Descent of the Demon Master

Chapter 847: Intimidate (2)

“So, you’ve been doing whatever the hell you felt like, huh?” Hwang Jeong-Hu loudly tutted away.

“I guess so,” Kang Jin-Ho chuckled gently.

What Hwang Jeong-Hu said could be construed as rude, but Kang Jin-Ho had no problem accepting it with a smile on his face. After all, this man had the qualifications to be rude. He was the one and only Hwang Jeong-Hu, wasn’t he?

“I’m simply charging ahead as I see fit, Chairman.”

“Tsk, tsk… Your subordinates must be sweating bullets because of you. Am I right?”

Kang Jin-Ho chuckled again.

He recently realized how incredible Hwang Jeong-Hu was as a person and a leader. Only after becoming the head of a large organization called the Martial Assembly did Kang Jin-Ho learn the difficulty of leading so many lives and ensuring their survival.

Kang Jin-Ho always respected Hwang Jeong-Hu as a great man. But the degree of his respect went up massively in recent days.

The previous respect was about how Hwang Jeong-Hu had managed to leave behind a historic achievement in his chosen field of profession. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say Kang Jin-Ho's respect toward Hwang Jeong-Hu was vague and not all that well-defined. However, getting the first-hand experience transformed that vague feeling into something far more vivid and real.

“Okay, so…” Hwang Jeong-Hu muttered while picking up his coffee cup.


That coffee cup could be described as antique or unfashionable, depending on who you asked. Still, Hwang Jeong-Hu didn't seem to care as he gulped the hot drink down.

“...Chairman? Isn’t that coffee hot?”

“Well, you are also old… No, wait. You were old. Uh, mm… You were old once. Yes.” Hwang Jeong-Hu frowned slightly as if he still hadn’t gotten used to it.

Then again, who could blame him for having a hard time getting used to the fact that this young man before his eyes was older than him in reality?

It wasn’t as if Hwang Jeong-Hu refused to accept this situation. It was just that "normalizing" this situation was where he had been stumbling somewhat. After all, humans were visually driven animals.

“Well, it doesn’t matter,” Hwang Jeong-Hu roughly scratched his head. “Okay, so. You probably didn’t come here to shoot the breeze. Am I right?”

Kang Jin-Ho and Jo Gyu-Min showed up in the morning without any announcement, which flustered Hwang Jeong-Hu somewhat. Although he recovered enough to brew some coffee for his guests, Hwang Jeong-Hu still felt a bit taken aback by this development, so he continued to stare at Kang Jin-Ho with unreadable eyes.

‘The original Jin-Ho is one hell of a big fish, isn’t he?’

In the past, Hwang Jeong-Hu wouldn't have felt this way just because Kang Jin-Ho suddenly showed up at his doorway. Back then, he viewed Kang Jin-Ho as an enigma who also required his guidance like a grandson.

But now? This Kang Jin-Ho had grown into too big of a fish, and Hwang Jeong-Hu wasn't sure how to deal with him anymore.

‘And I thought of him as my potential successor, too!’

Once upon a time, not too long ago, Hwang Jeong-Hu seriously entertained the idea of installing Kang Jin-Ho as his heir. But that position didn't match Kang Jin-Ho's station anymore.

From what Hwang Jeong-Hu could gather, that Korean Martial Assembly, or whatever it was called, seemed much larger in scale than Jaegyeong. Even the annual revenue should not fall too far behind that of a legitimate corporation like Jaegyeong, too.

If the financial wherewithal was more or less the same… Why would Kang Jin-Ho be interested in another job?

‘Forget a successor… It would’ve been more like a takeover, no?’

Hwang Jeong-Hu cackled to himself.

It seemed his idea would remain as a pipe dream now. If it was Kang Jin-Ho when he knew nothing, Hwang Jeong-Hu might have stood a chance. But now? Kang Jin-Ho should know how extremely stressful it was to lead a large-scale organization. In that case, he'd be less than willing to shoulder another burden called the Jaegyeong Corporation.

Kang Jin-Ho sipped his coffee while stating his business. “I simply wanted to hear a confirmation from you, Chairman.”

“Confirmation? On what?”

“To find out I’m doing the right thing.”

“Mm? I thought you no longer have any doubts?”

“Yes, I don’t,” Kang Jin-Ho slowly nodded. “I have zero doubts, but that doesn’t mean I can do whatever I feel like. I need someone to offer their objective opinion.”

“Don’t you have Chief Jo for that?”

Kang Jin-Ho and Hwang Jeong-Hu both turned their heads to stare at Jo Gyu-Min.

The Chief of the Secretaries panicked slightly at the weighty gazes of two big fish and hurriedly and animatedly waved his hands. “I, I'm not qualified enough for that, Chairman!”

Hwang Jeong-Hu tutted loudly. “Tsk, tsk. What a disappointment you are.”

“I’m sorry, sir. But that’s the truth…”

“You don’t even have the eyes to see if the organization is running properly, yet you still dare show up to work? You salary thief!”

“But I thought… I’ve been pulling my weight, though…” Jo Gyu-Min cowered and looked away to avoid meeting Hwang Jeong-Hu’s burning glare.

‘Gee, whiz. I thought you were supposed to get mellower with age.'

It was about time Hwang Jeong-Hu’s age caught up with him, but he still seemingly boasted virility and energy that put much younger men to shame!

“I'm telling you, you can trust no one in this world!” Hwang Jeong-Hu laughed loudly before glancing back at Kang Jin-Ho. “So… Confirmation from me, is it?”

“Yes,” Kang Jin-Ho nodded.

“Here's the deal, though,” Hwang Jeong-Hu grinned deeply. “How many people in this world can legitimately say they are 100% sure of what they are doing?”


Kang Jin-Ho realized he didn’t have a choice but to agree with that assertion.

“It's dangerous for a businessman to be 100% convinced of something. Sure, such conviction can stoke the flames of your passion nicely, but it can also give you tunnel vision. You could end up missing the warning signs of impending dangers and failures. Don't forget, you need to inspect the bridge over and over again before crossing it.”

“But… Chairman, you don’t do that, though.”

“...Me? I don’t?”

“Yes. You don’t.”

Hwang Jeong-Hu's unofficial nickname was the Human Bulldozer. Wasn't he the man who'd go all-in on something if he thought it was the right thing to do? Even if it meant the survival of his corporation hung in the balance?! His unstoppable drive and focus were highly regarded not just in the financial world, but also by the rest of the Korean populace.

“Hmm, that. Well, that’s a bit different, you know…” Hwang Jeong-Hu slowly scratched his chin. “I’m not bulldozing my way through something because I’m convinced about it. It’s more like… I fear that things will go south if I fail at this. You get what I mean?”

“Well, no. I don’t think I follow.”

“You want me to explain it…?”

As the chat progressed, even Jo Gyu-Min leaned forward in anticipation and waited for what Hwang Jeong-Hu would say next.

What was the biggest difference between Hwang Jeong-Hu and other successful business leaders? That would be how he never boasted about how he succeeded in life.

Those who viewed themselves as a success story would love to regale anyone nearby with how they ‘made it’ if given half a chance. However, Hwang Jeong-Hu didn’t obsess over his past. Such things as past glories didn’t exist in his mind.

That meant people in his circle of acquaintances didn’t have to sit through yet another torture session, AKA stories from the past, for the umpteenth time. But that also meant no one got to hear how Hwang Jeong-Hu made it to the top from the man himself.

“Everyone these days thinks Jaegyeong’s rise was a relatively smooth one. But that’s not true. In the early days, we faced several crises. Even as we rose to the top, too. Some of those incidents were grave enough to utterly destroy us.”

“Yes, I’m sure that was the case,” Kang Jin-Ho slowly nodded.

“With the era being what it was… Everyone had to crawl their way out of the mud at the bottom back then. If someone missed their timing, others would struggle like crazy to seize that gap. That was how things were like in those days…” Hwang Jeong-Hu quietly muttered, his gaze drifting along in the empty air.

He was probably not staring at the clean white walls of his office but recalling the memories from his younger days instead.

“That was why we simply had to be adventurous. A ship without momentum is bound to sink, you see? You gotta keep rowing forward or else. But that era has come and gone now. Wouldn't you agree?”


“Listen, Jin-Ho. I'm not saying you mustn't change, that you must stay the same forever. No, you gotta change. And also carry the momentum forward. But that momentum must never morph into obstinacy and conceit, okay? You should courageously forge ahead, knowing you're on the right track. However, you must never discard that hint of doubt in your mind, that you could be mistaken.”

“Mm… I think I understand what you’re trying to say,” Kang Jin-Ho solemnly nodded. However…

‘Huh. You don’t look like you understood anything, though?’

Hwang Jeong-Hu frowned slightly. He could tell just by looking at the fire burning in Kang Jin-Ho’s eyes. A man with such conviction and confidence usually didn’t know when or how to apply brakes. Kang Jin-Ho would most likely not stop no matter what was said here.

‘...Well, I’m sure it’ll be a good lesson.’

Hwang Jeong-Hu ended up grinning away. People who didn’t know when to apply brakes were bound to taste bitter failures. That didn’t mean cautiously feeling one’s way forward in fear of failure was the correct answer, either.

In the end, whether it was in life or in business… One learned through failures. It was the same story for Hwang Jeong-Hu, as he also had to taste numerous failures throughout his life.

The public might only remember him as a man of success, but his failures easily outnumbered the success stories. Through his failures, he learned to put in more effort. Those failures became his stepping stone to rise up even higher.

As long as a person had the requisite drive and will, even failures would become indispensable help.

‘I… envy him.’

Hwang Jeong-Hu was suddenly reminded of how old he had become.

People of advanced age weren't afraid of failure because they couldn't bear to lose what was theirs. No, it was far more than that. It was because they instinctively realized they didn't have the strength or will to stand back up after failure had knocked them down. They were not young anymore, after all.

That was why Hwang Jeong-Hu was genuinely envious of Kang Jin-Ho. Even though Kang Jin-Ho had lived far longer than Hwang Jeong-Hu, he still had not lost his passion.

While looking at those passionate eyes that could only belong to a young man, Hwang Jeong-Hu sensed the dying embers of the flame deep in his chest gradually rekindle again.

“Listen, Jin-Ho. Keep your ears open at all times,” said Hwang Jeong-Hu.

“Mm? When you say my ears…?”

“If you wish to know whether you’re on the right track or not, keep your ears open and listen. Don’t gag other people and let them speak. You must listen to everything they say, and if they are right, you gotta be prepared to follow through. As long as you stick to those two things… I’m sure you won’t stray from your path.”

‘Although, that’s the hardest part…’

Successful people becoming obstinate and self-absorbed was as predictable as a new top-of-the-line phone range being released every year.

A business leader would discuss and consult with countless people before making their decisions. They would run their business accordingly and… become successful in the process. Imagine this process repeating itself a few more times.

That business leader would gradually get lost in the notion that they were always right.

You couldn’t even call them out for being idiots. Because they were right, after all. Their success was all the proof needed.

After going through this situation repeatedly, the leader would place more and more importance on their opinion and make light of everyone else's.

...And then, they would fall to the pits of Hell.

Only the extreme few who were indeed right all along and never dismissed other people’s views despite their continued successes could stand on top as the real success stories. Obviously, that wouldn’t be easy.

It'd never be easy for a man wielding power to listen to other people's advice. There was a reason why countless philosophers throughout history strongly argued that anyone could become a wise ruler by listening to others.

However, just how many kings and queens in history books were qualified enough to be called wise rulers?

Indeed, it would not be easy. However, Hwang Jeong-Hu believed Kang Jin-Ho should be able to pull it off.

When Hwang Jeong-Hu first met Kang Jin-Ho, the latter already possessed unimaginable abilities. Even then, he knew how to listen to others.

Yes, Kang Jin-Ho was haughty and a bit bizarre, but that didn’t stop him from trying to form bridges with other people and earnestly listening to offered advice.

“Staying true to your original intentions will become the hardest thing in the world soon. It might sound like a cliché, but there is a reason why it became a cliché in the first place.”

Kang Jin-Ho coolly nodded. “I’ll keep that in mind, Chairman.”

“Of course you will.” Hwang Jeong-Hu smiled like a benevolent sage while nodding along.

‘Now that I think about it… It’s been a long while, hasn’t it?’

Hwang Jeong-Hu suddenly realized that lately, it was him receiving valuable advice from Kang Jin-Ho and not the way around like today. Starting from the matters of his ungrateful sons to the establishment of the welfare foundation… Didn't Hwang Jeong-Hu change his mind after listening to Kang Jin-Ho's advice?

Now that an opportunity to offer his wisdom had come around once more, Hwang Jeong-Hu’s mood improved rapidly. It was as if the old relationship dynamics had been restored.

‘Heh. Maybe I can talk Jin-Ho into taking over Jaegyeong, too?’

Kang Jin-Ho must be mind-numbingly busy with the Martial Assembly's matters, but a chance to swallow up a corporation of Jaegyeong's scale didn't come around every day. So, if Hwang Jeong-Hu used his gift of gab to…

That was when Kang Jin-Ho suddenly raised his voice. “By the way, there's one other topic we must discuss, Chairman.”

“Ng?” Hwang Jeong-Hu tilted his head slightly.

Kang Jin-Ho silently signaled with his eyes, prompting Jo Gyu-Min to push forward a pile of documents toward Hwang Jeong-Hu.

Hwang Jeong-Hu tilted his head even more. “...What’s this?”

“I requested Chief Jo to compile a report on the current state of things for me,” said Kang Jin-Ho.

“Current state of things?”

“Yes. Regarding the foundation’s launch, of course.”


So, that was what this business was all about. That thing was… a report. Yes, a report made by a junior worker to a senior!

‘...Isn’t this situation a bit weird?’

Indeed, didn't this scene look like Hwang Jeong-Hu was about to make a report of his activities to his boss, Kang Jin-Ho? Wasn't that a bit…

“Chairman,” Kang Jin-Ho quietly called out to Hwang Jeong-Hu.


“Can you explain to us why the foundation's launch has been delayed?”

“…!” Hwang Jeong-Hu briefly forgot what to say after noticing the subtly-sharp look in Kang Jin-Ho’s eyes.

Even Jo Gyu-Min was sticking close to Kang Jin-Ho to wait for Hwang Jeong-Hu’s explanation like a hawk.

“W-well, that is…” Hwang Jeong-Hu’s gaze urgently wandered all over the place.

‘Hah. Looks like I’ve raised a tiger cub… No, an ancient tiger!’

A businessman with many years under his belt began his first-ever report in a trembling voice.

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