Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 623 - Promoted

However, the authority of the ‘God King’ seems to be full of power and majesty, but it actually does not help Li Mochen ’s confrontation with several God Kings. On the contrary, it is the priesthood of the “mortal asylum” that has impacted on God 13 in one fell swoop, which can give him a stronger defensive ability in battle.

Li Mochen actually looked forward to the power called “Order”. In addition to the title of “Guardian of the Government and the People” and “Guardian of Mortal Order”, Australia and the American Parliament also gave him “Social Order and Regulations” The title of the ‘setter’.

Theoretically, this helps him to grasp the theocracy of ‘order’.

If the future is to fight against the Statue of Liberty head-on, in addition to Li Mochen’s own ‘fate’, the three divine powers of ‘order’, ‘rules’ and ‘law’ will be the best countermeasures.

Therefore, the Statue of Liberty didn’t care much about the first title, but for the latter two titles, she tried to snipe in the American Congress. Unfortunately, in the end, Li Mochen prevailed. He showed the strength of the entire Amerika range, as well as the combined influence of his gods, so that the bill was passed in Amerika by three votes.

Unfortunately, Li Mochen did not study much about the “order”, and he could not take the opportunity to master this divine right. On the contrary, in terms of ‘law’, Bismarck, after serving as prime minister of the kingdom of the gods, formulated some simple, non-binding theological rules and regulations that allowed Li Mochen to grasp the elementary ‘rules’ and ‘laws’.

However, Li Mochen didn’t pay too much attention in this regard. In the next two months, most of his energy was spent on the study of “fate” and “timing”.

The merits of the “Spiritual Soul Fortune Zijin Pagoda” are depleting at a very rapid rate, almost five million threads per day. More than half of them are Li Mochen’s bells and whistles, then Luna Rabbit, Angela, Robert and Herrell. At this time, Li Mochen had only three million merits a day. The matter of quelling the Australian war has increased the merits of the merits he has harvested every day, but Li Mochen’s demand for merits will never end.

However, this investment was also immediate. After about two months, Li Mochen finally raised his “destiny” and “timing” divine powers to both high peaks-the higher divine powers without any increase, and thus inspired the destiny. ‘Holy area’.

On this day, Li Mochen also used the power of the wish stone, the divine personality and the virtue of virtue to touch his fate and divine power to the level of ‘false truth’.

He has touched the ‘gate of truth’ and can stand outside and see the scenery behind that gate.

This made Li Mochen ecstatic and invigorated. Only because of the time that follows is the time period for him to truly “harvest”. Although he reached this state with the help of external force, he arrived. He can take a peek into the mysteries of ‘roots’, all the laws of ‘fate’, and their mysteries.

The existence of three strands of virtue Ziqi and the ‘Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda’ can make him have ten times, even a hundred times, more understanding and analytical power than those so-called ‘geniuses’. He can draw nutrients from behind that door, which in turn can be used to fill his foundation.

And not just fate, the subsequent sequence, life and death, war, positive energy and negative energy, etc.-Li Mochen can touch the “gate of truth” without exception, and even further, step directly into the “gate”.

Li Mochen didn’t dare to go too deep, nor dare to stay there for too long. After all, it is the foundation of ‘falseness’, which is not enough to support him to truly stand at the bottom of the ‘roots’. If he only tried to infiltrate his mind, Li Mochen could still do it, which would allow him to quickly understand the ‘root source’ connotation of various laws.

This will be a period of rapid growth of strength, just like when doing homework, you can directly turn to the back to copy the answer, the speed of progress is naturally unparalleled.

Even at this moment, Li Mochen had exhausted the 50 million strands of merit stored on the tower, and then had to tighten his belt to live his life. But his progress in these divine powers will be at least five times faster than the previous two months!

But before that, Li Mochen had to improve his own personality.

After a preliminary glimpse of the landscape in the ‘Gate of Truth’, Li Mochen did not hesitate to condense the divine power and continue to ‘engrave’ the divine power deep in the roots.

His step deeper into the roots was solid and powerful, but every layer deep in the roots was ten times more difficult than the previous layer. Even when Li Mochen’s divine thoughts penetrated into it a little bit, it had already triggered the root “rebirth”. This made the entire twenty-kilometer range in the half-plane of the Magic Tower in the Land of Destiny shrouded by violent thunder and storm.

Li Mochen’s body also disintegrated and even collapsed under the impact of the root force.

The power of ‘fate’ is too strong, involving the beginning of destiny, the present of destiny, the future of destiny, and dozens of different legal forces such as necessity, accident, and destiny.

Therefore, the power of the root rebounded, and it was also extra powerful, completely exceeding the carrying limit of Li Mochen’s present body. Even these last few days, he has used divine power and massive resources to strengthen it to the point of approaching divinity.

Li Mochen can only rely on his own life divine power and vitality divine power to constantly recover his own injuries. Then mobilize the power of his own destiny and let him suffer the least amount of injuries.

Since the Battle of the Coral Sea, the believers of Li Mochen have grown to 1.9 billion in the past two months. Among them, the number of devouts is more than twenty times more, reaching an astonishing 20 million people, and there are nearly 700,000 fanatics from all over Australia.

——Only these people are enough to supply the five main gods!

And the absence of the world ’s ‘fate’ and ‘chronological’ **** jackets also brought him endless power.

Then the source of the ‘destiny’ of the entire bright world, apart from partly being divided between the lord of brilliance and Nix, Li Mochen also allowed the rest to be extracted.

This allows Li Mochen to continually repair his body, and he can spontaneously sway his own power, support his own divinity, and engrave one after another in the depth of the root with a very strong posture. Laws, into the truth.

Then fourteen, fifteen, sixteen-until seventeen!

This is the most difficult. Li Mochen’s theocratic rank after removing the increase in divine personality is still partly due to external forces and is the foundation of illusion. It also caused him additional difficulties after making this step. Almost every rune, Li Mochen’s body will collapse once.

The storm outside the magic tower gradually expanded to a diameter of 100 kilometers across the entire half plane, covering the whole territory!

All day and night, Li Mochen’s body collapsed 398 times before the storm and thunder gradually stopped. He has completed the construction of the seventeenth layer of personality, becoming a powerful ‘lord god’!

After completing all this, Li Mochen’s expression also slightly relaxed.

After entering this level, his current embarrassing situation can finally resolve most of it. The master of a powerful divine system cannot be more than a powerful god. If this continues, there will be problems sooner or later, only sooner or later.

But after this, Li Mochen had no choice to make persistent efforts. He closed his eyes and began to adjust interest rates, preparing to spend two days to restore his divinity and divine power to their best.

Impacted the priesthood of destiny to Godhead 17 in one fell swoop, Li Mochen still spent a lot of effort. Especially in this process, he also needs to change the memory and perception of the power of fate, so it is indeed very exhausting in spirit and urgently needs recovery.

At the same time, on the 27th floor of the Magic Tower in the Land of Destiny. Bismarck was standing in a window, looking at the storm and the thunder outside with a thoughtful look.

“The Lord of Destiny of Divine God Seventeen! I guess Odin and Zeus will never think of it when they retreat. It only takes two months, and this one can enter the position of Lord God in one fell swoop—”

Standing behind Bismarck at this time was Ludendorff, the **** of war organization and defense. This originally came to negotiate with Bismarck for the formation of the Divine Army-as a war-related **** jacket, he should have an important position in this Divine Army.

Then, two hours after entering here, he was trapped in the magic tower of this country of destiny. The thunder and storm outside, and the flame beating in the void, containing the timing and the power of the void, shocked Ludendorff and retreated. Can only stay in the magic tower, avoiding the power of ‘roots’ enough to tear any medium god.

“At least it is the ultimate” destiny “? I even have some doubts, is this also a powerful projection avatar of the extraterrestrial world? Since the age of myth, have you seen such an exaggerated rate of promotion?”

“Achilles, at the age of twenty-three, has the power comparable to a powerful god, and can fight against the mortal Ares who is coming to the world-of course, that is also the tail of the mythological era.”

This is another god, armored assault, mobile defense, infantry and mechanized infantry. Rommel: “Is it a projection avatar, can’t you distinguish it?”

“It’s incredible because it can be distinguished.”

Reinhard Heidrich, the **** of intelligence and spy, had a smile on his face: “Are you deterring demonstrations or giving us confidence?”

“It can also be understood as trust.”

Rommel shook his head: “The Lord Prime Minister’s judgment is right, his wings are full, his muscles and bones are strong, and his claws are sharp enough to fight any lion!”

“You are talking about your king!”

Bismarck ended this meaningless conversation, but at this time there was a trace of relaxation in the depth of his eyes. This scene in front of him is undoubtedly a good news.

He knew that the reason why this **** system could exist, and the reason why he could stand in court with those ancient **** departments, was all related to Li Mochen.

As an investor who has already bet on studs, he naturally wants to see his investment objects become stronger.

“Go back now, everyone! Time is still important to us. But before that, I have to remind you that, as Rommel said, our sire has given us enough trust, so gentlemen, Do you know what to do right? “

“Of course, I will not divulge about the promotion of His Majesty’s Godhead. You know, in a sense, I am actually a believer.”

Longmeier means complex smile: “Even if it is just for the goddess, we will keep our mouths shut.”

Both he and Guderian became gods after World War II. They were worshipped by the world because of their fabulous record and they were able to use their faith to conquer the gods. It is just because they are not believers in the Lord of Glory, and they all secretly believe in the ancient Teutonic **** ‘God of War Brutus’ accused by the Old School of Light as an evil god.

The current ‘God of War Bruty’, recognized by the Religious Management Association of the Teutonic Republic as the current ‘Master of Destiny’ Andre Lee Wiltonstein, is the predecessor of this powerful god.

In the era of one hundred years ago, ‘God of War Bruty’ was actually a virtual priest in ‘Crimson Dragon Armor’. Although the latter’s miracles are not many, the magic arts of giving back to believers are also very rare, but due to the glory of the Barbarossa Emperor and the Hohenstaufen family, many soldiers in the World War II era privately believed in the God of War Bruti, After all, the era of the Barbarossa Emperor was the most powerful period of the Teutonic nation.

Longmeier only knew the truth after he was sealed, but he also benefited and was able to seal it. And Manstein, who was listed as the three great generals of the Teutonic World War II with him and Guderian, had no such luck. This devoted believer of the glorious Lord, his soul was also introduced into the “ Heavenly Kingdom ”.

There is no reincarnation for the people of the Lord of Glory. If they cannot be promoted as angels, then their souls will continue to exist in the “kingdom”, and they will remain there carefree after judging sins. Enjoying a happy and beautiful life, until their souls are completely consumed and integrated into the glory of the Lord, which is called the ‘(merger)’.

Rommel didn’t know what kind of fate Mannstein would have when he entered the ‘Heavenly Kingdom.’ Of course, this has nothing to do with him.

But after the **** was sealed, he stood here with many Teutonic predecessors, hating the goddess who held the ‘freedom’ and ‘dispute’ into the bone marrow.

“Not only keep your mouth shut, but also try to handle the responsible things properly so that His Majesty can concentrate more on his personal practice.”

Bismarck nodded slightly: “The gods can sit and watch His Majesty his success or failure, but we can’t. The establishment of the God Realm Corps is imperative, and their strength depends on the capabilities of you God of War. Go. Everyone! For our new king and for ourselves, you have to build the sharpest spear and the strongest shield for your majesty in the shortest time. “


After two days of rest, Li Mochen began the process of improving his personality. Probably because of his master priesthood, he has steadily imprinted the mark of the Divine Mind into the seventeenth layer of relationship. After that, Li Mochen’s other deities have been promoted, and they have not encountered a rebound from the roots, nor have they produced any natural visions. Li Mochen’s thoughts have been steadily moving among the roots.

And the half-face of the magical tower of “Hometown of Destiny” was opened again after five days of blockade.

Li Mochen’s first promotion is time series, then Yin and Yang (binary), equality, justice, war, fighting, fighting, youth, vitality and beauty-these priesthoods he mastered in the first place have almost been promoted to more than 13 gods.

The sequence of, yin and yang (binary), war and fighting, fighting, are all seventeen gods.

Other priests who were not very good at Li Mochen and did not study hard have also greatly improved. This is because he has too many believers in this area. In the gift of divine art, he naturally understands and masters some of their mysteries.

It is embarrassing that ‘games’ and ‘data’ are still stuck in divine form eight, with little growth. Li Mochen also has many believers in this area, but Li Mochen still can’t think of how to use these two priesthoods, and has not worked hard to study. He is ready to give up these two priesthoods to Angela to see if combining with the latter’s dreams can play a role. It happens that Angela now also has excess divinity to bear these. She is also talented in spiritual power, even more powerful than Li Mochen, which has merged two soul sources, and can carry many priesthoods.

As for Li Mochen himself, he also focused on the priesthood of ‘artificial intelligence’, which can cover all smart devices now and in the future. This can at least greatly increase its own computing power, and at the same time affect everything that will be bred by smart devices in the future ~ ~ Li Mochen has already done it, and has already achieved certain achievements. He just waited for the ‘game’ and ‘data’ to be shaken, and condensed the two priesthoods of ‘artificial intelligence’ and ‘biological colony’.

Then Li Mochen has promoted his recently derived priests ‘destroying’, ‘annihilation’, ‘precision’ and ‘believers of believers’ and ‘mortal asylum’ to the levels of 13 and 15 respectively.

The latter two do not require Li Mochen to pay extra divinity, but the first three bring great burden to Li Mochen.

Thanks to three strands of ‘Kizi Ziqi’, this greatly enhanced his divine power. But even so, he can only raise these three priesthoods to thirteen, even if Li Mochen has pushed the amount of divine power associated with it to a higher level, even to the ultimate level, he can no longer move forward.

It can be used as a qualified God of War, such as’ armed ‘,’ weapon ‘,’ battlefield ‘,’ terrain ‘,’ tianshi ‘,’ **** ‘,’ shangwu ‘, etc., as well as the modern newborn’ rifle ‘,’ detect The equipment ‘etc. all need to be mastered.

The same is true of the ‘destiny’ aspect, although his destiny priesthood includes all aspects of destiny. But the branch concepts such as the beginning of destiny, the present of destiny, the future of destiny, and necessity, accident, fixed number, variable, fate, etc., are also extremely powerful due to their specialization.

Therefore, it is best to master them together to increase Li Mochen’s fate and strength.

But if one ’s own divinity is not enough, one has to find someone else to bear it together. This is the meaning of the existence of ‘subordinate gods’.

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