Demons Beside You

Chapter 252 - Spring of Youth

Chapter 252: Spring of Youth

Beelzebub Zofee brought Chen Zhao to a ring-shaped building with a hollow center. There were red crystals embedded in the wall, making it uneven.

When Chen Zhao looked up, he could see a huge red moon, shining with demonic red light. He’d never seen such a full red moon. When he came before, it had always been a new moon, waning or waxing gibbous moon.

Beelzebub Zofee stood before a furnace in the center. It shone with green flames. Then he started tossing the pearls in.

The flames in the furnace darkened from the original green. Chen Zhao had thought that Zofee would use the pearls as resources, but he ended up using it as fuel.

“The red moon of Hell only appears for three days the entire year, while the Spring of Youth can only be created during the red moon.”

There was a duct above the furnace. Liquid started dripping down from it, landing in the stone bowl on the side. The liquid was as bright as blood, but it was a bit viscous.

As Zofee added the pearls in, the flames grew stronger and stronger. The dark flames that spewed out of the furnace seemed like they would swallow Zofee, but he stood in the fire unharmed while chanting a spell.

More and more liquid flowed out of the pipe. Soon, the stone bowl was filled.

“Don’t just stand there,” Zofee yelled. “Take out your container to collect it.”


“Huh what? You don’t have a container.”

Chen Zhao remembered the red wine that Risfar had given him earlier. It was in his spatial ring. He hurriedly took it out and poured the red wine out. Then he placed it under the duct to collect the liquid.

He didn’t dare to move, in fear that he would miss a drop of the precious liquid.

When the liquid was almost at the opening, no more liquid fell from the duct.

“It’s over?”

“It’s over.” Zofee nodded.

“Do you directly drink the Spring of Youth and then old people can become young again?”

“You humans can’t drink it directly. You must dilute it with water. One drop can basically make you one year younger. If you just drink it, the effect might be too strong and make you a baby again. However, you must remember that each person only has one chance to go back. Even if you only drank one drop on the first time, you won’t get any effect the next time.”

“So this is like increasing your lifespan?”

“It’s like that for humans,” Zofee said. “But it’s not like becoming a year younger will add a year to your life. The younger you make yourself, the less years you add on. But for us demons, it’ll only make us go back to our optimal state. If you add a drop of the Spring of Youth to wine, it’ll also become the sweetest wine.”

Chen Zhao put the cork back into the bottle and put it in his spatial ring. “Lord, what are those stones in the wall?”

“Moon crystals. Do you want them?”

“Are they precious?”

“I put them all over the wall. What do you think?”

“Then dig one out for me.”

“It isn’t useful for you, is it?”

“I want to make a piece of jewelry for my girlfriend.”

“Oh, I see. I heard Obitos say that you have a woman in the human world. Here, I’ll have Jessica take the moon crystal to the best artisan in Obsidian City. He can make a demonic badge for you.”

“Uh…demonic badge? It won’t have any side effects, right?” Chen Zhao’s expression changed slightly.

The Doom Star was still fresh on his mind. He didn’t want to bring more trouble to Fali.

“Don’t worry. Since it’s made for your woman, it obviously won’t have any negative effects.”

“Lord, I have another question. How should I control my right hand?”

“You haven’t summoned Jessica? She knows how to solve your problem.”

“I summoned her last time, but I was dizzy after that. I don’t want to summon her again.”

“Your spiritual power is too weak.”

“How do I strengthen it?”

“Use more spells. Don’t you humans practice to exercise your body? That’s a dumb method, but it’s very effective. You can try summoning Jessica more often. This will strengthen your spiritual power faster.”

Zofee paused. Looking at Chen Zhao’s right hand, he added, “My blood flows through your right arm. It doesn’t have a consciousness and can only act with instinct. If you can learn Soul Collection, you’ll be able to control it.”

“I don’t know Soul Collection.” Chen Zhao had never heard of this spell before.

“I’ll give you the rubbing of this spell.”

Just then, he was attacked by the smell of meat. Chen Zhao took a deep breath. “Smells delicious.”Read latest chapters at

“Let’s go. Orris killed a dragon just for you.”

Chen Zhao and Zofee walked out of the ring-shaped building. They saw Orris shortly after. Her mouth was open and she kept blowing out fire to cook the eight or nine-meter-long dragon.

Chen Zhao was speechless at this roasting method, but it was really Hell’s style.

“Human, you’re here.” Seeing Chen Zhao, Orris gave Chen Zhao a warm hug with her three-meter-tall height.

“Human, I made this just for you. If you eat its flesh, you can become stronger.”

“It won’t make me turn into some horned and scaled creature, right?”

“Haha…I like your humor,” Orris laughed.

“Oh, if I can’t finish, can I take it to go?”

“Of course, but you better remember that no one other than you and your demons can eat it.”


“People without demonic blood can’t take dragon meat, especially one cooked with my breath.”

He had to admit that the dragon’s meat tasted delicious. It might also be Orris’ unique cooking techniques.

Chen Zhao had a great appetite and ate a dozen kilograms. But looking at the dragon that weighed a few tons, he probably couldn’t finish until next year.

Thankfully, he could take it back and let the other demons get a taste.

He stayed a full 24 hours. Chen Zhao received the spell rubbing of Soul Connection and the pendant made out of the moon crystal by an artisan that Jessica had found.

It was a beautiful pendant with a red gem. There were at least 100 karats of heart-shaped moon crystals. It shone with a mesmerizing and strange red light.

The chain was created out of some unknown silver-white metal. It felt like it didn’t exist. You wouldn’t feel it when wearing it.

Its name was the Redmoon Heart. Of course, it was also a demonic badge. Its function was that it would never be lost.

Okay…this was honestly the most useless demonic badge.

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