Deposed Empress General

Chapter 83 - Arrest

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Chapter 83: Arrest

At midnight, Shuanghua was thick. The Nanqing Palace was so quiet that it could hear heartbeat under the silver moonlight.

But Qing stood in front of the splashing vines, trying not to tremble. That man—that man is finally here. She’s a pretty good estimate. She stayed in Nanqing Palace and she really had a chance. Not a few days, she waited every night.

She was clearly prepared, and now she had no long hair and her hair fell down to her waist. He wore a thin coat and a cloak on the outside, which was sent by the left wolf.

She didn’t turn around, just waiting unconsciously. However, not too long ago, only the sound of footsteps gradually disappeared.

what happened? She looked around slowly, but Murong Yan didn’t come in.

People like him are not weak enough to really treat who they are as substitutes for. Acacia is like a cloud covering the new moon. After a while, it disappears without trace.

But sunny.

Outside the palace, Murong Ruo brought Tibetan songs and several guards to dig for treasure, and Master Xuezhan did not provide any help. Murong Yuan gave him the treasure map at first, which shows his great trust. He cannot occupy the treasure and refuse to return it, nor can he dedicate the map to Murong Yan directly to win favor.

In desperation, he could only help him get the treasure back, so as not to disappoint this trust.

At that time, Leng Feiyan received news that a stranger was mixed in the chanting hall, but did not show up at night. She was about to sneak into the chanting building to see what happened. Suddenly, Feng Ping and the embargo surrounded the entire building. The monks in the building were startled, Feng Ping dismounted, and took a few steps back. Murong Yan slowly stepped into the building.

Leng Feiyan hid on the beam and did not go on. Yanlou didn’t send a message to the palace, but he came so fast. The Duanmu family is all in Jinyang, obviously there is no such news network. Who sent the letter to the palace?

She was frowning, and suddenly there was a dark shadow on the beam not far away. Leng Feiyan held the hidden weapon Feiyan buckle and was about to send a piece of it. The fire underneath let the light through and she held it. It was not necessary to see the person’s face clearly, but apparently she had recognized who the person was.

Tibetan songs.

Tibetan songs were also watching her. Neither of them spoke. The embargo below had gathered all the monks in the chanting hall and began a search. Each monk in Dayan has a shrine plate, and Feng Pingming ordered to examine them one by one.

Murong Yan walked in front of the ancient Buddha and saw that the seat of the Buddha’s body had been dug out of a cave that could accommodate one person. Feng Ping didn’t have to tell him to send someone down immediately. Someone came up and said, “Your Majesty, all the gold and silver jewellery are below! He said that some gold bricks were taken up, and Murong Yuan was engraved on it. Year of the year. “

Mu Rongyan glanced over the bricks and smiled, “The father is really interested.” He glanced at the monk singing the chanting hall, and said, “Give him up.”

The monks in the chanting hall shuddered. At this time, no one knew where Murong Ruo was. Murong Yan said, “Which one thing can’t hold you back since you became the king? You have to help the people Murong Ruo and disrupt the imperial power?”

The monks knelt down: “Your Majesty, this … the ancient Buddha has been here for a long time, and the Emperor Tai has come to worship Buddha many times before. The poor monks really do not know when he buried the treasure, let alone someone will come to dig Your Majesty, please! “

Murong Yan said: “The chanting building is less than twenty miles away from the royal palace, and you can actually allow the inverse party to come. Since you can’t see this place, just change a group of people.”

He motioned to Feng Ping, waved his hand, and set off with his hand, dozens of monks instantly landed on their heads. The ancient Buddha was splattered with blood. Murong Yan looked up and looked at the blood-stained Buddha body. He said for a long time: “Research and make sure to find Murong Ruo.”

Feng Ping agreed, and the soldiers were investigated again. Leng Fei was as light as a paper. Even if the embargo raised his head and looked carefully, he could not see her. Tibetan songs are, after all, people from the Tibetan Sword Villa. These embargoes can’t be found.

The blood on the ground converged and flowed to Murong Yan’s feet, and he slightly stepped aside. Zangge kept holding the sword in his right hand, and suddenly the sword was like a rainbow, and he flung himself from the beam! At that time, he was really close to Murong Yan. After Feng Ping was searching for Buddha statues again, he thought he might succeed.

But at the same time, Leng Feiyan’s sword was as fast as lightning but silent, and instantly opened his blade. Then a moment later, Duanmu’s sword arrived. Duanmu was shocked when the three swords collided. Leng Feiyan’s sword was fast and silent, far beyond his expectation.

Mu Rongyan didn’t move, Duanmu injury and Leng Feiyan had forced Tibetan songs back a dozen steps.

Zangge did not practice martial arts before, but after the death of Zang Feng, he really improved a lot. But even so, he wasn’t fast enough in front of Duanmu injury, let alone adding a cold face.

Seeing that it was a deadly situation, Leng Feiyan Yijian leaned in, and it seemed that he was fighting for Duanmu injury and wanted to get his head. However, the sword was impartial and forced Tibetan songs to the window. Where is Tibetan song still hesitant? Leaning out of the window, a leap jumped out of the singing hall.

In the night, the figure is like smoke, Duanmu injury and Lengfeiyan chase out, but where can they catch it? The long streets were so crowded that he was left alone.

Duanmu’s voice was cold and cold: “What do you mean?”

Leng Feiyan said: “I was also trying to ask you, obviously you have the opportunity to take his life, but you are merciless everywhere, are you with this person’s old knowledge?” After saying it, sneer, “Also, the original Tibetan sword mountain village Sheng At that time, did the Duanmu clan have not smashed the second son of Tibet? “

Duanmu was so angry that he pointed at her with a sword and said, “You!”

Does Leng Feiyan fear him and says, “What? You still want to kill someone?”

Duanmu was afraid to do anything, hummed, and turned away.

Murong Yan looked for no fruit in the chanting hall, and in the middle of the night, she had to be withdrawn. When Murong Ruo entered Jinyang City, he also received news, but then there was no more news. People like Murong Yan were not allowed to have anything outside their control. They immediately ordered the city gates to be searched.

He was willing to let Murong Ruo to see what he planned after entering the city. Although he has found the treasure now, he is like a mud cow sinking into the sea, which is not what he wants to see.

Feng Ping blocked the entire singing hall, and the corpses of all monks were buried on site.

It was that night that Master Xuezhan was chanting in the Zen room. Suddenly, there was a message from Sha Mi outside, “The host, the news came from the palace, and the chanting building found the trace of the abandoned prince party. His Majesty sealed the chanting building in the middle of the night. Monks, they have been killed! “

Xuezhan’s back was slightly stiff, and he asked a long time later, “Have you captured the rebel party?” Sha Mi said, “I have not heard of it.”

Xuezhan sighed and said, “Come on.”

The monk was kind, and when Murong Yuan was in power, he always respected the monk’s Dharma. Although he is now in a foreign country, some people still think of the former kindness. If Murong enters the chanting building, maybe not everyone knows it, but there is no way to do this report and receive rewards.

Maybe not worth it, but why not?

Thinking about his mind, someone outside said quietly, “Master?”

Master Xuezhan knocked on the wooden fish’s hand for a moment, and sighed, “His Royal Highness, the night is dark, why does Your Highness enter the temple?”

Sure enough, Murong Ruo was outside. He said, “Murong Yan has found his disciples. Now he is under martial law outside the city. The Guards even searched the streets and asked Master to take it easy. The disciples will leave at dawn and will not drag Master.”

After a long time, Master Xuezhan said, “His Royal Highness, there are thousands of monks in Fachang Temple.

Is Murong Yan a man, is he still not clear?

There was silence outside, and after a long time, Murong Ruo said, “So, the disciples disturbed.”

The footsteps gradually went away, and Master Xuezhan didn’t have the intention to recite the scriptures again–the human heart is so good, avoiding disasters, what’s the use of knocking this wooden fish? !!

He pushed open the door and saw the mountain breeze touching the forest, flowers and leaves swaggering.

Murong Ruo and Zangge came out of Fachang Temple and were preparing to go down the mountain. Suddenly before seeing the gate of the mountain, there was a person-Duanmu injured. Tibetan song pupils shrink, how did this person follow? However, if you look closely, this person is only similar to Duanmu’s injury. His expression gradually dignified-Duanmu Rou? !!

Sure enough, Duanmu Rou approached slowly, and said, “His Royal Highness, don’t come here?”

Murong Ruo was also surprised and said, “Is it your message to the palace?”

Duanmu Rou said: “I don’t want to, but there is no other way to eat the king and loyalty to the king.”

Now that the world is determined, there are not many opportunities for merit. He heard that Murong Ruo had infiltrated Jinyang City, and immediately contacted Duanmu Injury. However, the two were trying to get Murong Ruo’s first rank and invited Murong Yan for credit.

Today, Murong Yan went to the chanting building, and Duanmu was accompanied to protect him, but Duanmurou took the Duanmu family in secret. Leng Feiyan intentionally let go of Tibetan songs, and they didn’t show up, just to let Tibetan songs find Murong Ruo.

Sure enough, the Tibetan song found Murong Ruo, and after telling the story of singing Jinglou, he knew that Jinyang City would martial law immediately. At that time, the Guards searched from house to house. How can a face like Murong Ruo avoid it?

Had to ask Master Xuezhan again for help. Duanmu Rou is willing, the greater the involvement, the greater the contribution of the Duanmu family. As for who died under the sword, that was not his concern. Regardless of rivers, lakes, or court halls, which family name is not blood-stained, bone-laying foundations?

However, Xue Zhan didn’t plan to keep Murong Ruo. They stopped them when they went down.

If there is no other head, just take this one. Murong Ruo’s head is still a bit heavy.

If Murong only has four or five loyal guards around, this time it will be difficult to enter the city. How can he bring more people?

At this moment he glanced at Tibetan songs, and his heart was a little flustered. Tibetan song frowns, and he has no time to ask questions about coldness. He has lost a lot of weight these days, and hatred and love are deposited in his heart. Only occasionally thinking of the girl in the border town can make him warm and happy.

But it turned out to be false, the man tore off the mask in front of him, exposing the sloppy face below.

He clenched the sword in his hand and said softly, “You protect your Highness, go first.”

Several guards agreed, and Duanmu Rou slowly said, “How can it be so easy? His head must be left,” he glanced at, and said, “the head of the second son of Tibet must be left.

After all, the sword in his hand was like a rainbow, coming from the wind.

Between the leaves and bamboos of Songtao in Fachang Temple, the stubbles splashed and flying leaves hurt people. More than ten experts from the Duanmu family besieged seven people including Murong Ruo. Soon the guard was injured, Murong Ruo was afraid to come forward with a sword. His skill like that, can not walk five moves in Duanmu Rou’s hands.

Tibetan songs gradually overflowed with sweat beads. He was not Duanmu Rou’s opponent, but now he has to protect Murong Ruo, just like worse. Seeing that it was a mortal situation, if Murong turned around, he would run up the mountain—only up the mountain, asking Master Xuezhan for help, maybe there is a way to live!

Duanmu Rou was afraid that he would escape, and several times he wanted to break the Tibetan sword’s sword net. However, Tibetan Song exhausted his efforts and even fought with him for a while. When Murong ran far, he could no longer maintain that speed and strength, and was stabbed into the right chest by Duanmu Rou.

Tibetan song snorted, and Duanmu Rou was about to seal his throat with a sword. In fact, something came out of the air and went straight to his vitality! He had to hold his sword against each other, one turned, and the other did not know when it had reached his waist. Duanmurou was shocked with cold sweat, and hurried back to block the sword. Although the sword returned quickly, he was already a little bit embarrassed and no longer a master.

Who is this guy?

He looked intently, and the man in his face was covered in black with a veil from head to toe-is this snow-capped?

He was horrified in his heart that the sword in his hand had weakened a bit, and he was forced to lose his square inch within three or five strokes of the opponent. Fortunately, a Duanmu family came to support at this time. Duanmu Rou was about to ask who was coming, but the other party didn’t tell him more, pulling up the Tibetan songs on the ground, several ups and downs, disappeared between the pine forests.

Someone wanted to chase up, and Leng Buding was sieved by the other with a hidden weapon. The mountains and trees were turbulent, and the Duanmu family dared not chase them. Duanmu Rou Shen Shen said: “It doesn’t matter if you hide the song, go after Rong Ruo!”

More than a dozen experts promised to go up the stairs to follow Rongruo.

On the hundreds of stone steps, in front of the temple gate of Fachang Temple, seeing that Murong had no more life, Master Xuezhan had to slowly open the temple door. Murong Ruo almost jumped into the ground and rushed in: “Master!”

Xuezhan sighed slowly and said, “There is a tunnel in the temple, so you can avoid it.”

Murong Ruo thanked him and ignored other things. Under the leadership of a little monk, he sneaked into the tunnel of Fachang Temple. After Duanmu Rou went up the mountain, Xuezhan stood in front of the temple and folded his hands: “Amitabha, the original Duanmu confederate, could not welcome him far away, but forgive me. Now the night is quiet, and several donors visit the temple late at night. Is there anything important? ? “

Duan Murou said: “Master Xue Zhan, the inverse party Murong Ruo fled all the way to Fachang Temple, I will chase down the mountain and see him come up, will the master not know?”

Xuezhan said, “Is there such a thing? Lao Na did not see it. If you do n’t believe it, please go to the temple to search. But Fachang Temple is a thousand-year-old temple, and it has always been worshipped by the heavenly family. It can be searched. How many donors do you have in the North Korean Central Committee now that you are against the CCP? “

Duanmu Rou stunned, Xue Zhan said, “Which adult please show your seal?”

Duanmu said angrily, “You are so powerful!”

Xue Zhan folded her hands again and chanted the Buddha’s name: “It seems that the lord will not come by the Emperor’s order?”

Duanmu Rou said: “My Duanmu family now holds the bull ears of the martial arts, grabbing an inverse party, what kind of seal should I show? Doesn’t Master Xuezhan know me?”

Master Xuezhan refused to let it go, saying, “That being said, Fachang Temple is a place to talk about the king’s law after all. How can any river or lake person search and search?”

Duanmu Rou said, “So it seems that the master has to teach me how to do it?”

Master Xuezhan said, “Don’t dare to be.”

Duanmu Rou’s brows were slightly wrinkled. This Master Xuezhan is almost rare this year. If you talk about internal force, is anyone here really his opponent? If you lose, it is not only your face that is damaged, but whether you can live is a problem.

He gritted his teeth and turned to the confidant behind him: “Go back and ask your Majesty.”

The other party promised and went down the mountain.

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