Denial is the Way

Month Six (4)

Ender had a few pillows behind him as he sat on his bed. He had backaches, his legs felt sore, and his feet didn't feel any better. 


Nevan walked into the room with a plate of crispy tacos, setting it in front of Ender. "Here, I made you some tacos." 


"Tacos are not going to make me feel better." Ender still ate the food with no problem. 


Nevan joined him on the bed, taking one of the crispy tacos to eat while asking, "Do you want another massage?" 


"I am ready for the twins to come. I cannot take the pregnancy life anymore." Ender complained. He is tired of the pains and aches, his uncontrollable bladder, and the babies kicking him hard in his stomach at random hours. 


Plus, the weight from his stomach is making him walk a bit funny. 


"Time is moving fast, and we are getting closer to your due date, so, for now, do you want me to give you a massage?" Nevan responded. 


He finished his taco, reaching out for Ender's round belly as he rubbed it. During the rub, he felt a kick from one of the babies. "You two are too active. Let papa rest sometimes." Nevan told them. 


Yes, let me rest, please. Ender internally begged the twins. 


"I will take the massage later." Ender finally answered Nevan's question. 


"Okay. Ah, your mom recommended an infant CPR class for us to take." 


"When?" Ender asked. He did not feel like going to any more classes. But learning CPR for his babies, if anything happens, is fundamental. 


"Next week, on Tuesday in the afternoon." 


"Any more classes to worry about?" 


"Not for now." 


When nighttime hit, Ender looked at his body in the mirror and saw that he had stretchmarks growing. He sighed, touching them, wondering what he should do. 


His skin has always been clear, and now he has stretch marks. His mother had seven kids, and Ender never saw stretch marks on her. 


Nevan walked into the bathroom to throw some dirty clothes in the hamper when he saw Ender looking at his body, once again, in the mirror. 


"What's wrong?" 


Softly running his fingers on the stretch marks, Ender mindlessly counting them, "The stretch marks on my skin look like a weird painting." 


Nevan walked closer, touching the stretch marks, "They are fine. No need to worry. No matter what, you will always be beautiful." 


Ender did not say anything as he continued to stare at them. 


"You know, I talked with your mother before; if you have a problem with them, there is a cream you can use to lessen/prevent them." 


"Nowadays, I feel like I hear you adding my mother into every conversation." 


"So, is that a yes or no to having the cream?" 


Turning around, Ender looked at Nevan before kissing him. "You know that you are the best, right?" 


Nevan smiled, wrapping his arms around Ender, not minding the round stomach hitting him or that Ender was naked. "Hmm, am I?" 


"Don't let it go to your head." 


"It hasn't, so you should tell me again." 


Ender hit Nevan's arm before pushing himself out of Nevan's hold. "Get out of here." 


Nevan chuckled, raising his hands, "I'm leaving, I'm leaving." 



"NanNan made this pictuwe." Nan held a paper with a marker drawing of trees, a house, and a sun. It was simple but cute all the same.


Ender grabbed the picture to get a better look at it, "It is cute. You did such an amazing job." 


Nan blushed, looking at his feet as he played with his fingers, "Will daddy like NanNan's pictuwe?" 


Nodding, Ender handed the picture back, "He will. Yan will even put it up on the wall." 


Nan grabbed the picture with a broad smile before running to show Nevan the drawing. 


"He looks to be doing better," Ender commented. 


Kori sat next to him, scrolling through his phone as he thought of what job he should do next. "Yeah. He still has problems with his anxiety and Yan leaving, but he is starting to get better." 


They were currently at Yan's home, babysitting Nan as Yan went to a professors' meeting. Kori joined them, waiting for Yan to come home. 


Ender hummed, "How are you and Yan?" 


"Good. Yan is the first person I want to date. I've been with different people, but I never let them in or even started a relationship with them. So, Yan is my first boyfriend. 


"He is different from others. And he may have had his secrets, but he is honest with what he wants. Plus, everyone has flaws, but he is one of the ones who work to try to fix their mistakes instead of letting them take over." Kori explained. 


"I am happy for you two. Plus, you are way better than the people my brother dated. He always had terrible taste in people when it came to relationships; it is good he finally found someone like you. 


"Kori, even though I know you and have good faith in you, please remember, if you ever hurt my brother or/and nephew, there will be no place on earth to save you from my family's wrath." 


"I promise never to hurt them intentionally." 


It was silent for a couple of minutes after Kori spoke those words. But something entered Kori's mind, making him ask, "So, has anyone ever hurt your siblings?" 


Ender laughed, thinking back on some things, "Hmm, that is something no one will ever know." 


Kori looked up from his phone to glance at Ender's sneaky smile before looking back down. Deep down, he already knew the answer to that question. 

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