Dense Fog

Chapter 11

Chapter 10

Ge Liang was also taken aback, completely unaware of when he started to bite.

He hurriedly spit out the small tip of the pen, and then found Wang Ye staring at him.

“I really didn’t use a pencil to vent my anger because I couldn’t draw a picture…” Ge Liang felt that he couldn’t wash himself by jumping into the Yellow River.

Unexpectedly, Wang Ye raised his eyebrows: “Yaw mouth is fine.”

Ge Liang: “…”

Wang Ye really finds it interesting, just like watching two classmates fight in the fog that day. Once he finds it interesting, he usually likes to watch or study in depth: “Do you usually eat hazelnuts with pliers, or go straight to the teeth? ”

Ge Liang: “…”

Big brother’s focus is always so slant.

Wang Ye: “What is your expression?”

Ge Liang: “Why did the practical discussion suddenly begin!”

Wang Ye: “Will you grind me again?”

Ge Liang: “Use pliers.”

Wang Ye: “This is not the end.”

Student Wang, who was satisfied with his curiosity, finally returned to the mobile game in a down-to-earth manner.

Ge Liang: “…”

Once he succumbed to the evil forces, he is not a man!

I lower my head and see the drawing job reborn in my hands…

No, it’s not.

Yuan Sijie had finished talking on the phone a long time ago, but did not pay attention to the movement of Wang Ye and Ge Liang, because the way of getting along with these two people was fixed in their freshman year, and it has become a daily routine—the unconscious bully brother and the mouthful The straight follower brother.

On the contrary, he was very curious about the phone that Jiang Tan put on the table, which was quiet but lit up countless times during the night.

Each time it is illuminated, it is a notification of a new friend application.

“Jiang Tan,” Yuan Sijie doesn’t really like to mix with others, but this persevering applicant really makes him unbearable, “or you just pass it.”

Jiang Tan didn’t look away from the book all night, and still said, “It’s not necessary.”

Yuan Sijie said: “The addition of WeChat does not mean that we have to chat. Maybe the other party just wants to say thank you.”

Jiang Tan: “I have said this in the hospital in the afternoon, more than once.”

Yuan Sijie: “If you don’t want to add him, why should you give him a WeChat account?”

Jiang Tan: “…”

Because he didn’t let go at the time, the guy seemed to be crying.

While talking, Jiang Tan’s phone screen turned on silently again.

Yuan Sijie sighed faintly: “It’s so rare to be so persistent.”

Ge Liang returned to his desk. Although he only listened to the second half of the journey, he probably understood. At this moment, he frowned and glanced up at Yuan Sijie: “What is your weird tone, like that People add Jiangtan as if they want to soak him.”

Yuan Sijie shook his head: “The relationship between people is in the same line. If you treat your sincerity, especially your perseverance, you must cherish and take care of it.”

Ge Liang heard a chill: “You just need to take care of your sincerity, Jiang Tan doesn’t need it.”

Yuan Sijie: “I don’t need it now. In the future, when he really wants to fall in love, he will find that he has lost the ability to accept his sincerity.”

Ge Liang: “…”

Yuan Sijie: “Is it so clear that he suddenly wakes up?”

Ge Liang: “I want to get a forklift for you to fork out.”

At eleven o’clock at night, the lights in the dormitory area were turned off on time.

This was just an ordinary night for 509, and the pencil that Ge Liang bit off and the phone frequently lit by Jiang Tan were just dispensable episodes.

However, the 333 dormitory stayed up all night.

At 7 o’clock in the morning, the “Early Morning Suite” of a new day awakened the campus. The four students sat up from their own beds, looking at me and I looking at you, with all faces vain and eyes trance.

Xia Yang: “It was a dream yesterday…”

Li Junchi: “Do you mean that Daewoo fell with his head down and landed on both feet, or did you mean that he glided a big slash and landed on both feet…”

Lin Wu: “Whatever, I thought about it all night, now I’m so tired…”

Ren Feiyu: “It’s really scary…”

Xia Yang and Li Junchi: “Don’t pretend to be innocent!”

Unconscious for half the morning, the four of them didn’t even listen to the class. They were clearly dozing off in the classroom, but their minds were still replaying the weird moments of last night over and over again.

Is it possible for one person to be dazzled, but for four people to be dazzled together? That’s hell.

But if they were not dazzled, they would not be able to explain Daewoo’s landing posture that violates the human body structure, unless hell.

—Very well, I can’t dodge the **** anyway.

The chaotic thoughts lasted until the second class. The teacher asked for leave for something, and a graduate student gave them a temporary substitute for the lesson. They were all read according to the book, and the tone had not fluctuated, and it was almost soul hypnotized.

The whole class walked up, secretly swiping their phones below, and soon someone shared a piece of news in the group.

【Environmental Engineering 1 Class Group】

Pang Dongdong flying down: The Russian master climbed a tall building with his bare hands, and accidentally fell from the top of the building with his self-portrait unscathed! [Detailed link]

Lin Wu never clicked on this kind of news before.

Because I know that they are all unscrupulous for the purpose of traffic, and they often make an unbelievable or sensational title, and it turns out that it’s not the case at all. Like this one, it is estimated that there are artificial lakes, swimming pools, or other things downstairs, which trap people.

But because of Ren Feiyu’s incident, Lin Wu is now very sensitive to the word “falling” and clicked in unconsciously.

The link opened was a small video. Lin Wu’s phone was silent, looking at the viewing angle and picture quality, it seemed that someone in the building next door accidentally discovered that someone was climbing a building with his bare hands and hurriedly took the phone to record it.

At the beginning of the video, the man was almost climbing to the top of the building, his limbs were tightly climbing the outer curtain wall of the building, without any protection, and everyone’s heartbeat was speeding up.

After a few seconds, the man finally succeeded in boarding the steel structure at the top of the building. There is no place to stay in this place. It is a magnificent shape made of steel components. It is very difficult to stand on the steel bar hanging in the air. The man actually only left one foot to step on, and one hand hooked the steel bar. , The remaining one foot and one hand and most of the body were stretched out, like a flag waving in the wind at the top of the building.

The consequence of death is a strong wind, and focus on letting go.

From the photographer’s perspective, the entire process of the fall is clearly recorded.

At first, the man fell from a normal high altitude and fell in a straight line, but when it fell to 1/3, he suddenly changed the direction and drew a strange diagonal line. Although the general direction is still going down, the diagonal line is equal to the time of the fall. It was prolonged, and what was even more bizarre was that as the direction changed, his falling speed also slowed down. The video is still playing at the normal speed, because the camera can still see the excited gestures of the photographer from time to time, but the speed of the fallen person is visibly slower.

The photographer was in a tall building, and when the person landed, there was only a small black spot left in his lens, and there was no way to judge the situation.

But according to the slowing down trend just now, Lin Wu believed that the other party was unharmed.

Looking at the news date again, it is yesterday.

With a blank brain and raised his head, Lin Wu slowly looked back, searching for his friends who had always been sitting firmly in the back row.

In the last row, Xia Yang, Li Junchi, and Ren Feiyu, who were sitting side by side and just watching the short video together, also raised their heads at this moment, with blank eyes like a group of meerkats standing upright at the entrance of the cave.

If Ren Feiyu’s fall distance was too short last night, the speed was too fast, and nothing could be seen between the lightning and the fire.

Then this video is completely the Plus version of the step-by-step disassembly demonstration.

【Environmental Engineering 1 Class Group】

The brilliant Xu Zhenlong: This video was synthesized later…

Shang Haitao, who is shopping for shopping: Be confident, and remove the “ba”.

Pang Dongdong who is flying down quickly: If you don’t believe it, just search it yourself. There are several similar incidents. I just moved one now, and Weibo has exploded!

Lin Wu quickly clicked on the hot search on Weibo—

4. The Russian man fell unscathed


6. Mexican prisoner escaped bizarrely


8. A German junior high school student broke the world record in 100 meters speed


Today’s hot search list seems to be a collection of global anomalies, but it is so bizarre that it failed to make it into the top three, because only what happens around can make people feel the real horror—

3. A woman in Beijing held her breath underwater for 42 minutes

2. People with physical abnormalities in many parts of the country

1. Unexplained physical abnormality

In the afternoon, similar or identical news swept the entire social media, just like the heavy fog not long ago.

No one in the whole class was at ease in class at all, they were all looking down and swiping their phones.

Lin Wu didn’t know if it was his own illusion, and occasionally looked up, the teachers on the podium seemed as absent-minded as them.

This is the hottest time of the day, and sitting in the classroom is like being directly exposed to the sun.

There are no clouds in the sky outside the window. Maybe the scorching sun has melted the clouds, leaving only an empty space, invisible and intangible, but scorching uneasy.

Five o’clock in the evening.

After class, the students went to the cafeteria to eat. Lin Wu and the others went too, everything seemed to be done step by step, as if turning off the phone and forgetting the news, it was still that calm campus, sand sculpture and happy university.

But it’s not right.

The noise of the past in the cafeteria is gone, and the classmates at each table are much more peaceful than usual. They are all absent from laughing, playing and scolding. Even when they speak, they all talk in low voices and whisper.

Until, several televisions hung above the canteen, and live news screens appeared at the same time—

“Regarding the recent physical abnormalities in various places, a press conference is now held to inform the relevant situation…”

“In the past two days, people with physical abnormalities have appeared in many provinces in the eastern part of the country…”

“Specifically manifested as a sudden unreasonable change in physical function or behavior, such as a sudden increase in physical fitness and exercise ability, a sudden change in daily routine, diet and taste, etc…”

“Some abnormalities have similar trends, but there are also quite a few that are not the same. So far, no pattern has been found, and the reason for the abnormality of the body has not yet been clarified…”

“However, after a detailed physical examination of multiple abnormal persons, the abnormality did not cause physical disease. All the physical indicators of the examinees were normal and in good health…”

“There will be new situations in the future, and we will report them in time…”

As soon as the press conference in the live broadcast came to an end, the mobile phones of all the students under the TV rang. Regardless of college or grade, Ding Ding Dong Dong sounded indiscriminately.

Lin Wu clicked on his WeChat account.

【Environmental School Group】

Teacher Li: The school issued an emergency notice to re-close the school at 21:00 tonight, and the whole school will be closed tomorrow morning. The track and field field will gather at 8:00 in the morning to hold a school-wide meeting. @all members

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