Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 548 - Nether Earth (Nine K Grand

PS: Make up for the nine thousand words chapter! By the way, counting of votes and subscriptions, they have all dropped a lot recently.


After the unsuccessful pursuit of Klodar Van Djo, Li Mochen returned to Rochelle Canyon.

Many commanders headed by Major General Michael Wood have established a temporary headquarters here, and many generals are here.

“A total of 1,342 people were killed and 3,600 were seriously injured, mainly from the defense forces of the artillery position. Before the BOSS arrived, they were under the greatest pressure-“

“Thirty-two extrajudicial persons died in battle, and 17 others were missing, whose whereabouts are unknown-although it cannot be considered as an escape, we still decided to issue a warrant for them.”

“A total of 175,000 tons of various materials were seized, which are basically things we can’t use. The supply system of the undead is different from ours. There are even 10,000 tons of blood bags in it. If it is useful, it is There are only those magic stones. They are very large and worth 1.2 billion gold shields. “

“—But we found a lot of ores in various mines and various metal ingots stored in smelters, totaling more than 200,000 tons, with a preliminary estimate of 9.7 billion gold shields. They do n’t seem to think they will lose In this war, these properties and various mining equipment in the mine were not transported in advance. However, the equipment is very backward. They all use various undeads and have almost no labor costs. Of course, we, who already have many necromancers, This can also be done. Here is just a rough report. Detailed statistical work and follow-up arrangements will be handed over to Rising Sun Mining Company. “

Almost everyone was looking at Li Mochen at the top with curiosity, awe and subdued eyes.

If they said they chose to join the Rising Sun Group before, it was because of their own last resort and the various superior conditions provided by Li Mochen.

So now, they are truly attributable to this group, and sincerely respect their employer.

Today’s scene really shocked them.

Full six demi-gods, dozens of legends, disappeared under the interference of Li Mochen’s life and death power! The whole process is less than ten minutes.

This is even more brilliant than the record of Anthony Braden’s independent setback of the two largest families a few years ago!

The strength of their boss is not inferior to Anthony. Just today, the amount of divine power revealed by Li Mochen has reached four.

And before this, Li Mochen also revealed the two gods of ice and fire in the conflict with the Medici family. This is undoubtedly the existence of a man with the richest man!

There is no doubt that the Rising Sun Group has unlimited prospects. This is a group worthy of their full commitment after retirement.

The only thing that made them regret is that in this battle, they did not contribute much. At the beginning of the fierce battle, Li Mochen had arrived in time, and then he was settled.

After various departments reported the casualty figures and statistical results, Major General Michael Wood took over the presidency of the military conference.

“The next battle plan is to clean up after entering the blood-red highlands, to clear the towns established by the undead and blood tribes, and to occupy several well-developed mines around. This will be the 29th Armored Regiment of the Wiltonstein Foundation, and The second, third, and fifth armored regiments of the Rising Sun, the third machine step brigade, and the ice-dead legion were completed. Considering the previous battle, the troops led by the Earl of Gao Ting had been emptied, which was a very easy task. “

“Next, our strategic focus is still Rochelle Gorge. My idea is to build two fortresses at the top and bottom of the canyon. The scale is a medium-sized fortress with a capacity of 50,000 troops, and one can hold A small fortress of 20,000 people has completely controlled the 500-kilometer-long canyon in our hands. In the future, it will also be the throat that controls the **** red highlands, and the most important channel before the Blackrock Plains and the Ghost City. “

“BOSS has reached an agreement with our enemies under the mediation of the presidential envoy, stipulating that there is no need to participate in the war under the legend. But we can’t help expecting the enemies to abide by the agreement. Everyone comes out of the army and should know that the government guarantees That’s the case. If the Rising Sun Group perishes as a result, will our Excellency President really do justice for us? “

This sentence made everyone in the command post laugh unspokenly.

“So both of these fortresses must be built within a month. This allows us to use our full military power in the bright world. Fortunately, our BOSS has long been foreseen, and it has been to Will a month ago. Dunstan Construction Company placed an order for building materials, design and construction team. In addition, because the two previous fortresses were not able to start construction, we have a ready-made construction team in hand and a large amount of materials, which can save a lot time–“

“In addition to this, there is also the task of forming a strengthened infantry division and two armored regiments. Since the two mines around the Sacred Stone Fortress have already been produced, the interior of Rochelle Canyon and the exit of the canyon on the side of the blood red highland In total, there are nine well-developed mines and four large-scale dark biological farms. It is expected that this will bring our group companies a monthly income of 3.5 billion golden dongs, so the group already has the conditions to expand its military. Of course, The BOSS and the personnel department are responsible for the formation of new troops. However, all ministries need to be prepared for the deployment of some personnel. “

While Major General Michael Wood was speaking, Li Mochen was distracting him.

He is examining the gains of this battle-although he did not have any stagnation throughout the battle. But the things left by the demigods have been accepted by him. Under his control, Xiao Longmai was quick and quick. As long as the “Shadow of the Shadow” was opened, those holy weapon and space equipment would automatically fall into Li Mochen’s hands.

The vampires of the Devil Party are poor in the impression of outsiders. They generally cannot manage their industries normally, and are always the key targets of various governments. However, this was the situation hundreds of years ago. Since the two major races of the Demon Party established the Blood Wing Grand Duchy in the dark world, they rarely worry about money.

Although they can’t get much cash in the dark world, they already have enough sources of materials, and the income of those illegal industries in the bright world is enough for the magic party’s expenses. And these long-lived vampires, there is no shortage of highly skilled alchemists.

So Li Mochen’s harvest this time is still very good. The seven half-gods left him with 29 pieces of armor, and none of them was lower than the third level.

In addition, Alice’s direct troops also helped him sweep the entire battlefield.

At that time, there were at least fifty-two legends of the blood clan, who died directly from his “life-and-death interference”-according to the rules, the loot left by these blood clan will also belong to him.

It was a pity that the battlefield was too chaotic at the time, and many things were nowhere to be found. After all, Li Mochen’s foundation is still shallow. The extrajudicial persons he hired were mostly under his influence for less than half a year. And the people’s hearts are unpredictable, not all of them can be honest and trustworthy. These people can fight bravely without facing back when facing ten or even twenty powerful vampires, but when the holy equipment worth at least 80 million gold shields or more falls in front of them, it is difficult for these people to suppress corruption Read.

However, Alyssa still collected thirty-two holy items for him, and there were more than thirty quasi-holy items.

It is worth mentioning that among the sixty-one holy weapons, six of them are level 5 and are very powerful equipment. Especially the cloak left by El Romeo Jimmy is a quasi-mythological armament. The name is ‘Iron Windbreaker’, and it ’s made with ‘Night-Essence God Gold’ and ‘God Meteorite’, a legend from the Kingdom of Gods, as the main material.

After carefully sensing Mo Lichen, he did not hesitate to throw the object to the Wiltonstein Alchemy Laboratory in Atlanta, and gave it to Abraham Wiltonstein for disposal.

This thing is beyond the ultimate metal jurisdiction, there are four advanced jurisdiction capabilities, all related to defense. Its own defensive ability is also extremely powerful, and its extra solidity is almost equivalent to the dragon scales of the two layers of half-god dragons. There is also a certain ability to change, not only can change into armor, cloak, coat and other shapes, but also can change with the shape of the owner’s body.

What is amazing is that even if it is stretched into the armor shape of giants and dragons, it will not greatly reduce its defense ability.

The only thing that makes people dissatisfied is that the shape of the armor and coat is biased towards the style of darkness and blood. In addition, blood energy must be used to stimulate its maximum power.

Li Mochen thinks this equipment is very suitable for Hairouer. After the latter fully inherited the power of Adriana, the scorching dragon girl, she had mastered the ability to ‘dragon’.

This can change her into a real dragon, with more than twice the power of a humanoid state, and more terrifying destruction of disasters, and summon a huge scale of fire and rain.

This state has limited effect on the true demigod, but if used on the battlefield, it has great lethality. The only thing that worries people is Herrell’s ability to resist strikes. The defense of the dragon’s dragon scale can only be regarded as the upper middle among their siblings.

However, before that, he must first transform the magic array of this “iron windbreaker” to make it more suitable for a dragon master. In addition, the styling aspect is also within the scope that must be dealt with.

Wiltonstein Alchemy Lab-This alchemy department of the Wiltonstein Group has been completely in the hands of Kang Xiuli in the previous period.

About two months ago, the latter trusted his cousin Abraham Wiltonstein and had left the Wiltonstein Medical Charity Foundation. Appointed by the board of directors, he became the most important department of the Wiltonstein Group and was in charge of the group’s equipment R & D and manufacturing company.

It was also at that time that Li Mochen knew for the first time that there was such an outstanding person in their family.

The cousin of his cousin also has great achievements in alchemy and medicine. Especially in alchemy, Abraham has the level of a great alchemist. So far, he has practiced nineteen pieces of holy equipment, and even the magic tower of Kang Xiuli has his credit; and in medicine, this is also Atlanta. The most well-known surgical specialists in the whole department are the directors of the National Medical Examination Board of the United States-across the country, only eighty top medical experts can be honored with this position.

Before this, this Mr. Abraham Wiltonstein had never been indifferent, but only served as the dean of a charity hospital under the Wiltonstein Medical Charity Foundation, and he only showed his talents in the medical world.

Until Kang Xiuli completely controlled the Wiltonstein family, this talent took a large number of his staff and three top laboratories to lead all R & D and manufacturing departments of the Wiltonstein family.

And the world learned that Kang Xiuli actually operated such a powerful alchemy and equipment manufacturing team.

Li Mochen was very sorry when he knew it. As long as he knew this, he should take this man to his Rising Sun Biopharmaceutical company to study the bio-closing technology of the Moshra people.

Abraham Wiltonstein’s identity and scientific research capabilities may be more suitable than Professor Gu Hong.

He doesn’t mind sharing the bio-colony manufacturing technology with Kang Xiuli, only that this technology can be matured as soon as possible and put into practical use.

In fact, Li Mochen did exactly that. In the past six months, the reason why he has 12 consecutive legendary biological colonies put into use, Abraham’s credit is not small.

The latter gave a lot of useful suggestions based on some of the technical information they shared, which made Rising Sun Biopharmaceuticals take a lot of detours.

From this we can see that this man’s alchemy and technical ability are indeed among the top, and it is easy to transform the ‘iron windbreaker’.

Even after this, Li Mochen lost most of the sixty-one holy weapons.

These holy objects also have the same problem. On the one hand, they are not suitable for humans and other races. They have various drawbacks such as the need to use blood energy, and even the need to **** human blood. On the one hand, they are appearance styles, which are very unsightly. Also have to make some changes by the way.

The situation on Anthony’s side must be frozen most of the time. The alchemy laboratory on the Wiltonstein family side just met his needs in this regard.

The level of alchemy and equipment manufacturing on their side is definitely not comparable to that of the light and magic industry, but the gap between them has not reached an irreparable point.

——This is a practice common to almost all large families in Amerika. They would rather bear huge losses, and they must support a capable and highly qualified alchemy team.

Not only should we ensure that at least 30% of our top equipment and cutting-edge pharmaceuticals do not need to be purchased, but also at some point, we must achieve mass production of equipment and avoid being restricted by people in this regard.

So to see if a family is strong, just look at their team of alchemists to know the clues. When a family lags behind in alchemy, it often means that they are declining and declining.

Wildenstein family is the same, although their equipment manufacturing company has no sales. However, some of the fine products that the company occasionally releases are still highly respected among magical professionals.

And after Abraham joined, the group’s alchemy capabilities and equipment manufacturing standards even entered the forefront of all large groups in one fell swoop, almost inferior to those of the supreme families.


As Li Mochen cleaned up his trophies one by one, Michael Wood’s call pulled his consciousness back again.

Li Mochen found that everyone in this meeting room was watching him. He was stunned for a while, and then reacted, it was his turn to make a concluding speech.

“First of all, I have to thank you all! If it were not for your hard work in this month, we would not have the opportunity to force the blood race to leave the canyon and enter our predetermined position for a decisive battle. This glorious victory cannot happen- “

Li Mochen’s eloquence was already very good when he was in the original dome. At this time, the eloquent and eloquent words, in just a few words, mobilized the atmosphere in the command room. Almost everyone was excited, with a red face, and a glorious look.

“–Finally, I have another requirement for you to take a good rest in this one and a half months, and then be ready to continue to fight! As you all know, the current Rising Sun Group’s goal is to win the whole red ground. So, after solving the battle with Philip, I will let you invest in the invasion of the Red Land in the first time. And this time the goal of the battle is to directly win the Gaoting City! This will be our Rising Sun Group, in the dark The foundation of the world! “

After Li Mochen finished speaking, on the long table in front of him, the generals sitting on the left and right sides could not help but looked at each other, flashing a different color.

They heard that the boss in his family really didn’t care about the battle for hegemony in Atlanta.


After the meeting, Li Mochen was in this temporary command room, where he handled various affairs and files submitted by Alyssa.

Although the war in Rochelle Canyon was resolved very quickly, it was more troublesome to deal with the aftermath. Li Mochen, such as casualty pensions, supplies supplies, those mines, smelting plant disposal plans, etc., needs to work hard-as the head of the group, he must at least be aware of these things.

But Li Mochen’s work had just begun, he looked up helplessly, looking at the period of Ai Ai, the ‘Night Night King’ Delfinia walking around his desk.

“If you have anything, just say, don’t be like Dael, you can’t concentrate on my official documents.”

Delfinia was still hesitant until she saw that Li Mochen’s face became more and more impatient, and then he gritted his teeth and said, “Can you draw a site for me in the land of blood, or around this? I don’t want much , One hundred thousand square kilometers is enough. “

“You are going to take a site in the blood red place, are you sure?”

Li Mochen looked at this suspiciously: “I heard that you won a small island from the Bahamian government in the Caribbean? Isn’t it a very good business? There are many strangers calling them their paradise. And, you Are those people of the tribe very taboo in the dark world? “

These strangers think that their variation originates from the dark world. Living in this world will exacerbate their physical changes.

This point, those dark demons, as well as the dark continents of the old continent derived from humans, have confirmed this view.

“Savan Island is very suitable for my people, but our people can’t do without food and drink, and also need resources for cultivation. I also have to hire a professional company to reclaim the sea and expand the area of ​​Savan Island-it all costs money.”

Delfinia looked serious: “Not all of my people are disgusted with the dark world, and some people are willing to make sacrifices for the people. As for mutations, they can be solved by potions. Now there are various drugs to suppress mutations , Can be used to ease our condition. “

In fact, there is Rising Sun Biopharmaceuticals under Li Mochen. In the past, Anthony and his father bought a patent for this drug. However, it is troublesome to make, and the materials required for the medicine itself are also expensive. Few of those aliens can afford it.

“Very good idea.”

Li Mochen smiled: “But Dyer, this time you have taken my 500 million gold shield money and divided three pieces of sacred weapons. One hundred thousand square kilometers of land? Do you know how big this is? This is the whole blood red highland One-sixth of the area? How many minerals are there? How many dark biological farms can be built? How much benefit can I bring? How much do I pay for this? You want to easily copy this one sentence Has the land been cut? “

“Aliens can serve you, and we can establish a relationship similar to that of lords and vassals, or vassals.”

But Delfinia ’s eyes were somewhat reluctant: “I said, you do n’t need to be in the blood red highlands, it can be in the blood red highlands, or near the Holy Stone Fortress. You can lend the equipment of the two brigades We, take this territory by ourselves. It ’s pretty good there— “

As she said, she pointed to the map hanging behind Li Mochen.

Li Mochen glanced behind him, then smiled dumbly.

That is another canyon located north of the Blood Red Heights. There is at least 120,000 square kilometers of land in the valley, and the east of the canyon exit is a large lake-overall, this is a resource that is fairly rich and easy Guard against difficult land.

However, if the aliens want to stand here, they really cannot do without the support from the Rising Sun Highland and the Rising Sun Group.

In addition, this should not be Delfinia’s own idea, but from the advice of some think tanks of aliens.

“A vassal?”

Li Mochen thought about this ‘Emperor of the Night Night’, and finally fell into his gang, but his face showed a hesitant look: “But I still can’t see where my interests are? The Rising Sun Group You do n’t need the effectiveness of aliens, but you have to take risks for it. Many of you, including you, are on the wanted list of organizations and other organizations, which can be described as crime-ridden. What ’s more, I have to All kinds of equipment that cost more than two billion gold shields. “

Delfinia ’s face was a little pale: “But you only need to pay 2 billion gold shields, and a piece of land that does not belong to you, you can get two strengthened machine brigades, and more than 20 strangers The effectiveness of the legend, and even the safety of the north of the Blood Red Heights. The fighting power of our family is world-renowned. In addition, I can also promise that all the purchases of our daily supplies and potions, as well as the sale of ores and magic materials, are all To you, the Rising Sun Group. “

“It sounds pretty good.”

Li Mochen thought that this alien was still a little clever.

“But I have to study the feasibility with my think tank. You have to give me some time to think about it. But Dael, do you know what the word vassal means? If I agree, then you can ensure your ethnic group All agree with your decision? As far as I know, many of your people are not— “

“This is my business! I will handle it.”

Delfinia interrupted his words with a strong voice: “If you have a decision, please inform me as soon as possible, I hope it will be within three days.”

Li Mochen’s eyes were suspicious, thinking of this woman, is it necessary to be so anxious? Still revealed in front of him?

Could it be said, what happened inside the alien race?

Just as he was preparing to examine the truth, Li Mochen ’s satellite mobile phone rang ‘just in time’.

Li Mochen originally intended to hang up, but after seeing the caller ID, he stood up: “Sorry, I have to answer the phone.”

That’s Angela’s number. The priority of this lover is naturally much higher than that of aliens.

While waiting for Li Mochen to receive the signal from an unmanned place outside the headquarters, the figure of Angela Medici appeared directly in front of him.

——Although the girl ’s professional level is only the rank of a high-level extrajudicial person, her supernatural strength is extraordinary enough to cross the boundary and affect the electromagnetic waves here.

Then Li Mochen discovered that Angela’s condition was not right.

“What’s wrong with you Angel? What happened?”

Because the current manipulates the body condensed by the particles and dust nearby, he can’t see the girl’s face. But Li Mochen could perceive the panic that Angela’s eyes showed-it was a terrified expression.


Angela’s voice contained a tremolo, and her emotions were obviously in a state of violent ups and downs: “An hour ago, I entered the five underground floors of the money wing building, and then saw the magic array here-“

With the wave of her right hand, there are countless dust particles around him attracted by electromagnetic waves, and an image is displayed under her feet.

This should be a 1: 1 contrast to the five floors of the Wings of Money building. Unfortunately, Angela ’s magical power can only show an array structure around 30 meters.

However, according to Li Mochen’s level of monstrology, after just a glance, his pupils have shrunk into needles.

“I don’t know what his father wants to do? But I know that in the process, many people will die. Only in Manhattan, near the Wings of Money, not many people will survive.”

Listening to this hesitant voice, Li Mochen raised his eyes expressionlessly: “An Qi, does your father know that you are here?”

“It shouldn’t be! I’m very careful. He is in mainland Antalya now. There is something wrong with the business over there. He brought many good players over here. And–“

Angela raised the ‘Loki’s deceitful hand’ she was wearing: “He didn’t know my Dragon Warlock level, and it has broken through to level 18. My illusion ability can already blind the guardian here. Two legends. “

Li Mochen couldn’t help but spit out: “Then I will teach you how to do it, An Qi. Now erase all traces and restore everything to their original condition. You need to be 300% careful and careful, your My father was delicate and suspicious, and any suspiciousness would make him guess what. Then he went back to Atlanta, and nothing happened. When you come back, we will think of a way. I think they should still need time. “


Three hours later, Li Mochen was very worried and came to Besser Estantin’s Magic Tower again.

Originally at this time, he should embark on the road to find Jennifer Wiltonstein. But the picture that Angela showed in front of him made him come here, asking for help from the supreme mage.

“Sure enough!”

After reading the drawings provided by Li Mochen, Professor Estantin sighed: “I have guessed some before, but I didn’t expect that he really planned this way. This guy is crazy.”

“Can you tell me something carefully?”

Li Mochen stared at this man with a deep eye: “I want to know, what is he going to do?”

Like Angela, he saw that it was a magic array destined to cause a huge disaster, but he still knew nothing about the specific use of this array.

“Underworld! They want to build an underworld belonging to this land in Amerika.”

Professor Estantin knocked his pipe at the corner of the desk: “You know, this is the new continent. The thing of the underworld is in the old continent, in Egypt in Africa, in the east and in the body, but only in America. Maya does not. The **** of death, ‘A Puche’, once held the underworld, but before the arrival of the colonists of the old continent, the vast majority of the Maya Nine United Gods no longer existed, including the responsibility of leading people to the world of death. Lord Apuche. “

Li Mochen was stunned. He was shocked by Michelle’s and Dragon Witch’s generosity, and was even more puzzled.

“But what’s the benefit for Michelle?”

“Of course! For example, let his partner, Angela’s mother, become the” death of death “in the New World. I have heard that the woman of Diana Olivia also has the power of death, although the state is very low. It ’s not as good as you. But if her soul is still there and there is an opportunity for resurrection, then she is indeed eligible to compete for this **** position. After all, her illusion ability is almost omnipotent, and it can strengthen the death **** power to a higher level. Yes. Angela ’s talent, you must have a deep experience, that is almost the incarnation of the “Dream Dragon God” Olivia in the world. “

Estantin knows everything, saying endlessly: “Cooperating with the Dragon and Witch Church is tantamount to seeking a skin with a tiger, but I guess Michelle must have a great grasp and be able to repel the cooperation and competition of the Dragon Witch Church. opponent.”

Li Mochen frowned at the words, and then fell into meditation.

“Do you want to stop him?” Estantin asked curiously: “Why? This is good for you. If Diana Olivia really becomes a **** of death, she will be your strong backing. The large population of Amerika, even if it takes only ten years, is enough to support a belief in the Lord God, or a higher God of Law. This will allow you to gain a considerable advantage in the next battle. “

“Professor, do you think such temptation is very interesting?”

Li Mochen gave him a cold look, looking displeased.

If he could accept such a thing, it would not be the question sword Tao Ran who had fought with the devil for more than sixty years in the realm of the original vault.

‘S former “Shenxiao Promise Purple Deficiency Fairy King” is not a pure and decent gentleman, but he has never been unambiguous in the matter of right and wrong.

“Okay! It’s my fault.”

Professor Estantin sincerely apologizes: “But what you can do now is actually very limited. You have signed a truce agreement with the Dragon Wizard, and it has become the biggest obstacle. But you don’t want to go to war with Michelle, right? Even if not in an accident People still have your girlfriend ’s opinion, and Michelle ’s backlash is unbearable. That guy is terrible, even if I dare not easily provoke it. ”

Li Mochen’s breath was gloomy, and this was exactly where he felt embarrassed. When he went all out to prepare for a victory against his many enemies, he was bitten by his own people, and his mood was naturally indescribable.

The key is that now, he already has many strong enemies.

“Of course ~ ~ you can also inform the CIA agencies of this information. Although some people are also looking forward to the establishment of the underworld, our Excellency President will certainly prevent it. But in this way, Michelle and your girlfriend will also face disaster. “

Estantine laughed at this time: “But I can give you good news, their preparation should not be completed, at least half a year.”

As he spoke, a map appeared on his side: “Did you see it? Are these buildings near the Great Lakes?”

“Pentacle Star Array?”

Li Mochen blinked, then relaxed his expression again, and thoughtfully said, “Professor, that fantasy dragon, please trouble you to speed up. In addition, I have to trouble you things– — ”

“I have no problem here.”

Estantin probably knew what Li Mochen was going to ask for, and shook his head: “But you know what will happen if Michelle’s plan fails? The president, the bright Protestant, the Supreme Family, the CIA, the Medici family, and even freedom Goddess. He will offend many people. Michelle may have long been determined to be successful without success, and no longer wants to live. But after his death, things will not end here. “

“of course I know.”

Li Mochen’s eyebrows were raised slightly, and there was a meaning in his eyes: “If they think they can get anything, revenge, I will accompany you.”

But before that, he had to determine Angela ’s wishes, although his determination was determined on this side.

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