Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

Chapter 136 - equipment

On the fifteenth floor of Nathan’s Gate, Li Mochen wore a silver-white armor and wore a blue and white sword shadow in a five-meter space around him with a silver-white armor in the Nathan Sports Laboratory’s No. 3 combat test room.

His left hand is not idle, and he is constantly changing gestures to guide the magic of various attributes. So that the newly cast “Lei Xiao” sword body is always wrapped with a trace of blue electric light visible to the naked eye, after his sword speed is at the extreme, it is continuously improved and improved! There are also such as flame shock, freezing Rays, frozen traps, ice reflections, rings of resistance, tributes to fire, hands of flame, lightning strikes, thunderstorms, blessings of the wind and other spells are all hand in hand.

——For these spells up to the fifth level, Li Mochen has been able to save most of the gestures, and he can cast the spell instantly with the sporadic spell he spit out in his mouth.

So just three minutes later, Li Mochen was two meters away, and it was already full of scattered mechanical insects.

This area seems to be a layer of dangerous and impenetrable copper walls and iron walls, excluding those amazing mechanical gold cicadas.


In the observation room, Charlotte, the director of the Nathan Sports Laboratory, couldn’t help but take a breath. “It’s incredible, he hasn’t moved in his place. This guy has actually improved again.”

“Our people have reported to the company two weeks ago that his magical profession has broken through to level 5. But I think the reason he has made such great progress now is more because of his spells.”

Carl Holden is also wearing glasses and observing intently-this is not because of his vision problems, but Li Mochen’s sword speed and the flying speed of those mechanical golden cicadas have exceeded their naked eye limits. Only by wearing this pair of high-tech glasses, can Li Mochen’s Jianguang track be roughly identified.

“It is indeed a lot of progress. Before, the coordination between his swordsmanship and spells was still very jerky, but now there is no such feeling. He has been able to properly integrate these two forces. Especially the two aspects of flame impact and frozen rays. Spells, he can already make instants without imprints and spells. This is really an advantage in fighting games. In this way, we can’t test the data of this custom armor on him. “

After Charlotte finished speaking, he said to an experimenter in a white coat next to him: “Skip 10B and 10A and go directly to the 10S stage.”

The following situation confirmed their guess that even the intensity of 10S only forced Li Mochen to leave the place.

The black-haired teenager walked at a slow and unhurried speed in the combat test room. It seemed to be a leisurely and elegant walk in his back garden.

Five minutes later, Charlotte glanced helplessly at Carl: “11B!”

——11B, this is already the strength of extra-legal level, which is very different from 10S.

In the next moment, a dozen golden lights suddenly flashed in the laboratory. Li Mochen’s eyes flicked, his figure also entered a state of extreme speed, and at the same time, the tip of his sword also revealed a turbulent air.

In the blink of an eye, Li Mochen struck five times in a row, but a moment later, his people were knocked out and flew out of the ground until ten meters away, and then the entire NPC was spread on the ground.

“Some of the components inside the armor are damaged, but his people are okay and the force is extremely small. He should have consumed too much source power—”

“Incredible! We detected three scarab beetles damaged, and he actually cut them.”

“Can you reach the extrajudicial level of speed and damage briefly?”

“The swordsmanship has already been played, and it can be seen that the magic array of the” Lei Xiao “sword is successful. But he is only 5th level? This is already the source strength of the 7th level.”

“Very good! Let the medical staff examine him immediately!”

Charlotte asked several subordinates again: “Is the statistics good? How much has this Gushanjia benefited him?”

“Only some projects have results.”

One of them replied with a bitter smile: “Strength increased by 47%, reaction speed increased by 16%, movement speed at the limit state increased by 20%, source power increased by 35%, magic power An increase of 55%, the endurance and the anti-strike ability of each part could not be tested. The situation just now is very special. “

“It’s better to test again to verify the accuracy of the data.”

Charlotte knew the reason, it was because the sword gas was released, and after a few strokes, Li Mochen was evacuated.

“What about other equipment? Especially the” Lei Xiao “sword-I still want to say, these two names are so strange, the pronunciation of this shit!”

“The sword speed is increased by 120%, and the slash power is increased by 97%. The constant thunder magic on the sword is quite impressive after fusing Andre ’s magic power. It can even hurt extrajudicial people. But this is only a rough figure, not accurate. “

“Light magic bracelet, to increase the magic release speed of 3%, I think we have to improve, his casting is close to instant, light magic bracelet is not suitable for him.”

“Liontooth Necklace increases 5% strength and 3% magic power.”

Charlotte touched his bald head, then looked at Carl: “They are right, I want to have a new round of testing,”

“No! It’s too late, and it ends here today.”

Carl Holden did not hesitate to refuse the request of the laboratory director, and at the same time pushed the door out and went out: “It has been tested for three hours, nine o’clock at half past, buddy, are you tired? , The company will pay overtime for you. “

“But I think I am still full of energy.”

Charlotte reluctantly followed up: “Don’t you want to continue to improve Carl? There is still a lot of room for adjustment in this combat gear ~ ~ We can make him stronger.”

“All right! Charlotte.”

Carl Holden shook his head: “His stab speed with the” Lei Xiao “sword has reached 750 kilometers per hour, and the slash speed has also reached 520 kilometers per hour. A professional can hardly even see his sword. “

“But what does this have to do with our testing?”

“Have you heard of a sentence from the East? The technique of killing dragons means extremely brilliant technology or skills that are not available in reality.”

Carl lost his smile and said: “The stab at 200 meters per second, even the extrajudicial must deal with it seriously. And James Lanster, the kid in front of him, I guess there is no room to fight back. We just need to make sure this The reliability of the sets of Gujia and Shenjian can be used normally as long as there are not too many hidden dangers. Do you think that the strength of James Lanster can have 10S? His sword speed is not higher than every hour Four hundred and twenty kilometers, right? “

Charlotte was speechless, he had watched James Lanster’s latest battle video. If that guy did n’t hide, he should be 8A.

As Carl said, more and stronger fighting power seems to be superfluous.

At this time, Carl Holden was already welcoming Li Mochen who was walking out of the test room, and his face was full of smiles:

“Do you know? Amo, the fellow of James Lanster, has already threatened in his circle of friends that he is going to break your leg completely in this battle. It seems that he wants to reapply his old skills in the ring. I defeated you in the most humiliating way, just like the sponsors of our Nathan Sports Group last year. “

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