Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 580 - Seize

When that huge seal, it swelled to at least one kilometer in diameter in the sky. Everyone here, including Pope John Honorius, was terrified and desperate, their faces pale as paper, and they were aware of the end at this moment.

They were even more shocked by Li Mochen’s plot. The madman’s goal was not only the “Crown of Blood”, but also the Holy Gun they had in the Holy See!

The ‘Kongdong Seal’ has not yet been suppressed, but its power has already been shown in the world—that ’s the ‘Isolated’ God Realm! That’s the God Territory called “Suppression”! That ’s the God Territory called ‘Lightness’! That’s the God Territory called ‘Law’!

The God Territory is the product of the divine power reaching the higher ranks. In the ancient times of the East, Zhuan Xu held this device to make laws, which cut off the world, cut off the connection between the gods and mortals, and also suppressed the **** underworld.

So at this moment, the gate of the kingdom was isolated from this side of the world, and all the power instilled by the choirs and fanatics was suppressed by this magnificent giant seal.

So at this moment, the two Seraphs, the seven priests of the main angel, all felt the emptiness of their own power. They have become accustomed to the powerful external force they instilled. After losing them, they all felt huge discomfort, and at this moment there were flaws that should not be there.

At this time, Li Mochen entered the gap between time and space again.

-Binary ban, ice and fire!

With only one sword, he chopped off the head of Bernie Madigan, one of the four Templar masters, and then black and white light and shadow appeared on and off the body.

-Binary ban, life and death!

This sword, under the blockade of the three templar masters in the surroundings, within a thousandth of a second, the cardinal Cress Cook’s body was directly divided into two!

Among the remaining Templar masters and cardinals, this one’s response was the slowest and the slowest to adjust.

And under the influence of his death theocratic power, under the suppression of ‘Kongdong Yin’, the moment when the bodies and spirits of these two people were torn apart, it meant death!

Pope John Hornolius’s eyes were full of anger, his face was twisted, and his mouth shouted at the same time: “PUNCTUM (puncture)!”

The gun of Lankinus had turned into a golden thunderbolt, and flickered from the sky. Although it had lost most of its brilliance, the Razer outside the gun body shrank in a large area.

But it is still extremely powerful, especially when Pope John Hornolius’s body burns the torch, and his body and face are rapidly aging. brain.

Li Mochen also felt that he raised his head and looked at the sky with purple-gold eyes. When the heyday was full, the mythological armament was enough to go side by side with the 峆 峒 印. In Li Mochen’s eyes, there is no fear!

There is also a flame burning outside his body, the vitality captured from Templar master Bernie Madigan and Cardinal Cress Cook. Let his strength and mana be restored to full prosperity, and climbed to the zenith at this moment.


——That is the domain of the powerful decree originating from the ‘Kongdong Seal’, which is preventing the approach of the lance of Lankinus.

At the same time, behind him, the “Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda”, which had been in full purple gold, also appeared.

“I wish, this gun should not be near me!”

In an instant, two extremely powerful forces of fate, colliding and bombarding, interfered with each other, changed, twisted, offset.

The remaining nine thousand merits of virtue on the “Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda” are rapidly collapsing, burning, and destroying!

Li Mochen didn’t look at the Lankinus sacred gun again, his right hand had already been swung down, causing the “dongtong mark” that grew to be like a mountain to fall quickly!

So the power angels and power angels in the sky were crushed into blood foam, and the archangels and temple angels kneeling on the ground were directly shocked!

The magnificent Teutonic National Museum has collapsed, and the remaining six Cardinals and Templar Masters have all been suppressed under the imprint of Kongtong. Even John Honorius himself is no exception. They had to do their utmost to support the oppression of this top artifact from the East.

Li Mochen, a detective at this time, forcibly took the “Lankinus Holy Gun” that had lost most of its support. But at this time, not only inside the Holy Gun, great resistance appeared. Around him, seven illusory figures also appeared.

They all have three pairs of wings, purple-gold feathers, condensed armor of the Holy Light, a golden crown on their head, and a scepter in hand-that is the description of the Seven Kings of the Angels by the Holy See.

“You have sin!”

“You don’t respect the gods!”

“–It’s too presumptuous!”

“That’s not something you can touch!”

“Retreat [Yunxuan Pavilion] Let’s heresy!”

“Mortal! Are you coveting my lord’s authority?”

With these words, these angel kings stretched out their hands and grabbed them at Li Mochen and Lankinus. Although they are all illusory images, they all contain magnificent power, which is enough to tear Li Mochen.

But at the next moment, these forces quickly weakened. Just because Li Mochen had a crown on his head.

The book is pure gold and engraved with the symbolic “Libra” and “Sword Axe” symbolizing power, which can be seen in the eyes of outsiders. This crown, like the armor on Li Mochen, is bright red, full of breath of ‘war’ and ‘bloodthirsty’.

So the powers of the seven angel kings were once again isolated from this world by the “Kong Tong Yin”, and Li Mochen’s hand firmly held the divine spear surrounded by the Holy Light. The gun is still resisting him, but it is getting weaker and weaker.

The power of the decree stemming from the ‘Kongdong Seal’ is trying to distort its will. Li Mochen’s own power of fate is trying to respond in resonance with the power at its roots.

In the final analysis, this weapon transformed by the Light God was created by the Roman gods and used to kill the ‘son of the Messiah’.

Even afterwards, after undergoing the reformation of the Light Church, or even the personal refinement of the “Son of the Messiah”, its core has not changed, and it is not something he cannot control.

And just when Li Mochen had initially suppressed the ‘Lankinus Holy Gun’ and forcibly mastered this holy weapon. The priests headed by Pope John Honorius also struggled to escape from the suppression of Kongtong.

Most of Li Mochen’s strength was used to **** this powerful mythological armament, which gave several people a chance to escape.

But just when Li Mochen looked at them. Pope John Honorius did not hesitate to arouse the sacred power of the ‘Holy Cross’ in his hand. A huge light gate appeared behind him, ignoring Li Mochen’s many divine powers, leaving him a few Both the Cardinal and the Templar Master took it in.

“Noah’s Ark?”

Li Mochen’s brow furrowed slightly, that is another artifact of the Light Shinto which is in no way inferior to the ‘Holy Gun of Langinus’.

The dazzling brilliance, the god-level theocratic ‘protection’, ‘protection’, ‘firmness’ and ‘rejection’ all let Li Mochen sigh for a while and let go of the idea of ​​making persistent efforts.

He always likes to strike thunderstorms on his enemies, and he never knows the meanings of ‘enough to stop’ and ‘forgive people and forgive people’.

But even now he can’t penetrate this “Noah’s Ark” defense by asking himself. That should be the strongest refuge in the world, even the gods of Capitol Hill (Rome) in the old days took it helplessly.

However, Li Mochen has no regrets. He must rush to receive the “ Holy Gun of Longinus ” before the seven angel kings intervene. At that time, the speed was slightly slower, and this opportunity may be lost.

Compared to their own prospects on the path of ‘fate’, the lives of these priests are irrelevant-even if they are the pillars of the Light Holy See, their strength is extremely powerful in this world.

Before he got the ‘blood crown’, he was already afraid of these people, not to mention him now.

And after this, Li Mochen turned around and bowed in the direction of “Elemental Master” Leonard Heidwig: “I am sorry! Heidwig, I do not intend to be an enemy of your country, But this blood crown, I have to get it back. “

Leonard Heidwig ’s eyes have become more complicated: “I have to congratulate Your Highness. After a thousand years, you have not only picked up the glory of the Hohenstaufen family, but also washed away the family ’s humiliation and hatred. . Starting today, your name will match nature, magic, business, and even the Statue of Liberty. “

He actually wanted to say directly to this guy that if things were done, he would get out quickly, but after all, he would bear with him.

‘Elemental Master’ knows how terrible this boy is in front of him.

Even if the king of seven angels came to this main material world personally, I am afraid that they would even rival this one at most.

Although the mythical armor of ‘Crimson Dragon Armor’ is slightly inferior to the ‘Lankinus Holy Gun’ and ‘Kongdong Seal’, it is notoriously not afraid of group battles.

And this guy in front of him is even more so.

This man has staged a miracle in his own right against the small half of the Holy See.

So Leonard Heidwig didn’t think about it. He named the boy in front of him the name “His Royal Highness”. He knew that sooner or later he would come to this point.

Li Mochen smiled. He didn’t care about the glory and hatred of Hohenstaufen’s family, what motivated him to do so only because of his own future path.

“I can’t even reach the legend now, but it’s still far away. In short, Mr. Heidewig must convey my apology to your country’s Prime Minister! Please tell her that all losses in your country today will be caused by I personally compensate. You can count and send me a bill. “

Then he hesitated for a moment before proceeding to the next sentence: “I also have Teutonic blood in my body. If there is anything in my country that needs me, you can tell me through the Sunburst channel or recite in prayer. Remember my name. It is limited to three times. As long as it is within my power and can help, I will not refuse. “

“I personally thank you for your generosity!”

The gratitude of the element-controller this time is quite sincere. He sees that Li Mochen has already taken care of it, but he ca n’t help but ask a question: “Your Highness, I wonder if you can answer me another question? I am curious, you were Intentionally showing weakness, inducing them to use the lance of Lankinus, right? “

“With this plan in mind, since the Middle Ages, the Holy See has targeted the enemies of the higher **** ranks most often with the Lankinus lance, with a chance of over 70%.”

Li Mochen smiled: “I’m not sure, I just want to give it a try. If I fail, I won’t be disappointed.”

After that, his body had already flickered, and together with the ‘Kongdong Seal’ and the ‘Holy Spear of Langinus’, he completely left this ruined, messy land.

“Wow, this is the promise of a master god!”

“Highest Shadow” Temur Hegel’s voice contained some emotion: “Is this actually a very polite young man, isn’t he? Very smart, deep-minded, and able to stay awake. Even if it is Standing at such a high position, he also knows how to reduce his enemies. “

“This Mr. Wiltonstein, indeed, can be regarded as the” Master God “, unless it is the few who can offset the” equal “divine power. Think about his words just now,” or chant my name in prayer. ” ——How confident is this? He thinks he will become a **** soon? ”

This is the younger voice, from another magical envoy: “Today ’s battle, I do n’t know what to do with the Holy See? I personally look forward to it. This is the old Guangming religion, which has suffered since Copernicus. ‘S hardest hit! “

Before this was finished, a female figure wearing a purple women’s suit was projected again on the side of Leonard Heidwig.

“I already know the general situation, that is to say, is the Holy See defeated?”

With a slightly annoyed and helpless gaze, she looked at the ruin named ‘Teuto National Museum’ below: “Now, we have new troubles. How should our country deal with the follow-up of this incident? Guys, I want to hear Listen to your opinions. “

“Forget him, Your Excellency.”

Still the voice of the young magician, his words contained a ridicule: “According to my understanding of the Holy See, they will try their best to cover up and wipe out all the news in the media. They can’t control the mysterious world, but at least in mortals On the level, they will do everything they can to suppress it, so that the world will not know this failure. They have millions of priests and magical amnesia, which can handle most things. So— “

“So nothing happened, and of course, you have no dereliction of duty with the defense department, security department, etc. We only need a little cooperation in this process, and we can even ask them to contribute money to rebuild this. National Museum, restore lost cultural relics. “

This is the ‘Highest Shadow’ Temur Hegel: “I personally suggest that the Parliament may consider granting Andre Lee Wiltonstein national identity and the title of” Honour National Magic Envoy “. He himself will not I care, but it is very important for the Teutonic Republic, and I believe he will accept it. If André has no opinion, then the parliament will have to consider including the ‘God of War Bruti’ into the ranks of the nationally recognized righteous gods, and restart the deity Identification of person and identity. “

The old woman immediately frowned slightly, and she had a certain theological knowledge, knowing that the ‘God of War Bruty’ was the Hohenstaufen dynasty, a family that had an imperial throne, and had been preaching the faith all the time. Behind the scenes are the Barbarossa emperor and his heirs, intending to seal the ambition of God.

“Blutig” in Teutonic means “bloody”, corresponding to the scarlet dragon armor.

But after that Andre Lee Wiltonstein made such a provocation and attack on the Teutonic Republic, would the state still give it such a generous gift?

She felt deeply wrong, even if her magic advisor had informed that that was already a new pole in the **** system of this world.

So the elderly woman looked at Leonard Heidwig again: “His Excellency Heidwig, what do you think?”

The ‘Elemental Master’ was full of gloom and unhappiness, and did not answer the question positively: “He has promised to compensate us for the loss and accomplish what the Teutonic Republic can do three times.”

“It turns out that I have understood the situation.”

The old woman has dispersed her projection: “I will seriously discuss this with the Cabinet.”

At this time, Pope John Honorius, the 253rd generation pope of Rome, had returned to the Holy Land of the Lord of Glory and returned to his court.

“Bishop Medici, please do all the follow-up affairs now! I think you should know how to do it? Please, as soon as possible, I need to minimize all possible follow-up effects—”

Weimar Medici couldn’t help but take a deep look at the throne, the aging and exhausted Honolius III, who was tired and unaged.

The other party’s willingness to spread him out clearly made him unable to refuse.

So the miracle angel then lowered his head and put his hand on his chest: “Follow your orders, Holy See! I will do my best.”

Afterwards, he was nostalgic and walked out of this hall.

And just after this departure, Cardinal Danny Hankins looked dumbfounded: “This is really a great disaster, the Holy See! We not only did not stop him, but also sent the Lankinus holy gun. In his hands. “

“This is indeed a very heavy blow, only inferior to Copernicus and inferior to the Rose Cross.”

Templar Master Ikabo Delman looked sad: “The majesty of the Lord will be damaged as a result, and the enemies of the church will be delighted!”

“We are enemies on all sides, but we are not trapped; we make trouble in our hearts, but we are not disappointed; we are persecuted, but we are not discarded; we are overwhelmed, but we are not dead. My life is also revealed to us. “

Honorius’ face was pale: “This is the sin I committed! I will atone for it ~ ~ Otherwise I will be ashamed of entering the kingdom of heaven.”

But at this moment, another cardinal came in. His face is equally young, and his temperament is as brilliant as the sun.

“From the beginning, I did not approve of using the power of the entire Holy See to stop him. For the rise of the descendants of Barbarossa, what harm does it have to the Holy See today? What about letting him take the blood crown? Will? It is impossible for Dunstan to occupy Rome again, nor to expel the pope. What the emperor Barbarossa did is not more abominable than the several kings in France. If it can be handled better, it may not be the Holy See, the Lord. Enemy. This is only good for Bishop Weimar Medici and the angel king. “

This man did not conceal his dislike of Weimar Medici and of an angel king.

“But I never thought that the Holy See would suffer such a heavy blow.”

“It doesn’t help to say this!”

Loft Clement, who is also a cardinal, glanced at this man: “Master Assold Angel Isolate! That is already an enemy that we must remove! He stained the glory of the host country and coveted The authority of the Lord. “


The young cardinal had a horrible meaning: “Everyone who speaks against the Son of Man can also be forgiven; but those who speak against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven in this life and the afterlife! We must eradicate him as soon as possible! With the Holy Gun of Knuth, his power will increase day by day. “

“Let’s hold a cardinal meeting!”

Honolius frowned deeply: “I hope that the forty-five cardinals (red cardinals) currently in the Holy See, all the cardinal priests and cardinal deacons, will all participate. Tell them that after removing Andre Lee Will The day of Dunstan was the day when John Hornolius abdicated. I will take my sin before going to the throne. “

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