Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 616 - Fierce battle

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“The current enemy establishment is the Third and Fifth Legions of the Temple of War in Olympus, the Guna and Herok Legions in the Hall of Inner Spirit—”

“The total number of opponent legends detected is more than 1,600, and the demigod is about 130. The specific number is being counted.”

“The high-power electromagnetic wave and magic energy jammer have been activated for directional interference! The visual effect is limited. The armor of these heroes and souls of war may have the effect of stabilizing the mental body.”

“Shit! These guys are actually all holy equipment.”

“Impossible, it should be the effect of the increase in divine power. Both Odin and Ares have‘ armed ’priesthood.”

The sirens in the bridge headquarters of the battleship ‘Pacific Rim’ have been extinguished. At this time, various kinds of information are gathering towards the command room.

Brigadier General Wallace Clayton stood at the command table without hesitation and gave instructions: “Except for the sixth, eighth and ninth companies standing by, all storm companies attacked according to the scheduled plan. The seventeenth company and the fifth company of the light and magic industry, the sixth company replaced the target. Explain to Roya, he must make sure to block the goddess of battle. “

It is rumored that Odin has ninety-nine powerful Valkyries under his command, named ‘Valkyrja’. They are either princesses from the kingdom of the earth who are proficient in fighting skills, or Odin’s own daughters, or virgin warriors who have been chosen by Odin to swear to be gods. Each of them commanded a heroic corps and held a priesthood related to combat.

According to intelligence collected by the Wiltonstein Group in recent years, the “Herok” in it is “the multi-armed master god”, and the “Guna” is the “fighting” goddess. The latter ’s force and her army are extremely powerful, and they can be ranked in the top ten in all ‘Valkyrie’!

“Order the third destroyer squadron to provide artillery support for the western battlefield.”

“Except for the battleship squadron and the third destroyer squadron, all warships continue to concentrate their firepower, and those pirates must be resolved as soon as possible! Lieutenant General Alec Bass, you are the commander of the shooting. Twenty minutes! They must be defeated! “

“Tell Lieutenant General Bertrand Petz that the” Wiltonstein “will make its own decisions and allow their variant fighters to coordinate with each ship before attacking.”

“Ask Brigadier General Lhasa, why are the five submarines we have been lurking so far? Did an accident occur?”

Many of the staff here are busy around Brigadier General Wallace Clayton. In this huge fleet, twelve armed merchant ships opened their deck hatches, releasing one after another small magic armor.

At the same time, the ‘Wiltonstein’ surrounded by many warships also released the W3 variant fighter that had already been ready to launch from the deck.

This is the latest variant fighter developed after the technical information of the F41 variant fighter was obtained by ‘Light Magic Industries’ five years ago. It is larger than the current American-made F41 variant fighter. It can easily switch between the two forms of multi-purpose fighters and large magic armor, the military code-named “Warrior” ().

Due to the high cost and other factors, it was not able to formally form troops, but the “Light and Magic Industry” has produced nearly 500 aircraft in the past two years to enhance the air power of the two groups.

Their extreme speeds can reach an amazing Mach 90. With the help of the assisted driving system, those drivers with magical professional level 15 can control them to make various difficult dodge movements, and even have inferior to half. The agility and speed of the powerful.

The ammunition carried by these fighters can easily destroy a battleship.

Lieutenant General Alec Bass also took over the command of all battleships and armed merchant ships except the two battleships.

His ability is equally outstanding, not inferior to that of Brigadier General Wallace Clayton. Only five minutes after he took over the commander-in-chief, seven of the many pirate warships located seven hundred nautical miles were sunk. On the side of the First Joint Fleet, only two merchant ships sank and one frigate was slightly injured.

This man even parted his mind and was paying attention to the battlefield in the west. He knew that there was the key to victory and defeat, which determined the fate of this joint fleet.

With the passage of time, Lieutenant General Alec Bas’s complexion gradually eased.

The battle between the Storm Company and those selected warriors and the heroes began with a fire of 200 nautical miles apart. The former used the many high-tech thermal weapons equipped with the magic armor to release its firepower to the opposite side. Those ammunition developed by the **** of machinery Anthony Braden specifically for the spirit and soul, even those demi-level heroes, cannot directly resist with the soul. The enemies on the opposite side had to disperse their formations under the blast of fierce artillery, and use their holy shields to fight the artillery fire.

But even so, those heroes and warriors still paid a huge price. After more than 200 casualties, they approached the defense formation of the storm company.

It wasn’t until the close combat that these godly warriors showed their fascinating fighting skills and rich war experience. Their individual strength is obviously stronger than the members of the Storm Company. Even if the latter has a brilliant auxiliary combat intelligence, it is far from comparable to them.

But these living human warriors are longer than cooperating in combat. With the help of auxiliary intelligence and data link, their cooperation is like tacit understanding and precision like the same cold machine.

At this time, there was already a large-scale W3 variant fighter group in the sky, which began to attack the warships in the cloud opposite. They are all extreme acceleration, and the magic-guided bombs are fired only after reaching a distance of one hundred nautical miles, and they avoid the dense rays bombarded by the opposite side with a flexible posture.

This made the many small **** boats guarding the battleships in the cloud exhausted. They had tried their best to carry out barrage shooting, but in the end they achieved very little.

The missiles launched by the variant fighters are far more deadly than the gunfire and ship-based missiles of battleships. They were launched at a very close distance, and then rose to an astonishing high speed of Mach 150 in a very short time, and overcame inertia during the flight, making many unexpected orbit changes.

As the missiles hit and detonated, the outer defense arrays of those warships in the cloud were torn apart like paper paste, and a cloud of mushrooms exploded in the sky.

Although the nuclear warhead equivalents of these missiles are small, they all have precise procedures and guidance equipment to direct the impact of their eruptions to their targets. Their lethality is only slightly inferior to the ‘Holy Spirit Destroyer’ equipped on those battleships.

“The battle can be resolved within half an hour at most–“

Lieutenant General Alec Bass made this judgment with his rich war experience.

He believes that as far as this local war is concerned, even if other variables occur, it can maintain an undefeated situation.

Only the next moment, the lieutenant general regretted the idea and realized his innocence.

At this moment, he saw the left side of their fleet, about 1,100 nautical miles away, and suddenly a large number of sea beasts and giants appeared.

——The area where their mages have never been able to accurately observe and are enveloped by the powerful illusion of the enemy.

The First United Fleet had already prepared a defense plan in this direction, but Lieutenant General Alec Bass did not expect that the Olympus Protoss would come up with such a big hand in one fell swoop.

“Finally, the opponent’s illusion was cracked, and a total of 320 Cyclops and Hundred Arm Giants, 50 Titans, and various legends and 590 heads of demigods-“

——It is indeed a superb existence of legend and demigod level! Because of the weaker than the legendary creatures, if there is no help of fixed fortifications and magic arrays here, they will be directly shocked the first time they enter the core battlefield.

“It’s Poseidon’s army, which is difficult.”

The face of a staff member beside him showed a headache.

In terms of strength alone, their combat power is still not inferior to their opponents. But here is after all the sea, Poseidon ’s theocracy and its troops, the combat power in the sea can be increased by nearly double. On the contrary, they will suffer great restraint.

The **** king who mastered the sea could even easily increase the wind and waves here tenfold, causing most of their ships to sink directly.

“My Excellency Commander, I think we can accelerate the Second Joint Fleet? The reserve team can also be dispatched.”

This is another combat staff officer with a second-level security officer, and it also has a dignified look: “They are approaching quickly, and it is expected that they will be able to reach the fleet within a hundred nautical miles in five minutes at most.”

“You can send a letter to the Second Joint Fleet!”

Brigadier Wallace Clayton’s expression remained focused: “The reserve team will not need it anymore. Your Highness just told me personally that these subordinates of Poseidon will be dealt with by others.”

He then sighed again: “Fortunately, we also have allies, and our Lord has prepared something else for this war.”

Lieutenant General Alec Bass knows what his lord has prepared, that is, the six strengths are more than the ‘Knight of Heaven’, and it is said that the overall combat power is infinitely close to the ‘God Knight’ of the medium god!

According to his grasp, the armor of the “Knight of the Divine Position” has been developed, but it is still being tested.

However, the 14 god-level creature colonies controlled by their lord have already been put into use.

This is the core secret of the Wiltonstein Group. No one will know more than forty people. He himself was fortunate to be informed of this as the first successor to the commander of the First United Fleet.

According to the rules, once Brigadier General Wallace Clayton had an accident during the war, he would give priority to taking over the command. So he also has nine ranks in the twelve-level intelligence access authority within Wiltonstein, second only to his commander.


The staff in the command room soon knew where their allies came from. It was also deep in the ocean, about 500 nautical miles away from them. At this time, a group of sea monsters and giants appeared.

Their giants are only seventy, twenty-six Titans and forty-four cyclops, but they have a large number of ‘six-armed naga’ and ‘eight-armed naga’. The number of sea monsters is also as high as 600.

The Naga Snake Demon is a race inherited from Hydra Hydera and also has Titan blood. Their strength is usually distinguished by the number of arms. The six-armed ones usually have legendary strength, and the eight-armed ones are half-shoulder.

Their combat methods cover both near and far. Not only are they excellent shooters, they can use more than three longbows or firearms at the same time, and they can also use more than six ‘Naga War Blades’ or other weapons.

The sea goddess Thetis has conquered three Naga tribes for thousands of years and gained their loyalty, which also laid her her supremacy on the ocean. Also relying on this force, the Warner Protoss and Poseidon can still barely support under the joint blow.

“Is the Sea Goddess Thetis?”

“But these forces are not enough!”

“This is the benefit of the spread of myths ~ ~ Even if Poseidon is far away from this world for thousands of years, his faith is still very stable. Not only does the believer far exceed the goddess of the sea, even master The number of sea monsters is twice that of the latter! “

“I feel relieved, at least we don’t have to worry about Poseidon directly overturning our ship. It is said that Thetis’s divine power is also close to pseudo-truth. Not long ago she even fought Poseidon personally, she was enough to contend That one. “

“Pay attention to the east—this also seems to be our ally?”

A group of dragons did appear in the east sky. It looks like more than forty heads, most of them are Shadow Dragon and Blue Dragon, and almost all have a body of 50 meters long and a giant dragon.

Lieutenant General Alec Bass recognized that it was not the guard force of the Magic Tower of the Land of Destiny, because the guardian dragons of the Magic Tower had more components. He speculated that it should be derived from the “Emperor Shadow Dragon Yvette” and “Ancient Blue Dragon Delmer” who played for the fate.

As an archaic giant dragon, Yvette itself has a lot of heirs, and also has considerable authority in the veins of the shadow dragon.

As for Delmer, Lieutenant General Alec Bass is not very clear. It is only known that this is the blue dragon who will join the fate master recently. There is no further information about the ancient blue dragon in the information he has.

In any case, it is impossible for these greedy dragons to fight for their lord for no reason. The latter must have spent a huge sum of money to hire these dragons to participate in the war.

“Ten days ago, His Highness Delmer had become an Archaic Dragon.”

Garcia Ferren also gave instructions while unraveling the doubts of everyone: “The sixth and eighth companies are dispatched to help our allies. My request is to maintain the front there and avoid them as much as possible.” Casualties! “

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