Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 591 - fantasy

PS: There is another chapter first, and there is a chapter at nine. By the way, take advantage of the climax and ask for a guaranteed monthly pass.


“Look! This powerful force of fate.”

At the same time, in a building east of Pittsburgh, a veiled old man in a cloak was standing behind a broken glass curtain wall, stretching his arms.

“Isn’t it magical? The new destiny master in Atlanta is the most talented mortal I have seen in thousands of years. What Achilles, Hercules, are not worth in front of him Mention. “

But behind him, Yarra frowned, his eyes stunned.

The power of fate? But he saw nothing.

“Your Majesty, this is Pittsburgh, are you sure?”

“Of course I am sure! After all, I also tried to control my destiny.”

The old man laughed lightly: “Can’t you see it? This is not surprising. As a mortal, you are very wise. But your level of power is still too low.”

He reached up and pointed at the Carnegie Tower: “In my eyes, every fight between them has the power of destiny. The new destiny master is weaving their destiny! Look, although temporarily They are evenly matched, but as long as fifteen minutes, the fallen girl will defeat her opponent, and destiny is helping her. You should have heard of Napoleon, lost a horseshoe, folded one A warhorse; a warhorse was folded and a king was damaged; a king was damaged and a war was lost; a war was lost and an empire was lost–and now, this coincidence is growing. You can still find it if you look closely. The elemental force in the dragon lich is already very problematic. So everyone is the same, even the **** you believe in, Auduin is no exception. “

Yarra was shocked, and he wanted to ask about the movement of the Lord of Glory. The latter is not only the creator of the world, it is the master of glory, but also the weaver of fate.

But then he closed his mouth again, and the gods would not violate their own ‘divine nature’.

That is not only the spiritual will of the gods, but also their unique traits, which is related to the spirit, philosophy, and code of conduct of a god.

The believers of the shining lord can cooperate with them, but the shining lord does not.

For thousands of years, the man who has never committed any conspiracy has always crushed the gods in an upright manner. For a powerful **** who is in charge of the sun and light, any behavior related to the dark side is not allowed, and can only exist in the shadows of the sun.

“Your Majesty, you promised us the Dragon and Witch Church, you will definitely help us in this battle.”

“My promise is that when you enter the Carnegie Tower, I and my devil army will go all out to help you. But now—”

The old man laughed aloud: “You haven’t attacked yet, have you? Mr. Yallard at that time was very confident and thought it was not worth mentioning.”

He stared: “Don’t worry, you still have hope. The Medici family hasn’t appeared yet, and that Michelle has just shot. But the power of that master makes me feel scared . If I do see the opportunity, I will not strictly abide by our contract. “

“The problem is, we don’t have much time.”

Yalade’s face was bluish and purple, forcibly restraining the impetuous meaning in his chest.

They really have little time left, the counterattack of the American government has become stronger, and the Church of Liberty has begun to intervene. The Dragon and Witch Church, which had been seriously injured once, had already suffered heavy casualties, and the promise of the Light Holy See to them was only part of the realization.

Ten minutes, he expects to have up to ten minutes. If the Great Lakes region centered on Pittsburgh cannot be turned into a ghost world, the power of the dragon and witchcraft will be completely crushed by the power of the American government and the major churches.

“Because there is not much time, is it necessary to be solemn, isn’t it? Enemy against such a powerful god, you have to consider my feelings, Yarra.”

The old man’s voice said leisurely: “That girl, Angela’s power is also beyond expectations. Fantasy, simulation, fraud, reality, and even the prototype of” creation “-it is unimaginable, seven years ago it was just A magical professional less than level 18. I really do n’t know how she mastered so much power in these seven years. “

“You couldn’t imagine that she could compete with Auduin in the material world? But outside of this, Anthony hasn’t made any movements. I’m sure that the ‘mechanical master’ and his two slave gods have arrived It’s near here. Yarra, first of all you have to let me see hope. So, take out your hidden things, I know you have more than just prepared these— “

It was also at this time that Lena Adrick ’s shoulder was severely slapped by her opponent ’s dragon claws. The huge force made her fall like a meteorite into the Carnegie Building, setting off a huge mass Soot.

The old man raised his eyebrows immediately: “Michelle Medici, a very powerful illusion.”

However, Lina Adrick ’s opponent failed to continue to pursue. This sense of the world seems to have a problem, although the figure rushed forward quickly, but it passed the Carnegie Tower perfectly.

This scene caused the old man to laugh for a while: “This is a fun match between father and daughter, isn’t it? Deception and anti-deception. Ah, yes, Yarra, tell you a good news. The Lord of Glory unexpectedly took action in person. Now, that Fate Master has no time left to take care of it here. This is your only chance! EM ~ It seems that the **** you enshrine is more powerful than you, Yarra. “

At this time, the real body of ‘Audouin’ has come completely from the astral world. The power of the Emperor of the Night Night could not cause any hindrance to it. The nine-hundred-meter-long dragon’s body pressed across Pittsburgh. Its wingspan of a pair of bone wings is only about three kilometers, but the black dead air spreading in all directions covers the half of the sky.

The whole body of this man is also wrapped with a large amount of black blood, helping it resist the thunder chopped from the sky.

——That is the ‘root source’ of pantheon communication in the ancient times, using the **** of numbers as the carrier, and the most powerful ‘blessing’ to create the “discipline” used to punish violations The temple is a violator of the oath.

But at this time, the Dragon and Witch Church did not know how many people’s lives and blood were used as sacrifices, so that the body of “Audouin” came to the world intact!

This ancestor dragon lich, looking down on Angela high, eyes full of contempt, disdain and anger. Its tail vertebrae, with only a light stroke, flicked Angela’s “Fantasy Blue Dragon” out.

The latter is indeed powerful, powerful enough to contend with any medium god. However, in front of the complete “Audouin”, it was humble like a ant.

Its power is distributed, named ‘Destroy’, ‘Engulfed’, ‘Dominated’, ‘Death’, ‘Strength’, ‘Strong’ divine power, covering the entire Pittsburgh, so that all dragon lich who came here Great strength!

Their spells, their minions, also contain the power of destruction and devouring. Even the weaker ancients such as Lambourn Torrito can’t help but show pain and struggle.

The dominion of ‘Audouin’ is almost going to dominate his mind and his body!

However, in the ‘Fantasy Fortress’ magic tower, Angela is unwilling to look at ‘Audouin’. Her posture is still unhurried, and her face is also fearless, only to deplore the souls who died due to the blood sacrifice.

“Forbid curses, fantasy creation!”

At this moment, Lena and Delfinia, as well as the ancient bronze dragon ‘Krasby’ called by the oath of the dragon, even Odyssey Vatico, Lambourn Torrido, and other ancient blood race There was a layer of armor all over the body. It was strong and powerful, and it actually resisted the power of ‘destroying’ and ‘devouring’ held by Auduin!

Among them, the weakest Lina, with this “fantasy armor”, has more than doubled the strength and agility.

Originally she was crumbling under the attack of the ancient dragon lich opposite, but at this time, she was able to completely shake her strength in front of her.

Even ‘Audouin’ could n’t help but stare at it, and then without hesitation he grabbed a claw and went to the ‘Fantasy Fortress’ magic tower where Angela was. The black nails on its dragon’s claws have unparalleled destructive power, tearing through the barriers outside the magic tower like a broken bamboo.

Until Angela spit out a second spell.

“Supreme Way, Fantasy Guardian!”

At the same time, there is also a divine power called ‘Guardian’. Although it has only a medium level, the combination of theocratic power and the power of the forbidden spell still keeps the right claw of ‘Audouin’ out of the fortress.

The so-called ‘superior method’ in the magic world refers specifically to spells that are as difficult and powerful as the banned spell, but have no lethal power. Not many, but each of them is extremely powerful.

However, Angela’s mana is also rapidly consumed. So far behind her, a pill of colored, mixed circulation circulates.

Delfinia in the rear recognized this pill, which was somewhat similar to the “five yuan” of the ex-dan that Li Mochen once owned. But the power of ‘wood, fire, earth, gold, water’ inside is clearly at the intermediate **** level. At its core, there is pure energy with the power of “dream” and “illusion”.

Four years ago, Li Mochen, with her help, once entered and exited the space and element planes of various dimensions, just to make this ‘Waidan’?

This made Delfinia a little envious, although her lord was harsh to her to the extreme, but for her girlfriend, it was extremely generous.

However, the little master who had disdained when she was young had actually grown to this point-

“Is this the only way?”

Auduin still scorned Angela and her magic tower with an arrogant look.

“If so, then die!”

His wings spread, and an infinite amount of black flames kept pouring out of his side, and then he fell in the direction of the magic tower. The endless sea of ​​fire is spreading, and the momentum is magnificent. In Auduin’s mouth and nose, there is a “ dragon breath ” that contains several powerful divine powers.

In the magic tower, Angela is now dominated by a gloved right hand, forming a strange handprint.

“I declare here in the name of Angela Medici that I am ascending to God here today and its name is” Lord of Dreams, Creation, Illusions and Wishes “!”

So that endless divine power came from all directions to Angela Hui. Angela’s mana, which was almost drained, was restored to full prosperity at this moment!

At this moment, her consciousness not only advances to the roots, extends and solidifies, but also connects with the huge feather snake named ‘Kukulkan’ in her lifetime in the magic tower of ‘Fantasy Fortress’.

In the eyes of the girl, there was also a sharp meaning.

“The battle has just begun, Auduin! I hope you don’t admit defeat too quickly.”

For today, the price paid by A Mo is beyond anyone’s imagination. She would never retreat at this time, nor would she allow herself to be defeated by the hands of this filthy dragon!

At this moment, Oduin also instinctively developed a strong sense of vigilance. It flapped its wings almost without thinking, and flew backwards at a speed that ordinary people could not understand.

Then the next moment, a giant snake that was huge and far above him, flew out of the fantasy fortress.

When this giant snake resembling “Kukulkan” appeared in the world, everyone on the battlefield was numb and scared.

The same is true of Yalard, outside of his body, there is already a pale current. The current high priest of the Dragon and Witch Church has lost his mind and is unable to control his own power.

On his side, the old man sighed again: “Dream! As long as it is a soul, there is a dream. This is undoubtedly a priesthood with infinite potential, and also has extremely powerful power. But this situation is not quite right. , Yarra. “

At this time, a huge rift was torn open in front of them, and then a figure wrapped in metal armor came out from inside.

Whether it is the elderly or Yarra, they are very familiar with this person.

——That ’s today ’s ‘master of machinery, alchemy, materials, manufacturing, war equipment, industry and craftsmen’ Anthony Braden!

Unlike the previous mechanical god, this priest still has the titles of “Industry”, “Materials”, “Manufacturing” and “War Equipment”!

“You really are here, the king of the abyss, His Majesty Mephisto!”

The magic armor named ‘Light Demon Ten’ walked out of the void. At the same time, a larger mechanical giant also appeared behind him.

That’s a bigger and bigger figure than Auduin, the ancestor of the Dragon and Witch! It is at least 2,200 meters high, with a width of up to kilometers, and it is standing tall. It is more powerful and powerful than the old-world legendary Cyclops, Titan Giant and Nordic Ice Giant!

Anthony two years ago, shortly after he became a god, used this ‘mechanical warlord’ to fight the two princes of the Dark Lord empire head-on, once again repelling the dark world ’s counterattack against the ‘Magic City’.

“Following the everlasting covenant between Wiltonstein and the Braden family, and to prevent this disaster that affected millions of people in the Great Lakes of America, I must stop you from participating in this Pittsburgh war!”

At the same time, two figures also appeared near the building. They are all wearing ‘Light Magic Nine’ magic armor, followed by two giant robots. It’s just that the size is slightly smaller, it should be from the hand of Anthony Braden, the so-called ‘mechanical **** of war’.

Yalard knew that these were two of Anthony Braden’s followers. It was Schroeder, the ‘God of Metallurgy and Precision Industry’, and the new ‘God of Processing and Modification’ Malit.

This former richest man of mortals, although still only a person of medium deity, has begun to establish his divine lineage!

“So, the wisdom of His Majesty Emphisto should know that I have arrived, too?”

The wall behind them was slammed open, and a figure of red tights appeared behind them.

“Andre was generous this time. He gave out a billion gold shields and a weak mythological armament. Let me hold your next” Abyss Lord “. Of course, it is at least a medium **** level. This appearance fee is very good satisfaction.”

“Master of machinery, **** of metallurgy, **** of processing, enemy of death, this is really a strong lineup!”

Mephisto sighed in admiration, his robe dancing without a wind: “But I don’t think we need to use such a sword–“

He raised his head and looked at the sky.

“His Royal Highness Wiltonstein! I want to know, are you doing anything to the ancestor of the Lich?”

At this time, the “Dream Fortress” had countless deadly wind blades, blasting into the sky like a storm, they cut open the sea of ​​fire and put out black inflammation. The feather snake was easily wrapped in the blue breath of the wind, breaking the breath of the dragon. At the same time, he opened a **** mouth and slammed into Oduin’s throat. The two behemoths soon twisted and bite together, violently colliding with each other and rolling, they fell to the ground and shattered and leveled a large number of surrounding buildings.

“I do have this idea, Your Majesty Mephisto.”

At the moment when Mephisto fell, Li Mochen’s figure suddenly appeared beside them.

But the abyss master was not surprised by his appearance. It is well known that ‘lucky Andrea’ has an ‘incarnation’ equivalent to the ontology.

But at this moment, the breath of Li Mochen’s vice body is slightly weak.

Almost everyone knows that this must be caused by the excessive power invoked by this subject.

But even as strong as Mephisto, he did not have any other ideas. He was listening attentively to Li Mochen.

“Michelle will have to resurrect his wife from the underworld no matter what. Amerika has always lacked a complete underworld, leaving this free country under the lord of brilliance. But if we use Auduin, use Instead of its twilight? What about the magic ritual they prepared? Although this underworld is small and fragile. But I guess even Michelle will not insist on completing this ritual— “

“This is a good idea. Not only Michelle will not, I think even the goddess of dispute and the goddess of nature will not sit back and watch.”

Mephisto’s expression was still indifferent, he thought about it: “But there is a premise. After your god, Her Royal Highness Angela Medici, can she keep Auduin? The easy thing, His Royal Highness Wiltonstein! “

Then he discovered that within the magical tower of the ‘Fantasy Fortress’, Angela ’s body grew countless chains, extending in the direction of Auduin. One by one pierced into the body of this dragon and witch ancestor, tightly wrapped him.

In Mephisto’s mind, a term was passed immediately-that is ‘Gleipnir’ (Gleipnir), the magic chain used by the Nordic Divine Court to trap the magic wolf Fenrir !

He subconsciously thought that this was impossible. The magic wolf is still trapped under the “Valhalla” court, but only the chain named “Glepner” can make the magic wolf impossible. move.

And this Mephisto, famous for his “fraud”, soon discovered the anomaly and truth of the chain.

That is undoubtedly a fantasy creation, but its foundation is also mythologically armed. Therefore, this thing can almost completely replicate the six characteristics possessed by ‘Grape Neil’-bondage, entanglement, repression, extraction, demagnetization and punishment!

So in the next moment, Auduin was cut a huge crack in the chest and abdomen, and countless black blood was ejected from the inside in an instant. A thin figure appeared on his side, it was a Michelle Medici!

This man’s whole body is impressively full of mythological arms. He was wearing King Arthur’s ‘Red Dragon Armor’, holding Lancelot’s ‘Undestructive Lake Light’, wearing Alexander the Great’s ‘Thunder Ring’ on his index finger, and Charlie on his head Emperor Man’s ‘Dark Iron Crown’.

Although it is a fantasy creation, it contains almost real divine power and glory.

In Auduin’s howl of disbelief, anger and pain, Michelle Medici expressionlessly swayed the black blood from the sword. At the next moment, a 600-meter-long “Genesis Dragon” emerged from behind him, biting on Auduin’s wound with a violent breath.

——That is the existence that is above the ‘Archaic Dragon’, basically born in the creation of this world, has spent millions of years, has almost eternal life, and the personality of the higher **** .

And the “Lake Sword” in Michelle’s hand continued to go down, and only one sword cut off one of Oduin’s wings.

“A very beautiful rebellion attack! Under special conditions, it is almost medium-level fighting power. This Michelle, he can have a place in this place in Manhattan and dare to cooperate with the dragon and witch cult. “

Mephisto’s real body was already entangled with black mist, his posture began to change, his skin began to turn black, and a strong ‘karma’ appeared under his feet.

“How do you resist the chaotic dragon? Although this dragon lich has not been recognized by the Supreme Dragon God. But its mother, the” chaotic dragon “still cares for it and loves it—”

At this time, there was already a huge black dragon claw that stretched in from the void.

It only stretched in, but it was as huge as Tianzhu, so that the whole world appeared a lot of cracks, almost on the verge of destruction.

The giant claw photographed the giant feather snake as if a giant lizard patted a loach with its claws.

“Please be restless, Your Majesty Mephisto!”

At this time, Anthony has already given the color of defense. Behind him, the ‘Mechanical Ares’ type II has lifted up to a three-kilometer ‘Star Destroyer ~ ~ all the artillery on the whole body is also in a ready state.

Li Mochen’s deputy body chuckled lightly: “He has already come, named‘ Bethel Estantin ’, the association ’s title is‘ Master of Truth ’, the world ’s greatest magician.”

A twenty-five-story magic tower is already in midair. As the old man wearing a medieval robe and holding a staff appeared, the giant claw stretched out by the ‘Chaos Dragon’ was forcibly brought to the other side of Pittsburgh.

There is no doubt that it was created by Bethel Estantin, and it is known as one of the world’s strongest ban curses, “curvature of space and time”!

“So, there seems to be a deal between us, Your Majesty Mephisto! There is no need to be an enemy between us, right?”

As Li Mochen spoke, the figure of the goddess of magic Diana appeared from behind Li Mochen: “This is what I mean, Mephisto. I am willing to surrender some of my authority in exchange for your magical priesthood, and The default for Magic Web. “

A blue crystal was held in her hand, and strong magic ripples spread around her, even distorting reality.

“This is one of the priesthoods I have, and it’s called Curse.”

Yarra’s face has changed greatly. With endless resentment, his eyes are snarled at Mephisto: “You promised! Mephisto, you said it will help us!”

However, the old man who had withdrawn from the image of the devil was smiling, and he took the crystal from Diana with a friendly look.

“You are sincere, Your Majesty the Goddess! Then, in return, limited to this priesthood, Mephisto can be listed under the magic system of the Lord of Magic.”

“But I still have a question now, who will be the master of this underworld?”

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