Denial is the Way

Telling my Friends

Ender drove home to pick out an outfit for his family dinner tonight. He also texted his four friends to come over quickly, so he could tell them some news. They all replied that they were coming. 


It only took five minutes to pick out an outfit as he set it on his bed before walking into the living room and turning on the TV. 


He flipped through the channels, sitting on the couch as he decided what to watch. 


Ender kept his front door unlocked most of the time since he lived in a secluded area. His eldest brother bought the land for him when Ender told his family he wanted to live in a remote location. 


It is nice out here with the woods and quiet atmosphere; it was also perfect for getting into the mood of writing. But Ender cannot help but sometimes think if he is too lax here. 


The area was also a perfect spot to commit murder. Maybe I should start locking my door again. Ender thought. 


He pushed the thought away, settling his attention back to the television. 


As he finally found something to watch (there was barely anything good on), his front door opened. At first, Ender stood still as he looked ready to run until he saw that it was Nevan. 


He let out a sigh of relief until his heart skipped a beat at seeing the man who is his baby daddy. 


Nevan is a handsome man that can attract the attention of females and males. 


The man is 6'1 with a lean, muscular body. His eyes are dark that would shine when he smiled. Nevan had smooth skin with a perfect, strong jawline that people wanted to trace. He even had a vertical labret piercing that others wanted to lick and suck on. 


Nevan closed the door behind him before turning towards Ender. He smiled, showing off his canines and perfect white teeth. "Hey, Ender. How are you?" 


Every time he heard Nevan speak, he wanted the man to cover his mouth. 


Nevan's voice was deep, like someone dipped it in honey and forgot it there. His voice always made people want to melt. 


And even though he remembered bits and pieces of their drunken night together, Ender could never forget the man's voice whispering dirty things in his ear.


Ender swears Nevan got too lucky on the gene pool because he was like a Greek God. 


"Hey. Can you get me a water bottle from the fridge?" Ender asked. 


Nevan nodded as he turned towards the kitchen to get the water bottle. 


Ender did not need the drink, but it gave him enough time to get himself ready to face Nevan. He has been facing him since that night that Nevan cannot remember, but that was different. 


This time, he will be telling him (and his other friends) that he is pregnant. 


While Nevan was getting the water bottle, Ender's door opened once again. In walked his other three friends, closing the door behind them. 


Tia ran towards him, going in for a hug. "Hey, baby En, what is the news you got for us?" 


Ender took in her hug, keeping his stomach safe as she almost hit it. 


Fe grabbed Tia, pulling her off of Ender. "Tia, control yourself." He told her as he dragged her to the other couch, sitting them down. 


Kori took a seat next to the left side of Ender as he was texting on his phone. "Hopefully, you have exciting news for us. The days have been boring." The man greeted, not looking at Ender. 


Nevan walked into the living room with a water bottle in his hand. He sat on the right side of Ender as he handed the water to him. 


Ender grabbed the bottle as Tia already moved Fe's hand away. "Nevan would be here before all of us," Tia commented. 


"There is nothing wrong with coming early to things. My father taught me that." Nevan responded as he leaned back on the couch. 


Fe nodded his head, agreeing with Nevan, while Tia rolled her eyes at it. 


When it came to the group, Nevan was the gentleman who never missed an appointment. Tia was the wild, outgoing one. Fe kept everyone under control. Kori is never without his phone, and Ender was the baby of the group. 


"Okay, can I have everyone's attention?" Ender announced. 


His friends looked at him, even Kori, who rarely glanced away from his phone. 


Ender started to grow nervous, especially with his baby's other father right next to him. He licked his lips to get rid of the dryness as he spoke, "U-Uh, I am pregnant." 


It was silent at first as no one spoke. The group could even hear the faucet dripping in the kitchen with how quiet the house was. 


After a minute, Tia popped up, "What! Who knocked you up?" 


Kori looked shocked, Fe did not know what to say, and Nevan was oddly quiet. 


"The man disappeared, so it is not important. I am going to raise my baby by myself." Ender answered. 


None of them looked happy with the answer as Nevan spoke. "I do not think you should go through this alone. I do not mind helping you during your pregnancy." 


Fe nodded, "That is good. Nevan is excellent at taking care of people." 


Kori also agreed with it while Tia sat back down, crossing her arms. 


Ender felt his stomach drop as he quickly shook his head. He did not need Nevan helping him. What if when the nine months pass and the baby comes, looking like Nevan? He did not want to explain how he lied about the father. 


"You do not need to do that, Nevan. I know you are a busy person." Ender looked at Nevan with begging eyes, wanting the man to agree with him. 


But Nevan never did things the way Ender wanted him to. "It is fine, Ender. I can take a nine-month break; it won't be a problem." Nevan smiled at him, making Ender almost waver. 


Then the others, even Tia, started to convince Ender to have Nevan help him when he was getting ready to repeat 'no.' 


Ender fell under peer pressure and reluctantly agreed. Nevan patted his shoulder, causing Ender to shiver from the touch. 


His mind showed him a memory of Nevan's hand sliding along his body as he deeply thrust into him. 


Feeling his body heat up from the memory of that night, Ender moved away from Nevan's touch. The man raised his eyebrow when he did but did not question it. 


"I will be in your care." Ender softly spoke, making sure Nevan only heard him. 


Nevan hummed, "Would it be easier for me to move in?" 


Hearing that question, Ender felt his soul leaving him. 

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