Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 677 - seal

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of Destiny Domination!

“Just three hours ago, the twelfth branch of the Divine Wing Knights and the thirteenth branch of the Church of Destiny have settled in the city of Santa Maria.”

In Asgard, in the temple belonging to Odin, the gods of the Asa sect were also worried and restless for the war in South America.

Loki, the “God of Flame and Fraud,” sitting on his own seat, said calmly his new information: “In addition, in the direction of Encarnacion, they may have hidden a group of 300,000 people. The above armored mechanical corps are currently being further confirmed. I expect that it is probably the new defense force established by the Brazilian government with funding from Ameriga. Obviously, they have insight into our evacuation plan.”

He noticed that Odin’s face became colder, which made Rocky feel happy, and slightly raised the corner of his lips as he spoke.

“So do you think they will launch a full offensive on this? His Highness Loki?”

The question was from Asa’s Queen Friega, who knew that there was no loyalty to Asa’s lineage. It can be limited to the contract. The words spoken by Odin and the public are still partially credible.

“It depends on how we choose. Just two months ago, we ceased fire on the front line for three days. Then their navy attacked the port of Cattorondi on the mainland of Antalya and gathered us there. Thousand and four hundred transport ships sank, and then broke through and captured the important transportation hub of Formosa. I think their attitude is the same now. If we plan to stop this war in South America, then destiny The Alliance will not hesitate to launch a decisive battle to drive us down to the sea, or even wipe out on land.”

Loki smiled slightly sarcastically: “I know you don’t want to admit this, but the 32 million warriors of the Beast Empire in South America are, to some extent, indeed hostages to each other. “

Rocky knew all this, but in fact it was the aftermath of the Battle of Grandon. After losing the superiority of the gods and also hitting the sea power, the situation of the Asa sect in South America is destined to worsen.

At first, the gods of Asa were blinded by appearances, confident that they could defend Argentina, and even counterattacked into Brazil again after adding troops. But now, everyone is aware of the coldness and maliciousness that fate dominates behind that front.

In Loki’s view, Odin and Tyre also need to bear a great responsibility, and neither of them as a **** of war will allow failure. The first-line commanders of the Ten Beast Empire did not dare to convey their worries to the gods even when they encountered major resistance, which also caused all the gods of the Asa sect to misjudge and fail to accurately understand The situation changes to the front.


“The goddess of harvest and harvest” Hiff sneered: “That’s an army of up to 32 million people, the most elite warrior of the Thousand Beast Empire! Can they have such a big appetite?”

“The problem is that now not only is the destiny master opposite us very confident, but the vast majority of people here may think so. You know, their army half a year ago, but it broke through our defense line. I said Is that correct? Your Highness Tyre?”

When he saw that several gods, including Schiff, did not understand the situation, their faces changed slightly, Loki said again: “There is even worse news that the destiny master and Isis not long ago After meeting, the two are said to have reached an agreement, and the contents of this agreement are unknown to outsiders. It is recommended that His Majesty send a letter to ask for an explanation.”

Here, Odin’s expressionless socket: “I have already asked, and Her Royal Highness Isis said she has no comment.”

“Wow, the unspeakable secret.”

Loki laughed: “I guess it’s related to the abnormal state of the Lord of Glory. The divine level is likely to have another problem and needs the help of the Lord of Destiny. But this is just my personal guess, specifically We have no way of knowing what happened.”

This sentence suddenly made many of the gods present buzz, and almost everyone was talking in different voices with different looks.

“The Lord of Glory is still our solid ally, there is no doubt that you do not need to care.”

Oddington paused the long sword in his hand, and suppressed all the strange noises in the hall with his unmatched majesty.

“I have called you here for the situation in South America. What we need is a countermeasure to resolve the current crisis, not to question our allies because of the wind and the wind. What do you want to say? Tyre?”

“We only have two choices, Your Majesty!”

Tyre’s pale-faced response: “One is to withdraw our soldiers at any cost, but there will be great fatalities and injuries. Our commander believes that it is very lucky to be able to withdraw 10 million people; one is An additional 15 million troops will strengthen our current frontier. But our logistics will be under great pressure, and Argentina’s resources alone cannot afford us nearly 50 million soldiers to fight on that continent. This is bound to be a bottomless hole. Once we lose the right to control the sea, all the warriors of the beast empire will go back and forth.”

“Tir, can’t you evacuate, can’t you increase your troops?”

Tyre looked at where the voice came from, it was Thor Thor.

“His Highness, if we evacuate, they will never sit back and watch. But if we choose to increase our troops, they will definitely be happy.”

“It’s all very stupid.”

Hodel, the **** of darkness, frowned deeply: “On the side of South America, can we only fight 35 million people?”

“Continuing to increase the squeeze of resources and taxation, 42 million people in the limit state is also possible. But this will also accelerate their purpose of increasing faith. In addition, the Guangming Church has expressed dissatisfaction with us many times, this May lead to a complete breakdown of the alliance.”

Rocky responded with a smile: “Our enemies are terrible. Think about it. When the full-scale war started, why did they counterattack at any cost and **** back the Brazilian triangle industrial zone centered on Rio de Janeiro?”

“Shouldn’t this be your responsibility? Rocky!”

Thor stared angrily at the **** of fraud: “It is because of your intelligence that we made the wrong decision.”

“Sharp accusation!” Loki didn’t care: “However, I couldn’t know the internals of Amerika, didn’t Lord Lord also do it? In the final analysis, we misjudged the support of the ancient Eastern Kingdom for the God of Destiny. , And the riots in America have also subsided too quickly, and their industrial capabilities have also exploded particularly strong. This makes me deeply doubt the sincerity and ability of the Guangming Church and the Olympus, they should be responsible for containing Ami Liga’s domestic.”

“—— The most important misjudgment still comes from the level of the gods. We failed to destroy their mining and magical material breeding bases as expected, nor could we put enough pressure on them on the frontal front. Also, five months I have warned everyone before that the information we collected is likely to have a huge gap with the facts. We may be caught in a quagmire in South America. It is the best strategic choice to give up temporarily over there. Please pay attention. Really? Your Royal Highness? I remember you saying that, retreat? Odin’s glory cannot be tarnished!”

Thor’s breath is slightly sluggish, apparently forced by Loki’s words to say nothing, he can only turn his head: “So what about the “overrun warfare”? I heard that we have smuggled to Amerika locals The clan has very good results?”

The so-called over-the-counter war, also known as “asymmetric war”, refers to a battle or war beyond the “limit (and limit)”, which is a form of war that jumps out of the battlefield, including “ecological war”, “trade war”, “finance” “War”, “Terrorist War”, etc., to strike at each other’s war confidence and war potential by any means.

“Unfortunately, the current asymmetrical war is that we are at a disadvantage. Your Highness, Thor, will you not know how many rebels are in our occupied area?”

Loki sighed and seemed to be distressed: “We did cause a major blow to America, but their heavy industry and materials industry were not affected in any way, and then many newspapers and television stations rendered our Asa theology Terrorists and demons, which makes their faith more firm. I guess Destiny is in Amerika, and there are now at least 4 billion devotees. Their prayer power is like Tianzhu! “

“I heard that we already have 3,000 nuclear bombs of various types? Can this help the front?”

Hodel, the **** of darkness, thoughtfully asked, “If the purpose is to destroy each other–“

“Are you kidding me? Hoddle? We have three thousand nuclear bombs, but we can be more than ten times opposite? According to the figures I surveyed, it may be between 50,000 and 70,000. We can hit their frontline troops , But they can destroy all our fighters.”

Rocky shook his head without waiting for Hodell to finish speaking, and projected a map into the hall.

“Do you know what a’particle beam anti-missile system’? His Royal Highness? The particle beam gun, you can understand it as a technologically enhanced version of the’impact ray’ magic. The battle of Granton Island, the array of particle beam guns on those battleships You should have seen Hoddle? Nowadays, the particle beam weapon technology of the ancient eastern country is very mature. They do not need magic arrays or expensive magic materials to make them more powerful. Particle beam weapons that are smaller and cheaper to build.”

“And Light and Magic Industries bought their technology and embedded particle beam anti-missing matrices in the array of urban magic towers under their control all over the world. You may hardly imagine that just Sydney City, they are now A total of 17 particle beam defense matrixes are arranged, with a total of 3400 particle beam guns. This can not only defend against missiles within a range of 13,000 kilometers, but also effectively kill gods within 3,000 kilometers. .”

“Then all their latest models of magic armor, tanks, and tanks have strengthened their ability to deal with radiation. As long as they are not the center of a nuclear bomb explosion, then all of their soldiers wearing magic armor have certain survivability. This Let them increase their ability to cope with nuclear war-believe me, once the door to Pandora is opened, we must regret it. This is my advice to you!”

Hoddle’s face was gloomy, and the Battle of Grandon Island, they had tried to use the power of tactical nuclear missiles to solve the Allied fleet, but they were all intercepted without exception.

The result was on their side. Many sea beasts were killed and wounded by the missiles on the opposite side. In terms of nuclear warfare capabilities, the power of the Fate Alliance really far surpassed them.

“Hodel, although you are not God of War, but if you have time, you should still get to know the latest weapons and equipment of the enemy!”

Odin rubbed his forehead with a headache: “So in this state, we simply can’t solve it?”

“Your Majesty, unless—”

Tyre’s eyes flickered: “Unless we can exert pressure on the Alliance of Destiny in another direction, or engage in another Divine War, a war that will allow us to regain our superiority. If the Divine Destiny can be given a heavy blow, then we All the problems we face now can be solved.”

Odin snorted, and his eyes overflowed with **** streamers: “But Tyre, in the past six months, we have been looking for opportunities to fight, haven’t we?”

Tyre couldn’t help being dumb again. Less than half a month after the Battle of Granden Island, the four great deities had been seeking the second battle. They never found the right time-a time to let the gods of destiny get out of the protective system like the turtle shell and had to confront them head-on.

But now, it is more likely that they were forced to fight another battle with the Destiny God in South America.

There, there are up to two thousand magic towers on the enemy’s front, and the magic array is also following up from time to time. Those strongholds can provide effective support for the gods of the Destiny Department within 3,000 kilometers. They have also created many types of special artillery pieces-all are magic weapons with small caliber but amazing fire rate, which can form an effective threat to gods.

Tyre can know the outcome of this war even if he thinks about it with his heels, it will never be better than Grand Island.

“The retreat plan is still suspended. First send the Magic Axe Legion and the 342th Legion under the Duke of Cobb to South Amerika to stabilize the Destiny Lord. But the defense in the direction of’Montevideo’ It must be strengthened! The current frontline is still too close. If you want to evacuate, the port capacity of this Uruguay capital is crucial.”

This is Lord, the **** of temptation, and he is clearly well thought out: “Your Majesty, I think you should talk to them now. If we suffer another fiasco over there, it may shake the world. In addition, I Feeling more and more urgent.”

Odin knew that the ‘them’ refers to those allies of the Asa sect.

“You are right, Lord, the pressure of the Destiny Alliance cannot be borne by us alone. The Lord of Destiny is getting stronger and stronger, and we can no longer hope for a battlefield that is absolutely beneficial to us—”

At this moment, Odin’s expression slightly condensed, his eyes looked towards a certain direction, and then his face became more gloomy. There was an incredibly violent breath that flew out of Odin’s body, leaving many gods here with a chill.


Some time earlier, above the Arctic ice sheet.

“Am I right? You and Odin, and Zeus, they finally got what? The faith of light is fading in the New World, and Olympus is starting from Greece on the old world and eating away your power.”

“In their occupied area, you persuaded your believers to be patient. But how did they do it? As the oppressive days of the glorious believers day by day, you probably don’t know how many believers I have now, on the bright side is 110 Billion, but the real number has already exceeded 15 billion. If the Church of Truth is removed, then the world’s first faith has changed two, this is the AH you got from the alliance?”

“Also Ahura, since the alliance, his usurpation of truth and belief has become more flagrant. Has he worked hard for this alliance? Probably yes, but he is now more focused on usurping your faith, maybe another year or two. , His foundation in the Truth Church will be truly solid. And you, you have to compromise and do nothing.”

“The two should believe in my credibility. As long as you are willing to help me, if there is a second **** in the future, it will be His Royal Highness. You have already handed over the original core of the world to my Now you have other options besides working with me?”

By the side of Isis, Li Mochen is using his three-inch tongue to tirelessly try to persuade Isis and the group of ‘suns’ around her.

The Madonna of Light and the Lord of Light were unmoved, but Gaia, Zeus, and Rhea, not far away, all had cold faces.

Li Mochen did not cover anything, they could hear what Li Mochen was saying. But the current strange relationship between the two parties makes them susceptible.

The key is what this person said, which is what they are most worried about. Once the biggest forces of the two parties join forces, the battle for God may be finalized.

Isis was helpless. She might be able to guess Li Mochen’s intention, but she was helpless. The result of seeking Li Mochen was that she could not forcefully oust thousands of miles away from this, and she could not expose the situation of the Lord of Glory to more people.

And even knowing that the other party was provoking, Isis still irresistibly gave a bit of resentment. The current alliance’s harm to the interests of the Bright Church is indeed too big for her to ignore. This made Isis’s Yihai from time to time come up with the idea of ​​simply cooperating with Li Mochen, and could not help himself.

“Don’t be provoked by him, Horus.”

Isis’s face was indifferent, and he did not have any fluctuating expressions to communicate with God of Glory.

“This Lord of Destiny is our greatest enemy, he is not credible!”

“But it’s you, my mother, who is being stirred up now.”

Horus’s voice was not as hot and violent as the image he liked, but it was as cold as ice: “And you have to admit that he is talking about facts. This alliance, I have never been optimistic about this, which makes My believers have suffered hardships they shouldn’t bear.”

Isis secretly sighed: “Even if we want to cooperate with him, we must wait until your problem is solved. Before that, Horus, we must get in his way anyway.”

“If you want to contain him, you should not give him the world’s original core, which will make his advantage more obvious.”

Horus disagreed: “This battle of the soul, I will not necessarily lose to me, to that shadowmoon.”

“Of course I believe you, Horus.”

Isis’s eyes flashed: “But we have safer and more secure methods, why don’t we use them?”

Li Mochen is completely unaware of the conversation between their mother and son. He still speaks the lotus flower: “Do you know? Isis? I even expected where our next war would break out, not far from here, is the federal state of Alaska? ?”

It was this sentence that made Isis tremble, and stared coldly at Li Mochen.

“If you didn’t ask me for help this time, then I can only avoid the war temporarily. But now, I have the idea of ​​fighting the last game with you, so guess the victory? Your Highness Isis, do you think we Who will win between the two parties?”

But when they talked about this, the half-man Mak Rong flew up from the inside of the ice sheet: “It’s ok, everyone, then you just need to pour in the divine power.”

The seven **** kings present at this time-Lord of Glory, Isis, Lord of Destiny, Ishtar, Gaia, Zeus, and Rhea, they looked at each other, and then each came to Karon to prepare for them. Garrison.

Zeus, who was on the far east side, asked with a twinkling gaze: “I want to know, how long can this be sealed, His Royal Highness Karon?”

“Thirty to fifty years, it depends on your wishes, to see whether the final divine seal is strong. It is too late, and the time to permanently seal him has passed seven months ago.”

Karong responded with a bitter smile: “Now, even if he is delayed by one more day, it will allow us to give the world an extra day.”

“So the key lies in whether our will is firm and whether the divine power is coordinated?”

Li Mochen has poured divine power into the seal array laid out in Karon, making the surrounding ice caps burst into beams of light.

“I urge you to go all out. The variable Kayos is not a good thing for all of us. Especially you, Your Majesty Zeus!”

Li Mochen actually didn’t quite understand why Gaia had to call this King of Olympus together. This was originally not Li Mochen’s invitation.

To temporarily seal Kaos, their six **** kings are actually enough.

The person Zeus is Li Mochen’s most uneasy. When Gaia and her three children filled the world to fight the descendants of Kaos, Zeus had not yet entered this world.

After becoming the **** king, he used the power of Nix to balance Gaia with the heirs of Kaos. He sheltered a considerable number of the descendants of Kaos, making them a loyal pillar of the Olympus Court.

Zeus didn’t answer, only smiled coldly, and Gaia responded coldly: “I said, I can guarantee him! His strength can help us, and I can also guarantee that he will not act on us, There is no disadvantage to this seal formation. Ahura and Odin can also prove it.”

What she meant was that until this moment, the two **** kings were unaware.

“hope so!”

Li Mochen’s lips twitched, and his eyes were still questioning. But he closed his mouth in the end, and continued to pour divine power into the seal formation silently.

He didn’t really care about the plans of these people.

If this seal can last for more than three years, Li Mochen has fulfilled his wish and is satisfied. As for the next situation, no matter how it develops, he is confident and capable of coping.

About thirty minutes later, the entire ice sheet centered on the seal array was shaking violently. The ice layer on the surface keeps cracking, making a continuous ‘click’ sound, and the surrounding ice mist is also constantly oscillating, and each one is crushed into particles, which makes the scalp numb.

If it were not for the repression of the seven **** kings here, the explosion caused by the nuclear fission would surely affect the entire Arctic ice sheet.

Inspired by the seal formation, Kaos’ consciousness was rapidly awakening, and his power was leaking out. On the one hand, the endless chaos is engulfing their power; on the one hand, it constantly oscillates out.

Li Mochen’s expression also gradually sank. Although this “chaos” master has been sleeping for thousands of years, his strength is not weak at all.

Is there “chaos” at the truth level, and “shock” at the truth level? He doesn’t know if this man has other powers, but these two alone are enough to make him stand firmly in the position of the first-line **** king and keep pace with them. “Chaos” and “Shock”, one attack and one defense, complement each other!

Over time, this resistance became more and more fierce, and the third powerful truth-level theocracy of Kaos also began to appear, that is-rift!

Including Li Mochen and Karong, there were more or less fissures in the bodies of the eight people. On the one hand, they have to suppress the cracks in their bodies, and they have to ensure that the surrounding material will not undergo particle-level’cracking’.

Once nuclear explosions continue to occur, the seal formation of Karon will be defeated. Not only was it impossible to seal Kaos, it also caused this person to wake up early.

But the power of the seven powerful **** kings on the scene prevented this possibility. The ultimate’unification’,’law’ and’coordination’ possessed by Li Mochen can all play a certain role, but his divine theocracy is the main force against the cracks.

At the same time, Li Mochen also felt that there were several lines of sight in the void, and was paying attention here.

There is the night goddess Nix, there is also the Nordic **** Odin, and there is also the current truth **** Ahura-but these three have no intention to intervene.

Outside of this seal formation, Karon also used his storage in the mythological era to arrange a magnificent defensive array to prevent external interference. The seven **** kings present at this time were all capable of doing everything.

Just about half an hour later, the cracks and shocks on the ice sheet finally began to alleviate, and the resistance of Kaos gradually weakened under the suppression of the seal array.

At the same time, a black aerosol rose from the deep sea under the ice sheet and rushed out of the ice sheet. Appeared in front of them. The black mist quickly condensed, revealing a three-inch villain.

It is an existence similar to the image of a succubus, which perfectly combines beauty, temptation and sorrow. Moreover, it is obviously a villain, but it has shown overwhelming divine power and momentum, so that the seven **** kings present instinctively gathered up the divine thoughts and gathered in the body to fight against the strong transversal stress and the let Their creepy’staining’.

Li Mochen feels that he is extremely happy now, which is a feeling that can make him addicted. Similar to drug use, it is far billions of times more powerful than those popular in the bright world, and a little contact is enough to sink a mental person like Li Mochen.

That’happiness’ can be described as permeable. This creative power of law allows Li Mochen’s body to swim even if it is just normal body fluids, or even simple thinking.

And the ultimate joy made him unable to help himself with desire, wanting more of this kind of happy desire.

“this is?”

Ishtar looked suspicious, but then he realized the identity of this man, and then further strengthened the defense of the soul.

She knew that among all the people present, she, who is the Lord of Hell, was more likely to be polluted by the other party.

“Interesting, who is stopping my partner in this world?”

The succubus-shaped girl looked at everyone with a smile, and her eyes finally fixed on Li Mochen: “Should it be you? I saw a lot of causal lines in you. I know you, this The Lord of Destiny in the world, a powerful deity that has risen in just 30 years. Are you going to stop me? The Lord of Destiny in this world?”

Li Mochen’s eyes were condensed. The oldest king of the son of Kaos, the oldest king, “Fanas”, was a **** of both sexes.

And the one in front of him, the “sin” among the five gods of chaos, is also a bisexual god. He was born in the power of happiness, indulgence, pleasure, and even love. These four emotions originate from all life, and are also his source of strength.

In addition, the Greek myth and legendary wife of Kaos, “Eros”, is also the earliest **** of love; she was born from chaos and participates in everything created by the world.

Counting her the most beautiful among the immortal gods is the basic driving force for creating everything at the beginning of the world, the incarnation of the original driving force for the birth of new life in the universe and the innate creation of natural forces, and a symbol of all love and passion.

——How is this similar to the “sin” in the five gods of Chaos?

In terms of **** and abyss, there are more than a dozen demons and lords with similar power. But in front of this one, their power is as weak as ants.

“The proliferation of chaos is the enemy of all intelligent races.”

Li Mochen didn’t flinch and fled, and he looked directly at the’Lord of Sin’, the chaotic demon.

“When I became the **** of this world, we were destined to be enemies!”

“There is another possibility, for me!”

Sein smiled and looked at him: “I like you very much. You can get the most favor from me, and you can get the most gifts from me. Are you fighting for your chance to become God? I can let you now Get what you want, and let your prestige cover the world.”

There was no emotion on Li Mochen’s face, and he seemed unmoved. But in fact, within the mind, is resisting the waves of happiness and the endless desires. Let him never be satisfied, let him remember the longing.

The image of **** in front of him has also overlapped with Angela, and has become more beautiful and attractive.

Fortunately, at this time the seal formation of Karon was close to completion. It is estimated that up to three minutes, he can get rid of the power of this chaotic demon.

“Tough will! You interest me, and you are also qualified to play a game with you. But before that, you have to deal with your two big troubles first.”

Sinxi happily smiled: “The two masters of the last era, they will never let you get away easily. You are also angering terror and letting the toy that it releases hurt. And now, I will Add a little spice to your wonderful life, I hope to make you satisfied.”

At this time, her body turned into black mist again, and was divided into seven parts at the same time, throwing at the seven **** kings present. Li Mochen instinctively resisted with mana, but this was completely useless. The black mist still got in. On his right arm, a strange, flame-like mark was formed.

Li Mochen’s mind was tense, but then he could not care about it. Only because of the opposite Gaia, Rhea and Zeus changed at almost the same time. They pierced three dark green, mythical magical instruments like a spear, into the seal array in the deep sea. Their power also deviated from the established cycle, distorted the magic pattern of the seal array, and formed a unique magic pattern structure inside.

At the same time, the tips of the three spears also stretched out countless root systems, extending deep into the ground.

“Spear of natural gifts?”

Li Mochen carefully recognized, and then looked at Gaia with cold eyes: “Is this your guarantee? Mother Gaia?”

That is the artifact associated with Gaia, and one of the most powerful mythological arms in the hands of the root goddess.

Isis also looked cold: “Gaia, you betrayed our agreement.”

This time the seal, Li Mochen persuaded her, but it was Isis who was in charge of inviting Gaia. This made her angry, and felt like she was betrayed by the other party.

“My commitment is to help you seal him with all my did it too?”

Gaia smiled: “This seal array has not been destroyed, we just left a little bit behind. This seal is not only weakened, but stronger, we pay more than you think.”

“But your actions will make it easier for Kayos to penetrate the outside world.”

Karon had recognized the changes within the seal array and realized what they had done. This really helps to strengthen the seal, but the purpose of these three people is to use the seal array to extract the power belonging to Kaos.

That is one of the ‘spears of natural gifts’ that can draw and purify power from any living body.

In addition, this will also be the biggest hidden danger of the seal array. In the future, only one thought of Gaia can liberate this “chaotic” Kayos from the seal at any time.

“I know what you are worrying about, but it’s a last resort. I might release it almost.”

Gaia was clearly intolerant of entanglement with them, and the casually waved his hand: “That’s it! The seal is complete, we should leave.”

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