Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 670 - contend

On April 21, 4002 in the Gregorian calendar, the “Guardian Angel” Achilles accompanied many heavily armed mortal warriors and armored vehicles to the Grand Island.

On the beach defense line constructed by the empire of thousands of beasts, countless machine gun bullets were blasting over, bombarding the water and the beach, and raising a large number of water columns and sand jets. There are many more attacks on the armored vehicles and the magical armor of the warriors, which constantly emits the sound of ding jingle, sometimes so dense that it makes people scalp numb.

Fortunately, the industry of the Thousand Beast Empire is backward, and there is no alchemist of large scale. They do not have decent armor-piercing bullets, and Mageweave bullets are also very scarce.

At this time, under the refuge of Achilles, the defense capabilities of all landing troops on this coastline have increased substantially, at least three times higher than under normal circumstances!

The only thing that can pose some threat to them is the rockets and shells on the opposite side. However, the number of rocket artillery and artillery deployed on the island of Grand Beast by the Beast Empire is very rare, and only a few are also cleared by the coalition artillery’s shipborne artillery. The rest of them will encounter devastating countermeasures with only a slight head-shot.

The latest shipborne heavy-duty “electromagnetic gun” developed by the Light Magic Group has a range far exceeding that of conventional artillery. The effective shooting distance can reach up to 3,400 kilometers, and the projectile speed is Mach 180. The speed is so fast that even the main **** level Can’t intercept easily. And ammunition is also very cheap, it has the performance not inferior to the medium-range precision guided missile, the price is only one-thirtieth of the normal missile. Since most of the ammunition of the Destiny System was entrusted to China to manufacture, this further reduced the cost to as low as one-tenth of the “military spear” of the military-made missile.

It is also because of this top-secret new artillery, several major gods including Asa, they will hit their heads in front of the fortress they built and broke the blood.

At the moment, more than three hundred “electromagnetic guns” of the coalition warships not only suppressed the beach defense line on the island, but also bombarded several castles and fortresses built by the Thousand Beast Empire after the defense line was nearly broken.

——If it is not the scheduled landing plan of Grand Island, the Thousand Beast Empire cannot send their army to Hawaii Island!

And in this rushing march, Achilles felt that his enemy had arrived. A haunting figure of crimson radiance landed in front of him.

Wearing red crimson armor, the man stood on a chariot dragged by four horses, and a spear lingering across the fire swept the three-kilometre battlefield. So that this area, nearly 10% of the mortal warriors were directly destroyed. The remaining part is paralyzed on the ground, and more is to escape to the distance with all their strength-the “Holy Rune” recorded on their armor has played a role.

Under the common guardianship of Achilles and the earth angels ‘Kristin’ and ‘Eternal Angel’ Atlas, most of them avoided this death plague.


Achilles picked up the battle shield in his hand: “After an interval of four thousand years, we have another chance to fight.”


Ares looked at him coldly: “When you were still at Mount Olympus, I should have killed you. I told Zeus a long time ago, you are a scourge, an ungrateful bastard, but He actually gave you God!”

“Yeah, during that time, it was the only time when you were able to slaughter me at will. That is a prison, and I am your slave. Any of your children can trample me in the mud. But now, You have no chance!”

Achilles looked coldly at this Olympus **** of war: “I have always had a wish when I was imprisoned, and I will personally crush your **** mountain to make all of you wailing in the Styx– “

“I have no interest in listening to the illusion of a loser. You can never do it, Achilles.”

Ares looked contemptuously: “I will kill you here today!”

His chariot began to run Mercedes-Benz, with a huge thunder fire, like a fiery electric light striking towards Achilles. The latter had long been expected, and he easily used the authority given by the destiny master to dodge sideways. .

However, Ares’s spear also hit Achilles’ body at this time. Fortunately, this war spear hit the long shield held by Achilles. The huge impact force made Ares on the tank back, and Achilles was directly flicked back by the powerful impact force to five kilometers away and retreated into the sea.

At this time, Achilles was not surprised, but his’Trojan War Shield’ carried the flame spear of the other side, and from the result of the confrontation, the ability of the two pieces of equipment was comparable to the grade. of.

This was originally what he was most worried about. The Olympus lineage that emerged in the mythological age has many mythological treasures, and his Achilles, although there are also mothers who can do it for him, can be in the mythological age. After that, it has been difficult to collect the top materials.

He had to turn to Anthony, the **** of industry, to ask the latter to personally design and build this ‘Troy shield’ for him, and incorporate many modern technologies into the shield. And the name “Troy” is used to remind myself not to repeat the same.

Judging from the situation of this battle, this ‘Trojan War Shield’ completely disappointed him, and could fight against the powerful artifacts of Ares that dominated the first year of the bright calendar!

At this time, Ares on the tank was also slightly condensed. He was not for the shield in Achilles’ hands, but the latter displayed the pseudo-truth-level’fight’ in the instant confrontation.

This hybrid, son of the sea goddess Thetis and Perseus, has actually elevated his fighting skills to a level comparable to him.

But his Ares was also in the fifth year of returning to this world, and after the fighting force of this world was infinitely surging, he stood before the gate of truth.

Damn it! At the time of the Trojan War, Ares had a hunch that if anyone other than the Titans could shake his status as God of War, it must be this Achilles. He should have killed this guy long ago, instead of scrupling about the views of the gods.

The two quickly met for the second time. Under the impact of the chariot and war spear of Ares, their battlefield quickly moved from the beach to the sea.

Due to the existence of the magic net, they cannot mobilize more magic energy. But the magical power of the two still set off a huge tide of thousands of meters in the surrounding sea, and the devastating waves of the wind rolled in all directions.

But at this time, the gods fighting on the sea are not just their pair.

‘Magic Wolf’ Fenrir and Thor’ Thor,’Ocean Goddess’ Thetis and’Sea King’ Poseidon,’God of Storms and Floods’ Wick Wood and another’King of the Seas’ in Northern Europe ‘Niort,’Eternal Angel’ Atlas and’Guardian’ Heimdall, Anthony and Hephaestus,’Natural Goddess’ Artemis and’Sky and Earth God’ Asa Queen Friega,’Travel, Adventure, Exploration and Mercenary’s Protector Field’ and the Zoroastrian Angel’ Breeding Angel’ Wahman,’Slaughty Dragon Angel’ Herrell and Zoroastrian’Flame Angel’ Atakhest, ‘Angel of War’ Robert and’Heaven of Olympus’ Hera – dozens of powerful gods and master gods, even pseudo-kings and deputy kings, fighting in the sea on the island of Grandon The battlefield is full of divine power and death.

The coalition landing ship almost overturned in this grand battle, and most people dived into the deep sea according to the pre-drilled escape plan. They use small anchors to fix themselves on the seabed, and use the magic armor’s life support system to maintain breathing.

However, there are still a large number of soldiers who died in the sinking process, even if there is a buffer of seawater, the power of those main gods can still directly shatter their bodies and lungs. Only those who are in direct contact with the seabed can gain vitality. The earth **** ‘Kristin’’s theocracy has continuously strengthened their armor and built hundreds of refuges for them in a very short time. The simple magic array carried by these soldiers can temporarily strengthen these shelters to the extent that they can cope with the magnitude 8 earthquake.

But it was the snake body that Yemengaard had coiled here that really turned them into safety. This earthly giant python absorbed a lot of power and impact that hit the bottom of the sea.

The situation on the ground is even simpler. The soldiers who rushed to the beach head all made bunkers on the spot, or used the other’s fortifications.

The probability of the Battle of Granden Island is close to 100%. Rommel and his staff have already prepared a plan. All the equipment of the Marines participating in this landing battle have also been specially strengthened.

“Are you ready to face failure? Ares?”

After more than three hundred confrontations, Achilles has adapted to the other party’s rhythm, and his eyes are teasing.

“Are you ready to accept the failure again? Ares! Use a little more effort, otherwise I will kill you here. You wasteless **** of war, if not your mother Hera, and the favor of Zeus, You are nothing now.”

This is not pure curse, but in this place, Achilles really has the confidence to defeat Ares.

Thousands of coalition warships and 230 magic towers maintain a huge array of magical energy at a distance of about 3,000 kilometers from Grand Island. With this array, they continue to provide support to them.

Let the laws of this world be enshrouded and produce changes that are more conducive to them.

-Achilles is only a third of his opponent in the loss of divine power alone.

In addition, the’Equality God Realm’ dominated by fate also covers this area. This makes Aresna have reached the nineteenth personality, unable to obtain the advantage that should be in the battle.

Ares is no longer willing to talk to Achilles. His flame spear has exploded to the extreme, continuing to pierce Achilles. His wars, battles, flames and thunders have all reached the peak, and ten percent of his power has been exerted to twelve percent.

But the “Guardian Angel” Achilles is no longer as defensive as before, and he was still able to fight back while taking advantage of the bombardment of Ares. Seize the opportunity that the other party passed away, and cut the sword in his hand to the opponent.

It was a clear blue long sword named ‘God of Slaughter’. The ‘Trojan War Shield’ reminded him not to forget the defeat thousands of years ago, and this ‘God of Slaying’ sword entrusted him with the desire to slaughter the gods.


It was Achilles”God of Slaying’ sword, and a long thin blood mark was cut on the chest of the horse “Konabos” (meaning riot) in front of Ares.

This injury was not serious, but forced the **** of war Ares to temporarily retreat to the sea 30 kilometers away to regroup.

“Look Ares!”

Achilles’ lips were slightly warped, and her eyes were as bright as stars: “You will soon not be my opponent. I will kill you at most in a year or two.”

This is why he devoted himself to the **** of fate and became the former angel of the latter. The magic power provided by the latter can indeed help him refine his new body in the shortest time.

But if it is not the heavy pressure and danger brought by the Olympus system, if it is not the flame of revenge that is eating his heart all the time, Achilles will not give up the greater future and become the master of destiny. angel.

The master of destiny does have gratitude to him, but there are many ways to repay it.

Now, he is about to reach his goal.

“I said, you can never do it, and you can’t wait for that time!”

Ares snorted, and then looked in the direction of the coalition fleet: “Your Lord, Destiny, André Lee Wiltonstein, he is about to die!”

Although he didn’t want to admit it, the Achilles in front of him was indeed not able to be won by himself.

That’pseudo-truth’ level of combat **** power dispelled all his desire to kill more gods of fate here. Ares now can only count on several deputy kings in their camp to be able to break the deadlock soon, or his father, and his majesty the king, to resolve the human hybrid king earlier.

In his view, this is all achievable, only a matter of time.


“The patron saint of Levant, the king of jihad, the strongest angel” Michael’s opponent was Prometheus, but at the beginning of the battle, he found himself underestimating his opponent.

As a powerful being infinitely close to the main king, he should have expelled or killed Prometheus within thirty minutes.

However, the “creator of mankind” in this myth and the “god of prophecy and prophecy” by Olympus showed abilities beyond his expectations.

——That’s the ‘prophet’ of truth level, and the second ‘truth’ power that Prometheus possessed besides ‘flame’!

It is also thanks to this power that Prometheus perfectly avoided all his attacks-even if all his attacks were at the speed of light, the surrounding time was almost frozen by Michael.

On the contrary, the truth-level’flame’ that cannot be entangled makes him unable to ignore it. Not only can’t he, he must also deal with the whole body. The consequence of the combination of flame and prophet and prophecy is that as long as Michael is not careful, he is likely to be hit hard by the other party.

Prometheus did not have the speed to match his shoulders, but this one was able to make his ‘flame’ burn in accurate places.

This ancient Titan God, like him, is already qualified to be a member of many **** kings!

“Your opponent today will only be me, Your Highness Michael!”

At this time, Prometheus opened three pairs of fire-colored wings from behind: “The strongest among the angels, I am looking forward to the final victory between the two of us.”

Michael understood in a flash, why Prometheus could master the truth-level’prophet’! That should be an increase in the ability of fate to dominate.

The more intimate relationship with God, and the timing and destiny mastered by destiny, made it easier for him to foresee the future. It’s a tricky way, but it did allow Prometheus to grasp the second truth.

-This Prometheus, he was willing to become an angel of mortal god!

Michael did not answer, but only further strengthened the intensity of the Thunder Cleave. The flow of time between the two of them was extremely slow. Michael took 30,000 shots per second. He couldn’t do it any faster. The only way to break the deadlock is Thunder.

In addition to the truth-level ‘light’ and the same truth-level ‘battle’, Michael also possesses a pseudo-truth-level ‘thunderbolt’. And the marine environment near here can restrain the other party’s flame to the greatest extent.

Michael believes that as long as there is enough time, he can definitely defeat his opponent!

“Your Highness, your strength is so powerful that it makes people tremble! It is indeed the king of jihad.”

The eyes of Prometheus seemed to be burning like a fire: “But as the price of giving up God 20, I now have more power than that.”

It was at this moment that the timing around him began to violently twist and oscillate. Although this ultimate timing theocratic power could not act on Michael itself, it was enough to interfere with the opponent’s shot speed. Let the latter’s clash be reduced to below 20,000 times per second, and the speed can’t be maintained at the speed of light all the time.

The time of abruptly accelerating makes the light have to be twisted or detoured.

He saved the Greek mankind, retained the prophecy of the Greek civilization and the **** of the prophet, and he possessed the power of ‘merit’ more than twice that of Angela.

If it wasn’t enough time, there was also a slight shortage of ‘merits’. Prometheus even had confidence in using the wishing technique to make his prophetic divine power into the level of truth.

This is a more powerful ability than the prophet. The prophet is only foreseeing and knowing in advance; the prophecy combines the power of words and spirits. The darkness is almost the authority of the creator.

If it is normal to participate in research and practice, Prometheus may have to spend more than 100,000 years to take this step.

The same concept, and huge profits, this is the reason why Prometheus gave up on the divine personality and became an angel under Li Mochen.

At the same time that Prometheus and Michael kept fighting against each other at a speed that was difficult for the naked eye, another angel who mastered the power of truth-level light-Mithra, the angel of light worshipping the fire **** , Also in a bitter battle.

His opponent is the’High Dragon God’ Io, this slave who has officially become the lord of destiny not long ago, has exerted a powerful combat power that truly belongs to a false **** king level on the battlefield, and has far exceeded The recovery ability of the pseudo-god king.

It does not have the amount of power of God at the level of truth, but reduces the light of the other side to the level it can cope with through the ‘ice’ and ‘darkness’ of the pseudo-truth level, the ‘timing’ and the ‘space’ of the ultimate.

This ancestor of almost all dragons in the bright world, his abilities are shocking!

However, the most surprising situation on the battlefield was that the’Holy Flame Angel’ Ulle was actually forcibly exiled to the Outland by Li Mochen’s magic pet,’Dragon Vein’.

This is the most surprising situation. Ulle is a powerful existence at the level of the pseudo-god, and his flames and light have reached the level of pseudo-truth. However, it is such a king of angels who is only inferior to Michael and Gabriel in the kingdom of heaven, but he was dragged into the void outside the light world by the “dragon vein”, revealing his lack of ability in space. .

“Here, I am the void! I am the shadow!”

In the emptiness, the dragon’s veins pretended to be a majestic roar: “Ulie, don’t you think–“

He tried hard to imitate the style of the supreme dragon **** Io, but unfortunately the sword that Ullie subsequently cut off made him have to take his words back to his stomach and quickly change direction.

But this “Holy Flame Angel” can’t take it in the emptiness. Here it can not only integrate with shadow and nothingness, but also control the power of space freely.

In addition, Li Mochen has also built a small set of “Small Zhoutian Void Sword Array” with only 108 swords, which can make it change its orientation more freely.

Of course the Dragon Vessel also takes the’Holy Flame Angel’ Ulie helplessly, and any of its attacks cannot break through Ulie’s armor of light.

However, its task only needs to be able to hold down the false **** king. Even if this guy is only allowed to stay in the emptiness for two to three days, it is a great support for his father.


“Unbelievable, in this case he actually has this extra strength.”

Above the sky, inside a medium-sized battleship, Lord of Desire and Temptation looked at the battlefield below inconceivably.

“Hella the Winter Goddess, Christ the Earth Angel, the newly-enclosed Angel of Liberty Delfinia Adrick, and the earthly python, have not appeared on the battlefield until now.”

This situation is indeed exaggerated. After the three gods joined forces, they could not force the God of Destiny to exert their full strength.

-Their fleet array is not very powerful, and it is far inferior to the kingdom of God. And the Assa Department is not without support on Grandon Island. But the current battle situation has fallen into a stalemate, and judging from the current situation, this war will have no results within three or five days.

However, the few who have not yet appeared on the battlefield, the strength of the “Earth Python” Yemengjia is unfathomable. This one is now lurking under the deep sea and waiting for opportunities, but there is currently no his. Opponent; “Freedom Angel” Delfinia Adrick should have the ability to fight against the false **** king-this “exile” is completely unreasonable, more domineering than the shadow dragon More.

As for the winter goddess Hella and the angel of the earth, Christine, the former is one of the three siblings who will eventually destroy the Asa sect, and he is extremely talented; while the other Christine has only risen as the main **** in just a few years. Existence cannot be ignored either.

This is the real ‘Yu Li’, unlike Tarot, although standing here. But the “God of Language, Fairy Tales and Legends” Green has been waiting for him to appear.

Although the latter is the main divine order, it can ignore his desires and temptations to a certain extent, and he is not afraid of a pseudo-god king like him who has a clear defect in the amount of divine power.

Thinking of this, Lord could not help feeling the scalp tingling, a trembling feeling could not help spreading in his body.

He had a hunch that he, as well as the gods of all the gods, had made a huge mistake.

They first underestimated the local power of the light world, and then, after paying extreme attention, they still underestimated the growth rate of the Lord of Destiny.

Unconsciously, this man already has huge wings that are not inferior to the Lord of Glory. It is even more victorious. After all, the tolerance of that person makes it easier for him to recruit powerful followers.

“Hades encountered resistance in Underworld. He said that Angela, the **** of underworld and dreams, is more powerful and more perfect than before. He said he was sorry that they could not win Twilight Dragon City.”

Zeus sat on the east side of the round table in this conference room, but at this time, the speech was the victory goddess Nikki standing behind him.

This news is undoubtedly bad, and Zeus’s complexion is also ugly. Hades did not go alone. He brought two of the twelve main gods of Olympus, including the newly joined Miracle Angel Weimar Medici.

“It seems that the situation is very bad, we still chose a wrong battlefield.”

Odin looked directly at Zeus: “Then the night goddess, are you not going to participate in this war?”

The reason why it is said to be a wrong battlefield is that when the opposing fleet array is complete, those who believe in the gods can basically stand alone against the ancient gods of the same rank.

The night goddess Nix, although not part of the Titan clan, is an important member of several generations of Greek shrines.

So this time it was Zeus who was responsible for persuading and contacting Nix.

“She refused!”

Zeus grinned: “She said she can’t take part in this battle now.”

After everyone heard it, they understood the meaning of this sentence as soon as possible. It is ‘unable’, not ‘unwilling’.

Obviously, Nix, the goddess of the night, was held back by some factor.

“What about Rhea?”

“Unfortunately, Gaia will not allow her to participate in the war.”

Ahura on the other side looked at the ‘sun’ on the south side of the round table.

“I didn’t see Isis and Satan.”

But the Lord of Glory didn’t mean to answer at all. The radiance was always dazzling, and there was no change in the spectrum.

But on his side, the God Sergeant Gabriel, his eyes were cold: “Twenty-six of the twenty-six angel kings in front of my throne are fighting. And your majesty, your The bust has not appeared so far.”

The twenty-four angels who participated in the battle also included him Gabriel, and oppositely took out the’God of Gas and Electromagnetics’, Faraday, who was also the magician’Magnetic Tyrant’, and two children of Fenrir, Hati and Scuol. The powerful existence of these three main **** levels made him helpless, and the ‘fairness’ and ‘punishment’ he controlled would interfere with many allies here, so Gabriel simply returned to the side of the glorious Lord to watch the battle.

He believes that this Ahura is not good-hearted. Everyone knows that His Highness is still in a state of serious wounds, and the evil fire in her body has not yet been completely removed.

There is Satan, and the situation is even worse. Although this gave up the bottom of the abyss, improved his situation.

Lucifer-the traitor, Andre Lee Wiltonstein’s ally, has been working hard against Satan and struggling tirelessly. This has kept Satan’s injury from improving. This head of the abyss, the receiver of sinful souls, has not had time to heal for the past six months.

And the consequences of these two forced battles may completely shake the foundation of the glorious heaven.

“But if His Highness Isis doesn’t show up, how dare I let my half come?”

Ahura’s lips were slightly picky, with a sneer in his smile: “What’s more, why should I put in my best? That destiny master, he can’t temporarily affect me, right?”

“Stop arguing, everyone!”

Odin’s voice was like thunder, rolling in this conference room, suppressing all abnormal sounds.

“First of all I have to thank you for your assistance! If it were not for your arrival, I think I have lost this island. But I think you are here because you are aware of the threat of that destiny master. You must admit that he It is very powerful now, and its wings are very plump. He will be even stronger in the near future. This person’s strength growth rate needs to be measured in seconds. And now, we can’t let him continue, otherwise—”

“Otherwise all of us will be driven away from this world by him.”

Zeus snorted: “If it is the best to kill him, it is impossible. He must also destroy his **** system and let him withdraw from this world.”

“We can only do it ourselves now.”

Ahura looked at the image in the distance, and looked casually, with a little self-deprecation: “Oh! The four **** kings joined forces, even Gaia, there is no such treatment -“


At this time, the Magic Tower of Destiny’s Land had already descended over the fleet.

As if the king had returned, the inside of the array of magical energy constructed by many warships and magic towers suddenly increased its magical energy content by at least twice.

And on the 40th floor of this magic tower, Li Mochen looked at the battleship in the clouds with a cold face.

“Joining the four **** kings.”

Anthony’s image appeared in front of Li Mochen, who was driving the’Mechanical Ares’ No. 3 to fight the forging **** Hephaestus.

Perhaps due to the emergency situation, he couldn’t be distracted to glance at Li Mochen.

“Are you sure, Andrea?”

“You look at me too much Anthony, the lord of brilliance is not inferior to Gaia, or even stronger. How could I win?”

Li Mochen’s sentence obviously suffocated Anthony’s breath. But what he said next, he calmed the emotion of the industrial master for the first time.

“Fortunately, I still have helpers, so this time it will still be one enemy and two, I should be able to support for a period of time. Three to five days is no problem, at least it can allow us all to retreat safely.”

Anthony’s lips twitched involuntarily: “So what’s the point of this attack on Grand Island? Are we here to beat?”

“At least let this **** war take place on the sea, in the enemy’s territory. Sooner or later they will do it, right? These days. Compared to the array of magic towers in those cities, don’t you think that the warships below us are The magic tower is more reliable?”

Li Mochen said with a smile: “Of course, the reason why I promote this landing plan is also no conspiracy, you will know Anthony later.”

“Wow, it sounds like you have another bad idea. Is it about Asa, or Olympus? Reluctant to say? You made me look forward again, then I am waiting for you.”

After Anthony finished speaking, he ended the communication directly, and he couldn’t talk any more. At the stall where they talked, Hephaestus displayed his might and removed a large number of parts from his mechanical **** of war. Fortunately, the core of this giant mechanical creation is Tifeng’s entire skeleton, otherwise he has now lost.

It was at this time that Li Mochen’s expression moved slightly, and he sensed the unparalleled breath coming.

“Lord of timing, here is yours!”

Behind him, another Li Mochen opened his eyes: “Since going!”

At this time, the former figure has already appeared outside the magic tower. At the same time, the sea suddenly turned up again, and a huge python leaped from the depths of the ocean.

It is incomparably huge, just the volume of the snake head is equivalent to ten Wiltonstein buildings. The body of the feathered snake **** Kukulkan who died in the hands of Li Mochen was also very large, but in front of this python, it was like a little snake just born.

This is the earthly giant python Yemengarde. As soon as it appeared, it bit directly at Odin, and then swallowed this Asa God King, the most powerful God of War in the world.

This put Odin directly into a state of rage, and the ‘Gangnier’s Lance’ in his hand exploded into an astonishing gang, and was powerful enough to reach the world’s limit, the ‘Yuanlijian’ waved out.

However, this sacred gun with truth-level puncture failed to penetrate Yemengaard’s body for a while, and only caused numerous amazing protrusions on the outside of Yemengaard’s body.

Li Mochen glanced over there and didn’t’s “energy absorption”, “energy eternity”, “energy cycle” and “energy release” all reached the level of pseudo-truth.

It can’t fully absorb all of Odin’s attacks, but it can still solve 70% or 80%. Then there is the array of magical energy, and the help of Li Mochen’s’vitality’, which allows Yemengarde to use his amazing resilience to contain Odin for a while. Its existence allows Odin to use at most two or three points of energy on him.

Ye Mengjia’s own power is naturally impossible to hurt this warlord. Now Odin is actually fighting against his own power. Yemengarde absorbed it from the past and returned it to Odin himself.

Because of the weight loss plan that Hella and Fenrir have set for it, Ye Mengjia now can fight for two days.

——This is the power of the wishing technique. Yemengade’s recent wishes to him are all related to weight loss.

At this time, Li Mochen had been stopped before the big day of the incarnation of the Lord of Light, and he looked directly at the dazzling light.

“Speed ​​is meaningless in front of me, Horus!”

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