Demon Slayer Starts From the Proficiency Panel

Chapter 91

Chapter 91: [091] Capture The Dragon!

Chapter 91 [091] Capture the dragon!

The four seas are dragons, and the dragon is the master of water.

Although    Jiaolong is not a real dragon, it also possesses extraordinary power and unfathomable strength.

Once in Donghai Prefecture, there was a case where the silver tiger subduing demon captain and Jiaolong fought. strength around.

If there is no important reason, Fu Mowei absolutely cannot easily take action with Jiaolong.

Ning Xiu had only heard about the existence of Jiaolong caves in the deep-sea restricted area outside the East China Sea, and there were many records of Jiaolong’s stature and appearance in Zhiyi Lu.

But that’s just a rumor recorded in the book, I didn’t expect to see it today.

As the dragon broke the water probe, the dragon roared loudly.

In this section of the Longwang River, the waves were turbulent in an instant, and the water splashed into the sky, and there were even several large or small eddies on the river.

The many water monsters in the Dragon King Hanoi seemed to have received orders, and madly slammed into the wooden wall constructed by the Heitianmen monsters on the river.

bang bang bang!

A large number of turtle demons and fish demons slammed into the wooden wall, causing the entire wooden wall to sway, and there is a sign that it may be shaken at any time.

Such a huge momentum directly enveloped the entire Qiantang City.

At this moment, all the chickens, ducks, dogs and cats in the whole city curled up on the ground and dared not move. Although they did not see Jiaolong with their own eyes, the dragon’s might exuded by the other party was like encountering a natural enemy to the animals, even if they had never met. Will be suppressed and unable to move.

“After waiting for a long time, it’s finally here.” Already running to the center of the wooden wall, several Heitianmen demons above the river laughed at the large number of menacing fish.

They took off their cloaks one after another, revealing their respective appearances.

These demons are old and young, handsome and ugly, and the strange thing is that the eyes looking at the dragon are all full of heat.

In the face of many water demons who rushed over at Jiaolong’s order, ready to crash the wooden wall, a white-haired young man took a deep breath, cupped his mouth with both hands, and then spewed out angrily.

Suddenly, the violent wind gushes, directly blowing the river surface below the wooden wall high, turning into a huge wave and rolling out backwards, pushing all the water monsters that collided far away, and Qinggong stopped them. Want to destroy the momentum of the wooden wall.

“Hands on.”

Seeing that their companions had already taken action, the other demons immediately made their own moves.

The old man holding the wooden staff urged the wooden wall to grow rapidly again, and then strengthened the stability of the entire Dragon King River.

The other bald-headed demon jumped off the wooden wall and stepped on the river surface. Before his body sank into the water, starting from the soles of his feet, a large amount of cold fog was rampant, and the river surface began to freeze into large pieces of solid ice.

As a result, even the dragon would not be able to rely on the Dragon King River to swim through this place.

The    interception plan has officially started!

“Jiaolong!” Qin Zhen slapped a fish demon with one palm. When he turned his head and saw the figure of the Jiaolong, his face also showed the same shocking expression as the others.

Even if it is called a dragon, Jiaolong actually belongs to the category of monsters, but unlike ordinary monsters, Jiaolong generally does not actively approach the area where the human race lives.

Therefore, for hundreds of years, Dashang has maintained a relationship of non-enemy and non-aggression with many powerful demon clans in the depths of the East China Sea.

And now, not to mention that Jiaolong usually has the same strength as the upper third-rank, a living Jiaolong actually appeared near Qiantang City, there must be some special reason behind this.

The reason why those Heitianmen demons and the remnants of the Golden Snake Party appeared in Qiantang City this time must be for this Jiaolong.


Seeing the wooden wall and the glacier gradually blocking his way, the Jiaolong became more and more irritable and furious. Its back was constantly lit up with blue and purple glare, which looked very miraculous.

Under everyone’s attention, the Jiaolong opened its mouth, and a white column of fire emitting a dazzling light spurted out of the Jiaolong’s mouth and swept towards the wooden wall.


The moment the fire column hit the wooden wall, the wooden wall could not withstand such an attack at all, and the plants carbonized and evaporated, exposing a gap as wide as a zhang and a half.

Even the river surface that was frozen under the wooden wall by the magic power of the demon melted and collapsed, unable to withstand it.

“As expected of a Flood Dragon, even a third-rank warrior would not be able to directly parry with this dragon fire.” The white-haired young man who blew out a huge wave laughed.

The old man with a cane said nothing, and urged the plants near the destroyed wooden wall to start repairing themselves.

The bald-headed demon looked up at his companions and asked, “Do we have to wait for the guys from the Golden Snake Party to arrive before we both work together to capture the dragon?”

The white-haired young man shook his head decisively: “Those subjugators are nearby, we don’t have too many opportunities to waste, let’s do it directly, and the people of the Golden Snake Party will leave it alone.”

“it is good.”

After hearing the words of their companions, all the Heitianmen demons jumped off the wooden wall, each used their own means, and ran towards the direction of the dragon.

Capture the dragon!

The situation on the    ferry port was still chaotic. A large number of water monsters jumped onto the ferry port from the Dragon King River and attacked everything they could see.

Even if Ning Xiu and Qin Zhen’s Bronze Leopard team hunted and killed those water monsters frantically, it would be useless, because the number of water monsters that would continue to emerge from the Dragon King River was innumerable.

“Qin team leader, there are too many to kill. It’s not the way to go on like this. These water monsters were all carried by the dragon. We have no time to disperse the people in the city. If we can’t drive them away. , the entire Qiantang City will be destroyed by the water monster.” Ning Xiu smashed a horned turtle monster to death with a hammer, and then shouted towards Qin Zhen not far away.

“Do you have any countermeasures?” Qin Zhen asked.

“You and your team take the people from the ferry back to the city first, and try to block the water demon outside the city as much as possible, and I will drive away the dragon.” Ning Xiu said resolutely.

Qin Zhen’s expression changed instantaneously: “No, this is too dangerous, even a young Jiaolong’s strength can be on par with a third-grade master, you, a bronze leopard subduing demon captain, will die in the past.”

The dragon that appeared in the Dragon King River at this time was obviously far above the size of its infancy, and its strength was difficult to estimate.

In Qin Zhen’s view, Ning Xiu, who is also the Bronze Leopard Demon Commander, intervenes in this matter, even if it is to delay time, it is no different from courting death.

“If these water demons are allowed to rush into Qiantang City, the people of the entire city will be killed nine times out of ten. Leader Qin, when we joined the Demon Demon Division, we made the oath to the three holy statues as the Demon Demon Commander, you haven’t forgotten it, right? , for the people, we can give our lives.”

“This…” Qin Zhen gritted his teeth and said, “You have not been in the Fumo Division as long as I have. According to the rules, even if you go, I will expel the dragons, and you will protect these people from retreating.”

At this time, there are many water monsters in the Dragon King River, which is an opportunity not to be missed for Ning Xiu. If he can accumulate enough general proficiency, his strength today can be greatly improved.

Therefore, Ning Xiu must not **** the people into the city right now, and miss this opportunity.

But Qin Zhen didn’t know this. In his opinion, this was a very dangerous task with a very low success rate. If someone really wanted to carry it out, it would be according to the rules of the superiors and juniors and seniors to protect newcomers.

This matter should also be done by Qin Zhen, who has joined the Fumo Division for a longer time.

Ning Xiu didn’t want to waste time with Qin Zhen on this issue, and immediately said: “Don’t fight for the leader of Qin’s team, listen to me, and quickly **** the people into the city.”

As Ning Xiu stretched out his hand and pushed, his palm force directly swept away Qin Zhen who was approaching, and he took seven steps to rush down the Dragon King River and quickly ran towards the wooden wall.

Now that Ning Xiu has entered the water, Qin Zhen will not be able to catch up and fight with him about who comes first. He has no choice but to command his team to come close to form a line of defense and separate the people from the water demon. Separated, and then escorted these people away from the ferry and entered Qiantang City.

The monsters of Heitianmen seem to have known for a long time that there will be a dragon on the day of Renju. At this time, the means that each monster displays are all spells that can capture dragons.

While Ning Xiu was clearing out the many water demons in the ferry, the bald demon had already frozen all the water in this section of the river into ice.

A large number of water demons were covered with hoarfrost and frozen on the ice surface, and some were even worse, their bodies were half stuck, and they were completely unable to move.

Only within the ten-zhang range where the Jiaolong is located, the flow of the river is still maintained.

Whenever the river surface is about to freeze, Jiaolong will destroy the ice surface by means of dragon fire and collision, and always make the demon of Heitianmen unable to control himself.

But even so, the bald-headed monster limited the Jiaolong’s range of action to a large extent, making it impossible to escape at all, and could only be trapped in a water circle with a diameter of ten feet and struggled constantly.

Ning Xiu jumped on the wooden wall and stood at a high place to observe the situation of the Dragon King River, although the Flood Dragon had been restricted by the magic of the bald monster.

It is not difficult to see that this does not really have any effect on Jiaolong. If the opponent leaves the water, they can still continue to fight on the ice surface.


When Ning Xiu appeared on the wooden wall, he was instantly noticed by the old man with the stick who was controlling the wooden wall. He looked at where Ning Xiu was: “Someone is coming, it should be the Demon Demon Captain.”

The white-haired youth focused all his attention on Jiaolong, and when he heard what the old man with a cane said, he immediately said nonchalantly: “Who is going to deal with him, Xuefeng, you go, just right now your ability is not useful. ”

A slender man with red tattoos all over his face had been standing and watching until then and nodded expressionlessly: “Okay.”

As he stretched out his hands hidden under the black robe, there were two more delicate and sharp curved-blade golden knives in his hands. He lifted the knives, and the man quickly ran towards Ning Xiu.

As he ran, his body suddenly seemed to be transparent, slowly disappearing into the air without a trace.

“It is said that the dragon is a treasure, its horns and teeth can be used to refine spiritual weapons, the blood of the dragon can quench the body and the soul, and the skin of the dragon is a first-class protective leather armor. This time, the demons will spend so much trouble in Qiantang City, and they will not hesitate to send a lot of people.” Ning Xiu thought to himself.

Although the    Jiaolong is like a moving treasure house, it is generally difficult to meet. They are usually hidden in caves and deep pools deep in the primitive mountains, or on reefs and islands outside the East China Sea.

If you can meet one, it is a big chance.

Just when Ning Xiu was about to take a closer look, a murderous aura suddenly descended, followed by a sound of breaking wind.

What makes people feel weird is that Ning Xiu has no idea where this murderous aura is coming from.


In case of indecision, let go of supernatural powers first.

As Ning Xiu’s body-protecting golden bell appeared, a buzzing sound suddenly sounded behind him, but it looked like a curved-blade golden knife stabbed the surface of the golden bell.

The golden bell, which has always been sturdy, was in front of this curved-blade golden knife, like tofu met a sharp blade, and was directly pierced by more than six inches without hindrance, but then it was completely stuck.

Although he saw the weapon, he didn’t see the person using the weapon. Ning Xiu looked around, but found nothing, only the strong murderous aura always enveloped him.

“Although the Heitianmen demon has a weird personality, it’s not this way of acting. You should be the remnant of the **** of the Golden Snake Party.” Ning Xiu said.

Before he could finish his words, a figure suddenly appeared in the air behind him, holding a second curved-blade golden knife and slashing at the golden bell.

This time, the knife was obviously more severe than the previous one. The golden bell of the body protection was instantly broken into a gap of several feet long. Thanks to the help of the golden bell of the body protection, it was replaced by the physical body of the fourth rank of ordinary martial arts. If you get hit with this knife, you will definitely end up either dead or disabled.

When this person revealed his figure, a lot of information suddenly appeared in Ning Xiu’s mind.

In the Fumo Division, there is a hunting list for those demons who have done a lot of evil and committed serious crimes but have not yet been caught or killed.

Each list has a reward price specially evaluated by the Fumo Division. As long as there is a Fumowei who can execute the fugitive demons on the list, they can receive a large bounty from the Fumo Division.

For this hunting list, Ning Xiu had read it carefully when he was in Fu Mosi’s spare time. Most of the wanted monsters above, Ning Xiu, had some impressions.

And the tattooed demon who appeared in front of him right now was one of the wanted targets on the hunting list.

Xuefeng, martial arts, good at weak point assassination, most of the evil cases are one-shot assassination targets, this person seems to have some kind of ability to see the weakest part of the enemy, so he can do one strike every time. , do not leave alive.

As for the monster, Blood Front, his most famous deed is that he stabbed a Silver Tiger Demon Commander and escaped from the opponent’s hands.

Although it was only a minor injury, it was enough to show how exaggerated this person’s assassination technique was.

You have to maintain absolute focus and vigilance at all times when fighting against him, or you may die under the golden sword of the **** edge if you are not careful.

On the list, Blood Front’s bounty has reached 500 taels of gold, and many Demon Commanders have searched for him in the big business territory, but to no avail.

Ning Xiu never thought that he would meet this guy in Qiantang City today.


The two golden knives stuck in the golden bell of the body protection flew out automatically and returned to Xuefeng’s hands again. These techniques were quite similar to the swordsmanship.

Seeing that Xue Feng’s body began to fade, Ning Xiu directly clenched the Thunder Hammer and slammed it out.

(end of this chapter)

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