Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 578 - unyielding

There are more and more angels coming together. In just ten seconds, there are nearly two thousand pairs of white wings covering the sky. They almost all have the personality of archangels, with more than two pairs of wings, and their bodies are covered with sacred light, white and dazzling, and eye-catching, reflecting the surroundings of this Teutonic National Museum into a holy and bright world. And with their elegant singing full of emotions, a huge door appeared above the sky. This also made their city named ‘Berlin’ shrouded in the Holy Light, and all citizens believed that it was a miracle, and they prodded on their knees.

Li Mochen withdrew his gaze from the angelic army above, and turned to Weimar Medici opposite.

——It was a man with the same light, brilliant blond hair, and flawless facial features, and his temperament was mild in sunlight, which made people feel good at first sight.

In Li Mochen’s eyes, there was only coldness.

“Bishop Medici, I remember that I had a truce with the Medici family, and you asked me to sum up a few months ago.”

“It’s true, but today’s business has nothing to do with the Medici family.”

Weimar Medici looked at Li Mochen peacefully: “Retreat, Andre! The thing behind me, that should not be your thing. The ghost of the Hohenstaufen family cannot be reproduced on the earth, this is The consensus of all bishops of the Holy See is also the will of the Lord! “

Just as his voice fell, three men who were also wearing red sacrificial robes, but their age was close to Twilight, came out of the light door.

Li Mochen, who had long been familiar with the Bright Holy See, recognized that it was the three cardinals-Love Clemens, Danny Hankins, and Crecy Cook.

The Statue of Liberty can give Amerika the power of eight national magical envoys, and the Lord of Light can also give believers the force to fight back evil and destroy heresy. Even in this era, the Bright Holy See has been torn apart, and the people ’s beliefs are not pious enough. But the believer of this **** only increased, never decreased.

This is undoubtedly a more splendid time than the Middle Ages, and these cardinals also possess supernatural powers that surpass the medium gods. They may be influenced by their respective countries, their respective nationalities, and their respective families, and they are not consistent with the interests of the Holy See. But at this time, this place, these cardinals no doubt have only one will.

Behind them, there is a bigger brilliance, that should be the 253rd generation of Pope John Honorius.

And above the sky, hundreds of eyes are watching him behind the huge door. Each of these sights is like a chain, like a sword, like a spear, locking him in trouble, and judging him, to kill him, to condemn him!

Among them, there are seven pairs of eyes, the most frightening, that seems to be being watched by Nix, the “ goddess of the night, ” causing his blood to condense and his will to collapse.

The oppression of the magnificent Divine Majesty came over, and the will of countless angels came together, just like a heavy hammer, which constantly hit Li Mochen’s soul, making his spirit tight and all his pores closed.

Li Mochen couldn’t help but sigh, the former Hohenstaufen family was fighting against such a force—

In the early Middle Ages, although the population was less than it is now. But the Holy See at that time was undoubtedly their most powerful period.

However, this fourth dynasty of the Holy Roman Empire has fought against the Bright Holy See for more than two centuries. This family, which is often referred to as ‘Hohen (Hohen Glorious and Honorable)’, does have reasons for their pride.

“Come back, ignorant lamb!”

Cardinal Lovet Clement looked at him: “The Lord is merciful and generous, he will not care about a lamb’s offense to him.”

“I understand this! Just like people on the ground, what meaning do ants’ open teeth and claws mean to us humans?”

Li Mochen’s gaze crossed the cardinals and looked deep into the Teutonic National Museum.

His divine thought has already come into contact with the ‘blood crown’, and the echo and resonance that originated from the blood vein have reached the extreme.

This thing can’t be destroyed, can’t be succumbed, can’t be imprisoned, can’t be sealed, but the level of power also has a high and low strength. Li Mochen could feel that there were seven kinds of forces at this time, who were struggling to suppress it, locked it, dragged it, and did not let it go.

That is-‘time’, ‘space’, ‘bondage’, ‘fetter’, ‘punishment’, ‘punishment’ and ‘regime’! However, this powerful mythological arm is also fighting them vigorously. It does not want to be imprisoned in that underground space, nor can it succumb, so it is trembling fiercely in that layer of seal. Make the magic energy here tide, one hit the city of Berlin.

Li Mochen’s eyes also showed a strong desire.

“But for this reason, I have to be a person who can talk to Him, right?”


“He is guilty!”


“He should be tried!”

“This is the reverse end of the penalty!”

The four cardinals were furious, and at this time all the angels in the sky began to burn the torch, glaring at Li Mochen.

The majestic spiritual will, like a forging press, once again bombarded Li Mochen’s heart with the force of great force. This is directly reflected in Li Mochen’s feet, where the concrete floor of more than 300 square meters is cracking, crushing, and collapsing! This also affected the surrounding houses, causing them to collapse on a large scale.

Behind Weimar Medici behind the “miracle angel”, three pairs of wings, purple-gold feathers, armor condensed by the Holy Light, and a golden crown-that is the class of Seraph, In the current sequence of the Light Holy See, there is the personality of the higher god.

“Mr. Wiltonstein Jr., although this is an era of freedom of speech and freedom of belief, I can be here and now. I ca n’t assume that I have n’t heard it. Your contempt and contempt for the Lord.

His eyes stared at Li Mochen relentlessly, and the power called “miracle” turned into a huge thunder on his side.

“You still have time to confess your sins! Before the Lord punishes you.”

But before the thunder and lightning turned into a substantial attack, a figure intervened between them. It was an old magician, wearing a white robe, his face was as hard as rock, and his gray beard extended to his knees, his face full of anger.

“Everyone! This is the territory of the Republic of Teutonic! Are you ready to fight here, in the capital of our country? Do you want to destroy this place?”

Li Mochen glanced at the old man with a sideways look, but his expression was respectful but no concession: “Sorry, I just want to get back the old things belonging to my family!”

Li Mochen didn’t care about Hohenstaufen and Wiltonstein, but at this time, he didn’t mind calling the names of these two families.

As for the elderly mage in front of him, he also recognized it. That was the national magical envoy of the Republic of Teutonic Republic, the honorary president of the Old World Magic Association, and the title of ‘Elemental Master’, Leonard Heidwig! An old man who was famous during World War II and had several acts of slaughtering gods.

Cardinal Cressie Cook gazed slightly: “That was also the spoils of the Holy See in ancient times!”

Like the other two cardinals, he had three pairs of wings behind him, purple-gold feathers, and armor condensed by the Holy Light, but no gold crown-this is the rank of the main angel.

“But now, it is the national treasure of the Republic of Teutonic Republic, and it is an ancient relic we treasure!”

“Elemental Master” roared with no fear, and then he looked at Li Mochen with anger and complex eyes: “Please leave here, young man! I know your ancestors used to be this land The emperor is also the owner of the blood crown. But even then, you have no right to claim it, let alone take it! That is the common wealth of the 1.6 billion people of the Teutonic Republic. Otherwise— “

As soon as his staff was stunned, there were two unusually powerful and burly figures, appearing behind ‘Elemental Master’ Renard Heidwig. At the same time, there were two waves of pure magic energy.

——That emperor who is a wind element and a thunder element, an elemental **** with a double element crown!

And the sentence followed by Leonard Heidwig is a spit out of a word: “Then the 1.6 billion people of the Teutonic Republic will treat you as an enemy!”

Li Mochen has sensed the sky, and the five magic towers with a height of more than 18 floors and the glory of several gods.

As a country that had conquered the entire old continent alone, the national power of the Teutonic Republic was extremely powerful even after that terrible war. The land they once split up has become one, and they are recovering their vitality.

“My Excellency Heidwig, I respect the wishes of your people and do not want to start a war in Berlin.”

Li Mochen shook his head slightly, his tone was strong, his eyes firm, his will stronger than diamonds.

Even if the army of angels in the sky has increased to 40,000, there are more upper angels coming. Even the huge ideas of these heavenly creatures and cardinals are enough to shatter the gods.

But Li Mochen’s body was standing there straight like a javelin, and the fighting intentions were burning like fire: “But my choice is not! You either give it to me, or fight here.”

“Your decision is stupid!”

The face of the ‘element master’ is so ugly at the moment: “Young man, do you know what you are doing? Your current behavior, even the president of your country, is disgusting. I think you need to communicate with him Make a phone call. “

“My Excellency Heidwig, I understand your efforts to smooth the conflict, but this is really unnecessary. When I stand here, everything is irretrievable. Your Excellency, the great President, cannot change my will. “

Li Mochen sighed: “So, we have only one choice from beginning to end!”

At this time, his figure had stepped into the gap of time, pacing towards the depths.


In the eyes of Weimar Medici, there is admiration, ridicule, and pity. He turned a blind eye to Li Mochen, who had walked past him, but just held his hands together and made a gesture of prayer: “The Lord said that anyone who moves a knife will die under the knife.”

At this moment, the force called ‘miracle’ distorted the timing. Let Li Mochen’s figure be exposed to everyone’s eyes again.

Cardinal Lovet Clement also prayed loudly to the glorious Lord: “The Lord said, don’t blame yourself, I will blame, the Lord will retaliate!”

Danny Hankins said: “The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness does not accept the light!”

A huge holy white thunder suddenly bombarded Li Mochen, which was the punishment thunder that almost drowned him. There was also a sacred light spear that fell from all directions, and fell on Li Mochen. Only the residual temperature melted the ground around hundreds of meters. And with it, there are 40,000 angels, 40,000 glowing spears and arrows.

However, the vast majority of the energy in the Thunder of Discipline and the Spear of Divine Light was collected into the ‘Mandala Bracelet’ on Li Mochen’s right hand, and the damage to the latter was minimal.

There are also the wind blades and thunders bombarded by the two “element emperors”-“element master” Leonard Heidwig, as promised, mercilessly attacked Li Mochen, four national magical envoys Some forbidden curses, as well as the four magic towers, more than twenty rounds of magic can annihilate the cannon, and slammed mercilessly on Li Mochen.

Even the entire array of magic towers over Berlin began to make Li Mochen’s rejection the top priority. The forty-eight array of magic towers worked at full strength, suppressing Li Mochen’s power.

However, this also poses a limited threat to Li Mochen. All of the banned spells and annihilation guns are partially distorted by the “Sky Scepter” and “Temporal Power”, and the other part is also absorbed by the “Mandala Bracelet”.

Although he was pulled back to everyone’s eyes by the power of miracles, he did not really return from the gap of time.

The power of the miracle is very powerful, but it is not enough to completely offset his temporal power.

This scene wrinkled the brow of another cardinal, Cress Cook: “But I will sacrifice to you with a voice of gratitude. I will repay my vow. The salvation comes from the Lord!”

At this moment, countless chains of Holy Light spread from the sky and locked to Li Mochen’s hands and feet. But although the latter has no obvious evasive action, it can avoid this perfectly.

So in the light and shadow behind the four cardinals, an old and majestic voice came out.

“The Lord said that everything has a period, all things in the world have a timing, sometimes life, death sometimes, planting sometimes, pulling out planting sometimes, killing sometimes, healing sometimes, demolishing sometimes, building sometimes, crying sometimes, laughing sometimes, sad sometimes , Dancing sometimes, there is a time to throw everything in the world! “

At this moment, Li Mochen’s figure was almost frozen at the door. However, this force called fate, the wall of fate clogged at the entrance of the museum, was soon forcibly broken by Li Mochen.

And this situation, let everyone change color.

“Is it destiny?”

Weimar Medici turned back and looked at Li Mochen’s back with his eyes that had been transformed into pure gold. His face contained a strong sense of shock.

“Our Father in heaven, may everyone honor your name. May your kingdom come, and may your will be done on the earth as if you were walking in heaven!”

At this moment, tens of thousands of angels above the museum were burning flames. The three pairs of wings behind Weimar Medici stretched and expanded. It used to look only 20 meters in length, but now it has stretched hundreds of meters to both sides. Each wing fluttered with the majestic light.

However, just before this ‘miracle angel’ performed magic again, Li Mochen ’s eyes began to look into the sky. Behind him, a huge illusory light and shadow also appeared.

—— God of Haotian, the figure of the emperor, Emperor Shanggong, Zhongtian Arctic Purple Emperor, Antarctic Longevity Emperor, Zhenwu Xuantian Emperor, Qinglong Mengzhang Shenjun, began to appear behind him.

And in the boundless sky, constellations such as bear, wave river, and Antarctic began to show strong awns.

In Li Mochen’s eyes, in addition to contempt and disdain, he is also full of 氤氲 aura.

“Ru and other ghosts and gods, dare to arrogantly stand in front of me? Dare to use swordsmen against me?”

His voice was not loud, but it was like Hong Zhongda Lu, making all the more than 50,000 angels in the sky swayed by the holy flame, and his spirit was unstable. More than a quarter of them fell directly to the ground. Their wings can no longer support their bodies to stand on the sky,

Weimar Medici also directly lost the foundation of its spellcasting, and his 300-meter-long purple gold wings quickly lost their luster.

But Li Mochen didn’t give up on this, his life and death power had covered the area around a hundred kilometers.

“I remember your lord also said, let the dust return to the dust, the soil return to the soil, let the deceased live in peace, and let the living be freed!”

At this moment, another one-third of the angels directly evaporate and become pure and impure holy light and spirit, scattered between heaven and earth.

Not only these angels, in the city of Berlin, there are countless dark undeads, and nearly 200 liches in the array of magic towers, directly under the shock and impact of life and death, they are destroyed.

“So even though I am not the Lord of Ru, you should be in awe of me!”

With Li Mochen’s thoughts, he broke free of the angels’ words and spread them out. That day, the four wings of the Angel of Light, which had its own light armor in the sky, all fell to the ground. They were all forced to converge on the holy white wings, and used a kneeling posture in humiliation.

And this situation, not only let the ‘element master’ Renard Heidwig deeply shocked ~ ~ again looked at Li Mochen with a gaze to examine the metric. It also made the four cardinals, including Weimar Medici, feel the ultimate humiliation, and all the bleeding was on the face.

“The Lord said that the dust still belongs to the earth, and the spirit still belongs to the God who gave it!”

It was still the old voice from the halo, but it made the spirits that should be scattered here re-condensed, merged with the surrounding Holy Light, and transformed into the shape of an “angel”.

But most of them can only crawl on their knees, not standing upright in front of Li Mochen.

At the next moment, an old man wearing a white robe and holding a cross came out of the halo. His beard was gray and his expression was miserable.

“I watched the sky made by your finger and the moon and stars you set out. Then I said, what is a man, what do you think of him, what is the world.”

At this moment, the stars above Li Mochen or the emperor and the emperor were all directly erased by a huge force.

However, the next moment, they appeared again, still in this sky.

That is the divine power ‘unyielding’!

Although the Blood Crown has not yet returned to his hands, at this distance, Li Mochen has been able to use part of its power.

At this time, his cold eyes were looking at Leonard Heidwig.

“Mr. Elemental Controler, are you planning to burn all the jade in this Berlin city today?”

At this moment, all the huge energy absorbed in the ‘Mandala Bracelet’ was released in the form of a banned spell ‘Death Judgment’. Hundreds of black and gray thunderlights with death intentions, bombarded in the high sky, are still resisting his majesty and resistance among his many winged angels.

With the burst of the holy light, the overflowing power hit the four sides, shaking all the contacted materials into powder.

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