Desert’s Evening Star: The Rise of Lapis D. Hala

Journey To Coleus

With this group, Hala set out on the path to Coleus, her mind filled with the possibilities that awaited her once she recruited the gnome crafters.

The journey from the Lazurite Kingdom to Coleus wasn't an easy one, but for Hala and her companions, the challenges of the desert and the dangers of the wild were mere inconveniences. Riding on Nyra's back, Hala led the way, her mismatched eyes scanning the horizon with calm confidence.

The desert stretched out before them, vast and unyielding, but Hala felt at home here. The golden sands shifted and shimmered under the blazing sun, and the winds whispered ancient secrets that only Najma could hear. The Gypsy leader often rode beside Hala on a sleek black horse, her colorful garments flowing in the wind as she quietly communed with the spirits around them.

They moved swiftly, the Pride Beasts keeping pace with ease, their powerful legs cutting through the dunes. The Elders followed behind on their own mounts, keeping a steady pace as they observed the shifting landscape with quiet reverence.

On the third day of their journey, the tranquility of the desert was suddenly shattered by the thunderous roar of dragons. Five massive sand dragons, their scales glinting in the sun like polished bronze, descended from the sky, their jaws open wide as they prepared to strike.

Hala and her companions came to an abrupt halt, the Pride Beasts growling low in their throats as they prepared to defend their Empress.

Najma's horse reared back, but the Gypsy leader remained calm, her sharp eyes watching the dragons' approach with a mixture of fascination and concern. "Dragons in the desert? That's unusual," she murmured, though there was no fear in her voice.

Faune and Pan remained steady, the Elders glancing at each other with knowing looks. They had seen many things in their time, but even they were impressed by the sheer size and ferocity of the creatures.

But Hala? She barely blinked.

Sitting atop Nyra, Hala gave the approaching dragons a lazy grin. "Dragons, huh? Haven't fought one of those yet." She lifted her hand, her fingers crackling with indigo energy. With a flick of her wrist, she summoned the power of the cosmos, her magic surging through her like a tidal wave of raw energy.

"Let's make this quick."

Before the dragons could even reach them, Hala snapped her fingers. In an instant, the sky darkened as an enormous bolt of indigo lightning shot down from the heavens, striking the lead dragon square in the chest. The dragon let out a deafening roar as it was incinerated mid-air, its body turning to ash before it even hit the ground.

The remaining dragons barely had time to react. Hala snapped her fingers again—once, twice, three times—each motion accompanied by a powerful strike of indigo lightning. One by one, the dragons fell, their massive forms collapsing into the sand, smoke rising from their charred bodies.

It was over in seconds.

Hala yawned, her expression completely nonchalant. "Well, that was fun. Let's keep moving."

For a moment, the rest of her group was silent, stunned by what they had just witnessed. Though they had always known Hala was powerful, the ease with which she had taken down five dragons—creatures that would normally require an entire army to defeat—was something else entirely.

Najma was the first to speak, her voice low and thoughtful. "You don't even realize how powerful you've become, do you?"

Hala glanced at her, raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean? I just took care of a few oversized lizards. No big deal."

Najma shook her head, a smile playing at the corners of her lips. "To you, it's nothing. But to the rest of us… you just took down five dragons with the snap of your fingers, Hala. That kind of power—"

"Is extraordinary," Faune finished, her voice filled with awe. "The way you wield magic, the ease with which you do so… it's like nothing I've seen in my lifetime."

Even Nyra, who had grown accustomed to Hala's strength, glanced back at her rider with something akin to reverence. "You're more than just strong, Empress," the lioness rumbled. "You're a force of nature. It's awe-inspiring. Are you by any chance a saint rank human?"

'Why are they making such a big deal out of this?' Hala thought to herself. 'They were just lesser dragons.'

"Answer. Dragons are regarded as a formidable race overall. Even the weakest dragons are classified at least as B+ rank. Most adventurers who are ranked B would struggle to even scratch their scales, let alone defeat them."

'Ah. OK yeah. Makes sense why they are drop-jawed. But...'

Hala shrugged, still not fully understanding the weight of what she had just done. "Eh, no. I'm not human. Besides that, we've got bigger things to worry about. Like getting to Coleus."

But they weren't going to leave that little tidbit go unanswered.

""""Whaaat?!"""" They all yelled at the same time, making Hala look at them strangely.

'Maybe the heat is getting to them?' She squinted in concern. 'They look fine, though.'

"Empress, what do you mean you're not human?"

"Not human? But you look and smell..."

"That is hard to believe, Hala."


Hala sighed, realizing they weren't letting it go until she elaborated. "Yeah, I'm not human. I'm..." scrunching her eyebrow in thought. She realized she had no idea what she was. Devil fruit doesn't change a person's race. Probably. So, she couldn't say she was a demonic angel or something, right? 'Hmm.'

'Hey Thoth, since you were a creation of my Nent, do you know what race I am? Strangely all I know is that I am not human.'

"Answer. Your species is termed a Cosmic Daemon. These entities exist in a realm between deities and mortals, characterized as souls that have lingered excessively in the void, coming into contact with substantial cosmic or divine energies. The birth of Cosmic Daemons is an exceedingly rare event due to the specific conditions required. Typically, they assume the appearance of the race they were most closely associated with prior to their rebirth, which explains your human-like form."

'Huh. So, I'm a cosmic daemon. That sounds pretty badass.' Looking back at the group, she simply said, "I'm a type of cosmic being. I won't elaborate any more on that."

With the dragons reduced to mere smoldering remnants in the sand, and a crowd of onlookers murmuring about their Empress's teasing ways, Hala pressed on towards the kingdom of Coleus, humming "Pocket Full of Sunshine" as she went.


After days of travel, Hala and her companions finally arrived at the Kingdom of Coleus.

The Kingdom of Coleus loomed ahead, its massive oasis cities sparkling in the desert heat like mirages. As Hala and her companions drew nearer, the Long Wall, the massive boundary separating Coleus from the Desert of Death, stretched across the horizon—a testament to the kingdom's role as a shield against the monstrous threats of the Barren Lands.

The transition from the endless dunes of the Barren Lands to the more structured oasis cities of Coleus was stark. Unlike the nomadic lifestyle of many desert tribes, Coleus was a vibrant, fortified kingdom with an economy entirely reliant on the hunting and fighting of monsters. The people here were not just survivors of the desert; they thrived in it. The sunburnt city dwellers, clad in light, exposed clothing suited for the intense heat, were a testament to their resilience and hardened lifestyle.

The streets were bustling with activity. Hala could see Adventurers—far more numerous than regular citizens—marching through the city in small groups, their armor glinting under the harsh sun. It seemed that every able-bodied individual was either preparing to fight monsters or returning from the hunt with spoils to trade. It was no surprise, then, that Coleus was famous for its powerful Champions and warrior elite. Everyone here was connected to the fight for survival, and that fierce mentality was evident in every street corner.

Hala, sitting atop Nyra, her majestic Lunar Pride Beast, drew more than a few stares as they entered the outskirts of Herbaria, the capital city of Coleus. The sight of her group—Nyra, the beautiful Gypsy leader Najma, the Elders Faune and Pan, and the three other Pride Beasts—was unlike anything the inhabitants of Coleus had seen. Despite the desert being filled with creatures of unimaginable power, the presence of Hala and her companions turned heads.

The kingdom's infrastructure stood in contrast to the endless sands. Towering stone and sand brick structures were built around crystal-clear oases, with natural hot springs providing a rare luxury in such an unforgiving land. Hala noted the royal castle rising in the distance, located at the center of Herbaria. However, it wasn't the beauty of the architecture that caught Hala's attention—it was the palpable sense of discomfort that lingered in the air.

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