Desolate Devouring Art

Chapter 46 - Pavilion Master

Chapter 46 - Pavilion Master

Over the next few days, Deacon Lan was tasked with serving Liu Wuxie, which left everyone in the camp stunned. Deacon Lan was a middle-aged man in his forties, and if word got out that he had become Liu Wuxie’s servant, his reputation would surely suffer. But no one mocked Deacon Lan for his decision. Instead, they were envious.

Deacon Hu had also been following Liu Wuxie closely, dropping hints that he wanted to become his disciple. But Liu Wuxie ignored him. Talent was important when choosing a disciple, but so was character.

“Master, it’s getting late. We should be on our way,” Deacon Lan said, having made all the necessary arrangements. Liu Wuxie had spent three days at the Iris Gold Mine and would now be returning to Azure Billow City with ten carts of ore.

“Lan Xu, you guys go first. I’ll return by myself!” Liu Wuxie waved his hand for Deacon Lan to leave first. He wanted to spend some time training in the mountain range and could easily catch up with them later.

As the carriage left the spiritual array, Liu Wuxie gave Xu Yishan the secrets for entering and exiting it. Xu Yishan would be in charge of the spiritual array, and no one could leave the camp without his permission.

Liu Wuxie entered the mountain range once more to hunt demonic beasts, venturing deeper than before.


A second-grade Steel Lizard collapsed onto the ground, its throat slit. The corpse swiftly shriveled, with its essence flowing into Liu Wuxie’s dantian. Because Liu Wuxie kept going deeper, he eventually left the boundaries of the Sunset Mountain Range and came to a halt before a range of towering peaks.

“Time to go back!” By now, Liu Wuxie estimated that the transportation team had passed the Phoenix Roost Gorge. Pushing his movement technique to its limits, he caught up with them in just one day and entered Azure Billow City alongside them. fre(e)

In the past eight days, Lei Tao had visited the Xu Clan daily to inquire about Liu Wuxie’s whereabouts.

This was because the Treasure Pill Pavilion was having a tough time. After all, the sales of the Heavenly Spirit Pill had far exceeded their expectations. In just a few days, they had received countless orders, including orders from nearby cities.

But the Treasure Pill Pavilion didn’t dare to accept the orders because Liu Wuxie was nowhere to be found. This naturally made them feel terrible that they couldn’t bite the meat placed before them.

Liu Wuxie went to see Xu Yilin the moment he returned. When they met, the atmosphere was a little heavy, and Xu Yilin had a hint of concern in his eyes.

“Father-in-law, are they investigating us about the disappearance of the Terrabreak Army?”

Along the way, Deacon Lan had mentioned that the investigation team would arrive in Azure Billow City within these two days, and the four big clans were the main targets of their investigation.

“Yeah. The disappearance of fifty soldiers and a 1,000-Man Commander shocked the Great Yan Dynasty, and they dispatched an investigation team to investigate this matter thoroughly.” Xu Yilin had been concerned about this matter. The disappearance of the Terrabreak Army threw every clan into panic, fearing they might find something. After all, no one in Azure Billow City could bear the fury of the notorious Terrabreak Army.

“When will the investigation team arrive?” Liu Wuxie asked. He needed to make preparations. He wasn’t worried about Deacon Qi and the guards present in the Phoenix Roost Gorge, but he was concerned that the City Lord Mansion would take this opportunity to target the Xu Clan.

“They arrived today and are at the City Lord Mansion now. The investigation will officially begin tomorrow, and we’ll learn more then.” Xu Yilin locked his brows together and looked at Liu Wuxie deeply. He had a feeling that the disappearance of the Terrabreak Army was no accident. In the past few days, he had uncovered some clues. He had learned that the Terrabreak Army had left Azure Billow City and entered the Sunset Mountain Range ten days ago, never to return. All signs pointed to their demise within the mountain range.

“Nothing we can do about it now; we just have to prepare for it,” Liu Wuxie said, trying to comfort Xu Yilin. Worrying excessively would only increase their stress, and Liu Wuxie had a better understanding of the situation than his father-in-law.

“That’s the only thing we can do now. Thanks to you, the Iris Gold Mine’s issue has been resolved, and you should rest.”

When Liu Wuxie returned to his courtyard, he didn’t rest. Instead, he lit up his cauldron to refine Heavenly Spirit Pills. By nightfall, when lamps were lit, he had finished his work and produced more than 200 pills. After reaching the third level of the Xiantian Realm, it was easier for him to refine Heavenly Spirit Pill, and his success rate had increased.

Liu Wuxie changed his clothes and stored the Heavenly Spirit Pills. He had to get rid of Zhou Hu’s interspatial pouch quickly, or it might bring disaster to him. The Treasure Pill Pavilion was already closed, but when Master Huo learned that Liu Wuxie was there, he came out to greet him. Upon seeing Liu Wuxie, Master Huo reacted as if he were seeing a family member and eagerly ushered him into the reception room.

“Young Master Liu, we have been eagerly waiting for your return!” Master Huo looked at Liu Wuxie like a resentful wife. Lei Tao stood to the side, his lip twitching at Master Huo’s enthusiasm.

“I had to leave Azure Billow City for a few days. Here are 200 Heavenly Spirit Pills. Starting today, I will provide 100 Heavenly Spirit Pills daily.” Liu Wuxie rubbed his nose and took out the pills, placing them on the table.

Master Huo’s eyes lit up at the sight of the pills. Over the past few days, experts had threatened them to refine more Heavenly Spirit Pills.

Footsteps echoed through the passage, crisp and clear. It sounded like boots knocking on stone slabs. Master Huo and Lei Tao heard the footsteps and hurried outside to greet the newcomer. “Pavilion Master, you’re here.”

The Pavilion Master of the Treasure Pill Pavilion was an expert in the Marrow Cleansing Realm. He had recently returned from a trip to Imperial City and was already aware of the situation with the Heavenly Spirit Pills. He didn’t blame Master Huo and Lei Tao for signing the contract, as he would have done the same if he were in their position.

The Pavilion Master was in his fifties. He wore a jacket made of tiger leather and boots. He was eight feet tall with distinct facial features. The moment this man came in, his gaze fell on Liu Wuxie. When their eyes met, Liu Wuxie could feel a pressure descending.

Liu Wuxie knew that the Pavilion Master was trying to flex his muscles. After all, it was unprecedented for someone to force the Treasure Pill Pavilion to sign a disadvantageous contract. Although the Treasure Pill Pavilion didn’t suffer any losses, it could greatly damage its reputation if this matter were to spread out.

Master Huo and Lei Tao retreated, not daring to speak.

Liu Wuxie executed the Ghost Eye, relying on his mental energy as an Immortal Emperor to knock the pressure back. The confrontation caused a huge uproar in the room, with the tables and chairs floating in the sky, leaving Master Huo and Lei Tao shocked.

“Young Master Liu, you really live up to your reputation!” The Pavilion Master retracted his gaze, and his facial expression underwent a drastic change. He began to laugh as he sat beside Liu Wuxie, and he looked entirely different from how he was a moment ago.

Lei Tao and Master Huo exchanged a worried look, their foreheads creased with concern. They could tell that the Pavilion Master had tried to assert his dominance and failed. When they looked at Liu Wuxie again, fear was evident in their eyes.

“Liu Wuxie pays his respect to the Pavilion Master!” Liu Wuxie stood up and bowed. He naturally needed to keep his manners.

But the Pavilion Master stopped him from bowing. They seemed to have a close relationship, more like old friends than strangers meeting for the first time.

“My name is Bi Gongyu, and you can address me as Old Bi. Don’t keep calling me Pavilion Master, as it will make us look like two strangers.” The Pavilion Master invited Liu Wuxie to sit down, speaking in a respectful tone. It was unlike him and also shocking for Master Huo and Lei Tao, given that Liu Wuxie’s actions had threatened the interests of the Treasure Pill Pavilion.

They chatted about many things, but Bi Gongyu mentioned nothing about the refining method of the Heavenly Spirit Pill. Liu Wuxie didn’t mention it either, and they chatted happily for an hour.

“Old Bi, it’s getting late, and I don’t want to keep you any longer,” said Liu Wuxie as he stood up. Bi Gongyu, Master Huo, and Lei Tao personally escorted him out of the Heavenly Pill Pavilion.

When they returned to the reception room, Bi Gongyu’s expression darkened. He no longer seemed as friendly as before.

“Pavilion Master, why didn’t you ask about the Heavenly Spirit Pill’s refining method?” Lei Tao asked, puzzled. Since Lei Tao didn’t need Liu Wuxie’s help to treat his injuries, he was less respectful towards him than Master Huo, and he spoke his mind more freely.

“You think I don’t want to know?” replied Bi Gongyu sharply, reclining on a soft bed.

Lei Tao and Master Huo were baffled by his sudden change of attitude. After all, Bi Gongyu cultivated in the Marrow Cleansing Realm and could easily suppress Liu Wuxie with one hand.

“I hope you can explain your reasoning to us, Pavilion Master,” said Master Huo and Lei Tao, looking at Bi Gongyu expectantly. Master Huo had initially wanted to force Liu Wuxie to reveal the refining method for the Heavenly Spirit Pill but had backed down because Liu Wuxie might be the only one capable of treating his condition. So why had Bi Gongyu also chosen to compromise?

“Do you guys know what I saw in his eyes?” Bi Gongyu broke out in a cold sweat, recalling his encounter with Liu Wuxie. When their eyes met, Bi Gongyu knew he had made a mistake. The Ghost Eye nearly took his soul, and it was clear that it was not human.

“What did you see?” Master Huo and Lei Tao asked, knowing very few things could scare Bi Gongyu. Even the Azure Billow City’s City Lord had to be respectful to Bi Gongyu.

“A mountain of corpses and a sea of blood,” Bi Gongyu replied honestly. “Countless skulls were coming towards me, and I felt death approaching. If we had continued to stare at each other, I would have died.” Master Huo and Lei Tao had been Bi Gongyu’s closest friends for years, so he shared his experience with them.

“Is he so terrifying that even the Pavilion Master is afraid of him?!” Lei Tao gasped. He had not interacted much with Liu Wuxie and didn’t understand him. But when he thought back to the events in Wan Clan’s colosseum, he couldn’t help shivering.

Liu Wuxie had calmly baited his enemies, winning a large sum of gold coins and 100 spirit stones step by step. This was not something an ordinary person could achieve.

“Pavilion Master, how was your trip to the Imperial Capital? Can we preserve our position as Treasure Pill Pavilion’s branch?” Master Huo asked. The Treasure Pill Pavilion belonged to the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, and they would set headquarters in each dynasty along with branches in some major cities. But if the profits weren’t optimistic, the branch would be removed.

The Treasure Pill Pavilion in Azure Billow City was struggling while other branches thrived. They had no new pills to offer while other branches were innovating. Bi Gongyu had gone to the Imperial City to try to save their branch.

“For now, but it’s temporary. Our branch is ranked second to last among the other branches in the Great Yan Dynasty, and our annual profits are barely enough to keep us going. If this continues, it will be a matter of time before we’re eliminated.”

The Treasure Pill Pavilion in Azure Billow City was in danger of being closed as it was ranked second to last in the evaluation. The last-ranked branch had already been announced for closure, meaning they were next.

Common pills such as the Energy Condensing Pill could be purchased in every city, and the Treasure Pill Pavilion monopolized the Azure Billow City market. If they wanted to expand their business, relying on the Energy Condensing Pill wasn’t enough.

“Pavilion Master, the Heavenly Spirit Pill might be our opportunity, and we have to seize it.” Master Huo was eager to obtain the Heavenly Spirit Pill’s refining method. As long as he mastered it, the status of their branch would skyrocket.

“Pavilion Master, the investigation team from Imperial City, will start their investigation tomorrow to look into the four big clans. What will happen to us if the Xu Clan is involved?”

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