Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

Chapter 148 - story

? PS: Suddenly I feel that this western fantasy essay is indeed not a thing with the magical title of “Shen Yun Xian Wang”. I want to change the name to “Shen Yun Jue”. What do your friends think? Here also by the way to solicit a good book title from everyone.


In Box No. 47, a group of ‘Wildenstein’, including Jennifer, all looked as if they were.

Many of the young handsomes of the Wiltonstein family here are not ordinary people outside who have little knowledge of cold weapon fighting.

None of them is the existence of magic power cultivation with extremely high attainments. Except for a few minors, most of the others have reached the level above the extrajudicial.

“Do you want to use your strength to break a pound?” Our cousin, the fighting talent is quite impressive. “

“This Lanster is a waste, and his coach is shit.”

“If he is not in a hurry to enter level 7 so quickly, he may not lose so badly today.”

“I don’t know what his own strength is now? If his sword speed can reach more than 600 kilometers per hour, and the amount of magic source reaches level 7, it may be eligible to fight against the monster on the east coast.”

“No wonder the Nathan Sports Group will give him such a high treatment.”

“How can I say? My mood is really complicated now, this guy has not humiliated the reputation of” Wiltonstein “anyway, but I still feel a little uncomfortable to see such a mixed-breed bastard.”

Jennifer Wiltonstein didn’t listen. She saw Li Mochen coming down from the ring, she stood up and walked out.

At this time, her housekeeper Oliver, already holding a mobile phone and waiting outside the door.

“Miss, Mr. Christian’s secretary called again.”

“They also know? Yes, several TV stations on the West Coast are broadcasting live.”

Jennifer did n’t mean to answer the phone: “You can just reply to him and say that I ’m doing what Mr. Christian ordered. In view of the increased difficulty, I need more time to wait patiently.”


A smile floated on Oliver’s face: “One more thing, just an hour ago, Mr. Kang Xiuli promoted your succession sequence to two to eleventh. He has persuaded the family elders to congratulate you. Miss! “

Jennifer’s eyes are also bright, but then she frowns slightly, and she appears still.

Her grandfather’s support for her is crucial, enough to resolve some of her resistance within the family. But this also means that the few ‘Wildenstein’ who preceded her will treat her as a strong enemy from now on.


When Li Mochen walked out of Stormwind Stadium, he was surrounded by a large number of reporters. 35xs

Even if the race committee sent at least 20 security guards to him, responsible for sending Li Mochen to the parking lot, the various lances and short guns almost reached Li Mochen ’s eyes. The white light shining from countless flashlights let him Several people around Li Mochen could hardly open their eyes.

“Andrea, please stop for a while? Can you answer us a question?”

“Classmate Wiltonstein, can you explain how you defeated Classmate Lanst today? Many people do not understand the battle between you today.”

“—- What do you think after defeating James Lanster? Do you still think that the personal champion of MOS in Atlanta City High School is right in your pocket?”

“Wiltonstein classmates, some viewers said that you took money from the bookmakers to cheat together. Is it true? Can you clarify here?”

“Andre, do you have any intention of kissing the magic bracelet today? I saw the picture on the TV. Is the inscription on the bracelet‘ hope lucky to be with me ’?”

“Andre, I want to know what you think of your opponent?”

Li Mochen walked forward in silence until he boarded the bus. Then the journalists were stopped by Carl Holden with an open hand.

“Everyone, everybody! Listen to me, okay? Because Mr. Wiltonstein, there is no agent and spokesperson, and the NHSAA race committee has not held a post-match press conference. Today I will temporarily answer Mr. Wiltonstein Your question. “

“First of all, I want to say that today ’s game is absolutely testable. Anyone who has doubts about this can appeal to the NHSAA Race Committee. However, before there is definitive evidence or the results of the investigation, any People who dare to publish or promote false information will be sued by Mr. Wiltonstein and our Nathan Sports Group. “

“Secondly, Mr. Wiltonstein has always been a must for the Atlanta High School MOS Individual Championship and has expressed this view on multiple occasions.”

“There is also a question about Mr. Wiltonstein’s bracelet. In view of the many reporters who asked this just now, I am here to explain it specifically. ‘Hopefully be with me’-this is what Mr. Wiltonstein got during his childhood. An inscription on a wooden bracelet. This is a birthday gift from his mother, and it bears Mr. Wiltonstein’s thoughts on his parents. Since this wooden bracelet has been damaged, our designer is learning about it Then, a month ago, he deliberately copied the style remembered by Mr. Wiltonstein and cast this lucky bracelet as his exclusive equipment. Thank you! “

Inside the bus, Li Mochen’s lips couldn’t help but twitch, thinking that there was no such thing in the original Li Mochen’s memory! And a month ago, he didn’t even see the shadow of the bracelet.

However, unexpectedly, the original owner of the body hardly responded to this sentence, nor did he know that he was familiar with this kind of thing, or whether he is still immersed in the joy of becoming famous in the First World War,

“Is there such a thing?”

William Jacque, who was sitting next to him, apparently took Carl ’s words seriously. He immediately turned to look carefully at Li Mochen ’s wrist: “I just noticed that you kissed it twice before the game and it was true for you Does it have a special meaning, right? Wow, the style is very beautiful, but it is not enough for MAN, it is more suitable for girls. “

Li Mochen thought about what he could say. UU read He only shook his head: “You are really simple, William.”

William was not a fool, he understood the truth in an instant, and his face suddenly became weird.

At this time, Carl Holden had ended the temporary press conference and returned to them.

“Sorry, I didn’t greet you about the bracelet. This is because the company’s marketing department temporarily notified me to change the promotion plan when you were playing. Because it was a temporary planning case, everything was in a hurry. Of course, we will Those who pay a sum of money, according to industry practice, will give you a design fee of 0.3%. This can bypass the rules of the NHSAA tournament committee and will be your legal income. “

Li Mochen was about to question Karl on this matter, and after hearing the words, he couldn’t help raising his eyebrows: “I can’t just promise you that, 0.3% is too little, I have to ask Pearson-Dabie-Spekt Law Firm Talk to your legal department about the relevant terms. “

He wouldn’t be so stupid as to agree so easily, but the other party’s active mention of this matter still made him feel a lot more comfortable.

Do not! Accurately speaking, it is just right, and there is an additional wealth-

“Then please decide as soon as possible, preferably within one day! Our products are already available nationwide, and they are expected to be on sale in a day. Our contract will also determine the final selling price of this product.”

Carl smiled, not caring about Li Mochen’s behavior.

No matter how much Li Mochen needs, it will be paid by this fan, and will eventually be reflected in the price of the lucky bracelet, so he does not care at all.

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