Demon’s Diary

Chapter 36 - 36: Ouyang Xin

Chapter 36: Ouyang Xin

Translator: GGP

Liu Ming and the others, upon hearing this, had no objections.

So the group immediately dispersed, each employing their Flight Technique to charge into the sky on clouds, flying straight towards a certain direction.

Once they flew out of the sect’s range, Liu Ming couldn’t help but curiously survey each peak and mountain top below him.

This was not surprising, as it was his first time leaving the mountain gate since he entered the Barbarian Ghost Sect, so he naturally found everything outside quite interesting.

The other four also paired up and chatted with each other while they flew.

Among them, Senior Sister Wu, Du Hai, and Senior Brother Mei completely ignored Liu Ming, with only Mu Xianyun occasionally turning her head to exchange a few words with him.

Liu Ming, of course, appeared indifferent.

His main purpose for coming out was to gain some experience in carrying out mission tasks, accumulating knowledge for future independent action. As for the attitudes of the other people towards him, he naturally didn’t take it to heart.

In the blink of an eye, the group had been flying for half an hour when suddenly a buzzing sound came from ahead, and a cluster of gray clouds came flying towards them.

Upon seeing this, Mu Xianyun and the others naturally hesitated for a moment.

However, after they clearly saw the faces of the people coming, Du Hai’s expression immediately darkened, and the faces of Mu Xianyun, Senior Sister Wu, and the others also didn’t look too good.

“Eh, isn’t this Senior Sister Mu? Where might you be heading? Could you use a little company from your Junior Brother?” From the oncoming gray clouds, a young man dressed in a white robe and quite handsome stood, except for a pair of murky eyes which revealed a lascivious light as he looked at Mu Xianyun.” “Hmph, Ouyang Xin. Where we’re going is none of your business,” before Mu Xianyun could say anything, Du Hai flew forward, glaring as he spoke.

“Du Hai, you’re a disciple of Yinsha Mountain. Since when can you manage our Ghost Dance lineage matters? I was talking to Senior Sister Mu, no need for your interjections. Besides, if we’re talking about closeness, Senior Sister Mu is somewhat like a sister-in-law to me, so it’s perfectly normal for me as her ‘uncle’ to show a little concern,” the white-robed young man named Ouyang Xin said with a cold sneer.

Upon hearing this, Du Hai became so furious that the veins on his forehead bulged and he grasped the hilt of the sheathed long saber on his back.

Mu Xianyun’s eyebrows also furrowed tightly.

“Junior Brother Ouyang, Senior Sister Mu and I are partnering to undertake a sect mission. We already have the required number of people, and even if we were to add more, you would have to accept the task from the sect first,” said Senior Sister Wu, sighing as she flew out and spoke slowly to Ouyang Xin.

“Hehe, that’s no problem. I, Ouyang, don’t care about those contribution points. That guy, he looks new to the sect. Now, I’m giving you a break. Turn around and head back now, and I’ll take care of this mission for you. When the time comes, your contribution points will be credited to your identity plaque,” Ouyang Xin chuckled, then suddenly pointed at Liu Ming in the crowd, speaking with an arrogant tone.

Upon hearing this, Liu Ming’s eyes twitched, and catching the imploring look from Mu Xianyun’s eyes, his heart immediately sank.

Upon hearing these words, the expressions of Du Hai, Senior Sister Wu, and the others all varied as they looked at him!

Liu Ming felt even more depressed in his heart.

Was this a case of ‘a city gate catches fire, and the disaster strikes the fish in the moat’?

Ouyang Xin had the audacity to speak to Mu Xianyun and the others in such a tone, clearly indicating he was a disciple with considerable influence in the sect. If Liu Ming refused his request, he would naturally greatly offend this person. But if he agreed, he would evidently become outright enemies with Mu Xianyun and the others.

Seeing Liu Ming’s hesitant look, Ouyang Xin’s face darkened as he rebuked:

“Boy, don’t make me force you to drink a penalty. You can go back and ask around about who I, Ouyang Xin, am. Don’t be ungrateful!”

Hearing this, Liu Ming was furious, but he instantly made up his mind and replied with a hum:

“While it’s the first time Bai here has heard of your name, I’m pretty sure you’re not among the Uncle Masters of our sect. If you really want to command me, you’d better become a Spirit Master first.”

“What did you say!” Ouyang Xin, upon hearing that, flew into a rage and was about to rush over.

But just then, Du Hai swiftly blocked his path, pressing his hand on the hilt of his blade as he said sternly:

“It seems that Junior Brother Ouyang has forgotten the rules of our sect; initiating a fight without permission: at the very least, you’ll receive whipping, and at worst, your magical powers will be stripped away. Do you need me to teach you another lesson?”

At that moment, Senior Brother Mei also silently flew over and stood shoulder to shoulder with Du Hai.

“Fine, very well. Since Senior Sister Mu doesn’t want me to join, I, Ouyang, won’t insist,” Ouyang Xin’s gaze swept over the two people in front of him, and after a moment of reflection, he finally suppressed his anger and said.

He then urged the gray cloud beneath him, flashing past the group.

However, as he passed by Liu Ming, he deliberately lowered his voice, but still loud enough for everyone to hear as he viciously said:

“Kid, I’ve memorized your face. Don’t let me catch you alone next time.”

No sooner had he finished speaking than he suddenly increased his speed and shot away.

The others changed their expressions slightly upon hearing this, but Liu Ming just frowned briefly before immediately reverting to an unconcerned demeanor.

“Junior Brother Bai, I’m really troubled inside for having involved you in this. I truly am grateful,” Mu Xianyun said with a hint of appreciation.

“I didn’t expect Junior Brother Bai to be such a passionate individual. Senior Sister Mu was right about you. If you have the time, you should also drop by my place for a visit,” Senior Sister Wu said with a light chuckle.

Although Du Hai and Senior Brother Mei did not speak, the warmth in their eyes, which was different from before, showed that they had truly accepted Liu Ming.

“It’s nothing, really. To be honest, the opportunity to earn contribution points without lifting a finger did appeal to me. But his later words were too vile. Although I don’t wish to offend anyone, I am certainly not someone who can be easily manipulated,” Liu Ming replied with a carefree smile.

“Well said. We cultivators are meant to face challenges head-on. If one cannot even uphold their own beliefs, even with great talent, they cannot hope to truly reach the pinnacle of their cultivation,” Du Hai nodded and praised.

Meanwhile, Liu Ming heard his voice transmission:

“Junior Brother Bai, this time I owe you a favor. I will definitely repay it in the future.”

Liu Ming was initially startled, but he soon responded with a smile to the stoic young man.

After that, the group naturally continued on their journey, riding the clouds.

Two hours later, within the uninterrupted mountain range ahead, a giant peak filled with chaotic rocks suddenly appeared.

This massive peak was not only over a thousand zhang tall, but its surface was also littered with blocks of blue-gray rocks of peculiar shapes, very different from ordinary stones.

“This is Stone Tuo Mountain. Let’s land nearby first and then proceed on foot to avoid being detected by the Black Cloud Butterflies in the mountain,” Mu Xianyun instructed.

Upon hearing this, the others naturally expressed no objections and each propelled their grey clouds to land in a dense forest some distance away.

“Senior Sister Wu, this bottle contains Spirit-Attracting Powder. You and Senior Brother Mei should go ahead and draw all the Black Cloud Butterflies out of the mountain, and persist for at least half an hour. The Blood Thread Fruit likes to grow in hidden spots and if the time is too short, we might not be able to gather enough. Junior Brother Bai, this is the Blood Thread Fruit, take a good look at it. Once the Black Cloud Butterflies leave, I, Senior Brother Du, and you must move as quickly as possible to find the Blood Thread Fruit. Of course, if we can gather extra, that would be even better. This fruit is a rare ingredient for pill concoction, and any surplus can be sold for spirit stones,” Mu Xianyun meticulously explained everything, flipping her hands and producing a bright red fruit the size of a soybean and a small black bottle.

“Don’t worry. Senior Brother Mei and I each brought a Shifting Talisman this time. We can definitely hold on for half an hour,” Senior Sister Wu replied with a smile.

Liu Ming looked at the red fruit for a moment and nodded to indicate that there was no problem.

After their discussion was concluded, the group immediately sprang into action.

Senior Sister Wu and Senior Brother Mei boldly took to the skies, heading straight for the peak.

Just as they were about to crash into the mountain, Senior Sister Wu swiftly flipped her hand, and the small black bottle appeared, but its cap had mysteriously vanished.

With a “puff,” a wisp of faint white smoke flew out of the bottle, but it quickly dispersed into nothingness in the breeze.

At the same time, an extremely pungent odor spread rapidly.

In an instant, what was previously a still and silent peak buzzed loudly as palm-sized black butterflies emerged from beneath the strange rocks and quickly formed into massive swarms of black clouds, chasing after the two.

Seeing this, Senior Sister Wu and Senior Brother Mei did not leave the mountain immediately but each slapped a talisman onto their bodies. With a flash of green light, their grey clouds’ speed surged several times over, leading the swarm of butterflies to rapidly circle the peak, drawing even more Black Cloud Butterflies forth.

However, after circling the mountain seven or eight times, the black butterflies behind them had merged into an immense cloud with a diameter of over fifty-six zhang.

Their momentum was shockingly formidable!

The moment Senior Sister Wu called out, she and Senior Brother Mei hesitated no longer and shot away into the distance.

The giant black cloud hummed as it chased after them.

“Alright, let’s get to work.” As soon as the swarm of Black Cloud Butterflies was lured away, Mu Xianyun decisively said.

She, Liu Ming, and Du Hai also soared up, shooting towards the peak.

Moments later, the three of them landed in different spots on the mountain and began meticulously searching for the Blood Thread Fruit beneath the odd rocks.

After the time it takes to eat a meal passed,

a “bang” echoed as a rope pulled apart a strange rock half the height of a man, revealing two small green plants with blood-red fruits hanging from them.

Liu Ming smiled slightly, bent down to pluck the two red fruits, and took out a green wooden box from his chest to store them.

He stretched his arms lazily.

This was the twenty-fourth Blood Thread Fruit he had found, and he figured the other two must be about the same pace.

It seemed that completing the task would not be an issue.

As Liu Ming was pondering, a sudden tremor shook the stones beneath him, followed by a violent vibration emanating from below the mountain. Concurrently, a thunderous rumbling resounded as countless strange rocks tumbled down from above.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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