Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 597 - Replace (Nine K)

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Michelle tried nothing to prevent his wife’s body from breaking apart, he was already at a loss, and there were several errors in the process of casting.

“How could this be? Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!”

Seeing that “Diana Olivia” on the throne has only a part of the torso left. The madness in Michelle Medici’s eyes was more serious. He even looked at the array of magical energy below him, his eyes struggling.

-It should be too late! If you continue to launch the sacrificial part in the back, maybe you can bring your wife back to life and carry the power of this underworld. His hands had already begun to produce a magic fingerprint, but just as he was about to complete the second fingerprint. Li Mochen’s voice from the rear made his body tremble slightly.

“Give up Michelle!”

Li Mochen sighed, and at the same time, he once again recruited his ‘Fate of Sword’ from the sleeve: “I think that even if she is successfully resurrected by you now, that would not be your wife, not even Angela’s mother. What is that, Michelle. “


Angela was so choked that she couldn’t speak, but she shook her head firmly as well: “I can’t make you do that. And, we have failed, haven’t we? Mother she no longer exists, I think you do it now It was definitely not something she was willing to see. “

At this moment, Michelle Medici has been aging for at least two decades. The remaining black hair on his head also became silvery white, and his face was pale like paper. He stood there stupefied stupefied and motionless, as if he were made of wood. It wasn’t long before the last ember of ‘Diana Olivia’ dissipated, and Michelle woke up and smiled bitterly.

“So, should I also recognize the reality, right? All this is nothing but a dream bubble that I dreamed of.”

Michelle’s words are full of self-mockery: “Then Angel, please tell me, how do you survive after realizing your own reality?”

If ‘Diana Olivia’ has dissipated from spirit to flesh, then the spiritual power that has maintained Angela ’s existence for years has been provided by him.

But his love for Angela and his belief that Angela is still alive are far inferior to his wife.

Therefore, theoretically, after Angela recognizes her true source of life, her life should come to an end and the foundation of existence should be completely lost.


Angela was puzzled at first, but then woke up. Her body trembled slightly, and then glanced at Li Mochen instinctively.

Li Mochen didn’t say a word, his face was standing still. The reason why Angela maintains her own existence is actually more because of the secret method of “Tianxin Shenzhao”, and he did some things to make up for Angela’s deficiencies.

“It turns out that! Is Andre right?”

Michelle seemed to have guessed the answer. He seemed relieved and sighed slightly with emotion: “That’s fine, if Andrea takes care of her, I can rest assured. Even if I’m not there, Angela can live well Very good, even better than me. “


Angela finally realized what, the whole person was struck by lightning, and then instinctively grabbed Michelle’s shirt: “You can’t do this, Michelle!”

However, her hand caught an empty hand. Michelle’s body, like ‘Diana Olivia’, now disintegrates like a phantom.

“I’m tired, Angela!”

Michelle Medici complained: “I’m afraid you can only go on the next road. Fortunately, there is Andrea, although this guy has been very unhappy, this guy has protected me for more than ten years. Take it away, but this guy as a man is still very reassuring and can be entrusted. And I, at the end of this last, can also do something for you. “

At this moment, the black crown that had fallen on the throne had flown out of the sky, and then slowly fell to Angela’s head.

“Don’t refuse, my child. This is my last gift as a father, and it also pinned me and Diana’s love and miss for you.”

At the moment when the black crown Dai Wen was on Angela’s head, Michelle’s figure completely disappeared.

But at the moment, Angela was crying, and the huge sorrow hit her heart, making her almost fainted.

Li Mochen sighed again and held Angela’s hand: “Cry, Angel. But please remember, as Michelle said, you still have me. I will be by your side, You will never go alone. “

But at this time, it was difficult for him to develop a deep mourning in his heart.

Just at the moment when Michelle completely gave up his life, his “Spiritual Soul Fortune Purple Tower” was shaking. Innumerable merits and auras of light came from all directions and swelled rapidly, even if the number exceeded one million strands, there was no trend to stop.

What’s more, as far as Michelle’s situation is concerned, it is actually a matter of benevolence, which is indeed a relief for him. Continue to live in this world, his father-in-law should be very painful.


“America’s new Pluto?”

At this moment, on a small hill about 70 kilometers away from Pittsburgh, the Cardinal Purple Cardinal Ilze Medici of the Bright Holy See also made a general sigh when he put down his telescope: “I didn’t expect that This is the end. “

“I was also surprised.”

Responding to him was the lion-heart Druid Quito Medici: “Sometimes someone from the Medici family will become a deity, but I did not expect her to be so powerful.”

“She can now fight a powerful **** in the main material world. Although my cousin did not get what he wanted, they did win a great victory.”

Ilze Medici’s brows were tight and his eyes were not worried: “And we should worry now. This incident may be a disaster for the family.”

“Not so serious.”

With this sentence, the ‘miracle angel’ Weimar Medici also appeared on this hill: “We did not make any mistakes, Ilzer.”


Ilzer frowned: “We sat and watched the completion of this underworld belonging to Amerika, and Medici should have stopped it.”

“indeed so.”

Weimar Medici nodded slightly, and then explained: “But if we participate, the situation will only be more serious. The collusion between demons and liches alone violates the glorious canon, it will be our Midi. The eternal stain of the odd family is also unforgivable by our Lord. And now— “

He didn’t go on, but Ilzer Medici had already understood what he meant. At the moment, it is at best just sticking to the dogma, not doing it. As far as the glorious canon is concerned, this is not a sin that is unforgivable.



The Miracle Angel shook his head: “The establishment of the underworld happened at the same time as the Wilton Stanton God, we have to make some choices, and we chose Atlanta under the crown, and we have tried our best, haven’t we? As far as I know, you die today The Dragon Lich and Demon Legion in your hand have reached tens of thousands, and you have also destroyed at least seven nodes of this Pentagram. This is good, I think no one can say that the Medici family has not tried their best. “

At this time, not only did Ilzer’s expression relax, but the lion’s heart Druid Quito Medici was also relieved, and then he asked curiously: “So what’s going on in the Holy See? I heard there are Seraphs, Even the king of angels betrayed the Lord? “

“The personality of the Seraph cannot be done.”

Weimar Medici looked up to the sky: “I can’t say more about the details, you just need to know that in the next few months, there will be great turmoil in the Holy See. So from today, Medici Everyone in the family must keep their duty and avoid being affected. “

“Is this also your chance?” Cardinal Purple Cardinal Ilze Medici couldn’t help but shining different colors.

“It’s also yours! Within three days, I will let Ilze put on you a red offering. As a demigod, you can’t enter the Cardinal Regiment until now. The Holy See is too harsh on you.

Weimar Medici said confidently, and then hesitated a little: “Iquito, recently some children from the family have to go out, they must be talented. Medici is too big, too crowded, We must stay alive. “

The lion’s heart Druid Quito Medici was stunned for a while, at first he didn’t know what he meant. But then he realized it and looked again at Pittsburgh in the distance.

“We understand Weimar, at most I will filter out a list tomorrow.”

He knew that for a deity, a believer with the blood of a **** is often the most suitable person to carry the power of the deity.


In the newly constructed hell, Angela sat in a darkened hall. She was still in a dazed state, and her eyes were dull. Even after a day, she could not recover from the sadness of her father’s death.

At this time, in front of her, only Li Mochen, Anthony Braden, and Bethel Constantine.

“She can’t do this, Amo. Angela’s grip on the underworld is not stable, there are still many people staring at her, waiting for you to relax. Also, I got the exact news. Osiris Anubis, his assistant, the “wolf god”, has returned to the world half a day ago. It is also a powerful **** who is not within the limits of the Pantheon. “

He was talking and looking at this place. Surprisingly, this **** built with ‘Twilight Dragon City’ as its main body did not have much decay. This is probably related to the dragon lich is a necrotic creature with a little cleanliness.

In fact, most of the undead creatures, after death, they love to be more clean than before.

However, the temple they were in was obviously rebuilt. Anthony found many modern building materials from inside, which should be the result of the combined effect of magic power and modern building technology.

Li Mochen was also worried, but he no longer knew how to persuade him. He realized that Angela’s pain could only be healed by her own time. During this period, he could only take care of him more.

“I’m not going to let my father leave me with something, Anthony!”

Angela’s unexpected opening, she also looked at the three people in front of her eyes at the same time, confused words: “Is there anything to do Amo? Is it for Professor Estantin’s reincarnation?”

But now it seems that the time is not yet when Diana’s magic web has not been completed.

“I don’t know the situation.”

Anthony spread his hand: “But I guess I can’t help.”

“Be restless, Anthony. Amo he called you, naturally it is useful to get you.”

Bethel Estantin looked at Li Mochen with a slightly moxibustion and suspicious look: “Let me explain the situation. Ten days ago, A Mo gave me a contract and a guarantee. That made me very moved. And as the price of concluding a contract, I must help him to block Chaos Dragon Mother and other possible spoilers today, and then sign an additional eternal covenant with a subordinate nature. However, I am not sure whether Amo can complete it. This promise-he will use this newly built Hades to help me complete the process of reincarnation in one day and reshape my body and soul. “

When he said this, both Anthony and Angela couldn’t help but stare at Li Mochen, both with an incredible look.

“Amo, are you serious? I’m afraid I can’t do it?”

If it is a mortal body and soul, Anthony believes that Li Mochen has such a capability, which is not difficult for Li Mochen, who has the power of life and death.

But ‘Master of Truth’, Bethel Estantine, is the most powerful magician in the world. In the main material realm, you can confront the chaotic dragon mother head-on, especially with plenty of leeway.

“I will do it!”

Li Mochen glanced at Anthony, and then distributed a stack of drawings of the magic array to the three people present.

“This is a map to help Professor Estantin reincarnate. Note that the array structure is relatively precise, and the error must not exceed one thousandth of a micrometer. Of course, the cost of materials is borne by Professor Estantin. We will ask him to report after the completion.”

After Anthony took it, he glanced at random, knowing that it was designed by Li Mochen, and then improved by Estantin.

Although Li Mochen’s mastery of the magic pattern has reached a very high level, he has not been able to use it concisely until now.

“OK! Although I am not very optimistic, but since there are too many miracles about you, I will temporarily reserve my opinion,”

Anthony has already started, he is responsible for the east part: “I think we can play to see who is faster. Amo, we can even come to bet, I can bet a mechanical God of War, It ’s just the type I eliminated. But if I win, you just need to give me your “Shen Xu” sword. “

The fastest result was Estantin, followed by Angela, then Anthony was at the bottom, and Li Mochen was third. The result of the post-examination is that the errors are all within one thousandth of a micrometer.

“Magic Array and Alchemy God AH?”

After Li Mochen finished his part, he laughed at Anthony: “Remember to send your mechanical **** of war to my Sword Manor within three days.”

Anthony’s face was flushed with anger: “Hey! It’s not fair, Angela cheated for you.”

Many of the magic patterns Li Mochen is responsible for are directly constructed by Angela with divine power.

This underworld is now equivalent to Angela’s kingdom of gods.

“You didn’t prescribe that Angela couldn’t help, and you should have thought about it, Anthony.”

After Li Mochen blocked Anthony’s mouth, he looked at Estantin with a smile: “I think it’s time to start, Professor.”

“But I’m upset now, Amo!”

Estantin smiled and walked to the center of the magic array: “You have to know that the magic web has not been built yet. And I still don’t know where you come from. In the end, if you fail, what I said is If, then everything is irreversible. “

But he still walked to the center of the array, and then sat cross-legged in a posture similar to the five-hearted heavens commonly used by Eastern practitioners.

“I think it’s really a play. Are you sure you want to do this, Amo?”

“I promise in the name of destiny!”

Li Mochen’s expression condensed: “There will never be any mistakes, Professor Estantin. I think you have made enough preparations right? Even if it is a normal reincarnation, can you protect your fundamental spiritual knowledge, Professor?”

Estantin didn’t hesitate anymore, just three seconds after closing his eyes, the vitality of his body began to dissolve. This method of self-destruction is similar to that of Buddhism. At this moment, a huge amount of magic energy exploded, spilling into the heaven and earth of this underworld.

At this moment, Li Mochen also irradiated the steadily dispersed soul and body of Estantine with a beam of “North and South Polar Light of Life and Death”, and at the same time commanded the girl next to him: “Angel, do as I ordered!”

Angela nodded slightly, and had covered her divine power with the world of underworld less than 300 kilometers away.

Li Mochen didn’t let her do much, one was to try to enhance Li Mochen’s life and death power, and the other was to cover the extraordinary spiritual mechanisms before and after the reincarnation of ‘Estantine’, which was not noticed by anyone.

Among them, the latter is the main purpose. At present, in the main material world, only the side of the nether earth she possesses is possible.

After that, Angela paid close attention to Li Mochen’s movements, for which she temporarily forgot the sorrow and sorrow of Michelle’s death.

Even Anthony was staring at the moment and was unwilling to distract.

What Li Mochen is doing now is to use his divine power of life and death to let the soul of Estantine experience a complete death, and then regenerate the machine at the extreme of death and death to complete a process from life to death, from death to life .

This is undoubtedly the mystery of life and death, shattered and displayed in front of them one by one.

Even if Anthony did not master the priesthood in this respect, you can learn more about it, for his mechanical god, there is no harm.

Anthony soon discovered that the beauty of Estantin’s reincarnation ritual in this nether earth.

This place has not yet accommodated any deceased, so although it is underworld, it is still in a blank state.

As the first soul to enter here, Estantine can easily keep his soul pure, without any impurities. Therefore, there is no change in his fundamental spiritual knowledge, nor any shaking, which can not lead to the legendary “Mirth in the Fetus”.

Just three hours later, another ‘Estantine’ appeared in front of them.

——It was a young and excessive soul, full of vitality and vitality that made Anthony feel jealous. There are no concepts and features related to ‘death’ and ‘aging’, and they are exceptionally powerful.

At this time Li Mochen also put away the black and white beams he shot, and then smiled and asked: “Are you still satisfied? Professor Estantin?”

“It makes me feel like a baby, pure and full of life.”

Estantin sensed himself for a moment, and then asked: “But you haven’t finished it yet, what about my body? Andrea. You won’t let me reincarnate, or take the chance? Both of these are bad. . Also, I feel that my soul is broken and incomplete. If it is in its current state, I am afraid I ca n’t hold on for more than ten days, and after ten days I will experience another demise. “

His flesh has been ‘dead’, even if it is still preserved, it is not suitable for him now. It is already a protein that has nothing to do with him.

So although this soul is young, it is a sourceless water, a tree without roots.

In the process of his reincarnation, Li Mochen completely retained his powerful soul. But this also cut off his future path-no newborn baby can bear his present soul, even those born in the chaotic age.

And if it is a seizure, then the fit of the soul is a huge problem and hidden danger. If he is willing to take this path, why should he work hard and seek reincarnation?

As for the broken soul, the reason is even simpler, because he has not experienced a complete rebirth and lacks some necessary qualities.

“This has to be obtained in the next plan, which is also the purpose I called Anthony, Professor Estantin.”

Li Mochen’s eyes flashed with a different color, and took out a pair of ice coffins.

Lying inside, it was Estantin who was in his life state.

Estantin saw that this was Li Mochen, a clone cultivated with his flesh and blood.

But Li Mochen didn’t know what method he used, so that his soul had a close connection with the clone of this ‘previous life’-but this is still not his physical body, and he can’t solve his problem.

“Next we need another sacrifice, and this sacrifice is this–“

Li Mochen slightly waved his sleeves and used magic projection to project a person’s figure in front of their eyes.

He will not say the person’s name at this time. The latter, as a main god, will listen to any conversations in the main material world that reveal his name.

Even the place where they talked, if not in this secluded underworld, would also be felt by that person.

Anthony ’s pupils contracted suddenly, a shocking and unbelievable look flashed on his face, and then he laughed: “It ’s crazy and domineering, but I like it. But the question now is, how do we lure him? come?”

“I had already arranged it a few days ago. According to the original vision of Professor Estantin, he needed to arrange seven holy relics in this world to help him complete the reincarnation ritual and keep his soul pure in the reincarnation, and now , The location of these seven holy relics. Someone has already revealed to that Highness. But in this battle, we not only have to kill God, but also hide all the gods in the process of killing the gods. Angela will Help us, but our speed must be fast. “

Estantin could not help but understand: “Hide all the gods? Amo what do you mean?”

“Completely and completely replace him! With Estantin’s ability to teach you, you can hide any **** as long as you want. And the truth–“

Li Mochen looked at Estantin: “That should be the authority you want? Professor Estantin? I don’t know if my plan can meet your requirements?”

Estantin couldn’t help but take a deep breath, calming the turmoil that originated from the depths of his soul.

“It has exceeded my expectations, Amo! This is indeed worthy of an eternal subordinate covenant. If you can really do it, then I will serve you as my Lord God. The realm of truth and law will be your eternal Backing. “

However, his voice also contained some doubts: “But I think that if you must hide all the gods, then we have to find a helper. The strength of the four of us is not enough to kill his body. dead.”

“No need to worry about this! I am sure to kill him now!”

As Li Mochen said, he sensed his “Spiritual Soul Fortune Zijin Pagoda”, and there were two or three million lines of merit and spiritual light on the tower. His expression also contained unprecedented self-confidence: “Since it is a secret, of course, the fewer people know, the better. The next thing you have to do, Professor Estantin, is related to our success or failure. We cannot let you have Any possibility of exposure. “


Three hours later, in the depths of the Pacific Ocean, near an area of ​​Hawaii.

Li Mochen and Angela took the same boat and sat opposite each other.

It must be mentioned that what they are riding on is actually a ‘ship’ flying in the air. Li Mochen used part of the drawings from the East, “Dragonfly from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths”, and then combined with the Western mothology and technology, it took nearly 2.7 billion gold shields to build such a spaceship, named “Eileen” Noah ‘.

Its ability is probably comparable to that of the eight-story magic tower. Although it is far inferior to the ‘land of destiny’, it has the advantage of ‘speed’. It took less than three minutes from Pittsburgh to the central location of the Pacific Ocean. In addition, it also has a strong anti-strike ability, and can adapt to various harsh environments, and can even shuttle in the earth’s center.

Its name was taken by Angela to commemorate Li Mochen’s mother-although the latter didn’t really care.

“Dual Master Priest?”

Within the spaceship, when Li Mochen withdrew his hand from Angela’s chest, his face was very strange. He looked at Angela with a strange look.

“At present, it is no problem, but you have to maintain the balance of these two forces as much as possible.”

At this time, Angela had the “dream” priesthood of divine personality ten, the “creation” of divine personality five, the “illusion” of divine personality eight, the “wish” of divine personality nine, and the “death” of divine personality five, Eight ‘soul masters’.

What surprised Li Mochen is that the two priesthoods of ‘Dream’ and ‘Master of Soul’ are both Angela ’s current priesthoods!

This should be a gift from Michelle, who gave Angela his own source beforehand, so that all his own things completely disappeared in this world.

Although this is a very sad thing, Angela has indeed obtained great benefits. Angela will only have to pay attention to the balance of the two main priesthoods in the future, and maintain the existence of both sources.

This is not a difficult thing. It is much easier than the practice of the dualistic metaphysical Dafa.

“It turns out this way!”

Angela’s eyes were now relieved, but her mood was even darker, and she was completely unhappy.

“So, my father did not leave me a chance, he has no desire to exist in this world where I have Angela, right?”

Li Mochen smiled bitterly: “Angel–“

“I know I know.”

Angela shook her head slightly before waiting for Li Mochen’s words to come out, “I know my thoughts are very negative. I will adjust my mindset. Ah Mo, give me a little time.”

“I think, instead of thinking about it, you should put your time in other areas.”

Li Mochen said while waving his sleeve robe, drawing a lot of magic books to the side of the two. Basically, they are two feet thick, about two hundred copies.

“This is specially selected by Professor Estantin for you, and it can deepen your understanding of death, soul, dreams and illusion. I promise you have not seen it. Nearly 75% of it comes from outside the world. Our Professor Estantin has a special channel in the foreign domain to collect this precious knowledge. “

Estantin had completely opened the library of the ‘Supreme Truth’ magic tower to him, and now there are no restrictions. The only requirement for him is to return it on time and not to damage it.

Angela squinted her eyes and looked at the books listlessly. If she put it in the usual way, she would be excited to roll on the bed when she came into contact with the new knowledge. live.

But now, Angela can’t mention any interest-

But after a second, Angela still withdrew these books into her magic pocket.

“I will watch!”

She knew what Li Mochen meant, and indulging in it might make her forget her pain. This is also good for her and allows her to go further on the path of the gods.

Angela really needs to strengthen her knowledge of death and soul. If only the one left by Michelle was armed by the myth that she named ‘Crown of Wounds’, she would not be able to help her defend the throne of the Underworld King.

It was at this time that Li Mochen’s expression moved slightly, suddenly looking sideways, looking into the depths of the void.

“Did you see? Anthony?”

“of course!”

Anthony’s voice sounded on Li Mochen’s ear: “The next thing is to see Angela. He not only has the theocracy of truth, but also has a divine eye that penetrates the ‘true’.”

Angela also rejuvenated at this time and began to exhibit the illusion she was good at.

Li Mochen was indifferent in his eyes, recruiting both the “Lankinus Holy Gun” and the “Fate of Heaven” to strengthen his control over destiny and timing.

“In the name of destiny, Angela’s illusion today will not be seen!”

At this time, the “Shenxiao Spiritual Fortune Purple Tower” collapsed and dissipated nearly 120,000 strands of colorful aura.

Li Mochen followed suit and issued the second order for ‘Fate’.

“In the name of destiny, the 1000-kilometre diameter area is a forbidden land! Except for the four of me, mortals and gods can’t see, feel, or know–“

At this moment, a male figure wearing golden armor came to the sea where they were watching. He first looked around with a bit of vigilance. After not discovering any anomalies, he stretched out his hand under the sea and pulled a huge stone pavilion 23,000 kilometers deep in the bottom of the sea. A huge magic array floated slowly in the center.

But it was when the stone museum was able to rise to less than 17,000 kilometers from the sea. A space door appeared above the sea, and the figure of Estantine appeared in front of the ‘God of Truth, Justice, and Law’, Fan Saidi.

The expression of “Master of Truth” is obviously exasperated. He did not hesitate to cast a banned spell and blasted the gods across from him. The latter showed a little success, and was not surprised at the arrival of Estantine.

The **** didn’t fight Estantin head-on, he guerrilla on all sides, and then continued to pull the sarcophagus up. But the ‘master of truth’ Bethel Estantin’s fighting power was unexpectedly powerful. As the battle continued, the ‘God of truth, justice and law’ had to put more and more power here .

“It’s ridiculous, isn’t he? He actually divided his powers, blocking time and space, blocking the spiritual consciousness. He was afraid of being informed of us, afraid of our reinforcements. The old man, Estantin, was really cunning enough. Hours, patiently accompanied him to consume, a little bit swayed the power of this deity. “

Anthony sneered, and then suddenly whispered: “The time is up, Amo!”

The time is indeed up! Li Mochen also sensed that the subject of the “God of Truth, Justice, and Law”, Fan Saidi, had taken the risk of being hit by the Treaty of Divine and Conquer of Man and God, and came to this main plane completely to resist the imposing pressure.

And the next moment ~ ~ The “Lankinus Sacred Gun” beside Li Mochen had turned into a streamer, and flew away to the **** 200 kilometers away.

“My order!”

Li Mochen’s expression was indifferent and majestic: “‘God of truth, justice and law’ Fan Said will die here!”

At this moment, he once again realized the power of a main god! Even such a wish with huge room for recovery has allowed the nearly two million strands of merit on the “Spiritual Soul Fortune Purple Pagoda” to be directly dispersed by 90%!

But it was also worth it. The “Lankinus Holy Gun” turned into a white light beam, which penetrated the body of Versailles with one shot, and also severely damaged his divinity and soul.

Immediately afterwards, the second type of ‘mechanical gods’ controlled by Anthony Braden suddenly rose from the sea under the cover of Angela’s illusion. His giant fist like a hill directly blasted the remaining body of Versailles to the state of dust particles!

On the opposite side, Estantin, was ecstatic. He knew that Li Mochen’s plan had already succeeded by 80%. The rest is with him, to see if he can seize and replace Versace ’s consciousness and priesthood.

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