Denial is the Way

Month Six (2)

When they entered the bathroom, Ender could see candles lit up with the lights dull. The bathroom smelled good, making Ender relax as he noticed the bubbles in the bath. 


Ender softly chuckled. "Did you make me a bubble bath?" 


Nevan closed the door before making his way to the toilet seat. He put down the top, sitting on it. "I know how much you love bubble baths, so I couldn't help myself but do it." 


"Well, I am not complaining." 


Quickly taking his clothes off, Ender threw them in the hamper that rested in the bathroom's corner. He looked at his naked body in the mirror, touching his round belly. 


My stomach is huge. Ender internally sighed to himself as he continued to touch his belly. 


Nevan, who watched him, stood up. He wrapped his arms behind Ender and rubbed Ender's belly. Kissing the back of Ender's neck, Nevan spoke, "You are beautiful no matter what." 


Ender rolled his eyes, but he finally looked away from the mirror. "Stop buttering me up; I am already naked." 


"I can get you naked without buttering you up." 


Ender moved out of Nevan's embrace with a laugh. "Shut up." He made his way towards the bathtub, getting in.


Once he sunk into the water, Ender started playing with the bubbles while ordering, "Get to washing me." 


Nevan smiled, not minding Ender's demand as he walked over to the tub, couching down. He grabbed a cloth and soap. Pouring a bit of soap on it, Nevan started washing Ender. 


The act was intimate, but in the way of warmth and closeness. Ender relaxed, letting Nevan wash him as he played with the bubbles. He even made himself a long beard, rubbing it. "Don't I look like a wise wizard?" 


Nevan did not mind the water and bubbles covering his clothes, making them wet. He enjoyed Ender's playfulness too much to even think about it. "The wisest." 


Ender narrowed his eyes at Nevan, "I feel like you are making fun of me, mister. Don't make me turn you into a toad." 


Nevan's head fell on Ender's shoulder as he laughed. Soap got on his forehead, but he paid it no mind. "You're so cute, En." 


"I am a wizard now, so you cannot call me cute." Ender grabbed more bubbles to add more to his beard. He even made himself a stylish mustache. 


"Ah yes, you are a handsome and wise wizard." 




Time went by as Nevan finished washing Ender, even cleaning his intimate parts. Ender tried to say he could do it himself, but Nevan told him that he is taking care of him, so he doesn't mind doing it. 


Once they finished, Ender stepped out, drying himself off. Nevan lifted the drain stopper, draining the water. 


Ender grabbed a satin robe in the bathroom, putting it on. He loosely tied it since his stomach made it a bit hard to do it tightly. 


Ender left the bathroom while Nevan stayed behind to blow out the candles. Sitting on his bed, Ender waited for Nevan to enter. 


Once he did, Ender said, "So, where is that massage?" 


"Coming right up." 



After going to another childbirth class and getting his results back a few days ago (his glucose levels are acceptable), today is finally the day of his baby shower. 


As his mother gave out the date a few days back, she told everyone to buy male, female, and unisex baby stuff. She did not give them a reason and said that what they won't use will go to donation. 


Everyone learned not to question their mother, so they went with what she said. 


Ender told his friends the same thing, happy that they did not question it. He did not give them the address to his family home since Fe and Tia will carpool with Kori. 


Kori already knows where the family home is due to Yan. 


Ender sat on his mother's bed, trying to think about everyone's reaction when they find out that he is having twins but finding it hard to because the others in the room were starting to give him a headache with their conversation. 


"What happened in this picture? Why is he sleeping on the cake and covered in it?" 


"We got a big cake for George's birthday, and Ender, being a little boy with a big appetite, snuck into the room with the cake. He ate most of the cake, tiring himself out to the point of using the rest as a pillow to take a nap. He looked too cute for us to stay mad."


"Haha, that is cute. Oh, what about this picture? Why is he covered in mud?" 


"Oh, Ender wanted to run with his siblings, only to trip on his shoelaces. He landed face-first into the mud; it was funny and adorable." 


"Did anyone record it?" 


"Yes, I can show you the video later." 


"Mother, you are the best." 


"Oh, keep calling me mother, and I will show you all of Ender's embarrassing videos." 


Ender's eye twitched as he stood up, facing his mother and Nevan sitting in chairs with a photo book between them. 


"You two, stop already! I do not approve of this friendship anymore; I am tired of it." Ender yelled. 


His mother put her hand on her cheek, laughing, "Ah, sweetie, we are only talking about our love for you." 


Nevan nodded his head with her, "You are so cute; how could we not rejoice about you?" 


Ender crossed his arms, glaring at them, "I am leaving. I am going downstairs without you two." He walked out, leaving them behind. 


His mother and Nevan closed the photo book before catching up to Ender. "Don't be angry; today is your baby shower," Nevan spoke. 


His mother patted his shoulder, "Parents are supposed to show their kids embarrassing pictures to their partners. When your kids get old, you will do the same." 


Ender kept walking, although his posture relaxed. "Okay. But I don't want to hear it anymore. Show Nevan my embarrassing moments as a kid when I am not there." 




As they walked down the stairs and towards the backyard, they could see that everybody was already outside. Even Ender and Nevan's friends were there. Kori sat with Yan and Nan while Fe and Tia seemed to try to have a conversation with Liam. 


When it came to Liam, everybody tried to meet him, so Ender was not surprised that Fe and Tia were trying to talk to him. 


Once everyone noticed them coming out, the noise quieted down. 


Ender's mother stepped forward, "I am glad that everyone is here. Now, before we start, I like to do things with a bang. Ender has a surprise for everyone." 


Taking that as his cue, Ender walked towards the rolled-up banner, pulling the string that let it roll down. 


The banner said: 


It's a boy AND girl!

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