Denial is the Way

Family Dinner (2)

No one didn't react at first as Ender sat back down. He grabbed a cup of water, gulping it down to clear his dry throat. Counting down in his head, Ender waited for his siblings to react. 


His eldest brother and sister reacted first. His eldest brother, Liam, slammed his hand on the table, causing it to shake. "What? Who dares get my baby brother pregnant!" 


The eldest sister, Kay, was next. She softly grabbed Ender, making sure not to hurt him as she turned his body towards her. "Tell me who it was, baby brother, so that I can greet them." When Kay said the word "greet," Ender knew she did not mean a positive one. 


Simultaneously the second sister and brother, Hana and George, spoke. 


"For a second, forget about the other father. En, how are you feeling? Do you need me to buy anything? I will buy it all." 


"En, come into big brother's arms, and I will comfort you." George had his arms spread. 


Ender could only glance at the arms since Kay still held him, waiting for him to answer her. He softly shook his head at George, who put his arms down in disappointment. 


Lastly, the third brother and sister, Yan and Thana, reacted. 


Yan rubbed his chin as his brows were frowning, "This is a development that I thought would never happen. What should we do?" 


"A baby! We need to plan a baby shower and buy so many things. How far along are you, En?" 


Ender took in all their words, wanting to glance at his parents for help, but he knew his mother wanted him to answer himself. 


He was surprised that everyone talked, though. Because his mother was still standing up, which means that no one speaks until she allows it. But, his mother did not complain, only sitting down so the conversation can continue. 


Mother, why did you have to have so many kids? Ender complained in his mind. 


He took another deep breath, licking his lips before opening his mouth. "Elder sister, can you please let go of me?" 


Kay quickly let go, but her gaze did not move from him; all the other siblings looked at him. 


"You do not have to deal with the other father; he disappeared. I do not mind taking care of this baby alone. And I am doing fine; there is nothing to worry about everyone. Also, I am only three weeks along." Ender answered with a white lie. 


Honestly, he was internally freaking out. 


One, he is pregnant. 


Two, the father is his best friend. 


And three, the said father is moving in with him to help him out. 


Ender was not doing fine; he is far from it. But, he cannot let his family know, or they will smother him. Who knew that getting pregnant can turn his isolated world around? 


The siblings deflated at Ender's words, glancing at his stomach that has not made any noticeable change yet. 


"If that is what you want, then I will leave it alone. But, if you need anything, please know I will drop everything for you." Liam responded. 


"I still feel the need to get rid of someone. But if that is what you want, I won't interfere. Do know, I am here for you anytime." Kay answered. 


"I am glad you are okay. Call me if you need anything. I am going to buy you some healthy food for the baby." Hana spoke next. 


"I am here for any comfort you need." George tried to open his arms again, knowing that Ender was not going to go in them. 


"If you need anything, let me know, En," Yan responded, although there was still a thoughtful expression on his face. 


"I will plan the baby shower even though you are only in the first month; it is good to be early. I cannot wait to do some baby clothes shopping." Hana clapped her hands together. She wanted to pull out her planner, but she knew her mother would not like that. 


Ender nodded his head at everyone, giving them a soft smile, "Thank you." 


His smile lightened the room, causing everyone to want to hug him, even his parents; seeing how his family reacted, Ender's smile dropped as he cleared his throat. 


He turned towards his mother and asked, "Is it time to eat?" 


His mother chuckled when she saw Ender's smile dropping before nodding. She snapped her fingers, causing people to enter the room with food quickly. 


The atmosphere changed when the smell of food entered the room. The siblings were hungry, ready to eat. Even his father looked ready as his eyes followed the plates. 


The plates were set in front of them as Ender saw they had chicken with steamed vegetables and a stuffed potato on the side. Ender's mouth watered a bit; moments like these made him miss being at the family home. 


But, no one dug in as they looked at the front of the table, waiting for the parents. His mother raised her glass, causing everyone to grab theirs. 


"You know that I love seeing the family together. And I want to give congratulations to En," she tipped her glass towards him, "Hopefully, we can do this more regularly. Now, let's eat." 


They made an agreement sound, taking a sip of their drink (Ender had water while the others had wine). They set their cups down and started digging in. 


The family spent the rest of the dinner eating and talking about the different things they are doing. Ender saw how his mother looked happy during the whole thing, feeling his heart tightening a bit. 


Maybe I should come over more. Ender thought. 


When dinner was over, Ender hugged everyone. His mother received a longer one as he whispered that he would come over more. His mother's elated expression made him feel warm. 


He walked to the car without carrying his gifts as Kay and Liam took them, bringing them to his car. Ender opened his backseat, letting them drop the gifts inside. 


Ender sighed at the sheer number of them. 


Once they finished, he closed the door. "Thank you, eldest brother and sister." 


Liam touched his head, softly rubbing it while his sister pulled him into a hug. 


"Anytime, baby brother. Remember to call if you need anything." Liam spoke, giving one last rub before walking away. 


Kay kissed his head, "And remember to call me if someone gives you any problems. I have to protect you and now my little niece or nephew." She touched his stomach before letting him go and walking away. 


Ender watched them and his other siblings getting in their expensive cars as they drove away. He got in his car, buckling himself up as he looked down at his stomach. 


Ender rubbed his stomach, "You are not even born yet, and everyone is already spoiling you. I hope you know; I do not have a clue on what I am doing." 


After speaking to his stomach, feeling a bit ridiculous, Ender drove home, forgetting about the rest of his problems.

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