mian…” Hearing this name, the face immediately fell into deep thought. Back then, there were countless members of the Golden Snake Party, and Zhao Mian was one of Duke Yin’s proud men.

But with the sudden attack of the Demon Demon Company against the Golden Snake Party, Duke Yin and several confidant eunuchs escaped by relying on the secret passage prepared earlier, and finally survived.

However, although Grand Duke Yin was able to escape from the encirclement of the Demon Exorcism Company, he was secretly practiced behind the scenes by Wu Chenghuang, who was still the prince at the time, using the mysterious method of Qi Luck Dao. When he was on the verge of dying in a few months, in order to prolong his life, the remaining members of the Golden Snake Party had to use the secret techniques learned from the demon, to keep the soul of Duke Yin, and when there was a chance, he could do it again. recovery.

In the situation where the Golden Snake Party has been reduced to a situation where everyone is shouting and beating, these henchmen can still do such things, it can be said that they are very loyal.

After the death of Grand Duke Yin, they stored the soul of Grand Duke Yin in a treasure for storing souls, along with all the treasures that Duke Yin brought out from Chaotiandu, hoping that one day the Golden Snake Party will rise again.

However, decades have passed since this time. I did not expect that the descendants of the righteous daughter that Zhao Mian adopted today would find this place to forcibly awaken the soul of Grand Duke Yin.

“After the Golden Snake Party left Dashang, it formed an alliance with the demon forces outside the territory. Now it has grown to a no small scale. We need you to come back and lead the Golden Snake Party to the top again.” Zhao Wanwan held the helmet Said: “Nine thousand years old, it is not too late, now you will wake up again.”

After saying that, the face on the helmet gradually became lifelike. He opened his mouth wide. Those miners who had fallen into a sluggish state, and Wu Changyong’s subordinates who were controlled by Zhao Wanwan’s secret technique, floated out of their bodies unable to resist. The soul was sucked by Duke Yin.

Ning Xiu was fighting against the Purple-haired Zombie. Originally, he had stabilized the opponent to the upper hand, but at this moment, the Purple-haired Zombie’s body suddenly underwent a huge change.

The body that had been crippled by himself with the Dengfeng Five-Strength Force actually swelled up again, and the broken bones healed themselves one by one, and even the fist mark on the face of the purple-haired zombie was restored to its original state.

Ning Xiu was naturally surprised by these miraculous scenes, and saw the purple-haired zombie slapped Ning Xiu away with a palm and ran straight towards where Zhao Wanwan was.

After the helmet absorbed the souls of many people, Eunuch Yin’s face on the surface became clearer and clearer. It broke away from Zhao Wanwan’s palm and put it on the purple-haired zombie’s head in one fell swoop.

At this moment, its aura changed completely, becoming extremely deep, bottomless and turbulent like the sea.

“Our family is back again…” Grand Duke Yin said with a loud laugh, feeling his stiff body.

“Nine thousand years old, this Fu Mowei found this place for some reason. At present, your existence must not be leaked to the Fu Mosi, so please take action to deal with him.” Zhao Wanwan said.

“Fu Mowei?” Grand Duke Yin looked at Ning Xiu, and his expression suddenly became resentful.

The status of the Golden Snake Party was so high, and its power was extremely huge, but in the end, all of them were ruthlessly eradicated by Fu Mosi.

As the leader of the Golden Snake Party, Duke Yin was naturally very jealous of Fu Mo Si, and this hatred also continued to Fu Mo Wei.

At this moment, knowing that there was actually a Demon Commander present, Duke Yin’s anger that had been backlogged for many years erupted at this moment, revealing Ning Xiu’s killing intent without a doubt.

All of this happened in a few breaths. Ning Xiu also clearly felt the killing intent revealed by Duke Yin, but why would he care about it, he immediately strode towards Duke Yin.

“No one can leave here without my consent today.” Ning Xiu shouted.

“In front of our family, you dare to be so arrogant, and I will kill you with your own hands today, to relieve our family’s anger towards the Demon-Fufu Company.” Grand Duke Yin stretched out a long sword from the inside of the coffin, and immediately directed at Ning Xiu leaped out.

Zhao Wanwan’s eyes are extremely calm. A few decades ago, Grand Duke Yin was famous for his flying snow swordsmanship, and his sword Tianxue was even more expensive and collected by the Golden Snake Party. Can strengthen the power of swordsmanship.

After the death of Grand Duke Yin, his sword Tianxue was put into the coffin by the Golden Snake Party. Seeing Grand Duke Yin regaining Tianxue at this moment, Zhao Wanwan felt extremely stable in his heart.

Although I don’t know why I can’t see through Ning Xiu’s strength, but with Duke Yin’s action, he will definitely be able to kill this Demon Demon Captain.

Seeing Grand Duke Yin attacking with a sword, although Ning Xiu did not have a thunderbolt in his hand, he did not panic at all, and directly urged the divine power golden bell to protect his body and punched Duke Yin’s body.

The strength of the purple-haired zombie transformed from the remains of Grand Duke Yin after his death is about rank 3. It can be seen that it should have been stronger before his death, but it has become something that is neither human nor ghost, and its strength naturally declines a bit.

When Xue Jianfeng touched the surface of the golden clock that day, there was a buzzing sound, and he forcibly blocked the sword of Grand Duke Yin, so that he could not make an inch.

“What?!” Seeing that Ning Xiu’s body-protecting golden bell was so hard, Grand Duke Yin’s expression changed instantly.

Ning Xiu ignored his reaction and directly punched the opponent in the face.

Dengfeng Five Strength!

! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The five-fold strength burst out in an instant, and Grand Duke Yin flew out without any resistance at all, and slammed into the rock wall several meters away.

“It’s not easy to subdue the Demon Commander.” The moment Duke Yin slid from the rock wall and fell to the ground, he immediately bounced.

He had never seen a method like Ning Xiu’s body protection golden bell before, such as the internal force of martial arts, and the magic of immortality, which also had a bit of Buddhist and Taoist meanings, but they were not.

Grand Duke Yin couldn’t help but wonder for a while whether the outside world had undergone tremendous changes in the years after his death.

“Our family can’t feel your strength. It seems that you are not an ordinary Demon Demon Captain in the Demon Demon Company.” Duke Yin said sharply.

“You’re talking too much, old eunuch.” Ning Xiu tried to make a quick decision, and directly activated the state of the king.

He saw that his body was growing rapidly, and within a breath or two, he had already reached a height of zhang 6. His body was full of qi and blood like a scorching sun, and the steam was rising.

Even if the others were not close to Ning Xiu’s body, they could feel a scorching heat wave coming.


The Heavenly King has six bodies, and Ning Xiu, who is angry with King Kong, bursts out instantly, instilling his inner strength in his right palm and shooting it directly at Duke Yin.

This palm contains Ning Xiu’s own strength and internal strength, and when he moves, he is extraordinary, and when he swings, the whole body is surrounded by red flames, like a fire **** coming into the world.

Grand Duke Yin didn’t dare to be arrogant at all when he saw this, and immediately displayed his strongest swordsmanship.

Flying snow welcomes flowers!

In an instant, Grand Duke Yin’s wrist moved wildly, and in the blink of an eye, an unknown number of swords were fired, and afterimages even appeared in the air.

Every sword is like a snowflake, overwhelmingly facing Ning Xiu.


A large number of sword shadows clicked on Ning Xiu’s body-protecting golden bell, piercing a circle of ripples, shaking repeatedly, followed by cracks.

Ning Xiu’s bodyguard’s defensive ability has always been improved according to his own strength. When Ning Xiu’s own strength is stronger, the stronger the bodyguard’s defensive power is.

Being able to crack the golden bell of the body protector shows that Duke Yin has exerted all his strengths at this moment.


Facing the crack on the surface of the golden bell, Ning Xiu’s expression did not change. Instead, he grabbed the opponent’s sword edge with one palm, forcibly dragged Eunuch Yin towards him, and slapped the opponent with the other palm. on the chest.

The turbulent internal force broke out completely at this moment, and all the internal force with the Dengfeng five-level strength poured into the body of Duke Yin.


A wave of air penetrated Grand Duke Yin’s body, pierced out from behind him, and shattered and shattered the rock wall far behind.

“Uh!” Grand Duke Yin looked at Ning Xiu in disbelief. The opponent’s internal force was full of terrifying destructive power, and it directly ripped the inside of his body into tatters.

As Ning Xiu kept pushing his inner strength, black lines began to appear on his scarlet body.

“Old things, times have changed.” Looking at Grand Duke Yin, Ning Xiu said indifferently.

Immediately, he grabbed the helmet, the entire helmet burst into flames, and the neck of the burning purple-haired zombie sizzled.

Under Ning Xiu’s strength, he actually ripped off Grand Duke Yin’s entire head.

lost his head, Grand Duke Yin’s body could hardly move, and he collapsed to the ground quickly.

“how is this possible!”

Everything happened too fast. When Zhao Wanwan reacted, her expression became extremely complicated. She never thought that Ning Xiu, the demon-fighting captain, had the strength to suppress Grand Duke Yin.

This is at least something the Silver Tiger Demon Commander can do! But why is there a silver tiger subduing demon captain in Jinbian City?

“You, what kind of internal strength are you, why have we never seen it before.” Duke Yin on the helmet exclaimed.

“As I said, times have changed.” Ning Xiu’s hands were strong, the helmet began to deform under his strength, and Grand Duke Yin’s face gradually distorted.

As the helmet was completely crushed into a scrap of iron in Ning Xiu’s palm, Duke Yin’s face also completely disappeared.

[Kill the evil spirits, gain general proficiency +4000]


Throwing the scrap metal on the ground, Ning Xiu looked at Zhao Wanwan, who was standing beside the square-cornered purple-gold coffin, and walked over.

Wu Changyong and his subordinates have all died of this woman’s frame, including the innocent miners who were arrested. At this time, there are only two living people left here, Ning Xiu and Zhao Wanwan.

“Don’t, don’t come here.” Zhao Wanwanyao watched the huge Ning Xiu keep coming and panicked. Even Grand Duke Yin was no match for this person, so what did he do?

So Zhao Wanwan turned around quickly and planned to run away, but when he saw Ning Xiu bent down and picked up a stone on the ground, he violently threw it towards Zhao Wanwan’s back.


In an instant, Zhao Wanwan was killed by being shot in the head by a stone.

【Kill the monster, get general proficiency +1000】

After    dealt with this woman, Ning Xiu released the state of heavenly king and walked to the coffin.

There are a lot of treasures, materials like horns, and flowers that are still bright after so many years, other weapons, bottles, etc., presumably the value will not be much worse.

And the most important thing for Ning Xiu is a black waist accessory that should be used to tie at the waist.

This waist accessory is like a belt, which can be worn on the waist. At the same time, the belt has a large number of tassels strung with small iron rings, forming four pieces of chain mail, which can surround the wearer’s front, back, left and right.

Ning Xiu picked up the waist ornament and tugged it hard. I don’t know what material the waist ornament was made of, but the elasticity was surprisingly amazing. Judging from the degree of elongation, it was only after Ning Xiu had turned on the Heavenly King state. They still won’t break apart.

This thing is exactly what Ning Xiu needs. With this waist ornament as a cover, he will no longer need to worry about the issue of his lower body being “open” when he starts the state of heavenly king.

“Tonight’s harvest is good.” Ning Xiu nodded, then closed the lid of the square-horned purple-gold coffin, resisting the entire coffin and preparing to leave the place first.

This coffin contains all the grave goods of Grand Duke Yin, which will definitely take some time to digest.

As for the matter here, it is enough for Qi Dong to bring someone over to deal with it. Once the problem of missing persons in Jinbian City is resolved, Ning Xiu has also completed the task at hand.

First go back to the Daqingshan Mine to take the Bawang, and Ning Xiu immediately returned to the yamen in Jinbian City.

After nightfall, Qi Dong, who was concerned about Jinbian City, sat in the yamen’s study and carefully looked at the file. As a city guard, Jinbian City had a lot of things to decide every day.

The issue of missing persons has always given Qi Dong a headache, but after the arrival of Ningxiu, the Demon-Fuweiwei, he was relieved. He must have the help of the Demon-Fuweiwei, and he should be able to investigate the matter soon.


At this moment, a muffled sound suddenly sounded in the courtyard outside the study, as if something heavy fell to the ground.

Qi Dong was puzzled, he quickly got up and pushed open the door and walked out, just in time to see Ning Xiu bringing the overlord to place a coffin on the ground.

“Master Ning?” Qi Dong was stunned, not quite understanding why Ning Xiu appeared here at this time.

“You are now taking someone to take over the Lanshuihe Gold Mine. I have already investigated the reason for the disappearance of Jinbian City’s people. The mine owner there, Wu Changyong, did it in secret,” Ning Xiu said.

“Really?!” Qi Dong was instantly delighted, although the impression of Fu Mowei in his mind was that of being extremely powerful and omnipotent.

But the efficiency is really too fast. How long has it been since I found out?

However, Qi Dong did not choose to doubt Ning Xiu’s words. He hurriedly went back to his study and put on his clothes, and started to go out to gather yamen staff, ready to go to the Blue Water River Gold Mine to have a look.

And taking advantage of this time when no one was there, Ning Xiu began to carefully examine the treasures in the square-horned purple-gold coffin.

In a room full of candles.

Several old men with a lot of rouge gouache on their faces sat at the table, silently playing with the teacups in their hands.

It can be seen that a golden snake is tattooed on the wrists of these old men.

“Zhao Wanwan is dead.” An old man suddenly trembled slightly, and then said in a sharp voice.

He stretched out his hand and took out a necklace from his neckline, and saw that among all the shimmering beads, one of them had become dull.

“Isn’t she going to be in charge of awakening Nine Thousand Years, there can’t be any strong people in that place for so many years.” Another old man frowned suddenly.

“Nine thousand years old is the symbol of the Golden Snake Party. Without his help, it would be a little more troublesome for us to implement that plan. What should we do now? Send someone to Jinbian City to see the situation, or we should start the next step directly. action.”

“Zhao Wanwan is dead, presumably the nine thousand-year-old tomb must have also been discovered, now it’s meaningless, it’s just a waste of manpower, let’s start directly, the day of the stars is coming, we don’t have much time to waste. ”

“Okay, then I’ll go and order now.”

The missing people, Qi Dong found the bodies one by one under the big pit in the Lanshuihe Gold Mine.

After Qi Dong led people to dig three feet into the ground, it was absolutely certain that those missing people in Jinbian City were all in this mine.

As a result, the mysterious case that has puzzled Qi Dong and the people of Jinbian City for many days has been completely settled and has come to an end.

However, it is a pity that the sinner Wu Changyong has already died, and Qi Dong can no longer use criminal law to punish this guy who secretly hurt people, so he can only cheaply die so easily.

Because there are still many tasks at hand, Ning Xiu didn’t have any delay in staying early the next morning. After talking to Qi Dong, he left Jinbian City and headed for the next place where there is a calamity.

Longwang River, the largest direct flow of the Yellow River to the estuary, passes through Baisha Prefecture and Donghai Prefecture, and often fish from the Yellow River swim into the Longwang River, allowing fishermen in Baisha Prefecture to catch a lot.

It is rumored that the Dragon King River will experience continuous torrential rains on the day of the bead, and there is an underwater dragon king in the river, bringing more abundant fish to the Dragon King River.

A small number of fishermen once said that they had seen the figure of the Dragon King in the rain, but because of the lack of convincing, not many people were willing to believe it and regarded it as a legend.

Torrential rain, on the banks of the Dragon King River.

“There have been cases of fishermen being bitten by monsters in Donghai Prefecture. Now this kind of thing has spread to the Longwang River. We have been patrolling for so long, and we don’t know how long it will take to find that harmful person. monster.”

“It’s been raining all the time near the Dragon King River recently. It’s really inconvenient to observe. Even if there are monsters passing under the water at this time, we probably won’t notice it.”

By the Dragon King River, three iron-horse demon captains in mino coats and hats said while patrolling.

But because of the heavy rain, even if you walk very close, you may not be able to hear the voice of your companions.

“Hey! Look over there.”

At this moment, the Demon Commander who was walking at the very front suddenly stretched out his finger and shouted forward.

The companion looked around and saw a woman with an umbrella pulling a child standing motionless by the river not far away.

Because of the heavy rain, the water level of the Longwang River has risen to a very high level. As long as you are not careful, women and children may fall into the river at any time.

Longwang River is well known for the rapid flow of water. Even fishermen who are good swimmers may not be able to bear it when they fall into the water, let alone the current situation.

“Hey! It’s too dangerous for you to stand there, get back!”

The three demon subduing captains hurriedly approached the past and shouted. The woman heard the shouting and looked back, but at this moment, her feet slipped, and she instantly fell into the water with the child.

“not good!”

The three iron horse Fumowei hurriedly ran over. The duty of the Fumowei is to eliminate evil spirits and protect the people. When someone fell into the water in front of them, they naturally couldn’t sit idly by.

However, when an iron horse subduing demon captain ran to the river and was about to reach out to grab the woman and the child, he suddenly found that the two had disappeared.

Just as Fumowei was puzzled, a pale palm suddenly burst out from under the river surface, grabbed Fumowei’s ankle and dragged him into the river.

There was no response. The Demon Demon Captain had already fallen into the water, and the two companions who followed up were shocked when they saw this scene.

Because they saw two white figures behind their companions in the water, they directly wrapped around the body of the fallen demon captain and tried to pull him down into the water.

“Help! Help!”

“Hurry up, hurry up and find a way to save him.”

The two Demon Demon Captains who were standing on the shore were very anxious. They happened to see a branch on the shore. They hurriedly took the branch and stretched it into the water, so that the drowning Demon Demon Captain grabbed it, and then pulled it hard to the shore. .


Seeing that he was about to go ashore, Captain Fu Mo let out a miserable cry, and red splashes appeared in the water.

The drowning man was finally dragged ashore under the force of the two demon lieutenants, and luckily saved his life.


The two demon subduing captains looked at each other, and Gu both saw the other’s shock in each other’s eyes.

I saw that the two thighs of the submerged demon captain were covered with white bone wounds, and the gnawing teeth marks were very obvious.

“Quick, send him to treatment, his injury is too serious.”

The two of them didn’t care too much, they quickly picked up their companion’s body and left the place quickly.

(end of this chapter)

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