Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 565 - Surprise

PS: 9K Da Zhang seeking monthly tickets!


Li Mochen knew that the other party was planning to bargain, and the momentum created at this time was nothing more than trying to show him the ability to burn jade and stone.

“No need!”

Li Mochen shook his head again, and with a wave of his hand, he sent a pre-prepared contract to Odyssey Van Gogh: “I didn’t have so much time to discuss with you, and I’m not a strict master. This contract , You sign it if you agree, and start the war if you do n’t agree. It ’s that simple. Congratulations, I can extend it for another 20 seconds and give me an answer as soon as possible? “

Thomson Beo next to him couldn’t help but leaned his head into his head: “What terms are written on it? I’m curious.”

Odyssey Vatico frowned, looking at the scroll that was two meters long after it was unfolded. Although there are tens of thousands of words on it, with his eyesight and mental power, he can see it with only one glance.

“It’s not really harsh.”

Odyssey Vatican couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, his eyes lightened a little: “The despicable person has two more reasonable requests, please ask your Highness to answer.”

May be worried that there is not enough time, Odyssey Vatican ’s voice is slightly more rapid than before: “First, I hope that His Highness will not use the power of our Vatican family when fighting against the **** secret party alliance, unless it is the secret party initiative Attack on us. There is an ancient covenant between our seven families, and the brutal killings among our families are the cruelest thing in the world. “

“Did you kill each other?”

Li Mochen’s lip corners were cold, and his eyes were upset: “However, this request is barely reasonable. I agree.”

“Secondly, as you can see, the Vatican family suffered heavy casualties under your blow. I hope you give the Vatican family the right to rest and recuperate. In the next three years, our clan will not have to participate in any fighting.”

Seeing Li Mochen’s eyes start to be fierce, and the murderous intentions in the breath, Odyssey Vatican said again: “Of course, as the only intact person in this battle, there is also Prince Schroeder Vatican, next You will be dispatched during the time! I believe that the fighting power of the two of us will not let you down. “

Li Mochen narrowed his eyes and looked at the man up and down. He pondered for a moment, then smiled ironically: “What other plans do you seem to have? But it doesn’t matter. Then change the corresponding terms as you said. Speed It ’s better to hurry up, my time is tight, King of Vatican. “

Odyssey Vatico ’s pupils contracted slightly, and then he used a dignified look to erase some of the text on the scroll, and then engraved the new text, and then the face was decayed, and he signed his name on this scroll. .

He did not delay the time, and the “Light Magic Eight” on the opposite side did not completely confine his power. The many Vatican blood races in the town below are still under the influence of the other side, and only one idea of ​​this one is needed. The thousands of pure blood clan people of the Vancello family will be directly annihilated.

At the same time, those blood legends already buried in the mausoleum can only support an extra two to three minutes.

At this time, any small actions against him are very stupid.

After signing his name, Odyssey Vandro gave the contract in hand to another blood prince behind him.

This deed of surrender is not just his signature. The Vanjo family uses these princes as their source and spreads dozens of different blood lines. Only if the original ancestors of their bloodline signed the real name with their own blood, this contract can be truly effective.

“I can probably guess why Your Highness is in a hurry.”

Odyssey Van Gogh looked at Li Mochen again, his head slightly bowed down, showing his respect and obedience: “I wonder if your Highness can tell you that it will be lucky to be taken in by your Highness, is it Bruch? Gangaro? “

The Secret Party Alliance is the largest surviving party among the blood clan. Seven of the thirteen clans of the blood clan today are members of the secret party.

Among the seven Mitra ethnic groups, the Vanjo, Bruch, and Gangro tribes are the most powerful.

Among them, the Fanzhuo family is regarded as a natural leader, maintaining the foundation of the secret party, as well as the defender and executor of the Six Commandments, serving as the blood lord of most cities. And their members are either nobles, or wealthy businessmen, or other members of the upper class, who are in charge of huge wealth.

The second is the Bruch. Their fighting abilities and qualities are arguably the strongest among the blood races, and they are born warriors. The number of strong men in the clan is almost inferior to that of Vatican.

Once again it was Gangaro, a group of beasts more than humans. They usually live in the wild and are closer to nature. Their style is similar to that of druids and naturalists. In fact, some of them are indeed members of the Church of the Natural Goddess, receiving the protection of the goddess.

They are also usually powerful warriors. Unlike the Bruch tribe, the Gangruo’s bravery in combat is not derived from the lawless violent violent blood, but from the strength and animal instincts they obtained from nature. .

“It has nothing to do with you, King of Vatican!”

Li Mochen directly refused, he would not be foolish enough to answer such a question, giving the other party the opportunity to report.

Although there are already contractual constraints, who knows whether there is any other way for this ancient blood to send messages to his peers.

Seeing that all the blood princes present had already signed the name on the volume of the surrender contract, Li Mochen found a trick and earned it into his own hands.

This contract is not a pure astral spiritual bond, but also incorporates his own power. Anyone who signs his life and tries to violate it will suffer the interference of his life and death, and the burning of the “true fire of the sun”.

“This is a smart choice! Odyssey Vatican, you won the right to survival for your people. For the next three years, you can get peace and rest. But before that, remember to put the property specified in the contract, Deliver to Atlanta as soon as possible. Also, as a duty of my servants, I hope that both you and Schroed van Gogh will appear in Manhattan in a month! “

——That was the promotion place chosen by Anthony Braden, although the current main body of Light and Magic Industry is in California and Los Angeles. But the Braden family originated in Manhattan, and there are more allies there as Austrian aid.

At the same time, Thomas Milan, the **** of alchemy, machinery and craftsmen, was more powerful on the west coast and relatively weaker on the east coast of Ameriga.

Odyssey Vandro ’s strength is still worth looking forward to. This is a strong man with medium divine power and weak divine level.

As for the other Prince Schroeder van der Waals, he also possesses a medium divine power with close combat power.

As for the property referred to in Li Mochen’s words, it contains most of the materials in Bethel Estantin’s list and up to 200 soul gold coins. In addition, the Fanzhuo family also had to compensate Li Mochen for 10 billion gold shields and provide 1 billion gold shields as an annual contribution.

This condition is quite harsh, although the Vatican family has a lot of assets. But the overall scale of wealth is only better than the Wilton Stein family. And very scattered, scattered in major cities.

This is due to the pressure from the Church of the Gods and the human government. After all, they are aliens. Once the wealth they control exceeds a certain amount, it will attract the merciless blow of human power.

At the same time, they are also the money bags of the seven clans of the entire Mitra League, providing various resources for almost all Mitra members. Among them, the blood bags used to protect their survival each year require huge amounts of capital.

Therefore, the paper contract provided by Li Mochen still has a lot of pressure on the Fanzhuo family. It can be said that it is just on the edge of the bottom line.

“of course!”

Odyssey Vatico’s look respectfully: “Your will is now my mission.”

When his words fell, Li Mochen had already entered the void with Thomson Beo, the “enemy of death”.

“As a result, the sky scepter is not used.”

Thomson Beo continued to stand on the back of Xiaolongmai, and he grinned: “So where is the next goal? Bruch? Or Gangaro?”

“It’s Ruimoer!”

Li Mochen shook his head: “Bruch is scattered sand, Gangelo is hidden in the deep wild forest, and sheltered by the goddess of nature, I don’t need to go find them.”

According to his understanding of the blood clan, the Bruch clan is a group of thorns, and there are many hills, no one obeys anyone, and there is no common king. The entire interior of this clan is divided into three factions, under which there are different small parties. He couldn’t find each blood prince one by one. It’s hard to find and there is no time.

As for Gangaro, a group of blood druids is even more difficult to deal with. The group of guys supported by the beasts are more sturdy than the Vanjos.

The key point is that both families must rely on the financial resources of Vatican. So after he controlled the Vatican family, he was able to influence the two vampire groups to some extent.

The Ruimoer is another powerful clan among the blood clan.

They are not pure blood, nor are heirs to Lilith and Cain. They were originally a group of human magicians eager for eternal life in the early Middle Ages. I do n’t know what temptation and help they received. Through alchemy and magic, combined with the blood of an ancient blood family, they obtained the life form of a vampire, and thus gained Long life.

But for this reason, they also lost the source of human mana and magic, resulting in the complete loss of original magic. However, among these mages, there are many intelligent transcendentals who turned to develop blood energy and created a system called ‘blood magic’ and a powerful profession called ‘blood mage’.

Initially this group was not recognized by the blood, but was rejected by all the blood. But in the age when the light gods swept all the heretics and dark creatures in the old continent, the powerful power displayed by the blood wizards gave them a place in the secret alliance.

Since modern times, they have strictly abided by the rules of avoiding the world and lurking, and usually do not associate with other clans of the secret party.

In Li Mochen’s view, a group of long-time, knowledgeable wizards and alchemists are obviously more useful than the fighting madmen of Bruch and Gangaro.

“Rimon? Well, this is a wise choice.”

Thomson Beau smiled expectantly: “So is it still two billion gold shields? This is another task, you have to pay extra.”

“500 million!”

Li Mochen did not hesitate to bargain: “The next task is safer, and the blood mage are also a group of poor ghosts.”

Although the Ruimoer clan does not need the financial support of the Vanjo Clan like other groups. However, due to the limited ways of harvesting wealth, and the consumption of spell practice and research, they are still very tight in terms of money-even this group has a large number of alchemists, even large alchemists.

Therefore, he expects that this trip to the Ruimoer clan will not have much financial gain.

“Shit, you are stingy enough!”

Thomson Beau scolded: “I guess the money you have extorted from the Vatican family has exceeded at least 10 billion, and you get the effect of a whole vampire clan. No wonder Dael has so much resentment against you. Although The woman herself is a miser, and of course she is poor. “

He is also familiar with Delfinia Edric, the ‘Emperor of the Night’. The actions of the aliens in recent years have also hired him to help.

Li Mochen rolled his eyes when he didn’t hear it. But he was smart this time, did not turn off his hearing, and returned to Thomson Beau from time to time, so that the latter would not feel like he was talking to the air.

Although this is annoying, it is better than being bombarded by this guy’s spirit.

And just after the two people traveled far away from the astral world, a figure appeared in the sky above the town of Saint-Desi, before Odyssey Vatican.

“King! Could our Amerika blood and Vatican clan only accept the fate of being enslaved in the future?”

This person is another powerful person of the Vatican Clan-Schroder Vatican!

“Did you read the contract he provided? Isn’t it harsh? But it’s not unacceptable. The key is that we have no choice. Saint Cyr Van drojo and Troll Vandro are dead in his hands. The whole The process took only three minutes. He has enough power to kill 15 of the 17 of us here. The Vatican Clan will be completely destroyed by him. That sky scepter, he is not used Escape, but to prevent us from escaping. “

Odyssey Vatican shook his head: “Wait patiently, wait for Lilith and Cain’s awakening, and twelve true ancestors. I won three years for our clan. After three years, the world will definitely change. . “

“This is the only way.”

The blood prince named Schroeder sighed: “But I am still very worried. It is common sense that the ancestor’s oath in our bloodline is above all contracts. But the provisions of that contract are very strict, I Worrying about the power of the bloodline, we cannot get rid of his control. This talent and strength are too strong. Three years later, who knows what will happen. If he becomes a high god, even Lily It ’s impossible for us to get rid of control. Of course, this is unlikely, but we ca n’t help it. ”

Odyssey Vatican said that he looked silently to the east, and said after a long time: “I know where his next goal is, it should be Ruimoer.”


The settlement chosen by the Rimoel clan in Amerika is not far from Yellowstone Park. These powerful blood mages have created a huge half-plane here for daily living.

This half-plane has a diameter of more than 100 kilometers, and its area is no less than that of the city of Atlanta with a population of tens of millions. There are no fewer than three hundred magic towers floating inside, and under these tall or short magic towers, there is a huge city full of technology.

To Li Mochen’s surprise, his surrender to the Ruimoer clan was very easy. Li Mochen and Thomson Beo just flew into this half plane, and saw Moses Rui Moer, the patriarch of the Rui Moer clan, waiting for them with a group of demigods and legendary blood mages.

There was no fighting between the two sides, and Moses Ruimoer directly led everyone to Li Mochen, and he did not have any objections to the contract provided by the latter, which made Li Mochen and Thomson Beo extremely curious.

“His Royal Highness, you should know the origin of our Rimoel clan?”

Moses Ruimoer explained calmly that his face was light and calm, and he was not uncomfortable because he and his clan were enslaved: “In the early Middle Ages, our survival was difficult, and all members were frightened by the Holy See. Uneasy. Until the emperor Barbarossa provided us with refuge, he not only stabilized us, but also had the time to study blood magic, but also provided a lot of funds for us to cast a magic tower. The most loyal courtier of the Hunstaufen Dynasty, Emperor Barbarossa, helped us far more than other clans of the Mitra Alliance. Now, in order to inherit the glory of the Hohenstaufen Dynasty, and control the life and death authority Your effectiveness is not unacceptable to all of our clan. “

When it comes to this, Moses Ruimoer leaned slightly towards Li Mochen: “The Ruimoer clan is willing to fight for you and become your faithful subordinate. Correspondingly, we also hope that His Royal Highness will be like the original Emperor Barbarossa. In the same way, treat our people fairly and fairly. “

Li Mochen was extremely regretful. If he knew that there was still such a relationship between Riemor and the Hohenstaufen family, he would not have given Thomson Beo 500 million gold shields.

The latter also gave a series of quack chuckles: “Wow, it seems that there is no need to fight, right? Bai picked up 500 million gold shields, which made me psychologically balance Mr. Wiltonstein.”

Moses Ruimoer also invited Li Mochen to visit his twenty-story magic tower to learn about the status of the Ruimoer clan. However, Li Mochen refused, he was very interested in these blood mage, but since it took only a total of two or three minutes on the side of the Ruimoer clan. That means that he can now go to another place and hit his luck.

“Where is the next goal?”

Thomson Beo asked again: “Malkawi? Nofeller, or Torito?”

“It’s Torrido!”

Li Mochen controls the small dragon veins, and once again roams in the astral world: “They are slightly useful to me.”

There are many aliases of the Toruto ethnic group in the secret party, such as “faller”, “artist”, “pretender”, and even “hedonist”.

The members of this family believe that they are a combination of elegant, gorgeous, talented, foolish, ridiculous, fantasy, and wandering. They also like to hang around in the upper class, but unlike Fanzhuo, members of the Toruido tribe do not like boring official entertainment. The only purpose of their high-level social activities is to be noticed and praised, so most of them are active as artists, nobles, and rich merchants.

What Li Mochen valued was the intelligence ability of the Toruido tribe. Their tentacles have penetrated into every corner of the American community.

In addition, the current Patriarch of the Torritos is also one of the only four ancients of the blood of the American Crypto Party. Although this theoretical weak god’s combat power is very weak in the rumors, this person is also an ancient blood race.

“But Beo, this time I’m not going to give you money, we didn’t experience any battle before that.”

“Shit, at least 300 million! Otherwise, I will leave now.”

Thomson Beo couldn’t help but swear: “You can say that, you are even more arrogant than old Wilton Stein.”

“Two hundred million!”

Li Mochen replied calmly: “Is this the money picked up by Bai? Isn’t he going to Beo? Otherwise, I’ll go find Dyer.”

In fact, whether it is to deal with the Vatican before, or after the Ruimoer, Delfinia’s ability is better than the enemy of Death.

However, Li Mochen didn’t count on letting the ‘Emperor of the Night’ and the aliens eat too much at once, he also had to let the woman realize that she still has a strong competitor.

“This is what you said!”

Thomson Beo turned angry, and at the same time spread his hand: “But Mr. Wiltonstein Jr., this approach hurts my heart. It can be seen that you really want to conquer me, right? I ca n’t like the boss you like, you have to show me sincerity. “

Li Mochen sneered: “Forget it, Beo! It’s the matter of Manhattan a month later. I can give you a well-paid employment contract if you are interested.”

Can’t he see who this guy is? He still knows who can conquer and who can only be detained.

And Thomson Beo is a guy who is hard to impress even if he invests 120,000 points of sincerity. The only thing he can do is to restrain him, and use his friendship and enough commissions to try to let this person stand in his own camp.

Of course, there is also its own deterrent.

The potential of Death ’s Enemy is almost as good as Anthony ’s. And even now Thomson Beo has a fighting power comparable to Roberto. On some special occasions, you can even contain a powerful magical messenger—you do n’t need a certain prelude preparation like the blood-eyed maid, so Li Mochen does not want to be an enemy with this guy.

“Is it Anthony? That’s a pity.”

Thomson Beo sighed with regret: “I have signed a contract with Anthony. I have to stay by his side for 24 hours and cannot leave. But he is more generous than you. If he can survive, Successfully enter the legend, then this day can give me eight billion, these money can let me relax for a few years. “

When Li Mochen heard the words, he laughed dumbly.

He knew that although Thomson Beo made a lot of money, he could spend a lot of money. This guy really spends very little money on himself. The peculiar physique of the enemy of death allows him to grow quickly without too much practice resources. So most of the money was invested by Thomson Beo in various charitable organizations, or the kind that really does charity-

In the past, there were people who used the name of charity and wanted to cheat the money of the enemy of Death. But shortly afterwards, the two charitable organizations were blood-washed by Thomson Beo from top to bottom. The leaders of those two organizations were even given live by him.

This time, in the disaster of Atlanta, Thomson Beo donated 700 million gold shields.

——All in all, this is indeed a guy worth paying.

The king capital of the Torridor clan, near Las Vegas, Nevada. It is not only a famous gambling city, but also a huge tourist city. Most members of the Torridor clan like to hang around here and enjoy the paper drunken fans of Las Vegas. They also have a very deep foundation in this gambling city, and they have obtained great financial resources.

And here is only 8,000 kilometers away from Huangshi Park. And this time Li Mochen navigated the Little Dragon Vessel while sailing in the astral world, and he did his best, not worrying about the loss of mana.

After the two clans of Fanzhuo and Ruimoer successively surrendered, there was no strong man worthy of Li Mochen’s fear in the American clan blood clan.

Li Mochen, the old man of the Torridor clan, did not pay any attention to it. As for the Gangaro family, most of them are still sleeping somewhere in the wilderness of the wilderness, and integrated into the nature, the possibility of running out is very small.

So Li Mochen no longer cares about the possible counterattack of the blood clan secret party, confident that after experiencing the high-speed voyage of the astral world, he can suppress the entire clan of Torito and any additional conditions.

Only three minutes later, the two of them once again emerged from the astral world. At the moment of entering the main material world, Li Mochen opened his mind in full range.

Just a moment later, Li Mochen’s lips showed a pleasant smile.

The people of the Torridor clan should have received the news, their clan is being evacuated to zero. However, these Torritos are worthy of being the most lazy and lazy family in the Seventh Clan of the Secret Party. At this time, there are still seven Princes of the Torrito Clan staying in this city.


At the same time, at the Rising Sun Biopharmaceutical Base in Manhattan, after Li Mochen’s assistant stepped out of the portal, he looked puzzled at Professor Gu Hong who was waiting across the portal.

“Professor Gu, listening to your tone just now, it seems that there is some good news here, right? Is the” Knight Class Biological Cloak “already completed?”

In Rising Sun Biopharmaceuticals, biological colonies with strengths of ten to twelve levels are named ‘warriors’. Among them, the A type is a melee type, and the B type is a shooter type, which has been developed and started mass production. The C type is the mage class. The development of this model is slightly more difficult, and the progress is not very satisfactory. It has not yet been finalized.

The knight level refers to the biological colonies of the thirteenth to fourteenth levels. At present, both Type A and Type B are progressing well. According to the research and development briefing he received three days ago, the results can be produced within a week at most.

This pair of Li Mochen was originally in the magic tower to study how to make the blade of the ‘Golden Winged Dragon’ into a magic weapon.

But just half an hour ago, when he started to design the magic array, he received a communication request from Gu Hong.

The latter asked him to go to the biological experiment base in Manhattan as soon as possible, saying that there are major issues to be reported to him.

“Not a cavalier, at least two more days.”

Gu Hong’s face was full of excited red tide: “But there is indeed a great good news. Our purchasing department bought a few good things.”

As he spoke, he went ahead, taking Li Mochen into an experiment control room with transparent glass walls on all sides.

“Looking to the left, this is the stock box of the Mosrah people we recently purchased. There were a total of 13 items this month. I do n’t know the reason. Recently, the relics of the Mosrah people have suddenly increased in the market. It is said that there are Excavated the remains of two Mosrahs, this is the nineteenth in half a year. Some archaeologists have confirmed that the Mayan civilization suffered a great deal, which was caused by the invasion of the Mosrahs. It is a brilliant civilization, a brilliant divine system— “

It may feel like the subject is off topic. Professor Gu Hong did not continue to go deeper in this topic. He pointed to the right again: “However, the two harvesting boxes on the right are the ones we harvest the most.”

Li Mochen looked sideways over there, and then found a laboratory here. A total of two black boxes were placed, but the inside was not the “black slime” and “mucus” he had seen before, but something like leather armor, and the surface had a metallic reflection. And around them, there are various instruments that are doing detection, sensing and data collection.

At first glance, Li Mochen noticed the difference between the two biological colonies. Their life forms are more stable and their breath is more powerful, which is very consistent with the magical energy flowing around them, almost reaching the perfect integration, and there is no strong desire to attack.

“Is it a demigod-level colonial armor?”

Li Mochen’s eyes were stunned for a while, and he was almost completely absorbed in the two warframes in the box, even entering the state of heaven to sense.

Then, within a moment, Li Mochen was determined. This is indeed a demigod-level colonial armor!

This made Li Mochen’s mind overflow with incredible ecstasy.

As early as four months ago, he delegated the acquisition of the boxed box and the unlocking method to Gu Hong. But at that time, he never imagined that the purchasing personnel on the side of Rising Sun Biopharma would bring him such a big surprise.

“These two demigod warframes are much more stable than the legendary ones. They are more self-disciplined and have the ability to ‘hibernate’, which allows them to enter a state close to hibernation and reduce their own losses. There is still plenty of energy, and the seal that has lasted for two thousand years has not made them feel hungry. “

Gu Hong’s eyes glowed: “BOSS, we must crack their mysteries. This will greatly improve our technology in biological colonization and make it more secure.”

Li Mochen has understood his intention: “Do you want one or two demigods to sit down and help you analyze their structure, right?”

“It’s better to have two demigods with extra power of perception, although they look safe, but we have to prevent accidents, right?”

Gu Hong added: “There is more sufficient financial investment, more scientific research personnel, and more sophisticated equipment, must be of the national laboratory level.”


Li Mochen’s speech was decisive, and his eyes also shone with different colors. He had no reason to disagree ~ ~ But our experimental location must be transferred to Atlanta. I recently acquired the Howard Pharmaceutical Company of the Howard family. They have two larger, safer, and more advanced experimental bases. I want to transfer the research materials and personnel here. “

Gu Hong heard a little hesitantly and agreed: “Yes! I will try my best to convince employees. The problem is not big. With such good research materials, our core staff will not give up easily. But I also hope that you can give them to BOSS. Provide a superior living environment. “

After all, Atlanta is the home base of the Wiltonstein family, and their experiments have entered the demigod stage. Since Gu Hong knew that Howard Pharmaceuticals was also included in Li Mochen’s bag, he knew that they would not stay here for long. Atlanta is undoubtedly safer than Manhattan.

“Also, I want one of these two half-gods.”

Li Mochen looked at him sideways: “Is this okay?”

He clearly noticed Gu Hong ’s reluctance, and then he chuckled with a smile: “The Mosrah ’s demigod is equipped with the second one and there must be a third one. We have sufficient funds and will get it sooner or later. In addition, I It ’s important to provide you with usage data after wearing it, is n’t it? This is more conducive to your research. ”


Gu Hong sighed: “Who made you my boss? But this semi-god-level cloak is not without risk. It requires the host to have strong spiritual power, which is almost not inferior to the semi-god-level strong. Otherwise, , Will also be unable to bear the consciousness inside the demigod colony, causing mental damage and even being corroded and assimilated. So if you intend to use it, you must pay attention to it. “

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