Descent of the Demon Master

Chapter 844: Beaten Up (4)

“I’m not sure I follow, sir,” said Yi Myeong-Hwan.

Kang Jin-Ho’s smirk deepened. “I’m trying to say you’ll find many opportunities to fight.”


“Theories and knowledge mean nothing if you fail to engrave them to your body. Let's say there is a man in this world with knowledge of military tactics and strategies to completely dominate everyone under the heavens. What will happen if this person is never given an opportunity to command an army?”

“Uh… That person will never be good at being a commander?”

“Yes, something like that,” Kang Jin-Ho theatrically nodded away. “It’s the same story for martial artists. The more we fight, the better it is for us. The more you spar or duel, the stronger you’d get. It’s just that you don’t get many opportunities to do that.”

“B-but, sir. We only mastered the basics,” Yi Myeong-Hwan urgently raised his voice.

“Basics are enough,” Kang Jin-Ho replied curtly. “It all connects as one in the end. Martial arts are instruments meant to make us stronger. Fighting against someone stronger than you will help you discover ways to overcome adversity. Once the will of the martial arts aligns with the martial artist's will… Your martial arts will naturally progress to the next stage.”


“I'm sure you don't get it. However, do not worry so much. It's not that complicated. Your body will learn it soon enough. The eras of constant strife and warfare found in history books should be called the Dark Ages of Martial Arts since you wouldn't have gotten much time to diligently polish your skills. The logic says your skill level will deteriorate if you're constantly fighting instead of taking time to cultivate.”

Kang Jin-Ho stopped talking and smirked strangely.

“However, it's the other way around in reality. As wars raged on, Gangho continued to develop and grow more… prosperous. Countless unimaginably powerful experts appeared, and many new, exciting martial arts were born, too. We humans subconsciously try to find the most optimal routes for ourselves. And now, we're going to help you find those routes.”

Yi Myeong-Hwan couldn't make heads or tails of what Kang Jin-Ho said. However, he kind of accepted it, anyway. Not because he was smart enough to figure everything out, though!

‘When has our Assembly Master tried to make us understand, anyway?’

This was how Kang Jin-Ho operated since the Demon Flames started mastering the demonic arts. Instead of properly explaining something, didn't he yell, ‘You’ll know when you master it!’ to everyone here?

Crucially, though, he was proven right in the end.

So, Kang Jin-Ho should be right this time as well! At least, he must be right. If he was wrong, Yi Myeong-Hwan and Co. would howl in sorrow at the unfairness of this situation!

Yi Myeong-Hwan soullessly turned around to face Vator. “...Sir? I'll be in your care. Please take good care of me.”


Craaaaack! Pop!

The chilling noise of Vator clenching his fist echoed so vividly within the auditorium. Even though it would’ve been so much better if it hadn’t!

“I should be saying that! So! I will be in your care!”

“...Of course, sir.”

Yi Myeong-Hwan’s expression grew hollow. While making eyes of a dead fish, he… unwillingly charged at Vator.


In the present day, inside the Martial Assembly's conference room...

“We’ll leave the Demon Flames like that for now,” said Kang Jin-Ho.

“Understood, sir.”

Lee Hyeon-Su was busy recording Kang Jin-Ho's orders on his notebook PC. The sounds of plastic keys tapping away sounded rather crisp and refreshing. Even if the person pressing said keys was making an uncharacteristically tense face!

“Let’s leave them to Vator for the time being. We have other things to focus on, after all.”

“You can count on me, master!” Vator nodded weightily.

Kang Jin-Ho turned his head and looked at someone else. “Wiggins?”

“Yes, my lord!” Wiggins smartly replied, his attitude also overflowing with solemn determination.

“How is the recruitment going?”

“It's still ongoing, my lord. We have gathered about 90% of the people we need. Once the remaining 10% has been recruited, we will immediately start with their training.”

“Wouldn’t it cause an overlap with the pupils you’ve been teaching already?”

“I’ll manage it, my lord.”

“By yourself alone? Do you think you can do it?”

“With the Chevalier’s assistance, yes, I can. And Lee Hyeon-Su will also assist me depending on the subject matter.”

“Lee Hyeon-Su, you say…?” Kang Jin-Ho glanced at Lee Hyeon-Su. He could see the latter gulp back nervously. “Hmm. You think he can be of help?”

Wiggins nodded. “I found a fairly sensible Korean proverb recently, my lord.”

“Oh? What is it?”

“Even dog poo can be used in medicine if necessary.”

“...Indeed, that sure is a sagacious observation.”

Lee Hyeon-Su's expression crumpled in an instant. Even though he had sacrificed so much of himself until now! How could these two men treat him like dog excrement! He dearly wanted to protest this injustice but couldn't.

Since they weren’t wrong, at least in the topic they were talking about, Lee Hyeon-Su had no choice but to keep his mouth shut.

Wiggins continued to explain. “We'll be splitting the group into two, my lord. One part will deal with warriors using Western swordsmanship. The other part will be all about magic users… Mages, in other words. If they can be nurtured successfully as we've planned, they will undoubtedly become a dependable pillar of our combat force.”

“Hmm…” Kang Jin-Ho slowly nodded away. ‘Mages, is it…?’

If he was being honest, Kang Jin-Ho held a negative view of magic. If Wiggins hadn't wasted time trying to master magic and focused exclusively on swordsmanship, he could've been twice as strong as he was currently.

That was why Kang Jin-Ho's interest in magic had waned after a while. To him, being able to use subspace to store his swords in there was everything he needed from magic.

However, his thoughts gradually changed in recent times.

‘For sure, when it comes to running an organization… Magic can be very useful.’

The advantage of magic wasn't how destructive it was, but with its incredible versatility. As an example, didn't magic play a crucial role in rescuing Kang Jin-Ho from the jaws of death earlier?

To someone like Kang Jin-Ho, who obsessively pursued individual strength, magic didn't seem to hold much utility. However, in terms of boosting the Martial Assembly's tactical maneuverability…

Magic could improve the organization’s mobility and versatility to unprecedented levels.

Kang Jin-Ho glanced at Wiggins. “Very well. I’ll leave it to you.”

“Yes, my lord!”

“However…” Kang Jin-Ho quickly put a slight damper on Wiggins’ enthusiastic response. “It’s fine to master a new system of martial arts. But do not take too long and put us in a bind.”

“Understood, my lord. I will not.”

“Train them quickly so that they can be deployed as soon as possible. I’ll give you everything you need in their training.”

“Thank you, my lord. Since you've brought that topic up, I'd like to discuss something with you.”

“I see. What is it?”

“Perhaps later…?”

Kang Jin-Ho nodded in acceptance. Wiggins was the type to voice what was in his mind. Since he didn't this time, there must be a good reason.

Rather than digging further to get to the truth, Kang Jin-Ho opted to change the topic, instead. “Do we have a lot of people wishing to learn magic?”

“Yes, my lord. Actually, it’s more than we initially bargained for.”

“Hmm?” Kang Jin-Ho cocked an eyebrow, somewhat intrigued by that revelation.

The Martial Assembly should be an organization with nearly zero compatibility with stuff like magic. So, to hear the number of applicants was higher than expected?

“Sir, you could say this is unsurprising.” Lee Hyeon-Su suddenly butted in.

“Unsurprising? How so?”

“It’s because the Assembly has plenty of people like me, you see?” Lee Hyeon-Su grinned cheerily. “The Martial Assembly began its life as a literal assembly of many smaller sects and schools. In many cases, those sects are maintained through blood relations. In other words, quite a few martial artists here didn’t become one because they wanted to. You could say they have been forced into continuing the family business regardless of their innate talent or desire.”

Kang Jin-Ho inexplicably felt frustrated while listening to that explanation. Didn't that sound like being forced into training?

“Considering this and that, some people are simply not born for the profession of… Well, I'm not sure if what we are even qualifies as a profession. And it's true many people are satisfied with this job, but… The point is, some people are not born for martial arts, sir.”

“I’m sure that’s the case,” Kang Jin-Ho contemplatively nodded.

Lee Hyeon-Su briefly stopped typing away and gulped down a cup of water.

“Such people would’ve found alternative employment if they had been a part of the surface world. However, such a thing is impossible in the Assembly. Yes, some have managed to leave the path of martial arts and found another calling, but… But most don’t want that. If they could utilize their improved physical capabilities on the surface world, that would certainly open a lot more options, but the martial world strictly forbids that. If we break that down…”

Kang Jin-Ho shook his head. “No, no need. I get it.”

There was no need to hear the rest, as he could guess just fine.

Young folks hoping to become pro athletes must give up on their academic ambitions and solely focus on their chosen field of sport. However, even if hopefuls were supported by innate talent and had put in the bone-breaking effort, only a few could become successful pro athletes. The rest would end up as failures.

Dealing with these people's lack of alternative career paths was already seen as a society-wide problem.

Those who ignored all the other options and focused solely on one thing but still failed in the end… would not be able to do anything else. And the Assembly members with little to no talent in martial arts must be stuck in a similar situation.

Continuously trying to master martial arts when you were talentless was a torture. After all, your skills never improved no matter how much effort you put in. And you had to watch others who started way after you easily surpass you and get so much further ahead.

In that case, the next logical course of action was to abandon the path of martial arts and find another way to live. However, what could these people do when they hadn't received proper formal education?

Lee Hyeon-Su continued to explain. “For now, the Assembly strictly forbids such people from getting involved with the criminal underworld, but it's still a serious problem, sir. But now, another avenue to become stronger has opened up. This opportunity must be like a godsend for them.”

“Mm, I see.” Kang Jin-Ho nodded again to express his acceptance.

“Sir, I personally believe we shouldn't stop there. The Assembly members should also receive basic education and some kind of training on various other professional skills at the same time…”

“Mm… I don’t think now is the right time to discuss that, Lee Hyeon-Su,” said Kang Jin-Ho in a firm, assertive voice. Lee Hyeon-Su nodded and backed off.

‘For sure, he’s changed.’

This matter involved welfare, so Kang Jin-Ho of not too long ago would've shown some level of interest. But not today's Kang Jin-Ho. He was decisive in cutting Lee Hyeon-Su off.

It meant his decision-making and focus had become sharper and clearer.

“Lee Hyeon-Su, support Wiggins as much as possible. And do it fast, too.”

“My lord. Since we’re on this topic, I must inform you that we need more funds.”

“More funds?” Kang Jin-Ho tilted his head.

“Yes. Magic craft is a different beast altogether compared to Eastern martial arts. To master it, we need to make various preparations, including purchasing physical items such as tools and reagents. Although I've been footing the bill until now, the influx of pupils means we will need more money to continue.”

Kang Jin-Ho turned his head to stare at Lee Hyeon-Ju. “You heard him. Support him.”

“Understood, sir,” Lee Hyeon-Ju coolly nodded without talking back once. There was no need for her to argue back, after all.

The Martial Assembly's finances were quite robust right now. No, forget robust, it was positively overflowing at the moment! By retrieving all the cash that had been spread around in less-than-honorable methods and centralizing the flow of funds, the Assembly's safes were now filled to the brim with more money than anyone could count. Figuratively speaking, of course.

Such was the amount of accumulated wealth that where they should spend this money next was about to become a genuine concern soon!

Lee Hyeon-Su tutted. “Huh. If we have too much money rotting away in our safes, how about increasing the limit of special activities funds?”

Lee Hyeon-Ju sharply glared at him. “I don’t remember saying you’re forbidden from drawing funds for special activities? As a matter of fact, I told you that you can request any amount as long as you state the purpose and bring us the invoice afterward.”

“What’s the point of special activities funds if there is a paper trail?!”

“Mister Lee, don't become a politician because you'll create a massive scandal. Please keep it in moderation.”

“Urgh…” Lee Hyeon-Su grimaced and looked away.

He knew he was no match for Lee Hyeon-Ju now. Besides, she was right. Right now, they had to be transparent with the cash flow.

Kang Jin-Ho ignored the two and shifted his attention elsewhere. “...Chang Min?”

“Yes, my liege!” Chang Min sharply responded when his name was called out.

“Gather the cult elders. I shall pass down the Mara Blood Flame Qi.”

“F-finally…!” Chang Min shuddered emotionally.

Finally, the time had arrived. For how long had he been waiting in anticipation of this moment? How long had it been since the demon cult had settled in South Korea? Even though much time had passed, the demon emperor did not hand down the promised top-tier demonic cultivation.

Although no one had said it out loud, dissatisfaction had been bubbling up steadily within the demon cult's ranks. The news of the Koreans mastering it first didn't help matters, either.

The dissatisfaction of the demon cult believers was more or less understandable, though. They crossed the ocean just for the promise of this new demonic cultivation, after all.

But they were thrust into construction sites instead while some random Koreans got to master the promised demonic arts first. How could they not be pissed off in that case?

If it hadn't been for Kang Jin-Ho's charisma and the status he held among the cult believers, a bloody pandemonium or two would've unfolded already.

Kang Jin-Ho slightly narrowed his eyes. “Have there been any incidents involving cult believers?”

Chang Min urgently waved his hands in denial. Unfortunately for him, though… Kang Jin-Ho didn’t believe him.

The clarification came from Lee Hyeon-Su instead.

“Sir. The number of minor incidents is too numerous to count, but those can still be excused to some degree. The real problem had been two larger-scale conflicts between the camps. I believe we need to come up with a solution for this situation as soon as possible.”

“I see. Looks like they have gotten complacent,” Kang Jin-Ho muttered coldly. “Causing trouble because they now have some leeway to get distracted? If the same thing happens again after the training starts… I shall hold you and the rest of the elders responsible, Chang Min.”

“We shall abide by your ruling, my liege!”

Kang Jin-Ho unhesitantly got up from the seat of honor. “Let’s conclude our meeting here. We’ve been dragging it out long enough.”

“Thank you for your hard work, everyone.”

“Nice work, everyone…”

Just as the meeting's participants began exchanging goodbyes, Kang Jin-Ho suddenly raised his voice.


Vator froze still in the middle of standing up, his cheeks visibly trembling.

Kang Jin-Ho roared, “Let’s go!”


When Kang Jin-Ho unhesitantly turned around and headed to the training area, Vator forced his unwilling body to follow, his steps tottering and lifeless.

Lee Hyeon-Su could swear that he had never seen a man with such a huge, imposing back looking so small and pitiful until today.

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