Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

Chapter 77 - Merit

In the days after, Li Mochen lived in a step-by-step manner, attending classes during the day and meditation or fitness exercises at night.

The drugs provided by the Nathan Group are derived from the beast meat of the dark world. And the experience of his previous life has played a role. Li Mochen’s current cultivation practice is advancing by leaps and bounds every day, and everything is going smoothly.

During, there were also things that made him feel helpless and embarrassing. On Tuesday and Wednesday, he had two dreams that he shouldn’t have, and then he got wet from the crotch and got up from the bed. So much so that on Wednesday night, he had to go to the commercial street deliberately, and bought dozens of underwear to return.

By the time of Thursday, Li Mochen was no longer interested in the teacher’s lectures, and he had completely mastered the knowledge in the textbooks. Li Mochen also began to devote his main energy to several books he borrowed from the internal library. Only when the teacher’s lecture content exceeds the textbook will he listen intently.

——This is actually no difference to Li Mochen. Now that his power of Yuanshen has recovered slightly, Li Mochen can easily do two things. There is no problem at all while reading a book while listening to a class.

At noon on this day, he went to Hancock again, but Li Mochen was still empty, and he could not find the trace of this guy in school.

Is a few of Hancock’s followers, and he returned to the campus one after another after healed. But when Li Mochen came to ask him, they also knew nothing about it. Even if Li Mochen threatened with force, these guys were so scared that they would cry, but they still couldn’t tell what happened.

However, Li Mochen learned from their mouths that the situation outside the school is very chaotic. Several wars have broken out in a few blocks, and even the extrajudicial people of the blood gang have already died. So their heads are probably involved.

Li Mochen was surprised. He thought that if there is a fight between those outside the law, he should be sensitive. Such a big movement cannot have no effect on the surroundings.

But then he realized that this is probably the role of the ‘dark rune stone’.

It was an artifact that appeared only after World War II. You can pull people to the dark world during the battle to avoid damage to the real world to the greatest extent.

However, due to the high cost, it has not yet been popularized. Only because of the higher requirements of this object, only those who have strong mana can use this object. In addition, the impact and pressure of being forcibly drawn into the dark world by the “dark rune stone” can only be carried intact by those magical professionals who are physically strong and far exceed ordinary people. .

It is also said that this ‘dark rune stone’ was an invention of the Eastern spiritual practice, but how specific is that Li Mochen has not seen the real thing, so he has no idea of ​​the real situation.

Then he knew by the way that the reason why the police did not come to the door to find him. Those guys whose legs were broken by him actually took drugs at the time, and they also carried guns and a lot of drugs.

As a result, few people dared to stay at the scene. After hearing the siren, they even fled from the scene.

Li Mochen guessed that the reason why these guys did not dare to stay in place should be more than the reason for taking drugs and hiding drugs. Mostly, they did something else that lacked virtue, so they dared not enter the police station.

After hesitating for a while, Li Mochen decided to go about his business and ask what happened.

The question of Tao Yuan, the realm of the original dome, has always been labeled as “jealous and hatred” in the criticism of the world. But this is not due to his own character, but because of the need to accumulate merits for the “Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda”.

If you only ask Jian Taoran’s indifferent mind, at most you will just take care of the people around you. Unless it was flooding this world, he was too lazy to move.

But the existence of ‘Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda’, but made him have a huge desire for ‘merit’.

And one of the shortcuts to collect the power of ‘Kindness’ is to kill the demon. Especially those big devil who do not count as murderers, every time they cut, there will be huge gains.

Think about it. If these top devil heads are left alone, how many people will die because of them in the future? Ten thousand, or one hundred thousand? To prevent these tragedies from happening in advance, what kind of good karma is that? Of course, this will also accumulate karma.

Need to know that it is good to save someone, but how much meat do people have to eat in their lifetime? How much spiritual life will be killed for this?

Fortunately, in this world has its own rules, as long as it is not in addition to the necessary food for survival, it will not cause bad karma.

The problem was rescued by them, not all are good people. Some wicked people have escaped the original number of deaths and continue to be in the evil world. Then the evil karma they cause will naturally have a share of the demon slayer.

Therefore, the Daomen is still not as good as the Buddha in this respect. The big monks of the original dome really like to find the big devil. As long as you succeed once, you can get a lot of good works. In the process, not only did they not kill lives, but they were not contaminated with cause and effect. Those monks who they had passed over would also do good deeds in the following time, which would be much safer and safer.

It is due to those big demons, all of them are stubborn minds, and the success rate of Buddhism is not very high, otherwise in the realm of the original vault, their Xianjia Daomen may not have a place for standing cones,

Li Mochen did not know whether these “good works” and “evil karma” were the laws generated naturally in these heavens and the world, or were formulated by some powerful people. He even doubted that the accumulation of “Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda” was not merit. , But feedback after interference in the long run of fate.

However, Li Mochen was powerless to study deeply, and he did not intend to analyze the mystery for the time being. He can only follow the rules of the “Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda”.

It’s just that although Li Mochen intends to intervene in this ‘bussiness’, these few gangsters seem to have changed their personalities. Even if he persecuted threats, he would n’t say much even if he killed his teeth.

If it is in the boundary of the original dome, Li Mochen has already been sentenced to death and will even use the method of torture.

In his view, this group of drug-trafficking scum will surely be a disaster to the world in the future, no matter what means are used for them, they are more virtuous than bad karma.

And today he is busy with a lot of business, maybe he can help some people who need help.

The problem is that the original owner could not accept it. After the fusion of the original version of Li Mochen’s soul, he was more or less affected by some original owners.

On the one hand, he is more sense of justice, not accustomed to the injustices around him; on the one hand, he is deeply influenced by Amerika’s moral values ​​and values.

The laws and social preparations here are completely different from those of the original dome, and they are out of tune. The emphasis is on humanity, even criminals have their rights and must be respected.

So Li Mochen had no choice but to give up, and finally let go of these unforgivable guys in his eyes. At the same time, he temporarily gave up the trouble of looking for Hancock, mainly because he had no time or resources to find this guy.

For him right now, the most important thing is to improve his strength ~ ~ accumulate wealth, everything else is secondary,

On Friday, Li Mochen only followed the bus arranged by the school to Stormwind Stadium at noon. Reported to the competition committee hosting the game, signed it, and hurried away.

Then only half an hour later, Li Mochen entered the dark world for the second time.

This time Alyssa still dared not leave the ghost city too far. She chose the Thunder Gorge, which is about 120 kilometers away from the ghost city. The two stayed here until 10 o’clock in the evening before going home.

This time the harvest is worse than the previous one, Li Mochen only got 12,000 gold shields.

But the next day, Alyssa, who had confidence in Li Mochen, took him to the blazing wilderness 220 kilometers away.

This is a place where fire elements are dense, and even the ground is burning, reflecting the entire sky near the fire red, which attracts countless fire monsters to gather here,

The ice cold king girl carried by Li Mochen, her body ability is suppressed to the extreme here. At the same time, the ice ammunition they carry is also lethal to these fire monsters.

Because of the wide field of vision above the plains, they do n’t even need to deliberately look for those dark creatures, or elements of fire, etc., they just need to directly find a suitable target in the telescope and then shoot.

While waiting to return at night, the skins, horns, crystals and element crystal nuclei they brought back sold for 32,000 gold shields. This means that Li Mochen, with only one day, started to take 22,000 gold shields.

By the third day, Alyssa ’s ambitions were more intense, and she continued to penetrate the flames.

But this time, not long after the two talents entered, Li Mochen looked at a certain direction to the south.

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