Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 661 - accident

The first is that a huge impact force hit Lucifer ’s Shield of Victory Morning Star, causing the **** master to frown, almost forced to give up.

Then Li Mochen ’s ‘Thebes’ Shield ’and Nix ’s‘ Night Kingdom ’were also hit one after another, sending out a series of booming sounds. The intensive power shock made them almost lose their guard.

“This is a sin!”

Nix’s face turned blue, but there was excitement in his eyes: “There must be a **** corpse near here, and the level is not low.”

Lucifer was equally energetic: “The bearing should be on our left.”

Li Mochen can understand where these two emotions come from, only because things like God’s Sin will only arise in two situations. One is a goddess who was born by a **** but died or mutated. Their subjective consciousness is dead, but the flesh cells have a will to survive, have a powerful divine power, and get the mark of distortion, singularity and terror in the pain of the production of ‘God’.

The other is born directly from the **** corpse, the situation is similar to the previous one. The main consciousness of the gods died, but their flesh and blood cells were still alive.

Those things that were born on Amun’s body before can be said to be ‘sin’.

Since there is such a powerful “sin” in this neighborhood, there must be a corpse of extraordinary strength during his lifetime.

This undoubtedly confirms Nix and Lucifer’s conjecture, but what really delights Nix is ​​the huge benefits contained in this truth.

Nix has cast a law to look over there, and Lucifer and Li Mochen have followed up. It was found that it was a corpse that was somewhat similar to the demon refining in the abyss. It had two twisted sharp corners on the top of the head, feet like hoofs, and pale golden patterns on all over it. There was a deep hole in the heart It seems to be the shape of an eye socket, but the pupil inside has nowhere to go. In addition, there are two huge wounds in its heart.

What is even more shocking is that this **** corpse is more than 100,000 meters long, which is much stronger and stronger than those of the original Titans.

Li Mochen’s pupils also contracted because the rhythm of truth on this god’s corpse was only slightly worse than the Lucifer beside him. It can be imagined from this, how powerful was this man during his lifetime?

Is it possible to find a corpse with the rank of deputy king just in the outer layer of this evil sea? What about the inner layer of this sea of ​​evil?

The two people beside him also looked stunned, and it took a long time to wake up under the continuous blow of the tentacles of the sin.

“It should be an ancient **** of the nineteenth personality!”

The night goddess Nix seems to suppress emotions. In this sea of ​​evil, she breathes deeply: “Sure enough, the evil power of this world should be derived from these **** corpses.”

She looked at the **** corpse up and down again, then sighed softly: “It’s a pity!”

The powerful existence of this deputy king level left a lot of things, but unfortunately, because the time is too long, these heritages have no value.

This aspect is because that the **** corpse has existed for too long, and may even have reached billions of years.

Under such a concentration of evil power pollution, even the truth-level mythological armed forces cannot hold on for more than 100 million years.

On the other hand, it is due to the tearing of the law.

At this point, she had probably understood why the law of the dark world was flawed. It also originated from the huge corpse in front of her and the **** corpse that may exist deep in the sea of ​​evil.

These deputy kings who died in the war have left their remaining divine power here. Innumerable different kinds of “truth” and “pseudo-truth” theocratic powers are mixed in this ancient battlefield, criss-crossed, and conflicted, resulting in a huge tear that cannot be bridged in the proton of this dark world.

This also blocked the possibility of these **** corpses’ resurrection, otherwise the environment here is not impossible to generate a pure child of evil, just like Amon at the bottom of the abyss.

“Avoid it from the side.”

Lucifer continued to look deep into the sea of ​​evil: “The truth has been revealed, but I am now more curious about the situation inside.”

He was still very afraid of the evil spirit that was stretching countless tentacles to this side. Although he is the real God King, they are all greatly suppressed here. And that **** of sin, but has infinite power to supplement.

The sea of ​​iniquity is incomparably wide, and they don’t need to consume this indestructible obstacle.

Next, it was led by Li Mochen, leading the two to go deeper. Although this sea of ​​sins is vast, at its deep level, there is no strict distinction between up, down, left, and right. The space around them changes and twists almost every moment. In addition, the sight and the sensing ability are hindered by the evil forces, and Lucifer has been difficult to accurately sense the direction.

As for Nix, the situation is not much better. She had to infuse divine power into her eyes all the time, so that she could barely recognize the surroundings. But in this way, it is an additional divine consumption.

So at this time, it was Li Mochen’s “destiny” divine power that was more applicable, and he could use the power of destiny to guide them to continue to move forward.

But even so, the three of them continued to be attacked by the five-headed gods along the way.

At this time, even Lucifer, with the best mentality, could no longer remain calm. He thought what happened in that ancient time? Have so many ‘Vice Kings’ fall here?

He had long speculated that the evil sea of ​​the dark world was not easy. It might have hidden great secrets, but he had never thought of this secret, which would be so shocking.

Li Mochen was also very upset. He was shocked by the bones of the five deputy kings, and he was also unable to restrain himself.

Both the Golden Immortal and the Vice-King of this ancient time do not need money? Why are they fighting here?

“This is already the sixth skeleton of the nineteenth divine personality–“

Ni Ke smiled bitterly: “Suddenly I feel that Ni Ke is just like this. I think I have stood on top of the gods, but in fact it is nothing.”

At this moment, Li Mochen had a glimpse of some clues: “These skeletons should all be left over from the last era.”

“Last epoch?”

Lucifer couldn’t help raising her eyebrows: “Andre, are you sure?”

“The scar of fate told me.”

Li Mochen gathered his eyes and looked at the fate snare around a **** skeleton in front.

It didn’t intersect with anything in this world. It wasn’t until the three of them arrived that there was a silk thread mixed with this world.

“This is very interesting!”

Ni Xie’s eyes flashed differently: “The situation inside makes people more and more curious. But now, we still return first. My divine reserve is less than 40%. If you continue to go deeper, there may be Very risky. “

Lucifer did not refute her, and he nodded: “Yes! The situation on my side is also very bad, and it is unsustainable.”

After listening to it, Li Mochen sneered secretly. He knew that both of them had great reservations. What less than 40% of the reserve of divine power, if it is unsustainable, just listen to it, but never take it seriously. .

The reason why the two did not want to go deeper, either because of some other reason, or because they discovered something in the process of exploration, they did not want to share it with others.

It happens that Li Mochen also has this intention, and he also has a lot of gains here.

“Same feeling, here is almost my limit.”

However, before leaving, Li Mochen used his ‘Eye of Titan’ and ‘Real Dragon Vision’ to match his own ‘fate’ divine power and glanced deep into the sea of ​​evil.

He has done this a few times before, but this time the situation is slightly different. Li Mochen also added the power of the “Spiritual Soul Fortune Zijin Pagoda”, and made a small wish-within the scope of his ability, the greatest insight into this piece of “Sin Sea” in front of him.

The next moment, Li Mochen felt a sharp tingling in his eyes, as if Tong Ren was about to explode. And there was indeed a drop of blood in the corner of his eyes. But then he was converged, and no strange color appeared on the surface.

Li Mochen would not tell the two partners around him what he saw.

Not far in front of them, there are hundreds of corpses. None of them is lower than the nineteenth divine personality, and among the twenty, with the big Luojinxian personality, there are five.

Only those extending to Li Mochen, those silk threads representing fate, made his Yuanshen encounter a huge impact.

From this moment on, his life has been linked to these independent skeletal remains.

Li Mochen’s heart also gave rise to enlightenment. He thought that these powerful **** skeletons might be the ‘pronucleus’ of this dark world. Although they are not uniform and torn.

In addition to this, most of them still contain something that makes him the eighteenth **** of the Divine Personality unable to look directly at him. With only a cursory glance, Li Mochen experienced the feeling of entering the astral world when he was a mortal.

And there should be more than one thing that prevents him from looking directly! One of them has an incomparable brilliance, an incomparable holiness, and even this boundless sea can’t be dyed, and its brilliance is lost.

It is unbelievable that the most dazzling and holy thing in the world actually exists in the dirtiest and darkest place in the world.

And the combined force of these things that people can’t look directly at, not only made Li Mochen’s pupils close to burst, his body, his flesh and blood, also began to violently agitate. If it were not the time for Li Mochen’s repression, the flesh was almost distorted.

But what really shocked him was that the two powerful waves of information that accompanied him came from the space over there and poured into his pupils.

This shocked Li Mochen’s heart, which was beyond belief, and he was also delighted.

First of all, in the battlefield where the gods fight, there is ‘life’, at least ‘soul’ exists. That is a powerful creature with wisdom, not a sin.

Secondly, through these two waves of information, he got some additional and surprising benefits.

This will help him practice further in the future, and may also resolve a crisis he may face soon.

It’s really interesting, but at this time, could it be the result of the joint care of the ‘world will’ and the ‘human subconscious sea’? So the luck clock?

But what exactly is there? What happened?

Li Mochen was curious about the situation inside, but knew it was something he could not detect anyway. Unless oneself can go further in personality, become the true deputy king, even the **** king rank.

And this time the gains have been much, so much that he was uneasy.

“Go back! We will return from the same path.”

After Li Mochen said this sentence, he gazed deeply into the sea of ​​evil for half a minute before moving. At this time, he was still facing forward, but actually used his divine power to twist the void and quietly change direction.

The return speed is much faster than when they came, at least Li Mochen has been able to avoid the attacks of the six gods.

But just two days later, the three talents had just left the depths of the sea of ​​evil, and Lucifer secretly contacted Li Mochen with divine thoughts.

“Do you really plan to walk out of the sea like this all the time? Don’t you think that Nix has a problem with this woman?”

Li Mochen’s eyes moved slightly, but his face was still not half-colored: “Question? Do you have any evidence? Your Highness Lucifer? Or what did you find?”

“I found nothing and no evidence.”

Lucifer groaned: “You must ask me why I say that, that is intuition. You should know that Venus is considered to represent prophecy and prophet in some areas and guide the destiny of mankind.”

In fact, he felt a little uneasy from the beginning of being away from God’s Sin Zone.

“And don’t you find it strange that you have left the danger zone half a day ago.”


Li Mochen actually knew Lucifer’s thoughts, and with the suspicious suspicion of the night goddess Nix, it should have opened the distance after leaving the danger zone, or even left alone. But Nix still keeps pace with them now, half a step.

Of course, this should not be the reason for their suspicion. Nix has a changeable personality, and it is difficult for anyone to guess her thoughts. Maybe this one really wants to turn their enemies into friends?

It’s just that rash suspicion will distract people, but if they continue to do so, they will also expose them to unnecessary risks.

And when I arrived at this place, I chose to continue to travel, but it was unnatural and suspicious.

In this position, that thing also happens to exert its power without threatening Himself.

Then he looked at the front indifferently, looking at the fleeting scars of destiny ahead. It was someone who covered up the trajectory of destiny and timing with extremely powerful magical powers.

It’s just that the opponent is too small to see his current strength.

Although he failed to break the “destiny” and “timing” into pseudo-truth during the year of the retreat of the destiny of the kingdom of God, he gained nothing.

It was a supreme divine power that originated from these two, and even more than it. Although the level of this divine power is still very low, it is enough to help him identify some methods of covering the heavens.

“Just come here!”

Li Mochen turned around very simply: “His Royal Highness, Nix, I think we can separate here.”

Nix was stunned for a while, and then he smiled a bit hurt in his eyes: “It seems that Her Majesty Andrea has limited trust in me.”

Li Mochen thought that the performance of the night goddess could be used to compete for the movie. He didn’t care at all: “We have always only cooperated, His Royal Highness Nix. Trusting this thing is also very expensive. It ’s not done overnight. If you do n’t make reservations at all, then you do n’t have to sign a deal. “

“It makes sense.”

Ni Ke smiled like a flower: “But before the separation, I still have to thank you. I am glad that I chose to go to the appointment this time; otherwise, I will regret my life for missing this adventure. In this short six Time, you have made a fundamental change in my understanding of this world. “

“I am also honored!”

Li Mochen asked with a smile: “Then do you want to continue next? I mean further exploration, I need about 20 days–“

He couldn’t finish it because Li Mochen had sensed the changes in the surrounding situation.

“Why not? I also want to see what is going on inside. It’s a pity—”

Ni Ke sighed: “If I learned the truth ten days ago, I would not have made such a choice, but unfortunately this is no longer possible, and destiny rules your highness.”

Just as she spoke, several incomparably arrogant breaths had traversed the sea of ​​sins, approaching the range of their thoughts, and still approaching quickly.

Lucifer was frightened. He had already known the identities of these people, so he fully opened his Shield of Victory Morning Star without hesitation.

He only regrets that he did not remind Li Mochen earlier, but who knows this person who has always been cautious, will he really have no precautions against Ni Ke?

He thought that the master of fate, the reason why he chose to walk with Nix was that he was prepared, or had other intentions.

“I knew it! She was a bichi! You should not believe every word she said!”

However, to Lucifer’s surprise, Li Mochen had no action, neither attempted to flee, nor specifically strengthened his defense.

Could it be that this guy is really prepared, what is he calculating?

At this time, Li Mochen’s thoughts also penetrated: “Trust me once, His Royal Highness Lucifer, I promise that there will be no danger this time, but I also need your help. I promise, today maybe I can let You let out a bad breath. “

Lucifer frowned, and then decisively dismissed the plan to find a way to escape, and set up on the spot.

He thought that Li Mochen actually had a plan. Sure enough, how could this shrewd and ghost-like guy have no plans at all?

It was at this moment that four figures appeared around them.

——That ’s Isis the ‘Mother of Light’, Satan the ‘King of the Abyss’, ‘Eris the‘ Goddess of Liberty ’’, and ‘Ruy the Mother of the Earth’.

The four **** kings, four directions, blocked Li Mochen’s way forward, and also showed a trend of encirclement.

The other three are nothing but Li Mochen’s expectations. The appearance of Riya, the “Mother of the Earth”, surprised Li Mochen and made him look at this man meaningfully.

“Interesting! It seems that Your Highness Rhea, you are not as faithful and sincere to your mother as I thought.”

“Everyone has the right to pursue their own path.”

Rhea looked calm and gave him a light look: “That wishing tower is in your hands, right?”

Even though Nix, the goddess of the night behind Li Mochen, was still smiling, he was a little surprised in his eyes: “Your Majesty Andrea, it seems that you are not surprised at all?”

“Of course I am not surprised.”

Li Mochen calmed down the waves caused by the ‘Wishing Tower’ in his heart, and looked at the Virgin Isis: “It’s nothing more than selling the same thing, is I right? His Highness Isis?”

When Rhea said the word “Wishing Tower”, he already knew the reason.

What Isis used to persuade Nix was naturally the qualification of the second ‘High God’, and the ‘Mother of the Earth’ Rhea came for the wishing tower.

As for Eris, it may be one or two powerful mythological arms, or the source, or some kind of ‘secret’ and ‘divine power’ she dreamed of.

In the case of no hope of competing for the “God of God”, it is undoubtedly a good choice to retreat like Lucifer. As for the betrayal of the night goddess-nothing is unforgivable compared to the prospects and temptations of God.

“Your Majesty Andrei, this accusation is a bit excessive. Isn’t this a one-off sale? Can’t I say it’s a breach of contract? Gaia hasn’t been expelled, has she?”

Isis shook her head, but her eyes were dignified. Li Mochen’s reaction today is very strange, completely beyond her expectations.

Whether it is still choosing to walk with Nix after leaving the danger zone, or now this group is calm and free, there is no gesture of wanting to break through and escape-all these abnormalities make Isis suspicious and secretly vigilant.

At the same time, she was also puzzled. What exactly did Li Mochen stand in front of them with such a relaxed attitude?

Is Gaia? Odin? Or Zeus?

But she can be 100% sure that these will definitely not appear here. Even if they arrived, I was afraid I would like to see this guy’s death even more.

“I didn’t mean to accuse His Highness Isis.”

Li Mochen smiled: “It’s just a little emotion to your wisdom from His Highness. I think if I and His Highness Lucifer died here today, then the world’s dispute over ‘God God’ should be settled. “

After losing his containment with Lucifer, the alliance formed by Isis was enough to determine the ownership of ‘God of God’.

Whether it is Gaia, Odin, or Zeus, it is difficult to shake the glorious Lord anymore. Even if they still have the background behind them, there are still hidden.

The combined force of the Lord of Glory and the five Kings of God is something they can’t fight anyway.

“Thanks for the compliment, if you can really achieve it, let you be buried here with Your Highness Lucifer, then naturally it is the best–“

“There’s no need to tell him so much?”

Eris’s expression seemed a little impatient. She forcibly interrupted Isis’s words: “Don’t do it yet? Although it can isolate the feeling of Mother Gaia to a certain extent, the longer we drag, the greater the variables.”

She knew that among the gods at this time, the only person with the ability and motivation to rescue Li Mochen was Gaia. Even after being rooted out, this lord of brilliance is still the most powerful of all the gods.

But Li Mochen, who was opposite, looked at her with a smile.

“His Royal Highness seems to be impatient? But you are sure that this is a trap for me, not Highness Nix cooperating with me and targeting your highness goddess?”

Eris was too lazy to pay attention, and she pointed a free scepter directly in her hand, and a beam of turquoise rays shone in the direction of Li Mochen.

The supreme method of ‘God-level Dissociation’ and her divine powers of ‘freedom’ and ‘dispute’ began to decompose Li Mochen ’s body and everything he possessed to the best of his ability.

Li Mochen is calm as usual, although his cells and flesh and blood have begun to run to freedom under the theocracy of the other party, and there is also a dispute between them.

But in the past few years, he has practiced against “suppression”, “eternity”, “solidity”, “unyielding”, “domination”, “laws” and “defense”, although most of these theocracys are currently Only higher order. The addition of “fate” at the level of pseudo-truth to outline and lead is enough to fight the power of the goddess of liberty Eris in a frontal battle and suppress the aberration in the body. At the same time, with the “truth” of the level of pseudo-truth, the power of the gods in front of them is forcibly pulled to the position close to the eighteenth of the gods! Let Eris’s power drop by more than 30%!

It’s just that Li Mochen’s consumption of divine power is also extremely exaggerated, almost holding back about 70% of his source of divine power.

“My Lady” Isis sighed softly. She felt uneasy just now. On the one hand, I want to delay time through dialogue and make more preparations to ensure foolproofness; on the one hand, I want to review my own plan to see what other omissions.

However, Eris’ preemptive action forced her to follow up.

And this one raised his hand, this is also a black and white ray, that is a force that is very similar to Li Mochen’s “North and South Pole Light of Birth and Death”, and it is more powerful, and contains truth-level “life” and “death”!

What makes Li Mochen’s mind slightly relaxed is that this man, who also has pseudo-truth-level ‘nature’ and pseudo-truth-level ‘magic’ at the same time, has been rejected by this world and unable to exert his full power.

At the same time, Mother Earth “Riya” also shot at the first time. It was still a ray. The off-white light beam directly penetrated from Riya’s pupil and radiated in the direction of Li Mochen.

In addition to ‘Earth’, she also has ‘natural’ at the truth level, which can strengthen this beam of petrified rays to the ultimate peak!

Only Satan didn’t do it. He and the night goddess Nix were alert to Lucifer’s movements.

At the same time, behind Nix, a spider-web-like object spread out in all directions, enveloping all the surrounding space.

——That is a mythological arm that has never appeared in the light world, but also contains powerful time sequence and space power. It almost isolates the space where they are located into an independent world.

Lucifer’s pupils also contracted slightly, which determined that the opposite ones had the intention to kill him together. They do have such abilities, as long as they can drag him here until his allies die.

Lucifer’s mood was restless for a moment, and he couldn’t help but cast most of his mind in the direction of Li Mochen.

Although Li Mochen had already assured him, Lucifer also had considerable trust in the ‘master of destiny’ that had risen in just over a decade, but the situation in front of them made Lucifer feel worried.

It was at this time that Lucifer’s expression slightly shook again, revealing incredible shock and surprise.

Li Mochen and the Statue of Liberty Eris actually switched positions at this time, so that the latter was suddenly under the bombardment of Riya’s’ Petrified Ray ‘and Isis” Light of Life and Death ‘.

Even more shocking is that behind Nix, the goddess of the night, suddenly stretched out thousands of black tentacles at this moment, just like the tide over Nix, the goddess of freedom, in the direction of the goddess of freedom Eris Stretching and bombarding.

——That’s a sin! And they are extremely powerful at both ends and have at least two truth-level powers!

The way in which the master of destiny and Eris, the goddess of liberty, forcibly switch positions is also surprising. If he reads correctly, it should be the truth-level ‘space’ and the truth-level ‘truth’! He Ran is exactly the same powerful force as the two gods!

Although Lucifer did not understand what was going on, his response was not slow. Countless chains in an instant also stretched in the direction of the goddess of freedom, Eris, and the night goddess, Nix.

This is exactly the mythical armed ‘sky lock’ in his hands! Although the quality and rank are less than the level of pseudo-truth, in the battle against the gods, its power can be comparable to the artifact of the level of pseudo-truth!

His “Dark Seal” was also fully opened at the same time, and he began to use all his strength to manipulate the darkness and boundless evil forces around him.

“I said, this may not be a trap for me, it may be for you, His Royal Highness Lady Eris!”

Li Mochen seems to be talking to Eris, but his eyes have been staring at the night goddess Nix, his eyes are cold and cold, with a bit of sarcasm.

He was guessing what choice the night goddess would make?

The key is that the soul contract they entered into the sea of ​​evil signed an agreement not to attack each other. So although he participated in the siege, he never made any offensive actions against him and Lucifer, but blocked the time and space with the dark cobweb.

But now, when it was time for this man to make a decision, whether to abide by the contract and sit on the sidelines; or at the cost of damage, watching Eris fall into death!

Ni Ke’s eyes were shocked and lost, but it was really cloudy and unsteady. She finally stood still at the same place, without any response, letting thousands of tentacles pass by her.

“You can’t succeed!”

‘Virgin’ Isis also changed her face, and the situation in front of her was something she had never thought of. When she raised her hand, she withdrew the follow-up ray of life and death, and at the same time a holy light condensed like a knife, slashing in the direction of Eris.

Of course, she is not shooting at the Statue of Liberty. This sacred light knife is exactly the tentacle that originated from the sin of God.

But before this, Li Mochen had swept through a sword light, forcibly chopping that sacred light knife. What followed was Li Mochen’s ‘Zhou Tianlei Mars Nuclear Sword Array’.

With a total of 401 swords, ten million sword surges broke out in an instant, which not only completely engulfed the entire Isis, but the sword surge even enveloped the “Mother of the Earth” Rhea.

What is really terrifying is the “space” and “truth” exerted by Li Mochen on the “Fate of Sword” and “Zhou Tianlei Mars Nuclear Sword Array”. Magnificent twice as powerful as before.

As a result, as strong as Rhea and Isis, they had to go all out to cope with the resistance, and could not spare any effort to rescue their allies.

But at this time, even if the wisdom is like the ‘Virgin’ Isis, there is a sense of suspense that comes out of self-control.

Could it be said that this is really the trap that Nix and this destiny master have set on them? This seemingly betrayed the fate of them, in fact, to lure the liberty goddess Eris and them to the sea of ​​evil in this dark world?


Eris seems to have determined that she has encountered Nix’s betrayal. Her body burst into countless dissociation rays in screaming, trying to forcibly decompose the tens of thousands of tentacles. At the same time, there are layers of white light shields formed around her body, and in an instant it is close to a thousand layers, dense enough to make your scalp numb.

But Eris’s struggles failed to play any role. Those gods are already in a state of extreme division. The disputes and conflicts between them have not led to division under Li Mochen’s power. Instead, they have allowed those tentacles to explode with more powerful forces.

The white light shield with a total of one thousand layers was completely bombarded in less than one hundred thousandth of a second ~ ~ Arrived by Li Mochen. The truth-level ‘space’ and the pseudo-truth-level ‘time sequence’ are already extremely powerful, and the truth-level ‘truth’ can continue to increase the power of these two supernatural powers!

In addition, there is Nix’s black cobweb. As the “neutral” in this battle, this mythological arm of the night goddess still trapped and locked this space without any slight relaxation.

——This should have been her way of circumventing the soul contract, but now it seems to be the reason why she must trap Eris.

So that Satan the abyss, as well as Isis, the “Mother of the Earth”, and Rhea, the “Goddess of the Earth”, can’t shake the power of space and time that locked Eris!

And in the next moment, Lucifer ’s ‘Lock of the Sky’ arrived first and further penetrated the body of the goddess of freedom, Eris. The suppression of divinity by this mythological armed force also caused all the resistance of Eris and all struggles to a low point.

Then came the tide of darkness formed by countless twisted and ugly tentacles. They instantly flooded the body of the goddess of freedom, Eris, and swallowed it!

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