Dense Fog

Chapter 63

Chapter 62

At five o’clock in the morning, the search team set off again.

The forest was still asleep in the hazy dark blue, there was no light in the sky, and the thick dark clouds pressed against the treetops, covering the moon and the whiteness of the coming day.

It was the same group as yesterday, Lin Wu and Ge Liang, following the eldest of the three fellows. But this time the route changed direction, and all three groups headed towards a new area that had not been searched yesterday.

The whistle of the early morning wind slapped between the branches of the fir, stacking layers of surging waves in the bushes.

“It’s going to rain this day…” Wang Ye’s T-shirt, which the elderly fellow had been holding in his hand, was once again heard by the wolfdog who had not found a search.

Ge Liang and Lin Wu stopped afterwards.

“No,” Ge Liang looked at the gloomy trees around, completely unaware of where he had gone, “I looked at the weather forecast and didn’t say it was raining.”

“There is no such thing as a **** in the mountains,” said the fellow.

Lin Wu has been quiet.

He is like a real little wolf, always sniffing and looking for Wang Ye’s breath.

It will rain.

The wild genes in the body have already sensed the moist water droplets in the air.

Lin Wu was scared like never before.

He was afraid that it would rain and he could not continue to look for it, and he was afraid that the rain would wash away the smell of Wang Ye left in the forest.

It seemed that the wolf dog finally smelled some eyebrows, and began to walk forward to the left.

The three of them hurriedly followed, stepped on the thorn bushes, through the thorny needles of cedar trees, and penetrated deeper into the dense forest.

The day is gradually approaching.

But the sky was still dark, thick clouds covered all the sunlight, and the forest became a deep dark green.

Time loses its clear feeling in such an environment.

After searching blindly in this way for an unknown period of time, the wolf dog suddenly stopped, his wet nose was close to the ground, and a low howl from his throat.

Immediately afterwards, it erupted with a fierce cry, and its strong body suddenly jumped up and ran at extreme speed in one direction.

“Yes!” The fellow said with a voice, his dark face lit up.

The sturdy middle-aged man was extremely agile, and he caught up with him in a stride.

Lin Wu’s heart was beating wildly, his body was activated completely before his brain, and he almost rushed over with the fellow.

Ge Liang: “Hey, wait for me—”


Thunder pierced the dull sky, black clouds flowed in the strong wind, and everything in the forest was activated by the sudden change of the wind and clouds. The tip of the grass danced wildly, the bushes climbed and folded, and the birds were startled and flew towards the ink-spattered sky.

Finally, the wolfdog stopped and kept spinning around in one place, barking quickly.

The three men panted forward.

It was a damaged bush, the weeds were trampled down, there were messy and indistinguishable marks on the ground, and a torn coat lying quietly in the mess, stained with blood.

Wang Ye’s coat.

Both Lin Wu and Ge Liang recognized.

The air instantly solidified.

The wolfdog stopped barking under the fellow’s drink, but still agitated slightly nervously.

The fellow squatted down to take a look.

“Is it your classmate?” Although the dog clearly smelled Wang Ye’s breath, the fellow still asked Lin Wu and Ge Liang again.

Lin Wu opened his mouth, but couldn’t make any sound.

“Yes, yes…” Ge Liang answered hurriedly, his voice completely panicked.

The fellow’s face sank, and while continuing to check other traces around, he took out the walkie-talkie: “I found a piece of clothing on Xiongxiazipo’s side with blood…”

Zhao Li’s reply soon came from the walkie-talkie: “Wang Ye’s clothes? Confirmed?”

The fellow said: “I just came here with the taste, and both children recognized it.”

Zhao Li was silent for a moment: “That depends on you…”

“It is estimated that I have suffered a little injury, but there is not much blood. It should not be a big problem,” the fellow said to relieve the employer, but it is not without objective basis. “Don’t look at this area called Xiong Xia Zi Po, two in the morning. There have been no blind bears in ten years, and wolves are rare. At most they are wild boars. Didn’t you say that the kid has a good physique and can fight thieves? If you really encounter bobcats and beasts, as long as they are not in groups, they should be able to run away… …”

“And I looked at the surrounding traces, there are not too many…” The fellow stopped reporting without warning, and his hand fiddled with the grass froze, his face changed and changed, his pupils were shocked first, and then slowly turned into fear.

Lin Wu was the closest, and he could see most clearly, his breathing even gradually stopped following the change of the fellow’s expression.

“What’s the matter?” he asked hardly.

“Impossible…” the fellow muttered to himself incredulously.

Zhao Li was not the only one who had been listening to the walkie-talkie, but the other two fellow villagers were immediately alert and asked.

“Old pimple, what’s wrong?”

“What’s the situation…”

The fellow named Laohu did not answer right away, but after carefully examining the traces on the ground, he got up and looked at the nearby trees, as if looking for something.

After a while, he stopped in front of a red pine tree, and his rough palm touched a few fresh claw marks on the trunk.

Then, Lin Wu heard his solemn voice: “It’s the blind bear.”

“What’s the matter?” The fellow on the walkie-talkie didn’t believe it at all. “Don’t do things for me, what’s the matter?”

As soon as the fellow’s voice broke, Zhao Li’s voice sounded in the noisy current: “Don’t speak, let him speak clearly.”

“There are footprints on the ground. They are the same in shape and size as a bear, and there are traces on the tree.” Old Liao looked up, “It’s a big thing that can climb trees. What else can it be if it’s not a bear?”

Zhao Li asked: “Can you be sure?”

The old pimple said: “I was killed in front of the blind bear, when I was a teenager, and the faces of the children with me were licked away, what about the blind bear, what about the bear paw prints, me. I remember it all my life.”

Without waiting for Zhao Li to answer, the old pimple said again: “There are bears in the forest. We can’t deal with any of us when we encounter them. Hurry up…”

Before the word “Withdraw” was spoken, an abnormal noise suddenly came from behind the three of them.

Lin Wu’s hearing was the most acute, and the first to turn his head, without seeing anything at all, was hit by a black figure head on.

Lin Wu dodged aside with extremely fast reaction speed, but his arm was still hit, and the huge impact made him stagger.

The black shadow rushed over and did not stop, but continued to rush Ge Liang and Old Pimple.

“Bear ah ah -” Ge Liang howled the husky.

The old pimple quickly grabbed him and pulled aside forcefully, avoiding the impact of the shadows: “I think you are like a bear!”

The black shadow completely rushed into the air, almost hitting the tree in front.

Lin Wu saw clearly that the attacker was a dark brown wild boar with stubby limbs, sparse needle hair on his back, long nose arched out, and small eyes. If he didn’t see clearly, he could easily mistake him for a little bear. .

The wild boar stopped under the tree and quickly turned around, without the intention of retreating.

The protector eagerly pounced on the wolf dog, biting the wild boar’s neck in one bite, not letting go.

Lao Yao took out the farm knife he carried with him and shouted at Lin Wu and Ge Liang: “You two go up to the tree!”

Ge Liang immediately flashed the common sentence pattern of “whatever you want, sows can climb trees”, and instantly understood the scientific path that pigs can’t climb trees. He hugged the nearest big tree with his hands and feet, and clicked. Start to climb up.


Click again.

Ge Liang lowered his head and tossed for a long time, his feet were up to ten centimeters off the ground.

Pigs cannot go up to trees.

Huskies will not.

Lin Wu, who is also a canine, can climb trees by virtue of half of the human exercise genes, but before he found a suitable trunk, he heard more chaotic running noises and was getting closer.

Subconsciously follow the sound.

In the hidden shade of the trees, a large group of black shadows approaching at a rapid speed gradually showed their clear outlines.

“Wild boars——” Lin Wu exclaimed.

Before the sound fell, the herd of wild boars had roared, let alone seven or eight, they seemed to be shocked by something, no matter what, they came straight.

The old pimple has not seen this battle in the mountains for many years. He can deal with a pig, and a group of them. He can only save his life: “Run–”

Lin Wu’s brain was blank, only his survival instinct remained. Hearing the old pimple shouting, he ran away.

The gusty wind howled, the black clouds were lowered, and the gloomy mountains and forests could not distinguish the north, south, east and west.

Lin Wu panicked and rushed with all his strength, almost mobilizing all of the coyote’s sports genes.

I don’t know how long he ran, Lin Wu’s sprinting power reached the limit, his lungs were about to explode, and he had to slow down. After this slow, I realized that there seemed to be no sound behind him.

He stopped a little bit and turned back breathlessly.

In the dense cedar forest, there are no wild boars, and the way forward is not clear.

The brain began to cool down, Lin Wu slowly calmed down, and then knew that it was awful.

He took out the walkie-talkie for the first time-in order to save electricity, he used to communicate through the old lump’s walkie-talkie, he has not used his own-as soon as he turned on the walkie-talkie, Zhao Li, Ge Liang and others alternately came out. Two groups of voices.

Zhao Li: “Speak slowly, what happened to Lin Wu?”

Ge Liang: “We met the wild boar group, he ran away!”

Ren Feiyu: “Lin Wu, Lin Wu, can you hear me?”

Xia Yang: “Lin Wu——”

Lin Wu breathed a long sigh of relief, thanking modern technology.

Although I am lost, I can’t panic with the communication in my hand.

Holding the intercom button, Lin Wu reported safety immediately: “I’m fine, I’m now…”

The sound stopped abruptly.

Feeling a certain breath of Lin Wu, he let go of the hand that pressed the key, and turned back slowly.

An adult black bear is behind him.

Following his movements, the black bear suddenly stood upright, its huge body like a mountain, completely shrouded Lin Wu in the shadows.

Perhaps after experiencing the previous hurried escape, the brain has improved the stress response in a short period of time. At this moment, what Lin Wu thought of was the bear knowledge points in the family-related class.

2.1.3 What should I do if I meet a bear in the wild?

First, don’t pretend to be dead, because a hungry bear will gnaw you no matter whether it’s alive or dead. Driven by its playful nature, a full bear will probably pat you over and over with paws, or lick you with a tongue full of barbed sticks. You, or sit on you.

Second, don’t run away. Escape will fully stimulate the bear’s hunting nature. Even if you run faster than a bear after awakening, you must also consider the human body’s unsuitability to the wild. Bears will not be tripped in the wild. But you will.

The correct posture to meet a bear: Don’t shout loudly, face the bear, and slowly back away.

Retreat slowly…

Lin Wu muttered silently in his heart, lifting one foot gently, and slowly and slowly putting it back.

The black bear did not move.

Lin Wu quietly moved his other foot.

With the retreat, his body moved back a little bit.


Two steps.

Three steps…

Lin Wu managed to pull the distance between himself and the black bear to five or six meters in a slow but effective manner.

Persistence is victory.

Lin Wu held his breath and took a step back, but he didn’t even see a **** behind him.

Only the tip of the retreating foot touches the ground, and all the rest are in the air.

Unsuspecting Lin Wu, the center of gravity of his body has already followed backwards, the focus of his toes is not enough, and his feet slid down all of a sudden.

He even lost his balance and fell forward heavily, facing the mountain, and slid down the sloping soil slope.

[This area is called Xiongxianzi Slope, because there is a steep **** in front of the thief, and the thief is hidden. In the early days when there were many blind bears, the blind bears who fell to death could be found every few months under the slope, so…]

When I first entered the Xiongxiazipo area not long ago, Lao Lian said about it.

But now let’s talk about lack of vigilance, and it’s too late to regret.

During the speed skating, Lin Wu desperately tried to catch something, but there were only some thorny vines and shrubs left on the slope, and they were torn off when caught, unable to hold the downward force.

Lin Wu’s hand broke, and his nails were opened with the flesh, but he couldn’t hold the hard soil and gravel on the **** at all.

In a short moment, the **** fingers were already wooden, and there was no pain, only the insensitive friction with the dirt and gravel.

The body seemed to start to lighten in the slip.

Or, when people are on the verge of death, they will have such a sense of floating. It may be that the consciousness is in a trance, or the soul may be out of the body.

But why… the bones will replace the fingers, and I start to feel sharp pain.

Lin Wu woke up from the shaking god.

He felt the moist air entering his nose. It was a forest, a mountain, a wilderness, and all the free and unrestrained tastes. They were so warm and fresh, spreading from his sense of smell to the limbs, surging. The jumping chest cavity activates new vitality and strength in the body.

Lin Wu’s hands began to deform.

Knuckles shrink, hair and nails grow again, and within a very short period of time, the scarred hands turn into gray wolf claws.

The new and sharp pointed claws deeply hooked the mountain and greatly slowed down the speed of the fall.

At the same time, his body began to deform.

The pain was as severe as a broken bone head, Lin Wu gritted his teeth to endure, but in the end he couldn’t help it and let out a painful call sign: “Woo-”

With a “pump”, his body finally fell to the bottom of the **** at a speed that was not fatal.

Lin Wu rolled several times before struggling to get up.

In the horizontal line of sight, there are shrubs.

The mountain rain is about to come, and it is now a real coyote.

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