Denial is the Way

Twins: 9 Months

Ender's siblings taking care of the twins: 


Kay's top men and subordinates walked into their main base, going towards the main room to greet Kay before starting their day. 


They entered the room, not checking who sat on the throne-like chair as they bowed while shouting, "Good morning, boss!" 


They stayed in their position for a few more seconds when they heard, "Eh, eh ah!" 


The voice sounded like a baby babbling. Kay's people looked up as they tried to keep the confused expressions off their faces when they saw that Kay was not sitting in her chair. 


Instead, it was two babies. 


They were sitting on the chair, sharing it as the baby girl kept talking, raising her fist while shaking a stick in it. The baby boy looked bored as he sighed, looking away from the subordinates like what they did was not good enough. 


The babies also had on small crowns and coats designed like they were royalty. 


No one knew what to say as they stared at the babies. Finally, one of the people scratched their head, leaning towards the person closest to them, "Uh, are they the niece and nephew the boss talked about?" 


"Probably." The person shrugged. 


Before the one asking the question could say another one, Kay walked into the room with two bottles in her hand. 


When she entered, she ignored her people in the room as her sights were only on the twins. She shook the bottles in her hand, "Look what I have, you adorable little bosses. Food!" 


"Ooh, ooh!" Vera said food as she dropped the stick in her hand, holding it out for the bottle instead. 


"Mm," Emil responded. He did not stick out his hand like Vera, but he did want the bottle. 


Kay walked over, setting the bottles on the chair's arm as she picked up Vera and Emil, putting them in her lap. 


Once they were comfortable, Kay handed them the bottle as they started feeding themselves. Vera leaned back onto Kay, trying to use Kay's breast as cushions. 


Emil leaned back but closer to Vera as he looked at the others in the room like some protector. 


Kay finally acknowledges the others, looking at them. She put her hands on the chair's arms, gripping them as she straightened herself, letting out a dangerous aura. 


Her subordinates stood stiff when Kay's aura surrounded the room. "Did you forget to greet me because I did not hear it. And do not forget to greet the little bosses too." 


No one wanted to say that they did greet her; it is just that she was not in the room during the time. So, they bowed once again and said, "Good morning, boss and little bosses!" 



Instead of working like usual, Liam sat on the couch in his office with the twins lying on him. They were asleep as he ran his hand through both their hairs.


He sighed, thinking about the past that he pushed away a long time ago. 


If life never threw him a hardball, he would have had a child in their adult years now. And seeing Emil, Vera, and even Nan at times only brings Liam back into that space. 


Liam was able to get pregnant. Even then, they told him that his fertility is extremely low. However, it did not worry Liam because he thought relationships were silly so, he believed he would have never fallen pregnant anyway. 


But life has a funny way of throwing him someone that he fell for when he was young. He became pregnant at twenty with his lover. It was a miracle, and he did not tell anyone yet, because he wanted them to be surprised. 


But three months later, he ended up in a car wreck that not only ended his lover's life but the child inside him too. 


Then, he ended up getting surgery, where they had to remove his reproductive organs (his ability to carry a baby). 


It was a challenging process for Liam, and he never told anyone about it, not even his mother. And luckily, he was an adult, so the doctor couldn't give out the information without his permission (plus, he was overseas when it happened). 


Even though it still hurts him deep down, it has been so many years since then, and he has healed. Plus, having his niece and nephews are enough for him. 


He smiles, which was rare, as he held Vera and Emil closer to him. He will never let these two and Nan ever feel pain. 


Someone walked in, stopping when they saw the smile on Liam's face, "So you do smile, huh?" 


Liam looked up at the man, who has been bothering him for seven years now, as his smile dropped, "I do smile. But it is only reserved for the ones I care for." 


The man faked a hurt look, whispering since he noticed the twins sleeping, "Hurtful. I thought we had something, Liam." 


Liam ignored him as he decided to pull out his phone to snap a photo of the twins sleeping and put it as his home and lock screen. 


Hana and George

Hana and George were supposed to care for the twins at a different time, but George did not want to wait any longer and crashed Hana's babysitting. 


Hana sighed, growing a headache as she watched George crawling on the floor with Emil and Vera. He decided to have a crawling contest, which Hana protested because what if the twins hurt themselves? 


Ender and Nevan will kill them. 


Hana would rather stay alive. Plus, she never wants to disappoint Ender. 


But George, like usual, did not listen to her and did the contest anyway. So, Hana could only stand there with a first aid kit, keeping an eye on all of them to make sure no one got hurt. 


She almost jumped towards them when Emil's knees hit the coffee table. But instead of crying, Emil laid down on the ground in defeat or laziness and did not move. 


Hana had to calm her racing heart as she walked over to Emil. "Are you okay?" She asked him. 


Emil looked at her, understanding the word 'okay,' as he responded, "Ah." 


George crawled over with Vera on his back, tightly holding his shirt as he gave her a horsey ride. Vera giggled as she shook the shirt, "Oh, oh!" 


"Hana, don't worry; they are Longs, meaning nothing can hurt them." George tried to reassure. 


Hana sighed for the umpteenth time when it came to her brother. Then, when she looked up, getting ready to say something, her eyes grew wide when she saw Vera on his back. 


She quickly stood up, pulling Vera off as she held the baby in her arms. Vera did not complain, only throwing her hands up since she was higher than before. 


"George! I swear I am going to kill you! They are still babies, don't do anything dangerous like that." Hana fussed. She can already see Ender and Nevan eating them alive. 


George moved into a sitting position next to the laying Emil as he stretched his arms, "Hana, you worry too much. They are fine." 


Hana's left eye twitched. She bent down, picking up Emil. As she held both of the twins, she grabbed her purse, walking to the front door, "Let's go, Emil and Vera. I am taking you away from the crazy." 


George quickly stood up, following Hana, "Wait, where are you going with the twins!" 


"Away from you!" 


Emil closed his eyes, mentally labeling his family as crazy, while Vera giggled through it all, thinking that her family is fantastic. 



"NanNan is a big boy. NanNan will go to school soon." Nan explained to Vera and Emil. His speaking started to get better as Kori and his dad had been teaching him. 


Nan, Vera, and Emil were sitting outside in the backyard. They were on the patio, in the shade, chilling on comfy chairs. 


"Ah oh," Vera responded, nodding her head as she spoke back to Nan. 


Emil touched Nan's sleeve, acknowledging him, even though he was barely paying attention. Instead, he watched Yan and Kori making food. 


Emil and Vera could not eat the food Yan and Kori were making on the grill, but Emil thought it smelt good. 


"Thank you. NanNan cannot wait to learn. But, NanNan is scared to leave daddy." Nan outed his fear. 


"Eh eh oh." I understand. Vera responded. "Ah ah oh!" You can do it! She tried to reassure Nan. 


Emil kept patting Nan, not letting up because his mind was now entirely on the good-smelling food. There was even some drool falling down his chin. 


Nan nodded his head, feeling like Vera understood him so well, "Thank you, Vera. NanNan loves you." 


Yan did his one-hundredth glance over as an amused smile appeared on his face. "I cannot tell if they understand each other or act like it?" Yan asked Kori. 


He and Kori could hear their conversation. 


Kori hummed, "Who knows. At least Nan is starting to feel better about starting school." 


Yan sighed as he went back to paying attention to the grill since Kori was glancing at them, "Ah, I am so nervous about letting him start school." 


Kori looked back at Yan, patting his shoulder, "You will be fine, Yan." 





Thana did nothing special. 


It was regular babysitting as she watched the twins for a few hours. 


She fed them, played with them, changed them, let them take a nap, and played with them some more when it got closer to Nevan and Ender picking them up. 


Compared to the others, she would have been seen as boring with how she took care of them. 


Kay loves making them little bosses. 


Liam brings them to work and sometimes reads his projects to them. 


Hana is overprotective about making sure they are safe and would cover them in bubble wrap if she could. 


George is dangerous. 


Yan would have been like Thana if he did not have a son with him. 


Thana is a regular babysitter. 


Ender held a sleeping Emil in his arms, while Nevan had Vera, who was also sleeping. Ender moved his body back and forward as he stood on the other side of Thana's door. 


"Thana, thank you for watching the twins. Sorry to give them to you at the last minute." 


Thana waved her hand, "It is fine. I love taking care of them." 


"I love when you're taking care of them too," Ender responded. Nevan nodded his head, agreeing with Ender's statement. 


Thana smiled, "I know." 


Bonus: Vera and Emil saying Pa and Da:

Nevan, Ender, Emil, and Vera were sitting on Ender and Nevan's bed, watching a movie. 


The room light laid dull as the TV brought more light into it. Everything was silent until Emil decided to speak. 


Emil was a bit cold. He wanted some warmth but was too lazy to crawl towards his parents and cuddle with them. 


He thought about what to do. Should he call them over? Should he move? Or should he suffer from the cold? 


Emil decided to call them over because moving is terrible and being cold is worse. 


"Pa, Da," Emil called. 


Ender and Nevan sharply turned towards Emil, almost snapping their necks. "What did you say?" Ender responded. 


"Did you say what I think you said?" Nevan asked. 


Vera, who wanted everyone to quiet down, decided to repeat Emil's words. "Pa, Da!" 


Ender and Nevan did the same to Vera. 


But the twins did not answer back, and Nevan and Ender could only stare in disbelief. They would have had a more exciting reaction but hearing the twins call them "Pa" and "Da" had their minds short-circuiting. 


They couldn't believe it!


Emil sighed, seeing that his parents were not moving. So, he sucked it up and crawled towards them, moving into their laps as he laid on them. He felt so comfortable. 


It took Nevan and Ender two more minutes before reacting. 

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