Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 600 - biological

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Finally, the time agreed by Li Mochen and the Goddess of Magic was fifteen days later, on the bottom line acceptable to Diana.

He was really not ready, because at this time, Li Mochen’s body, and his magical pet “Dragon Vessel”, were in the realm of the original vault. They rushed away seven days ago, and they have arrived now. It is estimated that there will be three or five days of effort before they can get things done there completely.

——Ten years ago, Li Mochen felt very difficult to return to the journey. Now he only needs a few days to cross easily. That boundlessness is too empty, and the void storm that once caused him huge damage is no longer enough to be his obstacle.

However, this separated a large part of Li Mochen’s strength, so that his strength is only 80% of the heyday.

After finishing the meeting, Li Mochen directly opened a door to the first experimental base of Rising Sun Biopharmaceutical Company.

In this closed laboratory where Li Mochen opened the ‘door’, Gu Hong and a group of researchers wearing protective clothing were conducting experiments around several ‘gene analyzers’.

After Li Mochen came here, everyone here stopped the work at hand, and looked up solemnly to salute him, showing a completely different respect from before.

——It ’s just their boss who visited here before. Now, Li Mochen is not only their employer, but also a **** who needs admiration.

Li Mochen waved his hand at random, instructing everyone to do as usual, and at the same time looked at the monitoring monitors in the row on the left side of the laboratory. These displays are followed by twelve monitors, but they all observe the same thing from all angles. Beside these monitoring displays, there are even display screens of high-tech instruments such as infrared monitors, electromagnetic wave detectors, and magic monitors.

What they observe is a black cylinder, about 30 centimeters in diameter, which is equivalent to the thickness of a human thigh, and the length is 70 centimeters. The outer layer has many golden lines-anyone who is familiar with Mosra technology will know that this is the unique rune of this civilization.

This object is next to the laboratory, locked in a seven-meter thick alloy wall and a force field retaining wall. There is also a mythical magic energy array used to suppress this object.

It was about six years ago that their exploration team found a complete Mosrah base in a primitive jungle in South America.

And this thing in front of Li Mochen is one of the exploration achievements there. Of the three mythological creature colonies, he won the second and Anthony won the first.

This is also likely to be the only three mythological creatures in the world to colonize. Afterwards, Li Mochen used funds to support dozens of archaeological teams and seven half-gods.

The only hope is the ‘paradise’ of the former Mayan supreme **** ‘Its Sumner’. Ittsumna is a **** king from the outer realm. There is no **** kingdom in this world, but it has the title of “lord of heaven”. It must be the same situation as the Lord of Glory, and other methods are used to create a plane similar to the “Kingdom of God”.

It ’s only the incarnation of its projection on this world that ‘Itt Sumner’ fell. It is impossible for the feather snake **** Kukulkan to let this powerful **** king die completely, so most of the ‘heaven’ he cast still exists. Li Mochen can be sure that Kukulkan failed to obtain the inheritance of ‘Itt Sumner’.

From the current archaeological achievements, the former Moshra people should have been defeated. Therefore, most of the loot that the Mayan Protoss derived from the Moshra people should have been hidden in the ‘heaven’ of ‘Its Sumner’.

Li Mochen has invested a lot of resources in the search for the so-called ‘paradise’ of ‘Itt Sumner’. For the time being, he has not found any clues, nor can he use divination to locate.

However, at present, Li Mochen does not have too strong expectations for the relics of ‘Itt Sumner’ and the Moshra people.

Only because of the two mythological “creature colonies” in his hands, they have not yet been unlocked and put into use. The quantum encryption technology used by the Mosrah is extremely complicated. One of them has a master’s mythical ‘biological colony’, and the corresponding secret key is its owner’s genetic chain, which makes the two cloaked secret locks almost impossible to crack. Even Estantin and Anthony are at a loss.

Under this demigod-level ‘biological colony’, Rising Sun Biopharma has initially mastered the production method. At present, three sets have been trial-produced and are in the process of trial and inspection. At present, Li Mochen has mastered the demigod-level ‘biological colony’, as many as twenty-three pieces, five of which are not used, just because no suitable candidate can be found.

So now, it doesn’t matter if he gets more Mosrah relics. It is better to invest energy, grasp the genetic structure and composition of these mythological creature colonies as soon as possible, and then try to make it yourself.

At this time, Li Mochen took a closer look at these screens and walked directly in front of a huge display screen: “How is the progress? Caesar? I want to see the gene map that has been parsed.”

What he asked was not Gu Hong here, but the base brain here, the artificial intelligence ‘Caesar’ that Anthony helped him complete.

In these seven years, Li Mochen has spent a lot of effort on computer language and virtual intelligence for condensing the two priests of data network and games. Especially at the complete Mosrah base six years ago, they not only got three mythical ‘biological colonies’ from them, but also got the complete rune programming and artificial intelligence technology of the Mosrah people, Li Mochen and Both Anthony has their own benefits.

One of Li Mochen ’s next promising priesthoods is ‘programming’ or ‘programming’, but he has yet to know how to use the theocracy related to ‘programming’, so he, like Anthony, still takes a conservative stance.

After all, their “divine nature” is limited and there is no room for profligacy. The “Data Network” and “Game” condensed by Li Mochen are already very capricious behaviors, and he can be regarded as an attempt to seize the opportunities in the new era, but this is already the limit of what he can do.

Therefore, compared to ‘program’ and ‘programming’, Li Mochen is now more optimistic about the ‘programmer ’s asylum’ which corresponds to a specific group of religious priests.

Now in Atlanta, in Silicon Valley, California, the number of computer programmers is exploding. Li Mochen expects that this priesthood can bring a lot of divine power, and one of the theological powers corresponding to ‘programmer ’s refuge’, ‘refuge’, is now fully mastered and has reached a medium level.

“The real progress of genome analysis is 64%, which is an increase of 0.01% compared to the last time you came here. The imaginary progress has increased to 66%, an increase of 2.1.”

The electronic sound of “Caesar” without emotion sounded on the side of Li Mochen’s ear. At the same time, a 3D picture began to appear on the huge screen. It was an image composed of countless spirals. It was precise and complicated. It was obvious that there were a lot of defects in it.

In addition, there are a small number of genes that are ‘blurred’, which is different from other gene maps.

“The researchers you hired are very hard, but they are limited in their ability. They are not making good progress at the moment. They spent 13 days and only identified these 3,200 suspected gene sequences.”

“This sentence is really mean. Even the 3,200 suspected gene sequences are the result of our hard work day and night.”

At this time, Gu Hong also came to Li Mochen’s side: “You should know the difficult BOSS among them. This god-level cloak not only has powerful power, but also can block the detection of all our instruments. It also has The mystery lock makes its genetic composition constantly changing, making it impossible for us to determine its true core structure. This should be the core biotechnology of the Mosrah people, and they have put a lot of effort into technical confidentiality. So next Genetic testing will only become more and more difficult. “

He looked again at the gene map on the screen: “In fact, I can’t be sure of the authenticity of most of these gene structures. At least 42% of these structures are BOSS. Strongly advocate that the result of arbitrariness. “

Li Mochen didn’t speak, but his brain and soul were now overloaded with calculations. At the same time, the colorful aura on the ‘Spiritual Soul Fortune Purple Tower’ is also rapidly being consumed.

While at Stanford University, Li Mochen followed Bethel Estantin to learn basic mathematics and basic physics. With the care of the latter, it took him just two years to get these two professional doctorate degrees.

However, in addition to this, Li Mochen also took a major in biology. This is not Estantin’s expertise, and Li Mochen’s entry in this area is not satisfactory. However, two years after he left Stanford University, he received a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology.

At this time, in terms of biology, medicine, and genetic knowledge, Li Mochen is confident that he will not be inferior to Gu Hong.

In addition to this, he also has the advantages of “Zhou Tianshen Ji Xuan pivot lock secret”, the power of destiny and the “Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda”.

Among them, the former has undergone substantial improvement. This method of actuarial arithmetic, created by Li Mochen, who combined the strengths of the original “Summa” of the original dome, now combines modern mathematics and modern astrology in the bright world. Rune literature with the Mosrah. Today’s deduction ability has increased at least three times than before! Even without the help of merit, Li Mochen can perform a more accurate calculation.

For example, if he wants to calculate the position of the goddess of magic Diana, Li Mochen could not have done it before. But now, if he can give up about 50,000 strands of merit, he can accurately know the location of Diana’s body.

This is precisely where Li Mochen is confident in analyzing these two mythological “biological colonies”, with the help of the “Zhou Tian Shen Ji Xuan Shuxing secret method” and the guidance of fate to determine its DNA structure.

So as to create a new myth-level ‘biological colony’, or start from inside and find a way to crack the secret key.

In the next ten minutes, Li Mochen continued to sketch or correct in front of this huge display.

Those suspected gene sequences that are absurd are directly cancelled, and the right ones are reserved, some are not so bad, so it takes a little merit to correct them directly.

In the end, the 3,200 suspected genes were left with only 700.

“That’s it again!”

Gu Hong sighed helplessly: “Your Highness, you must give us a reason to do this? What kind of evidence do you have? Metaphysics?”

“It’s metaphysics! Have you forgotten my priesthood? The master of destiny-I think it is correct, and usually it is right.”

Li Mochen responded with a smile, and then looked slightly: “Professor Gu, the current situation is not good, we have to speed up the progress of genetic testing.”

Gu Hong froze for a moment, then frowned: “The second laboratory has been built and various test equipment has been assembled. Once it is put into use, we can increase our speed by a factor of five. The two mythological creature colonies have strong radiation and pollution. Without strong mental resistance and physical fitness, they cannot participate in the research of this biological colony. In addition, they also need top professional abilities and intelligence. Otherwise, it won’t help at all. As long as Rising Sun Biopharmaceutical Company meets the requirements, there are currently only 223 people here, and even the first laboratory has not been filled. A list of up to 1,800 people, but they have not yet completed the loyalty review. “

Li Mochen frowned, and then pondered, “I’m personally responsible for the recruitment of personnel. However, the second laboratory can consider relaxing safety requirements. You can draw up a plan to measure the non-core parts. The genetic work goes down there. “

The talents of Rising Sun Biopharmaceuticals have always been a problem.

Nowadays, all parties are closely watching Xuri Biopharma’s colonization technology. Including the major churches, even the powerful countries of the old continent.

Therefore, even with Li Mochen, who has the “Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda”, it is difficult to guarantee the reliability of these external researchers.

There have been three spy cases before the Rising Sun Biopharmaceutical, at least ten of them involved were inspected by Li Mochen in person and nodded.

They usually have a country, even backed by gods. It can avoid Li Mochen’s peeping into their souls and the calculation of the “Zhou Tianshen Ji Xuan pivot secret method”. Even if he uses the power of merit, he cannot guarantee safety.

Fortunately, he has strong inspiration, and he can be alert before the incident, otherwise the core technology mastered by Rising Sun has long been leaked.

Therefore, Li Mochen took a conservative stance on the matter of the “Cardinal Regiment” of the Destiny Church. Even if he is now a powerful master of fate, he dare not say that those ‘cardinals’ who are equal to the status of voters are fully loyal to him.

“no problem.”

Gu Hong nodded slightly: “But correspondingly, the second laboratory also needs to strengthen its vigilance. Then, in addition to the main brain program of the base, we have to add an additional shell and protective wall to protect our core secrets.”

“You and Abraham will preside over this matter.”

Abraham-refers to Abraham Wiltonstein, the new fifth-level legendary Master and Alchemist of the Wiltonstein family, rare materials in the world, and has different achievements in physics and biology. There are currently two projects in his hand, one is the replication of the ‘Sky Scepter’ and the other is the ‘Gene Optimization Agent’.

After finishing this sentence, Li Mochen looked slightly condensed again: “In short, I hope that within half a year, they will completely parse their gene sequences.”

“It’s a bit difficult, I can only say that I will do my best.”

Gu Hong smiled bitterly, his expression somewhat disapproving.

“But the situation is already so bad? BOSS? If this is the case, then I think even if we have analyzed the genetic sequences and structure of these two mythological creature colonies, I am afraid that we can’t make a few. They It just looks like a ‘creature’, but in fact, every cell and every organ of them are woven from mythological materials. The production process will also be very difficult, otherwise, Moss with this technology Pull, will never lose to the Mayan Divine Department ~ ~ The current situation is worse than you think, as far as the material is concerned, do n’t worry, I have been collecting and preparing for this kind of production since three years ago The materials of the mythological colony are now very fruitful. So do n’t doubt the prospects of this technology. “

Li Mochen said indifferently: “Please work hard, Professor Gu. If you can complete this task within half a year, and the semi-god-level mythology will be armed and stereotyped, I will give you the qualification of a” voter! “

Gu Hong suddenly felt a slight shock in his body, and looked at Li Mochen with incredibly surprised eyes.

And the latter has torn the void again and stepped into it.

To grant Gu Hong ‘election’ qualifications is something Li Mochen has long scheduled. In fact, he even hoped that both Gu Hong and Abraham could go further in biotechnology and eventually become his obedient god.

Biological colony is the key technology he will use to fight the gods and the light church in the future.

Therefore, Li Mochen has long locked up the “creature” priesthood, which has certain relevance to life and death, and vitality, which can be considered to complement each other to a certain extent.

However, there are many branches of ‘biology’, such as biomathematics, biophysics, genetics, cell biology, botany, zoology, microbiology, physiology, systems biology, etc., as well as Li Mochen’s specialty biology Medical engineering. If these can consolidate the divine power, it can not only strengthen the combat power of biological colonies, but also allow the future of biological colonies to have more expansion and possibilities.

And at the moment Li Mochen returned to the magical tower of the Land of Destiny, he looked slightly condensed. The sense of force strengthened by the magic tower made him feel the state of his body and dragon veins. They have arrived at the realm of the original dome, and judging from the information currently returned, the situation of the Shenxiao Gate in the realm of the original dome is as bad as he expected.

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