Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 689 - Evidence

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Soon after the war in Alaska, Li Mochen returned to his destiny kingdom surrounded by the gods.

Just like the wars of the past, although the God War is over at this time, there are still many affairs to be dealt with on the battlefield. Such as the placement of the millions of captives, the follow-up pursuit, the many wounded who need to be treated by the Destiny Department, and so on. However, Li Mochen did not do it himself this time. He handed over all the follow-up matters to his own government team and the staff. This is because he still has more important things to do.

At this time, Li Mochen’s mood was very complicated. He greatly defeated the alliance of the gods and established the hegemony of the gods in the bright world. This certainly made him excited. But this time the casualties were also the most in wars. In America and Maple Leaf alone, 1.2 million soldiers died in this battle. In addition, a large number of angels and divine warriors perished. Although their soul fragments were all collected by Angela in time, after remodeling, they may not be their previous appearance and thinking.

However, Li Mochen was still mostly happy. The victory of this war made him only one step away from the “God of God”. If even this has to cry and mourn, it is hypocritical.

In addition, there are two things that Li Mochen is pleased with. One is his side, and there is another angel king of the pseudo-god level, and the other is that he has a new pet.

The pet is the poisonous dragon’Nid Hog’, which originally had no entity, and finally obtained the real flesh in Odin’s body-half of the king’s body was swallowed by Fenrir, and the other half was returned ‘Nid Hog’. The latter did not turn into a dragon, but grew into a giant. It is three thousand meters high, and the flames showing through it are even more fierce than the flames of Prometheus.

In Li Mochen’s identification, this ‘Nid Hogg’ inherited at least 60% of Odin’s power and was a stable **** king rank. However, his mind is like a baby, purely like a blank piece of paper, and he is expected to grow slowly for a long time in the future. This makes ‘Nederhog’ completely unable to control his power, and is easily controlled by the spiritual power of the mind.

This is one of the reasons why Li Mochen is eager to return to the kingdom of God. He must hold a magic ritual as soon as possible to forcibly collect this’Nid Hog’ as his magic pet. Only in this way can he lend his own divinity and strength.’ Niederhogger, give it unbreakable spiritual sanctuary.

This new frost giant is likely to become Odin’s resurrection container in the future, but it will also be the best tool to use. Its pure mind will allow it to execute all of Li Mochen’s instructions 100%, and the powerful combat power that will keep pace with Lucifer will make’Nidhog’ unmatched most of the time.

And just by temporarily closing ‘Nederhog’, Li Mochen gained nearly 500 million virtue, and ‘Nederhog’ has caused disaster since its birth. The “flames” of truth around him not only melted all the material around him, but even caused fusion, and emitted a lot of nuclear radiation. If ignored, the entire Gulf of Alaska will be burned to a white ground by it.

The new King of Angels is Surtre, the Angel of Doom. After destroying Asgard, the flaming giant simply collapsed in front of Li Mochen and asked to become Li Mochen’s former angel.

According to this statement, after the realization of the gods at dusk, he has no regrets, and Frost Giant has the refuge of the Destiny Department in his veins, and there is no longer a crisis of survival.

At this time, whether it is for repayment or for the future and reproduction of the Frost Giant in the future, he is the best choice to join Li Mochen seat.

Li Mochen also lived up to this’Angel of Doom’: “His Highness Bismarck, I need you to help me make a plan to build a fortress on the Antarctic continent within this and next two years, which must accommodate 100,000 frost giants and 200,000 dwarves, For the 200,000 elves, the budget is tentatively set at 180 billion gold shields.”

When he said this, Hella and Surter both showed unexpected and incomprehensible colors. The Antarctic continent is naturally an environment suitable for the survival of frost giants, but it is also very close to the ‘Assa Continent’ where the Thousand Beast Empire is located, located on the back of the ‘Assa Continent’.

If not both of them have a certain understanding of the acting style and divinity of this destiny master, they almost think that this is preparing to use their frost giant to block the gun.

Loki responded quickly: “Your Majesty is worried about Kaoru?”

“Karo will wake up in a year or two at most. It is expected that this Chaos God will be one of our most dangerous enemies in the future. In the future, the Arctic is also likely to have a large war, but what is more dangerous is Chaos pollution. .”

Li Mochen responded with a smile: “Since you have decided to formally loyal to the Destiny and Deity Department, then my king will naturally be responsible for the fate of your family. And your frost giant’s country is obviously insecure. Believe me, the South is The future of your Frost Giants is wider, safer and more abundant. The 180 billion gold shields may be less, but your Frost Giants and Dwarves are good at building and will not lack materials, I It is expected that the funds will be sufficient, and additional funds will be added if not sufficient.”

Surter couldn’t help but convince: “You are such a merciful master!”

He then moved slightly: “I don’t know, Your Majesty, can the particle beam cannons at the top of the Alaska Mountains be given to my family? Our Frost Giant family is willing to bring out mythological materials of equal value in exchange for them.”

Surter is certain to build a fortified city on the Antarctic continent that is several times stronger and wider than the current frost giants. If you add the two hundred particle beam cannons that can directly fight against Gaia, you can guarantee this. The city of the future giants is like a golden soup.

Surtre has already witnessed the power of these modern artillery fires.

“Yes! I will let the Light and Magic Industry and Hua Guo cast 250 new “Fire Dragon Roars” for you. However, only the artillery will not work. I suggest that you better buy 20 “annihilation reactors” from the Light and Magic Industry. This not only guarantees the energy supply of’Fire Dragon Roar’, but also provides endless energy for your city.”

Li Mochen didn’t hesitate, he agreed to Surtre’s request. He looked at Anthony: “It’s better to complete it within ten months. Isn’t it a problem, Your Highness Anthony?”

“My factory is now running at full capacity.”

Anthony frowned, somewhat dissatisfied, but he finally gave Li Mochen a face: “Twelve months, I try to advance their orders as much as possible. But more resources are needed to expand our rare earth plant in China and Smelter.”

“That’s it!”

Li Mochen nodded slightly, stroking the scales of the dragon vein with satisfaction. The latter turned into a mini dragon, lying on Li Mochen’s knee. Watching Li Nichen and Li Boho behind Li Mochen with vigilant eyes, both of them made him feel threatened and made Dragon Vein vigilant.

It is worth mentioning that the body of the poisonous dragon’Nid Hog’ has been reduced with the help of Li Mochen, and it looks like an eight-year-old child;’Polos’ has become larger and separated from the body of Zeus After that, the’God of Opportunity and Creation’ rose in the wind.

“Then in the northern frost giant’s country, we also need to build a fortress, strengthen it on the original foundation, the defense strength cannot be inferior to Asgard and Avalon. Similarly, we also need to lay two hundred and five over there Ten Doors’Fire Dragon Roar’ is used to ensure the safety of the North.”

This frost giant’s country is just north of the maple leaf country, which can just stop the southward passage of Chaos God and his descendants.

“His Majesty!”

Bismarck raised his head and looked helpless: “Our current financial resources are simply unaffordable. In response to this Alaska war, we have emptied almost all warehouses and storage.”

He was originally immersed in dealing with congratulatory messages sent by all parties, as well as many post-war Alaska government affairs. But Li Mochen’s unrealistic ideas forced Bismarck to remind him.

“But I think it is necessary to build a defensive fortress in the north. Sin is in charge of reproduction, and Kaos has a large number of heirs, and they are a huge threat to Amerika’s north.”

‘God of Strategy’ Garcia Ferren’s refuted expression was condensed: “My Excellency, this fortress must be built no matter how costly it is. This is related to our foundation.”

“In terms of funding, we can let Maple Leaf and Amerika, and even the Slavic Empire and China bear part of it. I think one may not be enough. It is better to build three fortresses around the Arctic Ocean. In addition -“

Li Mochen smiled slightly: “My Prime Minister, the financial resources are not a problem, and now the treasure house of the Asa gods is in my hands, including Odin’s private collection. Asgard’s Divine Realm has incredible Even if the mythological material is removed, it is enough to build fifteen such fortresses.”

He got it by going back in time, not only before the destruction of Asgard’s domain, but also earlier than Odin fled Alaska. At that time, no one had paid attention to the situation of these treasure chests.

That is indeed an amazing asset. There are 1,500 pieces of myth-grade material, and the gold coins are piled up into seven mountains-this is not an ordinary ancient gold coin, it is a soul gold coin that runs through the heavens and the world. .

These gains can make Li Mochen wake up laughing from his dream.

“Okay, but you’d better let me count. Although this is your personal wealth, your majesty, I think I need to do a rough understanding.”

Bismarck’s spirit was revived: “Also, even if your Majesty has won the entire Asgard, you can’t squander it at will. Don’t forget that after this war, we still have a huge expense. Root thorn! Promy His Majesty Hughes reasoned that if His Majesty was to take control of the entire root cause within three years, we must cast 13,000 root thorns in a very short time and cast them around the world.”

Anthony twitched his lips: “13,000 shots-I would rather declare bankruptcy now.”

He knows that most of these missions will be undertaken by the Light and Magic Industry, but the Root thorn is much more expensive than the heavy particle beam gun, and it is more troublesome to cast.

But when he saw something that Li Mochen had thrown over, he immediately closed his mouth and took it with a smile on his face: “OK, I will try my best, it is also for the benefit of all of us. In fact, as long as the materials are sufficient, everything is easy to say.”

It was a piece of Arctic magnetic sand, the top-level deified material. Anthony had been wanting this thing for a long time, but it was hard to find. The previous trading event of the **** was not able to get it.

“The root thorn is a must, and this time it is also an expensive expense.”

Li Mochen continued: “This expenditure is borne by me alone, but I also hope that the countries of the Destiny League can increase military appropriation. I personally think that the minimum standard is set at 10% of the gross national product. Of course, considering Some members do have difficulties and can take flexibility measures to allow them to compensate in other ways.”

“Previously, the military expenditure ratio of some countries was indeed too low. It is reasonable to increase the military expenditure ratio.”

Bismarck nodded slightly, agreeing.

The victory of the Destiny Department in the Alaska War means that their voice within the alliance has greatly increased.

In order to win over all countries and forces, they must make certain concessions. However, if the Destiny Department has established hegemony today, there is no reason to let certain countries pay nothing and enjoy the safe haven of the Destiny Alliance.

Bismarck even prepared to further oppress allies and gain the status of the state religion of the nations, and even further, ban their enemies as illegal churches.

“I will be responsible for the coordination with the countries.”

Prometheus took the initiative to take this task: “However, in one fell swoop to 10%, is this your Majesty’s intention to wage a war of unity of faith?”

“Do not!”

Li Mochen shook his head slightly: “I hope that all wars will end in half a year! The war has lasted for several years, and everyone in this world needs to take a breath. At present, our faith is enough, and blind expansion and greed are not helpful. The Department of God. So this time the increased military expenditure will be used for military expansion, replacement of equipment and military research and development, for the preparation of the next war. Of course, one size fits all is certainly not possible, specific conditions are treated specifically. For example, body poison and South America The war must be ended as soon as possible. We can’t intervene in Western Europe for the time being. We can consider sitting and watching for the time being.”

After hearing the words, the gods couldn’t help but look different, some were gratified, some sighed, and others were disappointed.


Guderian used his consciousness to communicate with his colleague Rommel with regret, “South Amerika and the body poison, it would be better if they could drag on for a while.”

“It’s a pity, but the three Nordic countries and Iceland should be able to win this time, and it’s not without gain.”

Rommel knew what Guderian was sorry for.

After the Alaska War, it was originally the best time for them to expand their faith. After the League of Gods fiascoed and Asgard’s God Realm was overthrown, there was no power in the material world to prevent their expansion.

There are also South America and poison, if these two fronts can last longer, they can further squeeze the national power of the Ten Beast Empire.

However, Li Mochen had an agreement with the gods of body poison, and in South America, at least 70% of the people there were believers in the gods of destiny. Especially in the occupied area of ​​the Thousand Beast Empire, the vast majority of people secretly believe in the Lord of Destiny.

“But wasn’t it also expected? Your majesty, he has always kept his faith, and his divinity will not allow unjust wars.”

“I know, but if the dispute on land ends, then the entire alliance’s attention will be directed to the ocean.”

Goodrian smiled bitterly: “This is what I am most worried about.”

Rummelton was dumb. As a **** in the land war, he did not want to see the center of war turn to the navy.

But then, the Destiny League will vigorously advance the shipbuilding plan. This can not only protect the ocean trade, but also further attack and consume the empire of thousands of beasts, and also establish an advantage for their next war. It is beneficial and harmless.

Sure enough, shortly afterwards, Li Mochen raised the Navy’s army expansion plan. In the end, it was decided to use three years to build 65 fully modernized fleets with five battleships and five aircraft carriers worldwide.

Surprisingly, Li Mochen is also preparing to trial-produce thirty-two’star ships’ that can travel through the outer domain, including two battleships, two star domain motherships, and many supporting **** ships.

This made Guderian and Rommelton look at each other. While surprised by the progress of technology, they also felt a deep crisis.

And just after the agreement on the strategic direction of Alaska after the war, the cold and gloomy ‘peeping angel’ Reinhard Heidrich was among the gods.

“His Majesty!”

Reinhardt knelt in front of Li Mochen, holding a document: “According to my investigation in the past year, I found that there are a large number of suspicious members of the gods, and they have various connections with our enemies. , Or even conspiracy to overthrow our **** system. Your Majesty! This is the list and evidence I have drawn up, some of which have been proven.”

At this moment, the atmosphere on the 28th floor of the magic tower in this land of destiny became extremely cold. The smile began to disappear from the faces of the gods, and some people even showed panic in their eyes.

Li Mochen raised his hand, took the document in his hand, and then chuckled: “There are quite a lot of people, there are always more than 30 people in Lin Lin. Dissatisfied, ready to leave me. It has to be said that our destiny and **** system did not collapse in this Alaska war, which is really an amazing miracle.”

“His Majesty!”

The **** of storms and flood, Twik Wood, was among the gods, his eyes raged together: “Please publish the list! Let me kill these traitors!”

Ishtar was equally murderous: “I also want to know who these people are! For what reason, do the gods sorry for them? I hate betrayal!”

“Your Majesty! I think our **** system really needs to be pure and cleaned once!”

The voice of the Supreme Dragon God Io is also very tough: “I think this time, if not the advantage has always been on our side, many of us may be killed by them.”

“What you said makes sense.”

Although Li Mochen said so, the document burned in his hands: “But they didn’t put it into practice after all, and this person has always been irrational, so this list will not be published. .”

He has sensed the dissatisfaction of Lucifer and others, but Li Mochen still does not have any idea to change his mind: “Of course, the necessary punishment is necessary, and I will take care of it after today. Hope this is the last time, I will never Give you a second tolerance, I promise!”


At the same time, it is located in an Asa shrine that was built less than two years ago in Mumbai.

Sharma, the high priest of this temple, stood in the center of the wide temple, and his body shivered. In front of his eyes, belong to the many gods such as the **** of war Tyre, the **** of fertility and light, the goddess of land and harvest, the **** of fire and fraud, the **** of darkness and hodel, the **** of darkness and justice, and the **** of truth and justice. The god’s idol is collapsing, and even the **** king Odin is no exception. The outer layer of gold paint had completely fallen off, and the faces of the gods were also corroded by a powerful force, and they no longer looked like that. Their internal structure is also rapidly disintegrating, and stones are constantly falling apart.

This scene caused many priests and believers in the temple to panic. They knelt down on the ground in anxiety, chanting poetry and scriptures praising the Asaism to show their piety.

But Sharma knew it was useless. Their gods had fallen and died. This can be seen from the divine power in his body. Sharma has been unable to obtain power and magic from the gods through meditation. On the contrary, his own spirit and divine power are constantly dissipating.

The Asa Divine System has been destroyed!

Sharma couldn’t believe it or understand it.

He knows how powerful their **** is? I also know that the ancient gods have joined hands to meet the challenges of the new gods. So many gods work together to attack Alaska, the weakest force of Destiny.

No matter what they think, their **** has no reason to lose. But the reality in front of him gave him a heavy blow, making him feel only dim and desperate.

He Sharma has betrayed his nation, betrayed the gods of body and poison, betrayed the Brahmin, and exchanged supreme glory from the gods of Asa. In the end, will you face such an ending?

It was at this time that countless black breaths gathered in this temple, and when they filled the crowd, hundreds of believers and priests fell silently. It can be seen that there are countless black silk threads spread on the surface of their skin, just like the black death in the medieval era.

Until the end, a black figure appeared in front of Sharma.

“His Lord Lord?”

After recognizing the identity of the other party, Sharma’s spirit was slightly revitalized, and he felt that Lord, the **** of desire and temptation, is slightly different from the past. This made him a little suspicious: “Is this your question?”

“Some have lost their piety and are questioning the idiots of gods.”

Lord sneered coldly, with majesty in his eyes: “Sharma the High Priest! I feel your soul is also in a dangerous direction–“

“His Lord Lord!”

Sharma collapsed to the ground with some fear: “Trust me, my destiny is tied to the Asa gods.”

“Destiny? A blasphemous answer, but it’s smart.”

Lord Low looked down at the high priest: “It seems that I can believe you! Then listen to the oracles now and take your priest and **** warrior away from this temple. You will face a hard time , Your Majesty and I need you to fight in the dark.”

“His Majesty?”

Sharma’s expression struggled and hesitated, but finally he spit out the question: “That is to say, we have failed in the Alaska War?”

“This is nothing to say. We did experience a disastrous defeat. The Destiny Gods set up an evil conspiracy. Versace and Loki betrayed the Gods. Asgard’s God Realm was destroyed, and His Majesty Odin was already. He died in the dusk of the gods. However, His Majesty Thor is still there. He has taken over as the king of the gods, and even the gods after the fall will usher in the rebirth soon.”

Lord’s words are gentle and convincing: “You can now pray to His Majesty Thor to welcome the brand-new power His Majesty has given.”

“I will obey the oracle! I will not let you down, Highness.”

The despair in Sharma’s mind has gradually dissipated. He thinks the situation is bad. But since Thor is still there, and Lord is also assisting him, their situation has not developed to the worst.

“It’s best!”

Lord’s eyes glanced at the people present: “I know that you are very upset now. In fact, the next period of time will indeed be the most difficult time for the Asa Church and the gods. As long as you can remain pious , Sincerely pray to the gods, you will feel the hope from them. Our Majesty Tor has gained more power than His Majesty Odin from the ancient years, he will provide you with blessings, and reach a saint in you After your achievements, give you eternal glory and eternal life—”

At this time, no one noticed that the black mist had filled the audience and was quietly invading the bodies of many priests and believers present.


Thanks to modern and well-developed media information and networks, less than a minute after the end of the Alaska naval war, it has set off a raging wave all over the world.

But the influence of this war on the world has gradually emerged.

Just like England, the day after Li Mochen completed the magic ritual to conquer the poisonous dragon “Nid Hog”, he saw the British Parliament on TV broadcast and passed the bill to determine the Destiny Department as the state religion.

At this time, the British gods still exist, but they have been abandoned by their citizens. Worship of the strong is a human instinct. After all the wars and storms that the gods have come to, no matter the people or the big families in England, they hope to use the power of the God of Destiny to protect the country and the people.

At this time, Li Mochen still kept his promise to Merlin, but the disintegration of the British sacred system was a foregone conclusion.

Speaking of Merlin, this **** of mana, magic knowledge, magic words and prophecy was also in the Alaska War, which provided him with great help. The **** of celestial body and meteorology, the **** of Olympus, Clius, and the **** of universe and astrology, Koius, were suppressed by this one person.

The same thing happened in the three Nordic countries. Three days later, the parliaments of the three Nordic countries passed resolutions to determine the Destiny Department as the state religion of the Three Kingdoms, and respect the lord of destiny and equality as the national protector.

Li Mochen was not surprised. He knew that the people of the three Nordic countries insisted and yearned for so-called’freedom’, which was even more important than Amerika. The Asa gods are incompatible with their descendants who stayed in Northern Europe. They were able to use their background in Northern Europe to suppress them with the power of the gods.

But the dusk of the gods has now come to an end, most of the main gods in the Asa sect are dead, and the remaining three generations of gods can only hide in the dark sea of ​​evil.

The priests of the Asa sect did not resist decently, but were swept into the garbage dump by politicians from the three Nordic countries.

Then there is Indonesia, a country that was originally dominated by the Church of Truth, before the Alaska War, it entered the state where the Asa lineage and the Church of Truth coexisted.

After the union of the gods, the Asa sect canceled the heresy tax on the Church of Truth in the occupied area, and the latter no longer interfered with the mission of the Asa sect in Indonesian territory.

But on the fourth day after the Alaska War, the Indonesian Parliament also followed the three Nordic countries and declared the Church of Destiny as the national religion.

Due to the previous invasion and attack of the Thousand Beast Empire, most of the upper classes of Indonesia at this time have announced their conversion to the Church of Destiny. However, the Indonesian parliament did not declare the Church of Truth as a heresy, because Indonesian politicians themselves did not have strong will, and the Lord of Destiny also issued an oracle to stop the war as soon as possible.

Afterwards, the Balkan countries headed by Greece also expelled the Olympus faith.

When the gods of Olympus first returned, the public opinion in Greece was still very popular and proud.

But after several years of war, the people of this country are tired of these ancient deities.

In addition, the compromise between Olympus and the Church of Truth also shamed the Greeks who regarded the Ottoman Empire as their enemy. However, these countries are still dominated by the Bright Church for the time being. Although many people converted to the Church of Destiny, they failed to take advantage.

At the same time, the war in South America and the body poison, the South Pacific war, became fierce within two days. The many gods of destiny headed by Garcia Ferren will never allow these warriors of the Beast Empire to return to the Asa mainland safely.

And the Ten Beast Empire has not yet stood still. Although they are inferior in overall military power, and the power of the **** level is far inferior to their opponents, they have unparalleled tenacity and will. The more dangerous, the more tenacious. And the method is extremely fierce, even using the body poison and the population of South America. Continue to perform blood sacrifices, summon the gods from the dark sea of ​​evil, or hire demons from the abyss of hell.

This also made Guderian and others completely abandon the plan to consume the empire of thousands of beasts, and began a strong attack regardless of casualties. They dare not imagine how miserable the body and South America will fall if the war continues-it may be a bloodier and worse situation than the legendary Shura hell.

The fastest progress is in the South Pacific, where the terrain of long and narrow islands is more conducive to the navy and air force of the Destiny Alliance. In most cases, they only need to rely on continuous bombing and shelling to collapse their opponents.

At the same time, under the mediation of Prometheus, most regimes within the League of Destiny have agreed to increase military spending.

——This is because after the Alaska War, the security situation in various countries tends to deteriorate further. The priests and warriors of the Olympus and Asa sects have left their temples, and they have begun to disappear, hiding in the folk. This has led to a surge in crime rates in various countries, and it has become more dependent on the church of destiny.

What is particularly surprising is that South Korea and Dongying, under the prosperity of Prometheus, the military expenditures of both countries increased to 12% at the same time.

The economies of these two countries are relatively large, and even an increase of 1% can increase the military expenditure by hundreds of billions of gold shields.

In short, for a full month and a half after the war, good news continued throughout the world.

But Li Mochen was disappointed. Because of what he was most looking forward to, the opportunity to attack Mount Olympus never appeared.

Under the auspices of the sun **** Apollo, the defense of Olympus Mountain is extremely tight. This not only frustrated Poseidon’s attempt to make the gods support it, but also made the entire Shenshan impeccable.

In the Alaska War, the loss of the Olympus system was relatively small, and most of their selected warriors also evacuated safely. In addition, there were a large number of fourth- and fifth-generation Titan gods. With these forces and the mother and daughter of Gaia who can come to the reinforcements at any time, Li Mochen sees no chance to break the Olympus Mountain.

At the same time, Xu Berion also rejected Li Mochen’s invitation.

He did lose interest in the light world, and he did not intend to plot the kingship of Olympus Mountain.

Then, on the 47th day after the war, Zeus returned to Mount Olympus. According to several internal feedbacks arranged by Reinhardt Heidrich, the **** king’s state is very good, and he also punished the bad situation in wave of early evacuation in the late Alaska God War Seton. The latter has tried to resist, but it was defeated by Zeus in just one minute. The latter was hung on the top of the Olympus Mountain and received the same punishment as the original Prometheus. Of course, this time is very short. Only three days.

Heidrich was not sure whether this had a performance component, but judged that Zeus was very likely to recover.

“We must consider that the root goddess, as a native deity that has existed since the birth of the world. She is likely to have a mythological treasure that can quickly restore Zeus. Of course, he cannot be like Zeus. It’s so powerful, but it should be no problem to hold Olympus Mountain.”

In fact, Li Mochen gave up long ago, although under his banner, Ishtar, Rocky and the poisonous dragon “Nid Hog” now have three gods. There are also many gods and pseudo-kings headed by Hercules and Prometheus. But it would be too reluctant to attack the Olympus God Mountain, which has been operated by the Titans for thousands of years. It would cost him a huge price and lose all the advantages that he is now fighting for.

Unless it is like Asgard God Realm, it is destroyed by the power of destiny.

Li Mochen is already trying to weave the web of destiny that destroys the Olympus Mountain, but success is far away.

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