Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 561 - Aftermath

PS: 8500 words, rounding is 9K. New month to secure the end of the monthly ticket! Ask for a subscription! Please recommend!

Last month 210,000 words, a lot behind the intended target. This month I continued to work hard, without the entanglement of the Spring Festival and Mahjong, I will definitely hit a new high!


About an hour and a half later, the flaming golden fire around Philip I was completely burnt out. The body of this man also weathered, turning into dust in the air.

Kang Xiuli stood on the spot, looking at the dark golden armguard left by Philip I, with a sad expression on his face, unspeakable.

Li Mochen was watching the armguard while enjoying the further integration of his soul. His eyes flashed with a different color, thinking that Philip I did not seem to care about the Wiltonstein family. Before he died, he finally left a good thing for his blood.

Based on the original mythological armament that contained the powers of ‘curse’ and ‘doom’, Philip burned everything he had and the sage ’s stone to sublimate it again.

It not only strengthens the two theocratic powers of “curse” and “doom”, but also engraves the theocratic power of “disaster” in the armguards. In addition, its defense is also very strong, and it can also manipulate the power of the flame.

All of these have greatly improved its grade and crossed the threshold of medium mythological armed.

The point is, this thing is also the same as the scarlet dragon armor, and it is also labeled as a bloodline. In the future, this object can only be used by the descendants of the Wiltonstein family. This is enough to be a magic weapon of the supreme family town!

After a moment of appreciation, Li Mochen turned his attention to Kang Xiuli.

“Old man, he is dead, but you don’t look too happy?”

“In my childhood, Philip personally guided my learning and bloodline development. At that time, he was the **** in my mind.”

Kang Xiuli’s face was pale: “I’ve washed away the hatred, but Chrisa, your mother Elena, and our unborn child are all gone, and everything can’t be recovered. If possible, I want nothing more to happen. “

Li Mochen couldn’t help being silent, and after a sigh, Kang Xiuli threw the dark golden armguard to Li Mochen: “Give Hairouer, its original name was ‘Cursed Armor’, which Philip obtained from It is based on the Indians ’mythological arms. But now, it might be more appropriate to call it Philip ’s Arm of Disaster. I do n’t like it very much, and I do n’t want to see anything related to Philip. It can be used as a mythological arm. , This thing is still very powerful. Of the Wiltonsteins, only Heirou can maximize its power. “

“Wisely, she will not fail this piece of equipment.”

Li Mochen put away the armguards very simply, but he only regretted that Haier’s accumulation and background were still too weak. Otherwise, relying solely on this mythical armament, Hairouer can become a weak **** level combat power.

“I believe, but you protect her too tightly.”

Kang Xiuli has begun to look around: “How is the situation in the city?”

When Philip fired the fire just now, he was still absorbed in the former. He knew that Philip’s mentality was tenacious, and he also mastered a lot of secrets. If he neglected a little, he might give the opponent a chance to resurrect, so he didn’t dare to be distracted.

Until this time, he had no time to pay attention to the situation in the Atlanta metropolitan area.

“Not very good, it can even be said to be very bad–“

Li Mochen’s expression also began to become complicated: “The disaster relief after the war is still going well. For now, Atlanta has suffered a lot of property damage. There are more than 50 collapsed buildings, worth at least 30 billion yuan. Jin Dun. There are also many casualties. According to current statistics, more than 35,000 people were determined to have died, and the number of missing persons reached 3,700. “

In America, even a large number of natural disasters can not reach this number. The innocence of these people was caused by the war between Philip and the National Progressive Association.

It is worth mentioning that a large part of them can actually survive. As long as his deputy shot early, control the situation in Atlanta.

However, if today’s war is repeated, Li Mochen will still do so, and he will never regret it. Only by seriously injuring Ron Edmund first can he kill the demon wolf Fenrir and seize the ‘Sky Scepter’.

Otherwise, his enemies may not be able to win in Atlanta, but they can preserve their vitality to the greatest extent and take away the magic wolf Fenrir and the ‘Sky Scepter’.

The tragic situation in Atlanta reminded him of his original intention to start the practice of the Immortal Fa.

He will not be dominated by others, and he will not lose his life due to the difference of others’ thoughts. This is the reason why he stepped into the gate of immortality, pursued the avenue, and pursued strength.

“That’s not bad!”

Kang Xiuli’s expression was very calm, and he did not care about the deaths and injuries of more than 30,000 people at all: “I will let the Wiltonstein Charity Foundation follow up and provide high pensions to the casualties. The aftercare work is still very troublesome, what are you going to do? “

“Come on piece by piece.”

Li Mochen sighed again and looked at the dozens of black smoke pillars in front of him: “If you are referring to public opinion, I have a solution.”

After all, this war is the victory of their side, so the gain is very great. In the future, the Howard family has put it on the bright side, and the assets of up to 370 billion golden shields are enough to make them all eat and drink.

Therefore, the more troublesome follow-up matters are only casualty compensation and property compensation, as well as public opinion.

He knew that Konsuli would not care how many people died in Atlanta. In this eyes, as long as the number of dead people in Atlanta did not exceed a certain number, which would affect the business of the Wiltonstein family, it would not matter.

Therefore, the only thing worth mentioning specifically by this person is public opinion, as well as the government forces that are threatened by public opinion and public opinion.

After this incident, their Wiltonstein family, as a party to the war, will be responsible for the large-scale disaster in Atlanta, and will surely be involved in the whirlpool of public opinion and be criticized by the media and the public.

Once handled badly, these people will be in a rat-like situation in the future for a period of time, and they will be generally rejected by American society.

However, in this regard, Li Mochen had a plan for coping with this war long before he started the war. Although he initially planned to fight Philip I and others in the suburbs.

Kang Xiuli’s eyes were half-confident, but he didn’t ask again: “So what’s the gain this time? I mean those half-gods.”

“This is beyond expectations!”

Speaking of this, Li Mochen’s spirit was slightly revitalized.

In addition to the ‘Sky Scepter’ and ‘Philip ’s Arm of Disaster’, this demigod war, he just harvested two pieces of mythological armament.

A piece called “Blue Sky Armor”, from the demigod Clara Conzell known as “Blue Sky”, can give people control of the “empty **** power”.

——It is a natural ‘sky’, not a conceptual ‘empty’, but it is still very powerful. It can control everything in the air, and can suppress the power of other people’s air, and enhance its ability in all aspects of the sky such as wind, water vapor and thunder.

The second mythological arm is a ring called ‘Strong God Ring’. From the magic messenger Ron Edmund. The power of the ring and the amount of divine power are ‘strong’.

It allows a weak magician to have a physique comparable to that of a demigod, and at the same time increase its strength with a ‘strong’ divine power.

Fortunately, Ron Edmond didn’t know much about the field of ‘strongness’, and was less than ten seconds after appearing, he was seriously injured by his deputy Li Mochen. Otherwise, this theological power can at least increase the combat effectiveness of Philip I and others by more than 30%.

Before Ron Edmund returned to his kingdom of God, he killed the recent “Blood Eye Angel” Robert Ivon, and with the help of Robespierre, he forcibly cut off his arm, It also caused this powerful magic to lose this powerful artifact.

The following types of mythological armaments are up to 13 pieces-most of them are contributed by General George Mattiola. The six long knives are all mythical ranks.

Thomson Beo thinks they are not easy to use and is ready to sell him at a price of 1.5 billion gold shields. This refers to the share of Thomson Beo, the death of General George Mattiola, and several others have contributed.

As for the holy objects, and the huge amount of property carried by the demigods, Li Mochen no longer cares about it. It was Robert, who was very concerned about the original found in the alchemy room of the ‘Conservation of Energy’ magic tower.

If you guessed right, the **** who seems to be made from the bones of the heirs of the ‘Earth King Python Yemengad’—


As expected by Conciuli, less than twenty minutes after the Atlanta War of God, all of America was covered with news reports about the war.

Not only did 24-hour follow-up reports from major TV networks, but those channels with higher ratings also produced special programs for this purpose. At least half of all newspapers, whether they are political news or entertainment sports, are related to the war in Atlanta.

The Wiltonstein family is accused of losing conscience and lawlessness. Comments on taking responsibility for this public safety incident, as well as calls for government sanctions to rise one after another, are surging like waves of tide in every corner of American society.

At this time, the benefits of already having the fifth largest media group in America began to show.

In the prime time period on the fourth night after the war, as the heat of the Atlanta Wars subsided slightly, a forty-five minute documentary about the “Beast Blood Potion” was broadcast simultaneously on all 25 TV stations of the Rising Sun .

The **** picture, with an estimated death figure of 1.97 million people, the tragic picture of a large number of missing colored people mutated into monsters under the action of drugs, and the documentary “National Progressive Association” this time The phrase once again detonated public opinion throughout Amerika.

Late that night, more than 30 million people flooded the streets, causing traffic paralysis in all major cities across America. Many industries and buildings belonging to this association have been destroyed.

Then at eight o’clock the next day, on the talk show of Amerika Current Affairs TV, the host, Arnold Carroll, directed his remarks at the “National Progressive Association” to open fire.

The gold medal host dug by Ms. Drew not only exposed the relationship between the magic wolf Fenrir and the National Association of Progressors, but also intentionally or unintentionally hinted to the public that the cause of the Atlanta War event, or The National Association of Progressors tried to cover up the truth of the “Beast Blood Elixir”.

This made the situation of public opinion in Amerika change dramatically again. Although the Wiltonstein family is still being attacked by many media, the main concern of the Amerika people has been to the “Veterinary Blood Elixir” and the “National Progressive Association”. Transfer.

Even in Atlanta, the Wiltonstein Group and the Rising Sun Group held a press conference in a timely manner, issued a statement of taking responsibility, and willing to pay losses from all walks of life, all circles have ceased to denounce the Wiltonstein family.

As a result, local prosecutors in Atlanta and Georgia also slowed down the investigation of the illegal activities of the Wiltonstein family.

“The situation is getting better now, BOSS.”

That night, Nanette Drew once again called Li Mochen on the phone: “You do n’t have to worry too much about the parliament. Under the current circumstances, it is difficult for them to pass sanctions against Wiltonstein and the Rising Sun Group, as well as the Checha Atlanta Massacre. The motion of the truth. The White House will not allow it. After all, our President, Your Excellency, is to blame. At that time, everyone in the entire Atlanta city heard that General George Mattiola was the special envoy he appointed. In this regard, he and we are allies. He will try his best to restrain the two members of the Citizens Party. Some people in Congress also know the consequences. Once the bill is passed, it will be a huge disaster. The only beneficiary is only It will be the National Progressive Association. “

“—The best defense is now offense. I will continue to create public opinion, forcing the FBI and the Ministry of Justice to investigate the” Beast Blood Elixir “incident and continue to expose their illegal matters.”

Nanette Drew ’s voice was full of confidence: “So rest assured that BOSS, the National Progressive Association is notorious, has inextricably linked with the 3K Party. They have too many weaknesses to be attacked, in In the media and public opinion, they are naturally at a disadvantage. I dare not say that it is completely disintegrated, but I swear that if the current attack strength is maintained for up to one month, I will let the National Progressive Association shrink by 70%! The major families of voluntarily quit this organization. My only concern is that the Ministry of Defense and the military, many of them, have given great hopes for the “veterinary blood pharmacy”. But we are now pierced. it.”

“For the military, Ms. Drew, you don’t need to care. We have the ace in our hands, which is enough to replace the” veterinary blood potion “. In fact, I had contacted Lieutenant General Daniel Boone not long ago. I was very interested there and promised to appease those guys for me. “


Ms. Drew exclaimed: “Substitute the ‘Beast Blood Elixir’? If so, then I don’t need to worry about anything. Just wait for my good news, BOSS.”

“I look forward, Ms. Drew!”

Li Mochen also smiled relaxedly: “I feel more and more now that I was really lucky to have hired you to host my Rising Sun Media. I have to thank you.”

“That’s also my lucky boss!” Nanette Drew chuckled: “Whether it is the Rising Sun Media, or the” Beast Blood Potion “event, you can’t do without your armed support. In this world, our media People are actually very weak. “

“That is my industry after all, is this what I should do, isn’t it?”

Li Mochen said here, saying: “I heard that the Citizen Party has prepared to push you to participate in the Senate by-election in South Carolina. Was it rejected by you? This is a rare opportunity, Drew— — ”

“No! No! BOSS, I am still very young. I am only in my early forties. Even if I reach Congress at this age, there is no possibility that I will become the dominant senator.”

Ms. Drew interrupted Li Mochen ’s words: “As the manager of the nation ’s fifth largest media group, I can ask all members of both houses of Congress to ask me to calmly establish my own network and influence. , Then I am just a small shrimp under command. I am crazy and I will give up my current position at this time to run for a little senator, which is not late until I am sixty years old. BOSS, you promise to I have n’t got my equity incentives yet, are you? Or are you dissatisfied with my current job and are you ready to change? “

“how is this possible?”

When Li Mochen heard the words, he couldn’t help smiling: “OK! You don’t want to go. I just want to tell you, Ms. Drew, you make any decision about your future, and I will give you full support.”

After hanging up the phone, Kang Xiuli, who was sitting not far from the chair, raised his eyes and looked at him: “Ms. Drew is indeed an outstanding professional manager, especially in the media. . This time the battle of public opinion is very beautiful, so that we will not be drowned by the saliva of the people. Andrea, you can tell her my appreciation. “

“It’s really amazing.”

Rotter Linden also gave a chuckle: “I used to think that this time the situation will be very troublesome, at least three or five years to be a man with a tail in his tail.”

At this time, their group was in a conference room on the 98th floor of the Wiltonstein Building.

Li Mochen doesn’t like to participate in the affairs of the Wiltonstein Group. When he can’t push forward the internal meetings of the group, when he can’t push it, he is also distracted by his personal practice and his participation in the research of “roots” and “avenue” .

But today’s ongoing meeting is how to divide the assets left by the enemy.

This includes the 370 billion assets of the Howard family in the light world, as well as a large military fort worth more than 150 billion in the dark world and many armed personnel. In addition, this family has a lot of hidden assets that need to be clarified one by one.

And the industry directly and indirectly controlled by Philip I has reached more than 70 billion; the younger brother Margaret also has a huge wealth of nearly 30 billion.

There are also several demigods who have died, and they also have some properties in Atlanta. Kang Xiuli does not intend to keep them, but is ready to take them together.

But now it is a legal society after all, these assets must be transferred to them in a ‘legal’ form. The means is nothing more than fictitious debt, false reporting of losses, etc., but it is very troublesome.

So until the fifth day after the war, they were not able to handle this matter properly. Fortunately, in Atlanta, no one dared to **** food from them. The powerful force taken in the Wilton Stein family, all parties are trying to cooperate, so everything is still smooth.

If all the procedures are completed, the Rising Sun Group will get a real estate property company worth 42 billion gold shields, a pharmaceutical company worth 37 billion gold shields, and a 50 billion gold shield that originally belonged to the Howard family. ‘East Coast United Bank’, and the ‘Howard Fort’ which will be renamed ‘Moon City’ by Li Mochen.

The city is not far from the blood-red place, about 12,000 kilometers away, in a depression. Li Mochen is going to build a sunburst city in the land of blood and red, echoing the moon city, and then find a way to connect these two territories in the future and make them into one.

In addition, there are some sporadic stocks and real estate owned by Li Mochen, totaling around 20 billion gold shields.

As for the rest, most of them belong to the Wiltonstein Group and Kang Xiuli personally. Then the Linden family, the Tangerian family, Franks and others will also divide part of this huge cake according to their own contributions.

Until ten o’clock in the middle of the day, there was a complete plan for the distribution and transfer of these assets.

And just as everyone got up and left in satisfaction, Franks asked with concern: “Armor, Howard Castle, should there be no problem?”

He was referring to the Fort Howard side, originally a private army belonging to the Howard family.

In the dark world, this family has a private army of eight field divisions, a total of 170,000 people, and more than 20 legends.

Originally, with the strength of the Wilton Stein family and the Rising Sun Group, it was still easy to solve these private forces and legends.

The problem is that Li Mochen now has to face the war with the National Progressive Association at the same time.

The fight between the two is now not limited to politics and the media. In the financial sector and the business sector, the two sides are also engaged in various forms of secret warfare.

For example, preventing the Rising Sun Electric Retail Company from acquiring new stores, cracking down on the capital flow of the Wiltonstein Group, interrupting various cooperation with it, and so on, as if the pressure of Taishan Mountain is on top.

However, these actions of the National Progressive Association are not enough to shake the foundation of the Wiltonstein family. More intense fighting broke out between the armed personnel on both sides.

At this time, the offenders and legends of the two sides are engaged in fierce exchanges of fire and fighting across the country.

In terms of numbers, the Wiltonstein Group is undoubtedly at a disadvantage. However, they have a great advantage in the legendary battle.

Both the King of the Night Void and Li Mochen can perform high-speed maneuvers nationwide, and they also have the “Exile” and “Dimensional Vortex” which make most demigods powerless. This led to the opposite half-god easily dare not to end, and once the number of legendary levels exceeds three or more, will encounter a strong blow by Delfinia and Li Mochen.

The legendary superiority of the Wiltonstein family has to be transmitted in the past, which leads to the current situation where both sides are evenly matched.

In this state, Li Mochen also scored soldiers to occupy ‘Fort Howard’ and sweep away the remaining forces of the Howard family. This ca n’t help but worry Franks.

Li Mochen smiled back: “No problem, Mr. Benedict has agreed to my request to borrow troops. The Benedict family will send three field divisions, plus my own four armored regiments, and two strengthened machine steps. Brigade is enough to deal with a group of guys who have lost their heads and have lost their hearts. “

“Roland Benedict? It seems I think too much.”

Franks smiled dumbly: “If you feel confident, if you feel that you are struggling, we have three hunting groups on the mainland of Antalya on the side of the Teutonic Cross Group. You can always transfer back to Atlanta.”

After this person left, Li Mochen looked at Kang Xiuli again: “I noticed it at the beginning of the meeting. You have something to say to me, right?”

“It’s about Sister Margaret.”

Kang Xiu used complex and obscure eyes to look at him: “Are you asking Clark Banfield to find their whereabouts?”

“This is the case.”

Li Mochen had no intention of concealment, and he nodded slightly: “Banfield told me that he has found some powerful clues and will soon find their whereabouts.”

Kang Xiuli couldn’t help but take a deep breath: “At this moment, I don’t know what to say. Andrea, they are my children after all.”

“But they are also my enemies.”

Li Mochen’s eyes were stern and he did not give in: “You can’t stop my revenge, this is my right.”

Kang Xiuli frowned slightly: “Hate doesn’t need to be solved by killing. You may change it. Andrea, after all, they are your blood relatives, and there is no threat to you.”


Li Mochen sneered: “Old man, Philip is also your blood relative, why don’t you change the way?”

This is the bottom line that does not allow him to give in. The hatred of the original owner, the blood debt of Elena ’s mother and daughter, must be repaid with blood.

Kang Xiuli couldn’t help but stare at each other, the eyes of the two met, and there seemed to be sparks between each other.

It was at this time that Li Mochen’s mobile phone, set aside, rang.

Li Mochen didn’t pay attention, until the phone rang for the second time, he frowned and picked it up, and pressed the connect button.

Then the voice coming from the microphone was the magic messenger Christy Bled.

“Are you free now? Amo?”

Ms. Bled said with a smile: “Our President, he wants to speak with you in the near future to exchange views on the dispute between you and the National Progressive Association. This country can no longer continue to chaos. You The war between them has caused great disturbance and unrest to the public. “

Li Mochen suddenly raised her eyebrows when she heard that, and knew that this was the public offensive of Ms. Drew.

Prior to this, the White House seemed to have forgotten Atlanta and ignored the Wiltonstein family.

So Li Mochen also used an uninteresting tone: “I am free, of course I am honored to be able to talk to Mr. President. But Ms. Bled, what seems to be wrong? We can communicate with the National Progressive Association There has never been any war and I am not interested in them. I have always been a law-abiding businessman-yes, you can pass this sentence to Mr. President. Please also say sorry to him for me, this in Atlanta City We were forced to do this disaster. Yes, it was our enemies who violated the agreement first. “

“Is it necessary to talk? Then you have to guarantee that the content of our conversation this time has nothing to do with the National Progressive Association, so 11 o’clock late?”

After the newsletter was over, Kang Xiuli watched him calmly: “I know Anthony is about to be promoted to legend. You have to free up some power as soon as possible to help him. But we can’t now reconcile with the National Progressives. Their The potential for war is beyond your imagination. Some things are not done now, and they will not be easy to do in the future. “

“I know.”

Li Mochen stood up and walked outside the door of the meeting room.

The calls requested by Mr. President are naturally encrypted lines to ensure that no one can listen. Otherwise, as for the solemn matter, we must first agree on a time.

As for Kang Xiuli’s concerns, Li Mochen also knew. The three supreme families of the National Progressive Association will somehow find ways to restrain the sky scepter and the virtual night king.

If it is not at this time, the largest organization will be hit to the greatest extent, destroying their cornerstones. Then in the future confrontation and confrontation, the Wiltonstein family will be under great pressure.

For the enemy, he and Kang Xiuli have the same treatment style, such as storms, try not to leave room!

And just when Li Mochen stepped out of the door of the conference room, Kang Xiuli’s voice with some helplessness floated to him: “Andrea, you can take revenge, but I also ask you to try not to hurt the innocent.”

Li Mochen looked back and looked at the old man inside: “Relax, I have a clear grudge, and my goal is only those three younger brothers. As for their children, as long as they don’t do things that cross my bottom line, I will not treat them.”

But Kang Xiuli ’s words have n’t been finished yet: “Andrea, you ’re going to the old continent recently to find the blood crown, right?”

“Do you have a different opinion?”

Li Mochen frowned again, and he did have such an idea.

The full version of ‘Scarlet Dragon Armor’, he is very much looking forward to it. Naturally, the sooner he gets it, the better.

Moreover, the bright congregation of the old continent is strong, Li Mochen believes that the longer this matter drags on, the more variables there are. In case the fellows of the Medici family feel uneasy, they can simply destroy the blood crown, or throw it into the dark world, the abyss of hell, etc., to prevent him from getting this god.

“The initial prototype of the blood crown was a crown created by many slaves under the command of Spartacus. It was called the crown of equality. Its core ability is the equality of the god. So even those with the” master **** ” The king of angels ~ ~ is also equal in front of the scarlet dragon armor. “

Konsuri said quietly, “Then the gods of the Roman Empire tried to force him to succumb when Spartacus died. But Spartacus did not bow to them until he died. Leaning down. And his tenacious will is also left inside the “Equality Crown”, which not only gives this mythological armament the power of “unyielding” and “escape”, but also has the ability to be destroyed, cannot be yielded, cannot be Captivity, the property that cannot be sealed. So the Holy See spent thousands of years before and after it failed to destroy this thing, and finally could only let it go after the decline of the Hohenstaufen family. In addition, the Hohenstaufen family The reason why the ‘Crown of Equality’ can be used is because one of our ancestors concealed the whereabouts of the single Spartacus and erased everything about her. “

Li Mochen’s eyes were slightly bright, and then he strode out of the door.

He has been wondering what kind of ability the “blood crown” has, but even if Li Mochen has searched all the magical historical materials he can touch, there is no detailed description of the “Crimson Dragon Armor”, and naturally there is no Hohens. The details of the wars between the Taofen family’s great emperors and the angels of the light church.

But if it is the concept of ‘equality’ theocracy, he can understand it. Why the kings of the Hohenstaufen family can contend with it in the most powerful era of the Holy See.

Li Mochen also understood the intention of Kang Xiuli to say these words, and the timing of obtaining the ‘blood crown’ was not the sooner the better.

‘Scarlet Dragon Armor’ can give him the power to go hand in hand with the angel kings, but not the knowledge and ability to control this power.

If you fight with the same strength, the angel kings can crush him now.

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