Denial is the Way

Month Four (4)

When they arrived home, Ender pulled Nevan to the couches as they sat down. He pulled out his phone, hitting his speed dial as the ringing sound started. Ender quickly put it on the speaker. It took two rings before his mother picked up the phone. 


"Hello, En?" 


Ender got straight to the point, "Mom, did you tell Nevan that you want him to join the family group chat on New Year's Day?” 


"I did. I know I should have talked to you, but I believe it is best seeing how Nevan is the father." 


Ender bit his lip, peeking at Nevan, who only stared and did not react. "Do you know how the others will respond? They are starting to like him, but doing this might create problems. One, they will figure out he is the father, and two, we are not together." 


"Nevan, do you want to join the family's group chat?" His mother decided to add Nevan into the conversation. 


Nevan looked at Ender, who anxiously played with his fingers. He grabbed Ender's hand, squeezing it. "It seems like being in the group chat is something important. Why?" 


"We have two group chats," his mother started to explain, "one that only has my children and husband while the other has everyone, including my children partners that I wanted to join. 


"It is not easy getting on the group chat; it is similar to trying to get into an exclusive club. There is only one chance to try to get in with a partner my children feel is the one. 


"Me, my husband, and children vote on if the person should join or not. If there are more yeses than no, you are in; do hope that it will never be more nos than yes." 


There was noise in the background, someone talking to his mother that made her stop speaking. She covered the phone, answering before coming back to the call. 


"You two talk it out and get back with me. I have to deal with something real quick. Bye, I love you." His mother hung up. 


Ender stared at his phone, trying to ignore the warmth squeezing his hand. Nevan stared at him, "If you do not want to talk about it, we don't have to." 


Shaking his head, Ender sighed, "I think we should. Nevan, do you want this? Because if most of the answers are yes, then you will officially be a part of my family." 


Nevan's stomach did a weird somersault as his heart skipped a beat when he thought about being a part of the family. He wanted this, but if Ender didn't; he would never push it. 


"Do you want me to be a part of your family?" Nevan switched the question around, asking Ender if he wanted it. 


Ender was silent before letting go of Nevan's hand. Nevan felt cold, like Ender was rejecting him. But Ender moved instead, hugging Nevan as he wrapped his arms around the man's neck. 


He rested his head near Nevan's ear as he whispered, "Even though we were drunk when we had sex, and I ended up pregnant, I want you to know that I would never do that with anyone." 


Nevan's hand touched his back, rubbing it, causing Ender to shiver. "What are you saying?" Nevan asked. 


Ender pulled back to look Nevan in the eyes. "I am saying that when I was drunk, all it did was amplify my desire for you and brought it to the surface. 


"I've wanted you since we became friends. You are different and unique, and I didn't want to ruin anything. So, I denied my feelings and hid them. But that night, I couldn't hold back any longer, and drinking made it worse." Ender explained, finally confessing. 


"And what about sober?" Nevan asked, feeling warm and short of breath as he took in everything about Ender. 


Ender leaned his forehead against Nevan's, "Even though we did things backward, I want to do it the right way. I want stupid dates, sweet kisses, and taking our time before making love." Ender whispered the last two words. 


Nevan smiled, almost wanting to close his eyes as he took in Ender's scent, "Aren't you a romantic?" 


"Shut up. Imagine having siblings telling you how dating should go because the person has to treat you like a gentleman while showing you that you are their world before you should let them have a taste. 


"I was five when they started saying this, and I was honestly confused at first. My parents were not happy when they heard it." 


Nevan silently snorted because he could see how Ender's parents would have reacted to hearing their children saying those words to the youngest. 


"Hmm, I will treat you like the world," Nevan responded. 


They were close enough to kiss; they both even wanted to. But Nevan and Ender wanted to take things slow and do it right. 


"Take me on a date, and I will give you a bunch of kisses," Ender spoke. 


"Keep talking like that, and I will take you on one now." 


They both laughed before quieting down as they held onto each other. 


"I want to join." 


Ender, knowing what Nevan meant in an instant, nodded, "I want you to join too." 



It was Christmas day as everyone sat in the Christmas room, setting their presents under the tree. 


A couple of days ago, Nevan and Ender received the name of the person they are giving a gift to. Nevan, funny enough, ended up with Liam. And Ender ended up with George. 


Ender felt like he got lucky because George never wanted a gift. The only thing he wanted was Ender's attention for the whole day. Plus, it made the other siblings jealous when Ender mainly paid attention to George.  


Walking over to George, who was speaking with his wife, Ender had two cups of eggnog in his hand. "George, here you go; I got you and your wife." 


George turned towards him with a smile as he could feel the jealous glares of the other siblings. He grabbed the drinks, handing one to his wife before rubbing Ender's head, "Thank you, En." 


Ender gave a sweet smile, "Anything for you, big brother." 


George's face softened as he wanted to hug Ender and never let him go. The other siblings looked murderous. 


"Ah, I swear George has a death wish." Ender's mother sighed as she spoke with Nevan. They sat on one of the couches as the mother helped Nevan make his ornament for the tree. 


Some ornaments on the tree are homemade. The family and partners had to make their own and put it on the tree. It became a small tradition that the mother started. She also wanted the same for her grandkids, but her children didn't give her any. Well, now Ender did. 


"They haven't killed him yet, so I think he is good," Nevan responded. 


Ender started to make his way back over to them. Nevan moved over, making room for Ender. Once Ender sat down, he sighed, leaning on Nevan, "I am tired." 


"You want to take a quick nap, love?" His mother asked him. 


Ender shook his head, "No, I am good." 


They already had dinner and are sitting in here to spend the rest of the day. Plus, they are waiting for Nevan to finish making his ornament so that they can start opening presents.


Yan walked over to them, sitting on the ground. There was a noticeable love bite on his neck. Ender and his mother raised their eyebrow when they saw it. 


The mother grabbed Yan's head, moving it to the side. "Mother, what are you doing?" Yan asked, but he did not stop her. 


"What is this, Yan? Are you in a relationship without mentioning it to us?" She asked. 


Yan blushed, looking around once he moved his head away. "Ah, mother, don't speak too loud. And I might or might not be in a relationship." 


"Who is it?" Ender asked. 


Yan looked at the ground. He did not want to say anything, but he changed his mind because of his mother’s expression. "It is a guy named Kori." 


"Kori?" Nevan finally spoke up. 


Ender quickly pulled out his phone, going to his pictures as he looked through it before picking one. He showed the picture to Yan, "Is it this Kori?" 


Looking at the picture, Yan nodded, looking a bit confused on why Ender had a photo of Kori. "Yeah, do you know him?" 


Ender did not answer Yan as he turned towards his mother, "Mom, you don't have to worry, Kori is a good person." 


Nevan decided to answer Yan's question, "He is our close friend." 


"Oh." Yan responded before saying to Ender, "Why haven't you introduced your friends to us?" 


The mother started to say something, but hearing Yan's question, she changed her mind. "That is true. But it is the same with all my children; I barely met any of your friends." 


Yan stopped talking, looking elsewhere as he got up, "I am going to get a drink." He quickly escaped. 


The mother turned towards Ender, who raised his hand in surrender. "My friends and I don't talk about our family." 


She looked at Nevan. 


"It is true," Nevan responded. 


The mother sighed, "I feel like my kids do not want me to know about their lives." 


"That is not true, mom." 


Nevan stood up, "I finished the ornament; I am going to hang it up." 


The mother stood up after him, cutting the conversation short, "I guess we will start passing out the presents then." 


Ender stayed seated as he watched Nevan put up his ornament. Once he finished, everyone quieted down as his mother stood in front of the tree. 


Nevan came back to sit next to him, grabbing his hand. Ender's mother started grabbing the presents and calling the names of whom they belonged to as she passed them to the person. 


Ender rested his head on Nevan's, softly touching his stomach as he felt sleepy once again. 


"You can sleep if you want; your mother won't mind," Nevan whispered. 


"Hmm," Ender responded as he closed his eyes. Sleep started to take over him. 

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