Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 569 - Confrontation

“If you have the power, try to help Anthony to contain a few demigods.”

Li Mochen is still aiming and calculating. His goal is to be a guy with close to medium **** power. He can’t do his best and be careful.

The last time he killed Ron Edmund, he had Anthony to help calculate the trajectory, but now the richest man is temporarily unable to do so, he can only rely on his own strength to complete.

“Understood! I will go all out. The ally of Light Magic Industries and the Braden family is really important to you BOSS.”

At this moment, Moses Ruimoer suddenly moved slightly: “BOSS, your goal, is that processing **** Ivan Cote?”

Without waiting for Li Mochen to answer, his brows were deeply frowned: “These gods dare to enter the battlefield at this time point, it is a BOSS with a reason.”

The deterrent power of ‘Long Wei’ is unquestionable. With Ron Edmund ’s precedent in existence, even if it is a medium-level **** of the same level as Thomas Milan, he ca n’t help but be afraid of a three-pointer.

But the **** of processing appeared at the beginning of the war, and appeared on the battlefield in a majestic manner. It seemed that he didn’t care about the killing of ‘Long Wei’ at all.

In the same way as Ivan Cote, there are two more on this battlefield. One is Lancelot Rhodes, the magical ‘magic knight’, and one is ‘Lady of Pain’, Kathryn Brittner.

The reason why Ms. Isadora McCas, the **** of astrology, dared to appear on the battlefield in the first place was that the magical goddess made sure that his boss would not rashly enemies with her.

So what are the reasons for these three? Do you think that the master of ‘Long Wei’ will not choose them as the target of sniping?

“I know-they are confident to defend my bullets!”

Li Mochen was still attentive, his eyes cold, and at the same time his lips twitched slightly: “I also probably guessed where their confidence came from. But I think they are overconfident, and they can be said to have underestimated me. Right , Try to help me grab a few pieces of myth from that guy— “

In his mind, he was already thinking about the “Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda”.

In the battle more than a month ago, there were only more than 19,000 strands of colorful aura on his pagoda.

Killing and killing many powerful people, including Ron Edmund, cost Li Mochen a huge amount of merit. Afterwards, the death and injury of tens of thousands of civilians in Atlanta also brought him a lot of evil power.

But after a lapse of one month, the colorful aura on this tower returned to 30,000 strands.

The secret party alliance that forced the blood to descend, and Michael Wood launched another round of fighting against the **** highland half a month ago, all benefited him greatly.

And Li Mochen’s own “theocracy of destiny” also gave him full confidence that he can subtract at least half of the loss of the “wish technique”.

These colorful auras on the “Spiritual Soul Fortune Purple Pagoda” are enough for today’s warfare.

This gun will give death to the processing **** Ivan Cote-at the moment when this wish was made, Li Mochen pressed the trigger.

With a bang, the magical energy, also from the hand of Anthony Braden, popped into the barrel and brought out gunfire. Li Mochen got up directly, and walked to the portal on his side that was prepared by Moses Ruimoer for him.

He no longer needs to look at the results, just because the “Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda” has already given a response.

And just when Li Mochen stepped into the portal and left his magical tower of “Hometown of Destiny”, the magic bullet was only 500 meters away from Ivan Cote. The latter was shocked at the moment, and when he was awe-inspiring, he placed a red gold shield in front of him for the first time. The light outside the shield dazzled dazzlingly, covering Ivan Cote as a golden eggshell.

“The guardian of theocracy?”

Moses Ruimoer, who was watching this scene, suddenly had a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He did not expect that this god, in addition to his mythical armor, actually possessed such a powerful mythological armament. But this is the reason why Ivan Cote is not afraid of Longwei’s killing? It seems that it is not enough!

His BOSS, a shot that broke through dozens of layers of protective arrays inside and outside the ‘Energy Conservation’ magic tower, severely wounded Ron Edmund ’s power, but it ’s not something that one or two powerful mythical equipment can withstand.

And the next moment, there was another cloudy blue ray in the sky of the cloud, heading across the sky toward the bullet. Wherever it shines, time and space are forcibly delayed or even frozen!

Moses Ruimoer’s mind is also awe-inspiring!

This is the delaying ray of the increase in the power of God-is it Ms. Timera?

But just when Moses Ruimoer felt bad, there was also a time and space force inside the magic bullet. Its speed suddenly slowed down, almost indistinguishable from the delayed rays. After that, it changed rapidly and slowly in the distance of less than 500 meters, drawing a spiral trajectory as if accurately tracking the missile, perfectly avoiding the delayed rays of continuous pursuit after the rear.

Until one hundredth of a second later, this 7.62mm magic bullet almost miraculously hit Ivan Cote who had used magic and changed his position twice in a row from the left side.

On the other side, the shield with the ‘guardian’ divine power failed to hold even one tenth of a thousand, and was penetrated by this bullet.

At this time Ivan Cote’s face was already black, but his eyes were still calm and full of confidence. Although the red gold shield was penetrated, it was not damaged, and the ‘guardian’ divine power is still playing a role. And this god’s body not only showed layers of shields united by divine power, but the artifact-level armor also exuded the glory of divine power to the greatest extent.

——This mythical armed theocracy is a ‘barrier’!

Ms. Timera ’s delayed rays also followed, only one thousandth of a second, this ray can completely freeze the bullet.

But at this point a bit dark, but it appeared at the tip of the bullet that seemed to have nowhere to go. Moses Ruimoer, who looked at the scene from afar, raised his eyebrows slightly and took a cold breath.

That is the banned curse ‘Material Oblivion’! And the ‘Destroy’ Divine Power!


The intense light that erupted at that moment, like the sun’s blazing glare, directly engulfed the area including Ivan Kot, the ‘God of Processing’. The devastating shock waves and air waves also forcibly took off dozens of nearby demigods in fierce fighting. The resulting tide of magical energy is also magnificent, making all the magic within ten kilometers around it out of order. Even the half plane divided by the Manhattan Magic Tower array is violently turbulent, almost returning to the main material world due to the disorder and failure of the Magic Energy Array.

When the strong light gradually dissipated, the shock wave was discharged to the outer layer.

Moses Ruimoer discovered that the area was empty. The ground seems to have been bitten by a giant creature, and a large area of ​​the surrounding land and hills are no longer visible, and also includes the “God of Processing” Ivan Cote!


In the Villa of the “Emerald City”, Thomson Beo, the enemy of the **** of death who was also fortunate to see this scene, could not help swallowing a spit, and his eyes were shocked and blankly murmured.

“The God of Light is on! Mr. Wiltonstein Jr., you will make me dare not accept your enemy’s employment contract. Poor Ivan Cote, sad Thomas Milan, you are too little to look at him! “

At this moment, his mind moved slightly, looking at a position to the south. Near the magical tower ‘Yuanlijiayuan’ of Lancelot Rhodes, ‘Magic Knight’, Thomson Beo discovered a little silvery luster that was traveling through the air at speed.

That’s a magic bullet! The magic tower of Lancelot Rhodes is less than fifty meters away!

The time when Li Mochen shot was obviously at the time of the explosion. The huge sound waves and tides of magic energy covered up all the movements of Li Mochen when he shot.

“Magic Knight” Lancelot Rhode failed to make a decent struggle. After only one thousandth of a second, the top of the “Yuanlijiayuan” magic tower burst into a sun-like intensity. The brilliance, even more dazzling than the sun, shone the night sky in this half plane to the end.

The huge shock wave once again covered this area only 10 kilometers away. All the demigods here had to move their figures to the corners of the half plane to avoid the devastating shock wave and the amazing radiation of the explosion center. .

At this time, Li Mochen’s figure once again reached the other direction of this half plane through the portal provided by Moses Ruimoer. There is another sniping array prepared by his faithful subordinates for him, which is also a half plane, but the area is only about 50 square meters, which is located between the current “Emerald City” villa and the main material world. .

But this time, he had just walked out of the portal and saw a girl opposite him. The latter wore a black evening dress, a more prominent ruby ​​necklace hung on his chest, and a heavy magic book in his hand. The girl’s facial features are very pretty, with a memorable temperament and style, but the pair of red-golden pupils are full of anger and cold killing intentions.

Li Mochen suddenly raised his eyebrows and asked without question, “Ms. Missela?”

The girl in black ignored his question completely, and the scepter in her hand was on the ground, so that the time of this miniature plane was disconnected from the surrounding world.

It was like a drop of water flowing in a long river in a time series, sputtered out of the inside of this big river and temporarily deviated from the original time track. It also seems to have taken a section from a scroll, without the future or the past.

And this miniature half plane is also completely divided.

This is the magic of ‘sequential interception’ of the magic of the gods, and it is a more powerful chronological spell than the ‘time frozen’. But the divine power and mighty power of Ms. Misela of Time can hold this small piece of space-time fault firmly.

This made Li Mochen completely unable to continue shooting outside. He could not even see the outside world, leaving only a chaos in the surrounding void. Even his “Eye of Titan” and “Real Dragon Vision” could not penetrate it.

Li Mochen didn’t pay much attention, he has done his best to help Anthony solve the “processing god” Ivan Cote and the “magic knight” Lancelot Rhode, but also restrained the strength of this one Weak waiting for God’s time. If the richest man ca n’t repel Thomas Milan and break the legend, it ’s that the fate should be like this.

Compared with the situation outside, the opponent in front of him now needs his full attention.

-This is undoubtedly a dangerous enemy, even more dangerous than Ron Edmund, the ‘Energy Lord’. It is also the strongest opponent Li Mochen has encountered since entering the world.

“Poor Mr. Lancelot Rhodes, I guess you must have assured them of their safety beforehand, right?”

As Li Mochen spoke, he put the ‘Dragon’ sniper rifle in his hand into the void of the ring, and took the Sakura Blood Knife in his hand.

“But you haven’t been able to do it, or even tried to help him.”

The **** of time in front of him is indeed at the expense of abandoning the ‘magic knight’ Lancelot Rhodes, in order to accurately lock his position and pull him into this space-time fault.

But the girl named Misela still ignored what he said, and she was examining Li Mochen: “I feel your body and have a very strong time force!”

Then this pupil’s pupil narrowed slightly: “Scarlet Dragon Armor, are you Andre Lee Wiltonstein?”

Her magical spirit vision has penetrated the disguise made by Li Mochen and saw the reality of the ‘Crimson Dragon Armor’.

This surprised the young girl named Mithra. As a magician who used magic to become a god, she certainly knew about the past history of the ‘Crimson Dragon Armor’.

This is a mythological armament that can only be controlled by the pure blood of Hohenstaufen! This knowledge also allowed her to speculate the identity of the person opposite him, the one who seriously wounded the “Energy Lord” Ron Edmund, and killed the “processing god” Ivan Cote and the “Magic Knight” The powerful sniper of Lancelot Rhodes is Andre Lee Wiltonstein himself! Or this person’s avatar-

At this time, Li Mochen’s lips also showed a smile.

“Guess it, Ms. Time. You are very smart, but today you made a wrong choice.”

At this time, his Sakura Blood Sword also wielded a cold awn, the concept of the sacred power called ‘must break’. Under his power, he abruptly disconnected the layers of temporal barriers in front of Mithra.

The power of this goddess is exceptionally powerful, but because of the “Sequential Intercept” spell of the Divine Realm, it consumes too much power, so that Li Mochen cut a deep blood stain on the girl’s face with the first knife!

At this time, the timing force between the two parties is in a fierce confrontation. Time is accelerating, time is lagging, time is frozen, the speed of light moves, the **** of ice, etc., changes in a flash.

Li Mochen is far inferior to the opposite in terms of timing power, but his talents are still able to disturb time and space, and by means of changing back and forth, it interferes with Misela’s control of timing.

In addition, he holds the curse of “annihilation” and the gods of fire, and is also constantly creating annihilating explosions, or using the extreme temperature to expand the surrounding space and time; as for the ice **** that has reached a high level , You can freeze the time to a certain extent, so that it is free from the interference of Ms. Time.

Then, in this ever-changing and distorted sequence of speed and slowness, Li Mochen is just like a clever hunter, patiently looking for a chance to make a knife.

Often every ten seconds, Li Mochen can make a knife. But each of his knives can create wounds on Ms. Time’s Missella.

The scarlet dragon armor’s “war” divine power is drawing strength from all the ongoing battles near Li Mochen’s main body and auxiliary body, which cannot be blocked even by “time interception”.

The “Fighting” divine power provided him with the power of three powerful demigods. It makes Li Mochen’s power and source completely over his opponent, and can be easily cut open, or penetrates the heavy defense magic displayed on the opposite side, and creates wounds on Ms. Time Mistera’s body. And with the power of the death and plague from the blue marsh magic vine, it spreads within the **** body of Mithra.

The latter did not have any panic at first. The mythical arm in the shape of a magic book in her hands is constantly purifying the power in her body and making her injuries recover as before.

But with the passage of time, the goddess’ face inevitably showed a pale color. In addition to the dignity, her eyes also showed a somewhat hesitant luster.

The divine power she possessed is being consumed rapidly. In the fierce battle of less than a moment, the endless means and the amount of divine power on the opposite side have consumed the full one-twentieth of the power she has accumulated for 100 years. But after the strength of the opponent’s mana was met, there was no sign of exhaustion at all, and it was still a continuous offensive, and the intensity continued to increase.

Misela probably can perceive that the opponent’s use of mana and source power far exceeds her. In addition, it is the strategy of fighting. The teenager on the opposite side can always let her lose a lot of divine power in the control of the timing with minimum loss.

There is also the higher power of life and death, Li Mochen is depriving her vitality, letting her own power continue to recover.

This makes his mana seemingly endless, as unpredictable as the deep sea!

This made Mithra feel tricky, and she felt a trace of remorse. As a **** of law, the divine power is the foundation of her existence and the cornerstone of all the powerful timing spells she now casts!

At this time, Li Mochen also asked with a smile: “I actually want to know that today you are a helping hand to Thomas Milan, the **** of alchemy, machinery and craftsmen. Is Ms. Misera your master?”

At this moment, Ms. Time’s complexion finally changed dramatically.

So the smile on Li Mochen’s lips and lips became more obvious: “If Her Majesty the Night Goddess knows that you are doing something for Thomas Milan, consuming the power you have now and ruining her planned plan, what will she feel? , Ms. Misela? You betrayed her trust! “

After sensing the change in Misela’s emotions, he was already relaxed. Not because of the battle that was destined for him to win, but because Mithra’s involvement in the dispute was not due to the advice of the three-phase goddess.

Li Mochen even had the surplus to observe Misela’s operation of timing power.

The accomplishments of the two sides on this road should be half a catty, and they may still win the first line. But the stone of other mountains can attack jade, some of the mysteries of Mithra’s time, and even the blanks on his side.

Li Mochen had just witnessed it for a moment and already felt that he had benefited a lot.

As for the battle itself, his ‘destiny’ divine power is already weaving the fate of both of them outside of the **** ’s perception. Everything is in his script!


At the same time, on a highway about 220 kilometers from Atlanta, in an armored command vehicle, John Adams hung up his mobile phone with a heavy face.

Then he found that his chief officer, Saras Onassis, who served as the general commander of the Allied National Progressive Association, also walked in from outside the car with a stern look.

“Do you know the situation over Manhattan? John?”

“of course!”

John Adams shook the phone in his hand towards the other party: “That guy has been temporarily blocked by the spell” Time Interception “of Ms. Time Mistera, but before that, the” God of Processing “Ivan Cote and the” The magic knight ‘Lancelot Rhode was killed by this sniper with sufficient preparation. This is beyond our imagination, Saras! To be honest, I am already scared now. Can Ms. Time really kill that guy? I ’m not sure. The stupid George Mattiola not only provokes a strong enemy for our National Progressive Association, but also greets him at the wrong time. Start a war.”

“So I came to ask your opinion.”

The young man named Saras Onassis, the Malaysian swordman, sat down in the armored command vehicle: “Does this operation continue or terminate? I expect whether this war will be successful or not, afterwards Will The revenge of the Dunstan family will be very crazy. Especially the holder of “Long Wei”, if Misela can’t solve him. Then as long as we are targeted by him ~ ~ estimated no one Can block his shot. “

John Adams smiled bitterly: “Do we still have a choice? Saras? If you retreat at this time, the National Progressive Association will disintegrate directly, and our enemies will gather under the pair of grandchildren, together for you My family sounded the death knell. They are indeed very strong now, especially in the high-end power. Our only viable strategy now is to dig out their roots, and then find a way to drag it to the mythical armed forces of restraint sky.

Speaking of which, his expression hesitated a little: “From the current situation, Missira is indeed able to restrain, at least to contain the sniper. I think we should give her a little more trust. Alchemy, machinery With Thomas Milan, the **** of artisans, who was able to remove Howard Braden a few years ago, he can also resolve Anthony Braden. We have been at the Manhattan Magic Tower Committee to provide him with the help he can— “

“Then it is so decided!”

Saras nodded slightly, and then picked up the microphone on the radio station: “I am Commander Saras Onassis, your commander. Now I order the troops to follow the planned plan toward Atlanta. Launch an offensive! Now start the chariot and crush everything in front of you! We have only 24 hours, and within 24 hours, send our enemies to hell! “

At this moment, tens of thousands of tanks and armored vehicles started the engines at the same time forty kilometers around the armored command vehicle, and turned on the searchlights in front of them, just like a steel giant going forward.

Above them, there are thousands of variable fighter planes, each carrying heavy various missiles and taking off.

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