Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 571 - situation

“Mr. Wiltonstein Jr.’s life is powerful, but these beast-blood warriors still have fatal flaws.”

At the same time, there was a group of people observing and commenting on the battlefield situation in a cloud tower outside the battlefield, a sixteen-story magic tower.

But in terms of identity and strength, the hierarchy here is undoubtedly higher.

In front of the magical image, there is National Security Advisor Jensen Richard, Director of National Intelligence Wade Stead, Director of the FBI Adam Gaowen, Minister of Defense Lieutenant General Daniel Boone, and CIA The Director of the Central Intelligence Service, Cressy Lewis, and the five-star general Clyde Brown, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

In addition to the American Magic Envoy Christi Bled, Torre de Oro and Raja Barkley.

“Admiral Brown, it seems that this animal blood potion still has a long way to go–“

Said this sentence, Wade Stead, director of national intelligence. Clyde Brown was silent and silent.

It was the head of Crecy Lewis, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency of the CIA, who frowned slightly: “However, they still have great practical value, and high-level gods of life are very rare.”

Stede smiled, said nothing more. He knows that the CIA has invested hugely in the project of Beast Blood Warrior, and has huge interests, so that this Mr. Lewis will not hesitate to come forward and speak against his boss.

This is also because he, the director of national intelligence, has the weakest control over the CIA. The CIA has always been a self-contained system among all intelligence agencies in America. Their director is also a member of the White House cabinet, and even ranks above him. The senior level of this organization naturally looks down on his role as a coordinator that is more similar to that of major organizations.

A guy who is only the director of the intelligence service thinks he can compete with him in identity—although the intelligence service is the most important part of the CIA.

Lieutenant General Daniel Boone sneered and shook his head: “Rare does not mean not. Our enemies, the two great powers in the East, and the Dark Lord Empire, will not lack such power. If their beast blood warriors are It is such a performance, then the Ministry of Defense will not give them any orders! “

However, everyone here knew that this retired lieutenant general who had served as a ‘transitioner’ under the compromise of various parties and served as a ‘transitioner’ was the reason for being able to continue to hold this position after the victory of the president. It was this leading military operation against the Grand Duchy of Blood Wings with great success; the second was the rise of the Wiltonstein family-at this time, the alliance of the “Light and Magic Sun” was already a unit in the American land Extremely powerful.

Although His Excellency the Great President had a plan to change the Minister of Defense as early as half a year ago, it has not yet been realized. And the current replacement of this position is determined by the war they are observing, and the magical war in Manhattan.

——If the ‘Light Magic and Rising Sun’ alliance wins, then even the leaders of this country must do their utmost to unite their power.

That not only means that the position of Lieutenant General Daniel Boone is stable, but also will decide the number of White House and Cabinet officials to stay. When the National Progressive Association and the Alliance of the “Light and Magic Sun” are no longer enough to fight against their enemies, then why do they continue to maintain their influence at the top of the government?

So the speech and position of Lieutenant General Daniel Boone can be imagined.

“This is not something we should care about now!”

National security adviser Jensen Richard was cold-faced: “Ms. Bled, Mr. De Oro and Mr. Barkley, I would like to ask three of you, is the current battlefield situation under control?”

“What should I say?”

The answer was Torre de Oro, who glanced at the magic projection, and there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes: “The situation is terrible, Mr. Richard! We are working with the Atlanta Magic Tower Committee to fully control this The impact of the war on the surrounding people. For now, the periphery of the battlefield is still safe, and the Wiltonstein Group has done sufficient evacuation work this time. However, I am not optimistic about the follow-up. If the Rising Sun Group ’s military strength continues to retreat, the two sides As the battlefront continues to approach the urban area, we may have to prepare for more than three million casualties in the Atlanta city area. Unfortunately, the shelters and shelters in the Atlanta city area are not strong enough to guarantee the safety of the Atlanta population. “

His words made everyone present to him.

Torre de Oro explained unintentionally: “The power of the Wiltonstein family has exceeded our expectations! The foundation of the National Progressive Association is also very strong. This time It is difficult for us to make accurate predictions about the scale of the war. Consultant Richard, this is why you asked me? Unfortunately, we may not be able to do it. So my suggestion is to continue evacuation and maintain the Holy Fortress to Atlanta The no-man ’s land within 69 kilometers of the city center; in addition, we have to mobilize more power to strengthen the defensive capabilities of the Atlanta magic tower array. Under the current situation, I think it ’s impossible to be too careful. “

“Very reasonable suggestion.”

National Security Advisor Jensen Richard frowned, “We have to persuade the president to transfer the two national magic envoys on Abraham’s stand-by, and the White House will come forward to coordinate with the Atlanta municipal government to advance the evacuation. This is very difficult, but we Must do it. “

“But I think that what we should do is stop this war. You can’t continue anymore!”

The Director of the FBI, Adam Gowen, sighed: “In Manhattan, the” God of Processing “Ivan Cote and the” Magic Knight “Lancelot Rhode have died. Although the latter is an Australian magical envoy, This is still an irreparable loss for Amerika. I think your Excellency President will certainly regret sitting here today. “

“It is obvious that the problem is that we may not have the ability to stop them.”

National Intelligence Director Wade Steider said helplessly, but then he glanced slightly: “The chief commander of the National Progressive Association is Saras? This is really a cold guy.”

At this moment, everyone present felt the same.

In front of them, those more than two thousand ‘beast blood warriors’ who were besieging the two ancient dragons, either consumed all their lives under the urging of someone’s life divine power, or died directly in endless distortions.

However, another batch of “Beast Blood Warriors” of the National Progressive Association also entered combat at this time, and at the same time, a small number of extrajudicial actors also participated.

At this time, even people without any tactical understanding ability can see the intention of the National Progressive Association, which is using those beast blood warriors and human life to contain the two ancient dragons.

Thanks to this, the two major operational clusters of the National Progressive Association have advanced the front lines of all directions by five kilometers within fifteen minutes.

It seems that their commanders did not care about casualties at all. After more than 20,000 casualties and 1,200 tanks and armored vehicles were damaged one after another, the offensive of the National Progressive Association was still powerful, violent, crazy and strong. They even put a large number of extrajudicial people into combat, and used them to charge in various directions.

The private armies of the Rising Sun Group have been forced to abandon one trench and reorganize their defenses in another trench fortification two kilometers away.

At the same time, another war of the same size broke out about 35 kilometers away from the Holy Stone Fortress.

The seven armored divisions and three rifle divisions piled up in Wilton Stein by the Wilton Stein Group were attacked abruptly as early as twenty-seven minutes ago. The tens of thousands of tanks and armored vehicles opened up a 22-kilometer fan, just like a rushing iron stream, and slammed against the 13 elite divisions under the third cluster of the National Progressive Association. .

Although the Wiltonstein group is at a disadvantage in terms of strength, with the help of many heavy artillery in the rear, they have occupied a large advantage at the stage of the beginning of contact between the two sides. The fierce artillery fire destroyed at least two hundred tanks and armored vehicles on the opposite side in just two minutes.

However, everyone in the Magic Tower was not optimistic about this. National Intelligence Director Wade Stade even shook his head slightly: “It is not a good idea to take the initiative to break away from the defensive position and fortifications. They are in Wilton Stamberg It can also contain the third combat group of the National Progressive Association. “


Adam Kovin was also puzzled: “The intention of the National Progressive Association’s siege is obvious, and the melee in the wild is especially bad for them.”

This situation is already happening, and the number of extrajudicial persons invested by the National Progressive Association in the north is no less than 10,000. And their efforts are eroding Wiltonstein’s advantage a little bit. Every minute there, dozens of tanks and armored vehicles were damaged, most of them were destroyed by individual anti-tank weapons held by extra-legal people.

There are also many legends of the National Progressive Association. They have also entered the battlefield one after another. With the passage of time, this number of legendary magic professionals with more than 120 people will definitely change the trend of the battle.

So Adam Govin is very strange. The choice of the commander of the Wiltonstein Group is particularly puzzling when the Holy Stone Fortress can still support the situation and no obvious failure is revealed.


At this time, Adam Gavin’s mind came up with a thought that made him feel incredible.

The strategy adopted by the Wiltonstein Group is to prevent the war from spreading further around?

-If this front continues to advance, it will indeed cause tremendous pressure on Atlanta’s magic tower array.

At that time, even with the support of three magical envoys, this array could not be safe from hundreds of thousands of guns, hundreds of legends and demigods.

But this is the war that determines the hegemony of the southern coast of Amerika, and determines the rise and fall of several supreme families. Like a Xiu Xiong, such as Kang Xiuli, will he care about civilian casualties?

In addition, there is a possibility. The pair of grandchildren of the Wiltonstein family may think that their strength is actually above the other party! They are trying to solve this war as quickly as possible-but this guess is even more absurd in Adam Govin’s view.

It was also at this time that Wade Stead broke his thoughts with a surprise.

“That’s the” Blood Eye Angel “Robert Ivan!”

Everyone followed his gaze, and looked at the magic image on the left, and then they were all surprised.

Their attention is the costume of a maid in the north battlefield, and the woman who is constantly venting the wind blade around it-that is the blood-eye maid Robert Ivan, who is famous throughout the United States in this year!

And this powerful demigod was less than a minute in the center of the battlefield, hundreds of heavy tanks were damaged by her wind blade on the side of the National Progressive Association.

“Robert, did you enter the battlefield so quickly?”

“Pay attention to the pendant on her chest! That should be a new kind of mythical equipment–“

“I recognize this thing, Ivan Broy’s” Wing of Power “, a powerful kind of mythological armament. It can strengthen the power level, and the ultimate” Power Power “. The maid’s The strength is undoubtedly stronger! “

“This makes me even more incomprehensible. Is this the power of the magician level?”

“The divinity of the wind of battle is indeed the type of combat power, the stronger the combat power. The fact that the battle ca n’t wait to invest in the power of the gods is just confusing.”

“Same feeling! The Wiltonstein family gave me the feeling that they could not wait to put their most important cards on the table one by one. But instead of being forced to invest, they were more like persecuting their opponents- — ”

“The next step is to see how the National Progressive Association should deal with it, whether to let their gods and magicians end, or continue to consume the lives of foreigners?”

“This is interesting, everyone! The National Progressive Association, they rejected the showhand.”


Unexpectedly Li Mochen, the enemy on the opposite side chose to invest in five half gods to contain Robert.

Although the fighting power of the blood-eyed maid is very strong, it is not yet at the level of the deity. Her destructive power and lethal power will only be gradually released after at least twenty minutes.

However, the opposite choice is only to contain, rather than suppressing the deity’s combat power soon after, it is enough for Michael Wood and many other commanders to get a glimpse of the other party’s mentality.

In front of the podium, Michael Wood’s eyes shimmered: “Obviously, they are not sure to suppress us at the level of the gods. BOSS your combat strategy also makes them feel daunted and even uneasy-“

“There is also the reason of the sky scepter.”

Brigadier General Noah Badru, who served as chief of staff of the whole army, added: “They do not want to impair the level of deities and magic. The purpose of the other party is still to consume our primary strength.”

Can be clearly understood, but the two can not come up with too many targeted countermeasures. The foundation of the National Progressive Association is too strong in foundation strength, so strong that they cannot reverse with tactics and strategies.

What they can do now is just to end the war step by step according to the predetermined plan.

At this time, the only thing they can confirm is that they do have a lot of advantages at the top level.

“Sanchez, haven’t found their position yet?”

Michael Wood looked a little impatiently towards the east side. There was a temporary staff group he set up at the headquarters. A total of 22 staff members were busy like ants on the hot pot.

Sergeant Virginia, his adjutant, sat in front of a military computer and raised his head in sweat.

“Sorry! Sir, please give me another three minutes. They set up a lot of fake targets and used very clever illusions. So I still need three minutes. Within three minutes, I will find the position of the control equipment. I promise! We now have clues, we are finalizing and verifying. “

“please hurry!”

Michael Wood’s brows were slightly frowned, and his words were full of dissatisfaction: “Notify Lieutenant Colonel Sampson Blut and Major Thompson Adams, let their storm troops enter the highest combat readiness, waiting for the attack command.

He was anxious about the progress of the temporary staff team, only because the number of beast blood warriors invested by the National Progressive Association had exceeded 25,000! Just a minute ago, according to the observation results of satellite images and many legendary mages, the third batch of Beast Blood Warriors of the National Progressive Association is expected to reach 4,000. The number of beast blood warriors owned by the opponent seems to be endless.

And Li Mochen’s life and death divine power, despite the great restraint of these biochemical weapons, but this one can only control the life and death of 3,000 beast blood warriors, it takes at least ten minutes.

But these beast-blood warriors are exerting strong pressure on them on all fronts.

Their strength is not enough to determine the outcome of this war, but it can cause huge deaths and injuries to the troops under his control.

Therefore, Michael Wood does not agree with the main battle group of the Wiltonstein family in the north. If he has always maintained a steadfast strategy, then he is sure to use the trenches, the Holy Stone and some temporary fortresses. Firmly plug the wall and wipe out the power of the other party.

But now, the main battle group of the Wiltonstein family not only did not help them contain the power of the other party, but instead made the Rising Sun Group have to adopt a more aggressive defensive strategy in order to ensure that their enemies are flawless.

The reason why his boss chose to do this is not clear to others, but he does. That is because Wilton Stamburg is closer to the city, and there are a large number of residential houses around it. The intensity of this war will definitely exceed the defense level of the Atlanta Magic Tower array.

His boss did not want to cause a large number of casualties in Atlanta due to this war.

Michael Wood does not approve of this approach, according to the East, this is the kindness of women.

But the values ​​he has always had, but also made Michael Wood willing to work hard for this.

And their only way to quickly reverse the situation is to destroy the device used by the opponent to control the beast blood warrior in a thundering situation-this is one of the weaknesses of the beast blood warrior they analyzed beforehand.

And Sampson Blut and Thompson Adams control the two “storm” troops, which is currently the most elite force of the Rising Sun Group. A total of 450 people, all members of the 12th grade or above, equipped with the “warrior class A type” colonial armor and the “refining” land combat type magic armor, and all the other close and close combat weapons have reached 17S level.

Almost everyone ~ ~ is under the accumulation of these equipments, and has the strength close to 19 professional level. This is undoubtedly a heavy hammer, but it must be used at the most appropriate time and in the most appropriate place.

In addition, he was gratified that the Wiltonstein family still has a huge advantage at the level of the mage.

Opposite to suppress the destructive power of the two ancient dragons, not only invested thousands of beast blood warriors, more than 800 extra-legal, but also put thousands of mages, even a few legendary mages into combat.

“Communicate my order to let Utrecht de Marcia, and Mr. Faust, and Professor Alex Galanz attack them across the board to ease the pressure on all fronts.”

Li Mochen, who was sitting in the rear, responded calmly: “No need to worry too much, Michael. The current casualties are indeed very heavy, but what we want is a hit! This requires us to find that the real one must be locked before the attack. Goal. A good hunter must be patient first, and hasty actions will not help until he is fully prepared— “

It was at this time that his expression slightly condensed and frowned. This is because he sensed that there was a figure different from his subordinates in this headquarters.

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