Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

Chapter 65 - Hold

Above the classroom, Li Mochen fiddled with the four small stones on the desk like boring. In his mind, however, the waves were ups and downs, and it was difficult to calm down.

This part of emotion comes from the original owner, and part of it comes from itself,

He thought that all of this was explained. Li Chunchu passed the top-level power of “Dual Metaphysical Dafa” to his son, but he watched Li Mochen step by step and turned the original bright road into a dead end. This is unreasonable.

If these four stones are added, there is a reasonable explanation.

Li Mochen is not clear what these things are, but can feel them. He is echoing the two great gods and two constellations in his body, attracting each other.

From the moment they started, they have established a close connection, eager for each other, causing Li Mochen’s mana to swell and the source of power surge.

Li Chunchu is not sitting on his own child and going to death, but has his own way to make Li Mochen liuhuamingming, creating a rare and strong foundation. This is clearly a good intention and a deep fatherly love.

Speaking of these little things, he now has indescribable benefits, which can further strengthen the constellations and gods in his body.

Although there may not be much increase in the current individual strength, he has a huge image of his future mana power, practice speed, spell power, etc., which can be increased by at least 80% to double.

——Increase 80% of the magic power, 80% of the mana and source power, although at the current stage is unremarkable. But when one day he witnessed Mahayana again, climbed to the legend, the mana is like the sea, and the source is like the Yuan, this “80%” is very terrifying. This is the role of the foundation. The stronger the foundation, the broader the prospects for the future practice.

It’s a pity that the environment is not right now, he can only wait until he settles down in the evening before disposing of and melting this thing.

Then Li Mochen took out his pocket watch again.

——This seemingly ordinary thing is actually a magic weapon. Li Mochen infers that this should be the type of self-defense based on the above magic pattern, and at least three triggered intermediate protection spells are constant on it.

He only recognized two of them, one was ‘Shield of Mind’ and the other was ‘Intermediate Force Field’.

The former, he is useful. This spell, as the name implies, is to prevent the invasion of the soul.

As for “intermediate force field technique”, it was called “protective arrow” in ancient times. After modern times, the magicians dialyzed their essence and improved it, so that this magic has a certain degree of protection against bullets.

There is the last one. Li Mochen hasn’t figured it out yet, so he needs to inquire information separately. However, since it is a triggered spell, it does not affect its use.

And the preciousness of this thing is already imaginable. In this world, all triggered magic instruments are very precious. What’s more, this pocket watch still has three effects.

Li Mochen could not speculate on its specific value for the time being, but knew that the preciousness of this thing should be at least dozens of times more than his ice bloodstone bracelet!

Although the latter is sealed with the ‘Deep Cold King Girl’, but without his method of control and control derived from the realm of the original vault, then this is a source of danger.

The only valuable thing is the power of ice shield and frost ray, which is close to the intermediate level. This is a type of active trigger, which requires the user to activate the rune with magic power.

But Li Mochen is paying attention at this time, but it is a small photo on a pocket watch.

It was a photo of their family. The couple Li Chunchu, Jennifer in student uniforms, and Li Mochen, who was only six years old at the time.

Li Mochen’s eyes are deep, he is experiencing the emotion of the original owner full of sorrow, nostalgia, and resentment,

Mourns the death of his family, misses the past years, and resentful his parents’ farewell.

After a long time, Li Mochen sighed gently, put the pocket watch together, and then hung it on the neck.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, Li Mochen still went to the Cold Weapon Comprehensive Fighting Club to participate in the practice according to the original owner’s habit.

At this time, the atmosphere of this stadium is very different from last week. Everyone sees his eyes more complicated. In addition to the original contempt, contempt, indignation and exclusion, it is also mixed with a little envy and incomprehension-this is mostly because he won without fighting and entered the fourth round And the emotions triggered.

And the coaches here are tacitly ignoring him. Georgia forced to arrange scholarships for them, apparently completely angered the cold weapon club coaching team.

William is okay, this guy may not feel it himself, but in many people’s eyes, his talent is actually visible to the naked eye. As for Li Mochen, it seems to be disgusted by the vast majority of people in this school club.

So finally stood in front of Li Mochen, or Angela Medici. The dark-haired girl was obviously affected by what he said last time, and changed her clothes very conservatively.

But the girl’s figure is too graceful. Even under such circumstances, she is still the most beautiful scenery that can attract the attention of all men,

At this time, another student who transferred with Angela, that is, Lena Adrick’s ~ ~ stood staring at him, and seemed to want to swallow him in one swallow. Expression.

This time, Li Mochen didn’t show any ugliness, he opened the ‘Tianxin Shenzhao’ as soon as possible. Then, with indifferent eyes, he glanced up and down at the two girls.

“Two, please go further, OK? You bothered me to practice–“

Lina suddenly exploded, her hair almost fell upright. Even Angela, the smile on that bright little face couldn’t hold her a little.

But this dark-haired girl immediately let Li Mochen teach her the cheeky side.

“Surely Andrea, do you really resent me? This attitude is so cold. But you promised me last time that you would learn astrology and yoga with me. You are a man, according to your Easterners, They must stand up to the ground and speak for words. “

So Tianxin Li Mochen fell into hesitation, he did agree to this Angela. Although Tian Xin Li Mochen feels stupid, but the girl is right, as a man, how can he be fat?

Ask Jian Taoran to act in heaven and act on behalf of heaven, so he can’t even talk or talk.

So Li Mochen snorted and put his hands to his chest: “So what do you learn today? Astrology or yoga? Please come faster, I don’t have much time.”

Lena heard here, forehead veins, had almost burst open, hands and knuckles have sent a burst of Kacha Crash sound: “! Miss, what I can beat him right now.”

She couldn’t bear it anymore. Didn’t this guy named Li Mochen know that what her own lady wanted to teach him was rare mystery knowledge? Obviously it’s the beneficiary, and actually put on a reluctant look. Such a stupid attitude is simply unbearable.

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