Denial is the Way

Twins: 1 Month

Ender sat on the carpet floor in the living room. He held two baby toys in his hands, shaking them to catch the twins' attention. 


They had turned a month two days ago, and Ender started having tummy time with them. 


Vera and Emil were currently lying on the blanket. They were lying on their stomachs, trying to follow the sound of the toys. 


"It is time for the final battle," Ender started. The twins started to make noise as they heard Ender speak. They are beginning to get better at recognizing Ender and Nevan's voices. 


"Whoever could hold their head up the longest gets the first pick of the toys." Ender finished, laughing towards the end as he set the toys in his lap. 


Nevan sat behind the twins, typing on his laptop while peeking a few times at them. He shook his head when he heard what Ender said. "Is that safe to do?" 


Ender hummed while he shrugged a bit, "I believe so. We are both here to make sure they will be okay." 


Nevan set his laptop to the side, paying attention to what Ender was doing with Vera and Emil. 


"Okay, let's get this started!" Ender yelled. 


At first, the twins did not do anything until Ender had to shake the toys again. Then, Vera was the first to try and pick her head up to look at where the sound appeared. 


She held it up for seven seconds before dropping her head down. But, before she could entirely drop her head, Nevan picked her up, holding Vera in his arms. 


Nevan laid down, putting Vera on his stomach as he grabbed her tiny hands, softly shaking them. "You did such a good job, Vera." He praised Vera. 


Emil did not lift his head. Instead, he did for a second until he thought about resting it. Then, Emil kicked out his legs for a few more seconds while moving his arms into a better position. Finally, he closed his eyes, sounding like he went to sleep. 


Sighing, Ender pulled the toys out of his lap. He set it above Nevan's head. "I guess Vera wins since Emil did not feel like playing." 


"Emil likes sleeping just like his papa," Nevan commented before making a funny face for Vera. Vera smiled, stretching her legs while moving them like she wanted to crawl up but couldn't. 


"Shut up." Ender smiled; he was not mad at the comment because it is true that he loves to sleep. 


He picked up Emil, lying down on his back so that Emil could rest on his stomach. They had ten minutes of tummy time, so he still wanted to get it in for the twins, even though Emil seemed to have fallen asleep. 


Ender grabbed Emil's hand as he felt a soft squeeze from Emil while his other hand rubbed Emil's back. 


"We have three hours before taking Vera and Emil to their check-up. I believe mother-in-law wants us to visit her after the check-up." Nevan informed Ender. 


Ender turned his head to look at Nevan with a raised eyebrow, "When did you start calling my mother mother-in-law?" 


"Four days ago. Mother-in-law got tired of me referring to her as your mother and told me to say mother-in-law instead." 


"Okay, I am going to ignore that part. Are the car seats already in the car?" 


"Yes, I put them in the car this morning when all of you were asleep." 


"Okay. I should get a bag ready to go out with." Ender stood up, keeping Emil in his arms as he walked out of the living room. 


They left the doctors, giving the babies pacifiers as they drove to Ender's family home.  


When they reached the villa, Nevan and Ender got out of the car, holding Emil and Vera in the car seats. Ender also had the twins' bag over his shoulder.  


They entered the home as the butler, Mr. Forn, told them Ender's mother is changing things around Ender's bedroom. 


Nevan and Ender walked up the stairs and to Ender's room. They walked in, setting the car seats on the ground as Ender called, "Mom, we are here with your grandkids." 


His mother walked out of the other room connected to his bedroom with a broad smile. "Did someone say my grandkids?" 


She walked past Nevan and Ender, couching down to coo at the sleeping babies in the car seats. She did not touch them, yet, since her hands are dirty. The mother would have to clean them first. 


"Hey, don't ignore your son." Ender frowned. 


His mother waved her hand at him but did not look away from the twins, "You know I love you, En. But it has been a while since I saw my grandbabies. They are getting so big." 


Nevan walked over, couching down next to the mother as he tenderly looked at his sleeping babies, "They are adorable. I can understand not wanting to pay attention to En when they are present." 


"Hey!" Ender shouted in a low tone, pouting while puffing up his cheeks. But when he looked at his babies, he could not stay mad for long. Emil and Vera are adorable. And they seemed to get cuter as they grow. 


Ender is a bit worried that he might have to fight people off when the twins get older. Can I homeschool them instead? He thought. 


"I agree." His mother laughed. 


Nevan unbuckled the twins, taking Emil out. Ender's mother stood up, moving a bit out of the way so that Ender could take out Vera. 


"Well, let me go wash my hands so that I can hold my grandbabies." Ender's mother walked off to the bathroom. 


Ender kept a good hold on Vera as he pulled out the twins' blankets. Finally, he laid them out on his bed, setting Vera down while Nevan did the same with Emil. Ender also put the bag, over his shoulder, down near the bed. 


The babies did move around for a second from being moved as they continued to suck on their pacifiers. They looked cute and peaceful. 


Ender's mother walked back in and quickly went to the twins. Even though Ender and Nevan just set them down, the mother picked both of them up with no problems. 


She is used to holding two babies in her arms without any problems. 


The mother sat on the bed, making sure not to sit on the blankets as she began to rock with the twins in her arms. She looked down at them, smiling as she watched Vera and Emil sleep. 


"You two probably want a break. I could watch the twins so you two can have free time." 


"Ah, mom, you do not need to do that," Ender spoke. 


And before Nevan could add anything in, the mother quickly responded. 


"I do not mind, En. I would love to watch them. Originally, I wanted you two to come over so that you can go out for a few hours. I know you two have been taking care of your babies without a break. Parents need breaks too, or they will go crazy." 


Ender bit his lip. He wanted a break, and he trusts his mother to watch the twins. She raised seven kids; how can she not take care of Emil and Vera for a few hours? But, it felt weird not having them with him and Nevan if they leave. 


They have been with the babies 24/7 for a month now. 


Nevan thought along the same lines. 


The mother, knowing what they were thinking, tried to reassure them, "I know the feeling of not wanting to leave your child after being with them all the time. But it will be okay. En, Nevan, you two need a break. 


"So, go out, enjoy a small date or something for a few hours. We will be here." 


After a minute of silence, as Nevan and Ender were in thought, Nevan was the first to respond. He grabbed Ender's hand, squeezing it, "Okay. For three hours, we will go out and come back." 


Ender looked at Nevan before humming, "Yeah. Nevan owes me a date anyway." 


Ender's mother smiled, "Good. Now go have fun, you two." 


Ender and Nevan kissed the twins and Ender's mother goodbye as they left the house. They still hesitated a bit, wanting to go back to the twins, but they listened to the mother and kept going. 


Once they got into the car, Nevan and Ender sat there for a few seconds. "So, what do you want to do?" Nevan asked. 


Ender thought for a while before something that has been on his mind since he was pregnant came back to him. 


"A hotel." 


Nevan sharply looked at him as his breath hitched, "Are you thinking about what I believe you are thinking about?" 


Ender nodded.


Nevan's eyes darkened a bit as he started the car, "Hotel it is."

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