Deposed Empress General

Chapter 14 - Grand Gift (Long-Term Final Edition)

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Chapter 14: Gifts

Wind and sand filled the sky, and the west of thistle city came out. The snow water in the north passes through, bringing the water needed for life here. Amidst the yellow sand, Wen Zhai was directing soldiers to dig pits and plant trees. Drought-resistant saplings were transported from the south and took root in the northwest. If you die, you can replant it.

This is a long-term job, but Wen Zai has been here for more than a decade, and the city has expanded several times. The Central Plains, Xijing, Guzhu, Yu Guoren, and some nomads will exchange their needs here. Although the environment here is harsh, you can buy many things you can’t find elsewhere.

Murong Yan jumped off the horse and stepped forward to water the trees. Wen Zhai frowned: “Save the point, it is not easy to pick the water.” When he looked up to see Murong Yan, he smiled bitterly.

Murong Yan made no secret: “I can’t wait, starry night and journey, empty hands, come to the army.”

Wen Zhai laughed: “His Highness is already empty-handed, His Highness is always bad and empty-handed. Fortunately, Northwestern cuisine is not good enough, and there is a full meal. Your Highness, please.”

The party returned to the barracks, Wen Zhai shook the wind and sand on his body, and handed a sand mask: “The climate in the northwest is not better than Jinyang, but I am afraid that His Highness is not used to it.”

Mu Rongyan took over: “I’m used to seeing flowers and plants in the south. When I get here, I feel that the sky is high and the sky is open.”

Wen Zhai stared into the distance: “The world is infinite, the sunset over the long river. The world is always born in a desolate place.”

Facing the sand, after a short walk, he arrived in the army. Wen Zhuo arranged Murong Yan’s camp next to his own account. In the evening, a bonfire was raised in the camp. Wen Zhai, together with the generals, washed the dust for Murong Yan. The military man was rugged and had nothing to pay for. He came to Murong Yan to drink with a bowl. Murong Yan was hesitant. Have you ever washed this bowl? !!

Wen Zhuai’s vice general Yuan Xi, when he saw that he laughed without drinking, blushed. “Why, is it because Yuan Moujie is rough and not worthy of drinking with His Royal Highness?”

Mu Rongyan stared at the bowl and smiled bitterly. Forget it, if anyone falls down, he will have to pay attention to it: “I will have to drink if the general toasts. But if everyone respects me a bowl, I’m afraid I can’t stand it. “

Yuan Xi pours the wine into his mouth and pours two more bowls. After drinking, he wipes his mouth: “I change three bowls for the next bowl in the second hall, okay?”

Murong Yan sighed and drank up. The generals applauded. The applause didn’t fall, he fell backwards and was drunk! Is this Murong’s drink?

Everyone was quiet for a long time, Zheng Chu said, “Let’s surrender to Xijing Xiancheng ?!”

Everyone laughed.

Wen Zhairen asked Murong Yan to rest in the account. The left wolf wore a bowl and walked to Yuan Xi, saying, “I’ll drink with the general.”

Yuan Xi gave her a glance, and laughed, “Yes, I like to drink with women best.” Everyone around knew that there was excitement, and it was inevitable. Yuan Xi drank three bowls with her one after another and teased intently: “Little beauty, dare you change the big bowl?”

Some people think it’s not a big deal to see the excitement, and quickly brought the big bowl. The two men drank from the bowl to the altar, and the soldiers around gradually stopped joking. Just someone keeps counting. In the end, Yuan Xi couldn’t laugh anymore, but in front of so many people, he couldn’t admit defeat.

Seeing that he would not be able to get off the stage, Murong Yan in the account suddenly said, “Azuo, help me get water.”

The left wolf was so angry that after thinking about it, he set aside the bowl to fetch water.

She brought the water in, and the weather in the northwest was so cold at night. There was even a thin layer of ice in the water. After entering the camp, she poured some hot water into it, which was brought to Murong Yan.

Mu Rongyan was lying on the couch, she twisted a towel and wiped his face and hands. He finally opened his eyes and took the towel to do it himself. Seeing her wine and cheeks flushed, Fang said, “Several martial arts people have no heart. Why don’t you put your breath away.”

Zuolanglang waited for him to wipe his face and hands before taking off his socks and dipping his feet in hot water. Then she finally couldn’t help but rushed out of the account and spit it out.

Murong Yan shook her head, the newborn calf, silly, but she knew the protector.

The left wolf finished vomiting, came back and squatted on the ground, rubbing his feet for Murong Yan. Murong Yan frowned slightly. He was actually a little clean-skinned, and even if he was a close attendant, he didn’t serve him in this way. He usually eats at the same table with others, he never touches others. But after several days of hurrying, the dining style and hangover will make the Iron Man tired. He did not drive her away.

The left wolf’s hand is not delicate, the one who pulls the bow and draws the string and dances the sword, the hand is very rough. But pressing on the ankle was extremely comfortable. He closed his eyes and allowed her to rub.

At this moment, Wen Zhai walked in with a tent curtain and paused: “I don’t seem to be here.”

Murong Yan got up, wiped his feet, and settled down with him: “Is it the state of Yu?” Wen Zai did not answer, but glanced at the left wolf. On such occasions, it is not suitable for a woman to be present, right?

Murong Yan smiled: “Generals look down on women, this habit is not good.”

Wen Jie’s face was reddish, and there were a lot of adults in the end. I just couldn’t explain why I was driving the left wolf. He said: “Women are not allowed to enter the army. Although Her Royal Highness was ordered to come to the army by her Majesty, she should not bring women in.”

Murong Yan said, “Wen Shuai, I brought the woman in because this little girl had a big gift for the Field Marshal.” Wen Zhuo looked at him, and then glanced at the left wolf. Come down: “What does His Royal Highness mean?”

Murong Yan slightly twitched his lips and asked with a smile, “What does the Marshal think?”

There was a bit more discomfort in Wen’s words: “Wen is a man, His Royal Highness is not ignorant. Previously, in front of the general, Wen was a man and an inconvenience. However, tomorrow morning, he also asked His Royal Highness to immediately dismiss the woman. In the camp. “

He was angry, and Zuo Canglang asked, “Does the Marshal think that the villain is here for the beauty?”

Someone Wen Zhuang immediately realized that he was being teased by Murong Yan and coughed. After all, they are the elderly, so no matter how you can’t pose with the left wolf. He asked, “Which gift is it, please ask His Royal Highness to speak up.”

Murong Yan received a smile and said in a straightforward way: “If General Wen sends a letter to Bei Yu Xiu, calling me the King of Yan Yan, he is willing to cooperate with Bei Yu. He promised to send troops to Bei Yu to help. After the incident, we agreed to cede Several counties and counties in Yanguo paid each other. The general thought, would Yu Guo ’s Dalai and Dalaiqin believe it? ”

Wen Zai slowly opened his eyes, what does it mean?

Mu Rongyan said: “Dalaoqin should believe because he doesn’t believe that I dare to seduce him by this measure. I ca n’t let my father Wang love it. Once this measure is leaked, I will definitely die. When his main force enters the city, we will find land to set ambush. Wouldn’t it be better for the people to be peaceful than to wait for his offensive? After the war, the father Wang was issued a book announcing Beiyu’s invasion for no reason, while General Wen led his army to the border of Beiyu and attacked the city. “

The more Wen Zhai listened and the more dignified his face, Murong Yan kept looking at the map: “It is a big win and a quick win. Other countries will not move.”

Wen Zhai was silent. What a great idea. I ca n’t believe it.

He said: “Although this plan is bold, it is feasible to lead the snake out of the hole … It is just …” Is it really just you to retreat? Or do you really have the alliance with Beiyu to win the hearts of the mountains?

God, even I started to doubt.

Murong Yan smiled slightly, ignoring the hesitation in his eyes: “But this strategy is really too appalling. If the father and the king believe me at all, I’m afraid I won’t agree.”

Wen Zhai was dazzling, of course he would not agree. Doesn’t he have the same concerns as me? But … if not, is there a better way? He stood up: “Have your Highness wished to travel at night?”

Murong Yan followed him out of the camp, and he took Murong Yan to board Sucheng Chengguan.

Although it was bitter here, Wen Zhai built the city walls high and thick after he stationed here. Although the sergeant’s armor was old and he was steadily growing, his combat power was not inferior.

Wen Zai looked at the desert in front of Mapingchuan. In the northern Mobe at night, the cold wind is like a knife. He said: “Seven years ago, I made a contribution here and became famous in the First World War.” His indifferent and gentle eyes turned a little bit sloppy: “For seven years, I have been dormant here, and have not moved forward.”

Murong Yan turned his head to look at him. His ambitious Second Highness blended with the vision of a general who was determined to be thousands of miles away. He said: “This story will spread to Jinyang. If you dare, don’t tell the father, I will directly repair the King Beiyu.”

Wen Zhai’s lips were tight. What were they doing? A coach, and an unwilling prince, conspired to secretly send troops to hide from King Yan. Still use the excuse of conspiring to compile. Facing the sand, he said difficultly: “His Royal Highness knows that this is a risk?”

Murong Yan stood at the head of the city, leaving only a dark shadow in the desert: “Once a book is revised, no matter how successful or unsuccessful, I ca n’t escape the word of rebellion. The Father will not believe me. People in the palace will only add fuel to the fire. But The mountains and rivers are in dire straits, and my country is in dire straits. How can my generation sit by? If the army does not die after the war, please take care of me for one or two. “Don’t you understand? He sent me to the northwest, and he really hoped that I could solve some problems. But no matter what, he will not give me the opportunity to build military achievements. So my arrival can only be in the name of the puppet army. Victory, you deserve credit, defeat, accountability to me.

Wen Zhai re-examined the handsome man standing in front of him, perhaps the shadow of Rong Fei. He was a bit tougher and tougher than the others in Murong. Subconscious fear and obedience. Inborn leader temperament.

He bowed his hand and worshiped: “Your country has two lords, and she is fortunate.”

I have served His Majesty for fourteen years. How could he not understand his mind? The hard part is His Royal Highness.

The next day, Murong Yan repaired a book and sent a secret emissary to Beiyu Wang Dazhen.

In the Chinese military account, Wen Zhai and Murong Yan secretly studied the map again and again. Which places are most suitable for ambulation, who leads, and how to allocate.

Murong Yan mapped out the entire city gate: “Crossing Sucheng City, this is the Great Thistle City. We first led them into the gate, and this City is the hinterland of the Great Swallows, and the Great Swallows in front of them are already a Pingchuan. They There must be no doubt. We will bury the oil and coke in Dajicheng first. After the Beiyu army enters the city, we will send soldiers into the rocket, which will be chaotic. “

Wen Zhai nodded, then suddenly frowned: “How to resettle the people in the city? If they are not properly arranged, I’m afraid they will attract Yu’s suspicion. And if you and I don’t show up and enter the city first, I’m afraid that Sergeant Beiyu will not be fooled.”

Murong Yan had already thought of it and said, “The general gave me two thousand rides. I took the lead to enter the Great Thistle City, one for the people, and the other familiar with the terrain.”

Wen Zhai shook his head: “Once you enter the city, the rockets will fire and you will not be able to distinguish between the enemy and me. The water and fire are ruthless. Your Highness is the body of thousands of gold.

Murong Yan laughed: “If I do n’t enter the city and let the general be in danger, will the general’s sergeant listen to my orders? There is no need to say much about this matter, and I will try my best to reduce our army’s casualties. Why should boys be embarrassed when they bring Wu hooks? succeed?”

Even a warrior like Wen Zhai was slightly moved: “Weichen will send a few powerful men to disguise themselves as soldiers and protect His Highness!”

Wen Zhai received a letter from Beiyu. King Beiyu thought about it for a few days, and finally decided to send an envoy to the camp and talk with His Royal Highness and Wen Zhai.

Wen Zha did not leak any news about this matter. He has been in the army for 14 years and has been in the army for a long time. Here the emperor is far away, and the loyalty of the soldiers to him is much higher than that of Murong Yuan, the king of swallows in the imperial city.

He is totally in control.

Bei Yu’s secret ambassador came over and met Murong Yan and Wen Zhai. The other party also knew that Wen Zhai was old and had a long talk with Murong Yan. He knocked sideways, and Murong Yan coped with it. The secret envoy was removed, and the main purpose of the trip was finally revealed-the marching route and the final land-cutting treaty.

Murong Yan signed a treaty with him and promised to cede 20 counties in the four counties in the northwest to Beiyu after the completion. The messenger repeatedly bargained, Murong Yan refused to let it go. The argument between the tongues lasted for two days, and the emissaries finally compromised.

The two parties signed a treaty, and Murong Yan and Wen Zhai jointly settled the case.

Of course, the left wolf followed Murong Yan, and in just three days, the two walked around the entire Great Thistle City. In the humble dwelling house, Zuo Canglang thoughtfully: “There are a lot of people in Big Thistle City. The Lord wants to burn down the city. How can the people settle down?”

Mu Rongyan sat on a chair, and in front of him there was a citron, two dishes of fruit. He heard the words and said, “Isn’t this something you should consider?”

Zuo Canglang said, “If they are withdrawn, Yu Jun will have doubts if they enter. If they do not withdraw, it will be difficult to avoid the plague of pond fish. We must let them neither evacuate nor worry about their lives …” Re-looking at Big Thistle City, from the air to the ground, every inch has not been missed. At last she clapped her hands and said, “Every family here has cellars. Once in war, let them hide in cellars immediately.”

Murong Yan didn’t say anything, Zuo Canglang asked, “Lord, how is this good?”

Murong Yan pointed at her shoulder and said, “Help me pinch and get tired.”

Zuolanglang didn’t know why the topic suddenly came here, but still bowed his head and helped him press his shoulder. She has strong hands, and Murong Yan feels comfortable. Maybe it was months and nights, or sincere appreciation, he didn’t mind her touching.

He closed his eyes and fell asleep slowly.

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