Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 611 - church

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The Corona family rushed to the Church of Destiny in South Yarra before the broken magic shield. She found that the area was overcrowded, and the nine-story building with a total area of ​​less than 49,000 square meters had already been crowded with nearly 30,000 people. Even the underground is full of people, making people worry whether this old building will collapse.

Because it is a newly-increased **** within this year, the Church of Destiny cannot obtain land for church building in a bustling city like Melbourne, and can only buy this old building with a history of 140 years.

“It’s too crowded.”

Corona ’s husband, Smith Holder, has arrived early. The man and daughter were wiping their sweat while complaining: “I guess many people in the city council are regretting it now. The Destiny Church thought about it three months ago. Take down the Rotter building next to it as the main church. But they rejected the deal on the grounds that it may affect traffic, and the space there can be much wider. “

Colena also found that there are indeed many high-profile figures in the city, including many members of the parliament, as well as some senior officials of the state government, city government and courts. Several large families in Melbourne have many people concentrated here.

There was a look of surprise on her face: “Is that destiny master really so reliable, my dear? But he hasn’t been a **** for less than a year.”

“Now everyone in this city is talking with their feet.”

Smith spread his hand: “This **** clearly did not seal the **** until half a year ago, but his power is indeed very powerful. I think those rumors may be true, whether it is the lord of brilliance, or other gods, I have never dared to provoke him and his church for the past six months. I have even heard that Congress and the President have intended to seek help from this deity. Now it may be only him and His Royal Highness that will stabilize the situation in Australia. “

Corona was unbelievable first, and then filled with dissatisfaction: “You are committing crimes against the people of this country, we have the right to know all this!”

She thinks these politicians and the media should have sores on their soles. Originally, the Church of Destiny could shelter more believers and let more citizens know.

At this time, two female clergymen had come to their family. The faces of these two fate nuns are not good-looking, but they are still very polite to introduce them to the church and ask their identity.

It wasn’t until I asked Rebecca that I knew that the girl was a senior believer dominated by fate, they only showed a little smile on their faces, and even took them to the slightly less crowded third floor, and the window position of the prayer room .

“You have come too late, only here is the place. As you can see, the whole church is now crowded. The city government has temporarily approved the sale of the Rott building to us, but the renovation of the church and the iconostasis The placement of the emblem will take time. “

They also cautiously explained: “My Lord is merciful and will not refuse any intelligent creature to ask him for help, even if these creatures are not his believers. But this help is not priceless, our church is one hour per person Hundred gold shields, please pay after the end of the city ’s crisis. Believers are free, and believers ’families are 30% off. Please also do not move around while you are in refuge. Please stay where you are and do n’t let our templars get misunderstood. There have been several incidents where demons disguised civilians mixed into the church, causing death and injury. If you have to deal with all kinds of hygiene, you can inform the nuns nearby and we will make arrangements. “

Corona’s face moved slightly, only to feel extremely painful, and she already had the desire to convert to the master of destiny.

For each person, seventy gold shields for one hour is a huge burden for a family like them.

Then one of the older nuns looked at Rebecca again: “As a senior believer of the Lord, you can enter the underground refuge, which is stronger and safer than here.”

Rebecca still wanted to be with her family and rejected the nun’s kindness. But Mr. Smith Holder was very interested.

“Our entire family can be converted into a master of fate. Can I go to an underground refuge?”

“That has to wait for the emergency to end. At present, our church has stopped the registration of believers.”

The elder female responded very politely, although everyone could see the impatience and boredom in her eyes. Rebecca could understand that anyone would be disgusted with their situation, usually disdain her master, but ran cheeky to refuge after the disaster.

After the two nuns left, Rebecca sat on the ground and began to pray in double handshake.

Many people are already doing this in this 100-square-meter prayer room.

The master of destiny is also the master of equality. He does not make any requirements for the ritual of prayer. The believers can do whatever they want, as long as they can be religious.

While Rebecca was chanting various hymns, her sister Mei Li couldn’t help but look over with curiosity.

“Sister, believe in the **** of fate, can you really become beautiful and become younger?”

At this time, even their mother Corona raised her ears.

“Venus you believe in, has she made you beautiful?”

Rebecca replied: “Do we believe in gods in order to get rewards from them? Then the gods I believe in for you are sad. I believe in the **** of destiny because I like his doctrine. I believe in going according to his holy will Loving the Lord, loving people, becoming oneself, and being an adult makes you feel happy and happy, and it can also make people around you happy. “

But then she said again: “I heard friends say that if you pray in the main church of Atlanta in Destiny Church, and there are several churches that are recognized by the central church, people can become younger and more energetic.”

Colena couldn’t help thinking: “I seem to have heard of this, as if Amerika had reported it over there.”

“So you have to agree that I will go to work. Before I go to college, I will definitely gather the money and go to Atlanta to make a pilgrimage.”

Rebecca ’s eyes are very pious, and the whole person seems to be radiating light: “But the church recommends believers to learn the aerobics and beauty exercises developed by our Lord. Through scientific exercise, they can also make people younger. It ’s more beautiful, it ’s better, and it ’s able to improve its physique greatly. The destiny of the mortal era, not only has no opponents in fighting, but also an expert in this area. ”

Mr. Smith Holder raised his eyebrows slightly, somewhat puzzled: “Younger and prettier, shouldn’t this be a gift from God?”

“No! One of my Lord’s key doctrines is to think that man will conquer heaven. He does not think that he is essentially different from mortals. If people are gifted and have proper exercises, they can all enter the realm of God.”

Corona smiled and responded: “Although he is the master of fate, he denied the guidance of fate. He believes that the future of anyone is uncertain and can be changed. Without any existence, it can determine the life of a wise life, Can determine a person’s future, only a person’s strength, knowledge, wisdom and character, and a little luck can determine a person’s life, and the latter is the category of my Lord. So as long as you work hard enough, you are willing to obey the Lord You can master your own destiny. “

“Uh ~ a little bit interesting!”

Smith Holder rubbed his chin with his hand: “I think it is necessary for me to take a closer look at this doctrine.”

Mei Li snorted: “But he is also a **** of war, and no one who admires war is a good person, just like that Ares.”

“Then you are wrong. My Lord is different from other God of War.”

Corona raised her lips proudly again: “My Lord doesn’t like the ‘unjust war’. He opposes unjust aggression, shelters the war of self-defense, and the pioneering war that is beneficial to mankind overall. The war has nothing to do with ordinary people. In the war, any action that hurts innocent people under unnecessary circumstances will be subject to his hostility and even severe punishment. “

Smith Holder’s lips twitched slightly, and he thought of this “injustice of aggression”, is it essentially different from “aggression”? Did n’t all the initiators of war since ancient times have to find a sound excuse?

“I think it is not a bad thing to believe in a **** who is in charge of war in this era.”

Corona sighed: “The God of War in this world is very powerful, isn’t it? In any era, they have the power to protect their believers.”

At this time, they only listened to a bang in the sky. The family could not help looking out the window, and then found a huge thunder bombarded above the nine-story building.

The defensive circle within the church was also activated at the first time, forming a magic shield supported 100 meters above the top floor. It did not succeed in blocking this thunder, but in the prayer room where Holder and his family were located, the centrally-destined ‘holy symbol’ of destiny exuded a gentle, yet full The glory of divine power.

At the same time, a thick white gold sacred shield was formed above them, successfully blocking the thunder. Dozens of Thunderbolt-like Thunders followed immediately afterwards. They were forced to spread out above the church and then bombarded a hundred meters away from the nine-story building. Looking from the inside to the outside, they felt like they were in a huge thunder net.

Corona, who was nervous, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at her husband with suspicion: “Who is this? It seems to be a very powerful god, will it be that one?”

“I don’t know, but it is unlikely to be the king of the gods or Thor, Thor. I guess it should be an angel in charge of the Thunder. The world of the gods can’t be guessed anyway.”

Smith shook his head: “Rest assured, the church of destiny has not been broken in the past six months. You have also seen that this **** has a very strong asylum.”

But then his complexion couldn’t help but change, his worries always filled his eyes.

Because after this, various forces bombarded this church from all directions. Flames, thunders, wind blades, meteorites, and even the power cuts passing by here and there continued to detonate outside the church. Some surrounding buildings have begun to collapse on a large scale.

Then only three minutes later, there was a scream of a woman nearby. The family sitting by the window couldn’t help looking upset. From here, we could see a church shattered and collapsed about two kilometers away. That is the church of the **** of wisdom, the master of knowledge, the protector of civilization, the goddess of art, the goddess of victory, Athena.

Because most of the buildings between the two churches have been razed, they can just see this shocking scene.

Not only was Karena flustered, but she thought she was fortunate to have obeyed her husband’s instructions, otherwise now their family is estimated to have no bones.

“Their underground refuge should still be safe.”

Mr. Smith Holder said pale: “After all, it is Athena, one of the most powerful gods in the world.”

However, this voice did not fall, and a cloud of smoke was raised in the east direction.

Smith Holder was recognizing, just heard someone nearby exclaimed, “It is the Eastern Cathedral of the Bright Church!”

“Shit! Can’t you hold it over there?”

“These gods and angels are crazy, do they want us all to die?”

“It’s **** it! I should have gone to the country half a month ago.”

“Countryside? That will only die faster. Outside all the big cities in this country, it has now become a paradise for demons, demons, undead, and those dark creatures and extraordinary creatures. There were governments and major churches People go to clean up, but now, the country is completely messed up. Many people were running into the city before. “

“So, this country is finished, I guess no one can save us!”

Smith Holder couldn’t help worrying, and then he saw the mysterious shield above the church with his own eyes, and was forcibly smashed into a crack by three meteorite falling from the sky. After the meteorite fell to the ground, the body began to expand and changed into a giant lava giant. The violent pressure and the high temperature of moxibustion covered every inch of space here.

At the moment when the Holder family shuddered and shivered, there were three blue-blue blades of light flashing in front of the church, and then the bodies of the three lava giants were cut in half from the middle.

It wasn’t until this time that Holder saw that she was a woman wearing a red sacrificial robe.

Although the woman turned her back and could not see her face clearly, Smith, who worked in the city government, recognized the figure as soon as possible.

“It’s Edith Wiltonstein!”

Rebecca’s eyes were excited: “That’s my lord’s clan, and currently one of the most powerful cardinals in the Church of Destiny!”

At this moment, another gust of wind was generated outside the Holy See, just like a huge wind hood over the church.

Rebecca felt even more delighted. With a respectful gaze, she watched a woman who was landing from above with three pairs of blood-red wings.

“This is my lord’s attendant, Robert the Battle Angel! In the Scriptures is my lord’s right hand, standing side by side with the disaster dragon angel Herrell–“

Smith Holder has completely let go of his heart, and he still knows something about the ‘Master of Destiny’. I know that since this adult has arrived, then this church has completely turned into a crisis.


Different from Holton’s imagination, at this time in the astral world of Melbourne City, there is a man with golden armor, violent breath, and the name of the God of War, looking at the several destiny churches in this city with a murderous eye .

“That’s it?”

“It’s just temptation, what else do you want?”

The man who answered this sentence was a beautiful man with warm temperament, like a newborn sun: “If there is no other condition, I don’t mind going further. But just now, Hermes told me that Eris and The sister churches of Hecate have sent four church magic envoys and five cardinals to Australia. “


Ares’s killing intentions are even more fierce, and his breath is more fierce: “They sisters, are they going to fight our Olympus after all?”

“Isn’t this a matter of time? Our father would never allow them to steal the beliefs of this world. Besides, Hercules killed her obedient god, and of course she had to respond.”

Apollo pondered: “I’m just weird, it’s a little too early. I thought she would force Andre to do it this time. I originally thought that destiny had no choice. If he refused, mother and daughter Nix Will definitely join forces to send him to hell. “

“You are right, she is such a person, and she will always hide behind others.”

Ares also feels weird, and at the same time is very unwilling, with a gruff tone: “But what to do now? Just give up like this? Our war with the Lord of Glory is now only cheaper for this guy. Shit, only this month , I lost another 300,000 believers. “

Apollo understands his brother’s restlessness, and knows that what he can’t sit still in Olympus’ court is not just his hot-tempered brother.

In the war with the Lord of Glory, the remaining believers in this world have begun to lose. Although the overall number is not large, the quality is very high, including a large number of soldiers, powerful magic professionals, and many high-class personnel.

“Don’t be anxious, my brother. At present in Olympus, only you and Athena are not bound by the Treaty of Divide and Conquer with Andre Lee Wiltonstein. But now, Athens Na never responded to her father ’s call. And you ca n’t fight his destiny alone, right? ”

Ares’s complexion was not denied.

The two previous battles, the “Lankinus Holy Gun” made him feel a huge threat, which made Ares afraid to let the real body enter the main material world.

There was a powerful fateful power on it, so powerful that even his father Zeus frowned. And now, as the number of this believer grows, the power of fate becomes stronger and stronger and stronger.

“But we are not without progress now, at least this time the probes have cleared the attitudes of those parties. Those thunders came from Gabriel, and the few power cuts came from Heimdall of the Asa Protoss. And The wind blade comes from the angel ‘Amurdad’ under the seat of Ahura Mazda. “

Apollo smiled heartily: “It seems that this destiny master also made them feel uneasy, we have reached a consensus. Especially Odin! I think he is also impatient with this destiny master, Heimdall ’s Those swords were obviously his warning to the master of destiny, but unfortunately he was stopped by his “fighting angel”. So, wait, Brother Ares, I still don’t think Eris will fight us head-on now, She does n’t make sense to have such a piece of fate dominate. I promise, at most one month, there will be results. He will either choose one side to surrender, or he will be forced to stand on the opposite side of the gods, and this opportunity will let all the gods join forces . Now we ca n’t force him to the enemy ’s side, do n’t we? ”

He patted Ares’ arm: “To get rid of this master of fate, you must rely on the power of Odin and the six goddesses of destiny. And this time, the goddess of night will no longer have time to help him.”

Ares took the exam for a long time, and then put away his war spear, calmed his anger, and his eyes also flashed different lustre: “You convinced me! But a month later, no matter what the situation, I hope that the gods will go to war with this destiny master. I hope you can support me, Apollo. And as a price, I will promise to help you once in the future. “

Apollo could not help but glanced at his brother seriously, and then nodded solemnly: “I promise you! I promise, one month later, your chosen warrior will be able to enter the temple of fate. . Destroy his idol and holy symbol, kill his believers and people. “


“Is your bloodline from Hohenstaufen right?”

When Xu Perion appeared, he was a middle-aged image near the age of forty. He wore a modern dress, decent brand-name clothes, and sunglasses, and looked like a star in the movie.

Obviously, this ancient great **** who disappeared since the first year of the Ming dynasty apparently has been paying attention to this world.

However, this look at Li Mochen is not very friendly: “In advance, I did not treat you as my heirs. Even if part of your bloodline really came from me.”

Li Mochen responded calmly: “I also don’t want to find an ancestor for myself. His Royal Highness Xu Perion, our relationship is only cooperation, isn’t it?”

“Yes, cooperation!”

Xu Perion carefully inspected Li Mochen, and then his eyes were filled with admiration: “My words seem to have been said too early. Your body has a very pure Titan blood, no less than Ares and Apollo. Hohen The Staufen family, you alone can be regarded as a true descendant of Titans. Your presence will not shame me. “

“It doesn’t make sense to say this, Your Highness Hupperion.”

Li Mochen didn’t want to continue this topic, he asked seriously: “I think you are willing to help since you are here, right?”

“Yes, help you kill Bimon!”

Xu Perion nodded: “But I want to ask you beforehand, what is the purpose of killing him? Do you want to copy its power? Use the scarlet dragon armor on you?”

“More than that, I need some top-quality materials to make a powerful mythological armament that contains the power of the earth.”

Li Mochen told the truth: “My time is very tight. At present, there are not many choices in the world that meet my requirements.”

“So why can’t it be Tifeng?”

Xu Perion asked with a smile: “Four thousand years ago, Tifeng’s power was stronger than Zeus. Even in the state of being sealed, his current strength has grown to be close to the God King. My descendants, it is actually more Meet your requirements.”

“I actually considered it, but gave up.”

Li Mochen said while guessing the intention of the other party: “One reason is that cause and effect, Tifeng and Zeus are deeply entangled; another reason, He is very powerful, more than half a level than Bimeng. Even if this is sealed, I I was not sure to kill him without disturbing the gods; in the end, his one hundred snake heads were difficult to deal with, and that was linked to one hundred volcanoes. I do n’t want to cause a disaster. “

——Tifeng, that Gaia’s fusion of the parent and child born from the dark power in the root of the world is the existence of all the dark side forces of the Titan family. As strong as Zeus, after losing his most powerful mythological armament, they are not opponents of the giant Tifeng.

Bimon and Yemengga are very strong, but there is still a gap between them and Tifeng.

In particular, the authority in the ‘Earth’ area, as the son of Gaia ’s parents, was born to possess the superior ‘Earth’ divine power. This person’s power is also ‘ultimate’. It was the most powerful at that time, and once drove the gods below Zeus and Athena like pigs and dogs. In addition, there are the ultimate ‘toxin’, advanced ‘shadow’, advanced ‘darkness’ and so on.

And after these thousands of years, Tifeng will only grow more terrible.

This giant can be said to be the ‘weapon’ that Gaia used to check and balance Zeus, so in the creation of Tifeng, Gaia, the goddess who has already represented the roots, can spare no effort.

“It’s really difficult, but with your current ability, it’s not impossible to do it, is he already sealed? Is it that the 100 volcanoes are really troublesome, I think you need a helper now.”

Xu Perion waved a little, and then they had a lot of sea upwell not far away, almost filling the half plane. Among them, a sea of ​​water surged like a fountain, and finally turned into a pretty, graceful figure-that is the sea goddess Thetis.

Li Mochen’s lips twitched uncontrollably. Did the two who refused before return to his eyes? In the end, he still can’t escape, the fate of enemies with the gods?

“She joined forces with Hella to help you temporarily freeze all the volcanoes and temporarily block his connection to the earth.”

Xu Perion looked at Hella: “Can it be done? The master of the Nordic underworld?”

“If it is Thetis, then we can do it.”

After Hella finished answering, she leaned over to the other party politely: “I haven’t seen you in a long time, His Royal Highness Huppelion. I still remember the help you extended to me four thousand years ago. Thank you so much. “

Li Mochen was not surprised by the familiarity between them. The powerful Olympus fell among the gods of brilliance, Northern Europe and Slavic, Celtic.

With Zeus’s strategy, it is natural that he will not wait for his death. As the enemies of the Asa Protoss, the Hella brothers and sisters have strong powers themselves, and they are naturally among the allies of Olympus.

“You are much stronger than four thousand years ago, little girl. Your ice has reached the door of truth, and it may not take long before you can become a member of the quasi-king.”

Xu Perion praised Hella and turned to Li Mochen: “As for Gaia, you don’t have to worry too much. Her power in this world has been hit hard by the Lord of Light, and Her Royal Highness used nearly two For more than a thousand years, to eliminate Gaia ’s imprint in the roots. Although it has not been successful, Gaia has also blocked Horus ’s path in this world to become a true god, but the current Gaia has been very It is difficult to completely block the root cause. So are you determined now? Your destiny rules your highness? Besides, do you know whether the goddess still cares about Tifeng? “

Li Mochen still prefers ‘Bimon’, but he also sees that Xu Perion ’s intention to raise his mind should have his own intentions.

He weighed carefully for a moment before giving a cautious answer: “If it is Tifeng, I’m afraid I can’t pay you too much.”

“Smart boy!”

Xu Perion smiled dumbly: “My request is very simple, there are only two. In this world to help me contain Horus and Zeus, my request is to prevent them from being separated for at least one hundred years. Of course, if It ’s better for you to defeat them. Then help Thetis to hold the scepter of the ocean and make sure she is safe and sound. It ’s very simple and does n’t require you to pay anything, does it? ”

Li Mochen frowned slightly, thinking that these conditions didn’t seem to require him to pay anything now, but they were quite harsh.

He couldn’t help but glance at Thetis, his eyes hesitating.

He knew that the situation of the goddess of the sea was not good, and now her authority is working against the next defeat with the joint of Warner Protoss and Olympus Protoss, and the local gods such as the Magic Goddess can only give her limited support. This resulted in the temples and churches of Thetis all over the world being destroyed by 32% in the past six months.

Li Mochen knew that the consequences of agreeing to grant Astis’s asylum would be a complete confrontation with the two great gods. And the price paid by Huberion was only to help him kill ‘Tifeng’.

Although the latter is beyond the power of the earth, it may also bring him a lot of merit.

Thetis’s expression is very calm, neither humble nor overbearing: “Mr. Wiltonstein, I can stick to it for another two months until you are fully prepared for the challenge.”

“She is one of my brother Nereus’s favorite children. Among the first Titans, I only had the best relationship with Nereus. Nereus is the most trustworthy, affable, fair and kind of us brothers. . But he has died in the hands of the Nordic gods, is it ridiculous, right? Zeus and Poseidon have deprived him of the power of the ocean. But for thetis and his daughters, he had to Do this. “

Xu Perion sighed: “I want to reveal two more news. The artifact that seals Tifeng is good for you. In addition, this one has been planning to imitate Zeus’” Thunder Fire Spear “. In these four thousand In the middle of the year, my brother was using his strange monsters and heirs to collect materials. Although this one is still far from success, I believe you will definitely gain something from him. “

Li Mochen thought he could still have room for rejection? A helper of this level, such as Xu Perion, could not find a second one.

The magic goddess is okay, but the new **** king is in her god’s home, digesting and stabilizing his new power. This person has always been the target of everyone’s attention, and it is difficult for him to hide the monitoring of the gods in every move.

“Okay, if there are no problems with the three, then we will start now.”

He had just received a response from the Statue of Liberty, and he agreed to his request there, but he was given only fifteen days.

“Of course, the sooner the better, I won’t stay long in this world.”

Xu Perion looked to the south with some emotion: “Although I was born here, I feel that I am no longer in this world.”


After being defeated by Zeus, Tifeng was sealed by the gods on Mount Etna in Sicily. Of course, if you use normal technology to detect this volcano, you will definitely not find Tifeng. It is sealed in the gap between time and space, but it is slightly different from the half-plane, and is more similar to the timing fault. That is, when Li Mochen and Ms. Shiguang met with Ms. Shira, the state of that space and time intercepted a fragment from the long river of sequence to accommodate Tifeng.

However, the power of the latter can still penetrate from the seal. Therefore, Mount Etna often erupts. So far, the Sicilians who died from this eruption are said to have reached ten million people (ten times).

“can you start it?”

Outside of Mount Etna, after Li Mochen carefully observed for a while, Thetis asked aloud: “This is the best time period, at ten o’clock in the night, when the water level of the ocean near Sicily is the highest, I also need time Infiltrate seawater into other volcanoes. “

Hupperion followed closely: “Although it is night, I guarantee that his dark power and toxins will not penetrate beyond Mount Etna.”

Hella also agreed: “Rocky said that the night would benefit his illusion and fraud.”

Li Mochen took a deep breath and calmed his mind: “Then let’s get started.”

To fight a quasi-god king alone and kill it in the shortest possible time, he still has great psychological pressure.

Although this person is essentially sealed, his strength may not be able to play one-tenth.

Thetis no longer speaks, and she draws a bone scepter in her hand. Then countless seawaters were pulled up from the sea surface, forming several huge seawater tornadoes and falling to the top of Mount Etna.

The amount of water was so huge that it filled the summit of Mount Etna in just an instant, and broke the sedimentary rocks of the volcanic dome and poured it downwards.

This scene lasted for about half an hour, and Thetis did not know how much seawater was poured into it.

Just when Li Mochen felt the pressure on the ground and had almost reached a critical point, Hella shot in time. The man took some ice crystals in his hand and gently blown them to completely freeze the water in the volcano.

The time is just right. The more water Thetis poured into it, it will increase the pressure on the ground and increase the risk of volcanic eruptions.

Now, Hella has solidified the ice layer below, constantly suppressing the lava, and also isolating the land.

“I will join forces with Hella to treat other volcanoes together-“

Thetis had just said this and heard a roar from the inside of Mount Etna: “Who is it! Who sealed the volcano ~ ~ Disturbing Tifeng’s sleep?”

Along with this sound, there was a lot of black mist and poison gas overflowing. However, these were completely melted by the glory of Xu Perion.

Li Mochen didn’t answer, he just took a step and walked directly to the fault of that time, then he saw ‘Tifeng’.

——It was a giant with a very great body, at least three thousand meters high, all covered with twisted muscles, his nose spitting flames, covered with feathers, and had a pair of unfolded can reach 20 kilometers Huge wings. On the shoulders are dense snake heads, and they all breathe out. And this person’s eyes are a silvery white like a bright moon, and a crimson like a noonday sun.

His lower body is tied with chains, all of which are special mythological materials, combined with the power of timing and destiny, and tying “Tifeng” firmly in the long river of timing and destiny.

Li Mochen’s eyes were slightly bright, and he thought Xu Perion did not lie to him, and then he looked at other directions, and found that not far away, there were many spears inserted on the summit of Mount Etna in this time series The total number of organs is as great as thirty or fifty.

Although it has not been completed, it has even been abandoned. But there are powerful forces in the interior, communicating the roots, filled with the breath of thunder and flame.

This scene also made Li Mochen’s heart beat violently. It was felt for the first time that this transaction with Xu Perion may be cost-effective.

Then Li Mochen’s spiritual consciousness was awakened by Tifeng. The one hundred snake heads spewed out a hundred flames mixed with thunder, and bombarded him in all directions.

“Hybrid! I feel that you have a Titan in your body, and the blood of the Blue Dragon. You humble little god, you enter here, you want to kill me, right? Kill the great Tifeng? I feel your Killing intention. “

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