Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 633 - Follow up

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What the Galanz family and everyone in the asylum fortress did not know was that at this time, there were nearly eighty-eight demon warriors lurking here, two hundred and twenty kilometers away from them. Their leaders are all legendary demons, and every eleven legions have a demon-level demon commander.

The leader of this huge demon army is because of a powerful snake demon with eight arms as the head of a snake.

The marquis-level demon lord now stands at a height of three hundred meters, using his golden vertical pupil to look down into the distance, and the sheltered fortresses that surround Melbourne City. It has been standing here for a long time, and then after the black cracks in the sky gradually dissipated, the unwilling snorted.

“The whole army is attacking, let’s go to Cardinia!”

This is a city on the east side of Melbourne, with a population of about 1.3 million, and is very close to the current location of this demon army.

But its decision surprised a middle-aged woman wearing a black burqa and covering her face: “Cardinia? This is not the same as we agreed. Your Excellency Samson, we help you come to Australia , For the fate of churches, the shelters built for them! You are breaking the contract— “

“But if according to our agreement, my army and I will be annihilated under the fortress walls!”

The demon marquis dissatisfiedly glanced at its huge snake eye towards the middle-aged woman: “Your **** made a wrong prediction! The cataclysm did not happen, the fate master He prevented this from spreading A disaster in half the world. Now his power is still strong! Even stronger than before! “

It pointed to the direction west of them: “And his power in the world is unmatched, every fortress there has forty legends, four half gods! I also know their interior , Now it ’s a city of all ambitions! Are all the dark chess you arranged in those fortresses no longer valid? Said the civil strife? The walls have not been damaged, nor collapsed! It ’s because you have n’t fulfilled the agreement. You deceived us When we reach the material world, we may return to the abyss empty-handed. The great Samson may become the laughing stock of all demons! “

“We are embarking on a backup plan.”

Although the middle-aged woman was stared at by the fierce snake pupil, she could barely remain calm: “Sir Samson, the demon army that entered the main material world is not the only one under your command. If If your family cannot swallow it, you can try to join forces. “

“No! Don’t you understand? I don’t want to provoke the Lord of Fate now, and I don’t want to be an enemy with such a powerful **** system. With the power of the Church of Destiny, they have at least more than 5,000 people on this continent. Legend, there are more than 500 demi-gods. This strength is already close to a complete angel army. The scary thing is that the **** and the angels under his seat can also move freely in the main material world! “

“They can totally crush us before I evacuate the main material world! I guess those of my siblings will not be too stupid to cooperate with you again. I was really stupid! Look, Melbourne, Canberra, these The cities are like undressed brides, which would have allowed me to do whatever I want. Even without your help and without so many legions, I can get wealth, blood, soul, and everything I want there. . But now, because of your coaxing, and the poor supplies you provided, I still have nothing! “

The demon marquis named Samson became more and more angry: “I and my legion can only choose to go to Cardinia, a small city with less than 1.5 million people. The monsters who passed in the past have been scrapped! I hope there are some leftovers left there, I hope they are a piece of sand, and I have n’t captured the churches and large family estates— “

Speaking of this, Samson’s vertical pupil suddenly flashed a strange look: “Church? Speaking, your church is only 57 kilometers away from here! Love and beauty, and Venus, the goddess of Venus, Your gods and believers should be rich, right? “

This sentence made the middle-aged woman in a black robe suddenly change her face: “No matter what you want to do, please stop your blasphemous thoughts! You dare not provoke the destiny master, but dare to offend Olympus. -“

But before her words were finished, Samson stabbed her with a machete in her hand. There was an ironic smile in the snake pupil of the devil marquis.

“But at least the gods you believe in can’t kill me in the material world, don’t they?”


At the same time, a fierce battle between demons and humans was intensified at Murdoch Manor on the outskirts of Melbourne.

Countless crimson bullets were spraying in all directions, and heavy artillery inside the manor continued to fire, sending out deafening roars. But these thousands of bullets could not stop the wave of the Kuroshio approaching. The Demon Legion in the distance is driving countless dark creatures, as well as the endless variety of low-level demons, to attack the manor incessantly.

The owner of the Medo family here is also a family with a strong private army. They have up to eight divisions in Australia alone-even if they are placed in Amerika, they are also the top forces only under the highest order.

But at this moment, the armed forces of up to eight divisions, as well as the fortifications embedded in the mythical magic array, are not enough to ensure the safety of this manor.

Those devil lords and devil lords, although they are known for their cunning. But when he sees an opportunity, he also takes the lead.

These legends, demigods, and even weak god-level powerful beings, under the cover of their soldiers, continued to attack the outer walls of the manor. Their frenzy has already made several huge gaps in the fortress-like walls that are as high as fifty meters.

The manor does not have enough power to fight them, and can only rely on the mythical magic array and some strong fortress heavy artillery to push it back.

Ten years ago, a top family in the bright world generally only had one or two half gods, and ten to twenty legends as standing power. In some critical situations, you can also use the relationship and convene five to six half gods as help.

Today, although the forces of all parties have increased the use of private military force, the number of demigods and legends in this world is still limited. The Medo family not only did not increase its strength in this respect, but instead lost two legendary strongmen who had originally worked for them.

In this era, the only thing they can count on is the magic armor produced by the major arms groups, and the biological colony of the Rising Sun Group.

However, due to production problems, the various equipment produced by the ‘Sunburst-Light Magic’ alliance has always been able to supply only the teams and their private armies.

The World Press Group and the Medo family can only buy these products at high prices from the black market, and there are not many stocks so far.

Fortunately, they still have extra strength as a help to keep this manor.

“Father, the Fifth Army rejected our request for help, and the lieutenant general Yvonne said they could no longer mobilize any more power. This **** bastard, who forgot who took him up? They took us again these years How much benefit? “

In a hidden church in the manor, Jameson Murdoch, the 50-year-old vice president of the World Newspaper Group, walked angrily behind his father, world-class media tycoon Cassily Murdoch: “Director Della told I, if there is no reinforcement, then we can only support for another half an hour at most. Their power is increasing, and more demons have joined. So he hopes that we will use the teleportation array to take refuge in Amerika as soon as possible. Bishop Knight also Saying that he must evacuate, he cannot let the warriors and priests of the Highness of the Goddess be buried in this hopeless battle. “

“America? This is not a good choice, which means we have to give up everything here.”

In front of the female idol in the church, the old man with white hair was expressionless: “We will also lose everything.”

His son Jameson could not help but be silent for a while, he knew that this was their foundation, lost his family ’s fortress industry in the dark world, lost their private army and numerous magical professionals, and the World Newspaper Group would surely be Coveted their heroic division-but this is better than everyone died.

“Then I’ll think about something else, or I can turn to the Marines. I know they have three brigades in the nearby Cumberland Military Port. Lieutenant General Bernard—”

“No need to go, there will be no results, Jameson!”

The old man shook his head, his face full of helpless wry smiles: “Don’t you understand? That fate master, he has won.”

Jameson’s expression froze, and then frowned: “Do you mean?”

“Now that he has won, our relationship with Lieutenant General Bernard and Lieutenant General Yvonne is of no avail. The Australian army, the Australian government, from now on can only obey the will of the destiny master. So, what we should do now- “

The old man ’s eyes were obscure, but he did n’t hesitate to say the next words: “Go to Alyssa Tangerian and say that we are willing to accept the capital contribution from the Rising Sun Group or the Wiltonstein Group. My bottom line is 7% . “

Just as he said this sentence, this man’s mouth spit out blood. The golden flame burned in him, that was the anti-bite of the gods.

“Accept capital injection from the Wiltonstein family?”

Jameson understood his father ’s intentions in an instant, and his eyes showed a horrified look: “What about Bishop Knet and his subordinates? They are the main force to fight against the evil disaster.”

“It’s up to us to use them as gifts to prove loyalty.”

The old man is still coughing up blood. He is trying to suppress the fire of punishment in his body, and he said firmly: “Relax to the lady of the voter, my child! As long as we are willing to pay enough money to target us Will stop. “

Jameson wondered what he thought, and his pupils could not help shrinking slightly: “Behind the demon legion outside, is that so-called master of fate right? He dare to do this? Collusion with demons?”

“Who allows you to call His Majesty Wilton Stein this way? From today on, He is the **** we believe in and respect.”

Casili Medor scolded his son harshly, and said in a cold voice: “Only let us use the power of the devil to strike his church, can we not tolerate the other party to fight back in the same way? This method is really dirty, But it just proves that my **** is strong, wise, and not offendable, and difficult to be defeated! Jameson, the goddess and the highness of England, are not enough to protect the Medo family from the wings. We need now. New umbrella, and there is no second choice. I only regret the long time I watched before, and did not join his camp earlier. “

In this rebuke, Jameson ’s expression had calmed down, and he thought about it: “You ’re right, father! The Medo family is time to change. Since the goddess ca n’t help Us, then— “

He looked forward, in the middle of this hidden church, and found that the ivory statue of the goddess had already shown countless cracks.


Seven hours later, Luna Rabbit has recovered some spirits, although it has not reached its full state, but it has not affected her observation of the battle deep in the world.

As the existence that pushed the authority of the earth almost to the gate of truth, she was undoubtedly qualified to watch this epic battle.

However, the wars of the eight **** kings at the root are more limited to the spiritual level. They take the truth-level authority as the foundation and deepen the consciousness of the mind to the source of the world, trying to leave their mark in it.

Many operations made Luna Rabbit not understand, and some opened her eyes. Their use of the power of the law has reached the height of reaching the summit, all of which are to twist the law, change the law, and formulate the law.

Formulate laws and let the power of the laws follow their will for a short time-this is mostly the mystery of the so-called ‘Supreme God’.

Among the roots, only Gaia is close to this level. Under her, the Lord of Glory, Ahura, Odin and Zeus were slightly inferior.

Nix and Isis, the “Mother of Glory” are in the third echelon.

As for the ‘Goddess of Liberty’ Eris, there is no threshold at all. This is not so much a ‘participation in war’ as it is ‘onlookers’. Only the location is relatively close, you can grasp the confrontation between these gods at close range, at most is to give Ni Ke some assistance. These two gods can be regarded as one.

At present, although Gaia and the Lord of Glory are jointly targeted by the remaining five, their ‘share’ in the world ’s roots still occupies the largest share, while Odin and Ahura are second in line.

The last two are the ones who have invested the most. One brings a complete ‘world of beasts’, and the other ‘source nucleus’ that incorporates two medium-sized worlds at the root.

Their spiritual imprints are clearly indelible in the depths of their roots, and now they are just fighting for more authority.

Slightly inferior to their Zeus, this man’s investment is also not small, it is a star beast with two heads and a length of 950 kilometers.

Luna Rabbit has learned from Li Mochen that the so-called ‘star beast’ is a creature living in the star field. It was born in the primitive era of the star world and is the prototype of the ‘beast’ of all worlds.

They do not have much wisdom, rely on the ubiquitous star power in the outer realm, and free various substances to feed, and then rely on the special organs in the body to extract it and exclude impurities. Therefore, they are usually extremely pure primary material and star force compression polymerization.

Theoretically, the corpses of these star beasts were originally the best refining materials. However, due to their mixed power, even the most brilliant master of refining can not refine and separate, so for all fairy gods, their role is almost nothing.

But for the worlds of heaven, the body of the star beast is a big supplement. There is no need to mention the original material, and the so-called “star power” is essentially the heavenly world, that is, the law power of the “stars”.

In fact, if the bodies of these star beasts are not absorbed and swallowed by other worlds, most of them will evolve into the world’s source nucleus and generate the world alone.

As for Nix, although she has only one star beast, her quality and vintage are obviously higher than those of Zeus. With the help of the Statue of Liberty, her competitiveness is not trivial.

The Gaia and the Glorious Lord, the latter of which has the unreserved help of the “Virgin” Isis; the former is assisted by Zeus, although the prince of Olympus, His Royal Highness, clearly marked the time when helping Gaia Water’s, even deliberately or unintentionally dismantled the hind legs, but Gaia still managed to maintain his dominant position deep in the roots.

However, after three days, this situation has changed. ~ ~ Several of the roots have started to ‘call friends,’ and some of the powerful deputy kings and quasi-kings began to join them.

Like Poseidon, the **** of nineteen, but promoted the power of the sea to the level of truth; like Thor, Thor, possesses a thunderbolt authority close to the level of truth. Although they cannot participate in the fight at the deepest roots, they can provide help on the periphery.

The appearance of Luna Rabbit is also becoming more and more serious and dignified. Her only impression now is that these so-called ‘God Kings’ are indeed extremely powerful! Far beyond her previous imagination limit!

“I thought I was so powerful that I could have a foothold in this world. But now-Ohmygod! Any one of these people can kill me, and they make me feel small.”

Luna Rabbit rubbed her forehead with a headache: “Although it is not a good idea to know that you are involved in BOSS now, but I think it is not good to watch like this. It is a pity–“

This is because she has seen the benefits of the roots of the world to several **** kings, such as the truth “war”, the truth “fight”, the truth “kill” and the truth “death” of Odin, which can be added later. At least 20% of the power can even possess some of the powers that belong to the God of God, and directly rewrite the law.

For the King of Odin at this level, the two-fold increase in strength is enough to kill the King of the King for the next life.

How can they compete with these powerful beings in the future?

“Since I don’t have this ability, what a shame to talk about?”

Li Mochen’s expression was quite calm. His eyes that looked at the roots of the roots even had a sneer: “If you don’t participate, it doesn’t mean I won’t get the benefit. Look at it–“

He has stood up from the spot: “You continue to watch here, I have a few things to deal with next.”

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