Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 691 - fate

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“Your Majesty, is the situation so severe as you said?”

After concluding the meeting with many magical envoys, Estantin asked Li Mochen to visit the new equipment developed by the’Sun Rising-Light Demon’ alliance, and asked the latter in private: “The destruction of the **** system in twenty years will be so serious? “

To know that at this time, the foundation of the Destiny God system is already very strong. The four **** kings headed by Li Mochen and the six vice **** kings are even more powerful.

In the eyes of everyone, as long as the Destiny God system has a solid foundation step by step, it will naturally be possible to squeeze the rest of the God System, including the Lord of Glory, out of the light world step by step.

In fact, today’s Glorious Heaven and Olympus Mountain have retreated to the depths of the outer realm and gradually disengaged from the material world. This is to prevent the destiny masters from assaulting their **** domain after gaining full root authority.

Because Li Mochen once fully grasped the root causes, their advantages within the Divine Kingdom and the Divine Realm would be completely disintegrated. Mastering the laws of the world and enforcing the destiny of the fate can easily erase the abnormal structures inside, just like eliminating viruses and bacteria.

This day is not far away. With the help of the root thorn, Li Mochen’s authority in the root has reached 52%. This will be a **** process, the further back, the harder the enemy will resist.

Within the main material world, the power of the Church of Destiny is also steadily expanding.

According to recent statistics, their total number of believers has reached 15 billion, and they have mastered a lot of wealth with the help of war.

The key is that the church system works well, and the image of destiny at all levels of society is excellent and highly respected.

In addition, the magic energy education that they put in vigorously is about to come to the harvest. In the coming decades, there will be a large number of high-level extrajudicial persons and legends.

For up to three years, regardless of financial strength, military strength, and the quality and quantity of the gods, it is enough to crush the opponent.

“I have never said too much. In fact, you can understand the specific situation when you receive the research sample data. But since Professor Estantin specifically asked you -“

Li Mochen took out a document at hand and handed it over: “This is a brief report that Heidrich provided me with a recent investigation on the pollution of chaos and evil forces.”

Estantin flipped through it quickly, and then his face had become very dignified.

“The evil power is easy to handle, and it basically comes from the gods of the dark evil sea. The trick is nothing more than the blood sacrifice set. Their strength is indeed very powerful, so powerful, but it is tangible. The real trouble is chaos, the power of the Sin Lord is too hidden.”

Li Mochen smiled bitterly: “His power of chaos has eroded into the bodies of our faithful gods, although we can’t see the harm for the time being. But once the outbreak, the entire Destiny God system may be finished. There are many such examples in the outer realms of the heavens. . One after another, hundreds of thousands of civilizations, had to fall down at the feet of the Lord of Sin. Look at the end, that is the data graph provided by Diana.”

“See it!”

Estantin had already taken a breath, “I will treat it carefully, Your Majesty.”

That was the monitoring of her condition by Diana, the magic goddess, for three months, including the levels of various hormones in the god’s body, the composition of divine power, changes in flesh genes and so on. Once a day, they are recorded on this chart.

This is a powerful deity with ‘insight’ of false truth. The data she provides is shocking and authentic.

Even this goddess can’t completely rule out the power of sex, other gods can be imagined.

“As you can see, its erosion is comprehensive and almost imperceptible. We not only need a low-cost, low-threshold detection method, but also need to be able to solve the problem. In this regard, you can ask Karon, They have a whole set of methods to limit chaos. Although it is not suitable for us, the stones of other mountains can attack jade.”

While Li Mochen was talking, he was also looking at a piece of equipment being tested in a dedicated shooting range-that is a magic weapon, called’jihad fortress’.

After the previous World Trade Fair, the “Sunrise-Light Magic” alliance relied on various materials obtained from the transaction, and its technological level has been greatly improved.

Their “Knight” series of biological colonies and “Jihad” series of magic armor have basically evolved to the second generation or even the third generation.

Although there is not much change in combat power, it has lower cost, better sustainability, greater output, stronger combat intelligence, faster speed, more fierce firepower, stronger inner and outer armor, etc. Wait. It even partially solved the problem of combat in the outer domain. The latest “Earth Knight” three-type cloak can allow high-level extrajudiers to stay in the outer domain for 32 hours and fight for 17 hours.

This is just below the legend, and above the legend level can already achieve long-term combat in the star field.

The emergence of these new equipments can increase the overall combat effectiveness of the Divine Wing Knights and the Divine Legion under Li Mochen, and the overall equipment cost decreased by 62% and the production speed increased by 120% fifteen.

In addition, they have also developed a set of “Temple” series of magic armor, specially designed for the soul body of the Divine Warrior, who can control the combat and greatly enhance the various combat capabilities of the Divine Warrior.

It is a pity that since the Divine Warrior is a soul body, they have not been able to develop a biological colony suitable for them. It’s not a creature anymore, how to colonize it? If it acts strongly, then only the soul of Divine Warrior is swallowed and replaced by the ontological consciousness of the colony. The former is strong, but it is a rootless tree; the latter is weak and limited, but it is invincible.

The final research result is that it is better to directly cultivate a body for them, but the soul of each Divine Warrior is different. Before the problem of spiritual and physical fit and matching cannot be solved, this is still just a fantasy.

But that is actually almost a reincarnation of the body, reversing the miracle of life and death. Once completed, death is no longer the end-one can imagine how difficult this is.

All in all, the R&D progress of the ‘Sunburst-Light Demon’ alliance in all aspects is very satisfactory, but only Li Mochen is most looking forward to, the magic armor and the colony of the gods with more than five grids have not achieved any results so far.

Until this one in front of him, the “jihad fortress” developed by Anthony personally came out. This can’t be considered a magic armor, but it is still listed as a member of the Jihad series by Anthony, but the corresponding rank is Divine Seven. Anthony believes that all of its performances can be compared with the ancient gods of God of Seven, and in some ways even exceed.

Starting from the current test situation is also very satisfying. At this time, it was Li Mochen, the next angel with a very comprehensive ability, who was fighting the’jihad fortress’. So far, this man has exhausted various methods, and has only torn a crack in the outer armor of the’jihad fortress’.

Next, a stress test will be conducted to test the ability of this magical equipment to resist under the attack of multiple ‘angels’.

However, this step of the experiment actually means the success of the’jihad fortress’. The so-called compression test is only to test its upper limit performance.

“The defense of this magic weapon is particularly strong.”

Estantin glanced at the’jihad fortress’ in battle: “The disadvantage is that it’s too slow, and it’s as slow as a snail compared to the real medium god.”

The shape of this equipment is also very peculiar. It is not a common human figure, but a sphere with 36 arms stretched out on the surface to ensure that there are no dead corners around.

Of course, its volume is also very large, equivalent to three tanks.

“That’s why it’s called “Fortress”. This is because Anthony found that it is difficult to compare the speed of the magic armor with the real medium god, so he simply strengthens the defense ability of the armor, but this Out of the realm of magic armor.”

Li Mochen explained with a smile: “Although there are various defects in single combat, its anti-strike force is very powerful, you can see it in the later compression test.”

If Estantin realized: “This kind of magic equipment is mainly used for cluster operations?”

Only in this way can the weakness of the jihadi fortress be insufficiently avoided.

“It will be the core of offensive and defensive on the battlefield, firepower platform, mobile fortress.”

Li Mochen nodded slightly: “Anthony also specially developed a new starship for it, and improved the drawing of the starship carrier. It is dedicated to carrying this magic machine and using the starship to solve large-scale mobile operations.”

“So what is its cost? Are the materials sufficient?”

“The cost is 32.2 billion golden shields. If the quantity is enough, the cost will drop further. As for the materials, they can be solved in the dark world.”

Estantin’s eyes could not help flashing: “It sounds good, but if your enemy is only a bright world, such a weapon can be a little over the top.”

He recalled that not long ago, the destiny gods had agreed on a good budget plan.

The nations under the Alliance of Destiny are not within their direct jurisdiction and can only be influenced indirectly. But the Church Arms and Business Alliance of the Destiny Gods will be disarmed in the two years of small and medium scale in the end of the Battle of South America.

This is to further increase their combat power. On the one hand, they will reduce their personnel and further enhance the magical professional level of the soldiers. On the other hand, they will free up more financial resources to update their equipment. Next, the fifteen Divine Wing Knights of the Fate Alliance All will be replaced with the type II armor of the “jihad” series, and all biological colonies will be injected with genetic agents to complete the optimization of biological colonies.

In particular, their naval shipbuilding plan is not as exaggerated as everyone thinks, and the Fate Master has used a large part of the funds for the development and manufacture of starships.

Li Mochen looked calm: “Estantine, our future enemies are not only the current ones, but also from the main material world.”

Next, Li Mochen watched more than a dozen new weapons of the “Light Magic-Rising Sun” alliance, the most outstanding of which was a “Star Warrior” that had not yet been fully finalized. In short, it is a fighter that can be used in the star field.

This is completely two extremes with the “jihad fortress”. It only pursues the ultimate speed. The defense capability is almost nothing, and there is no close combat capability. Just like the function of ordinary fighters, it is a long-range weapon carrying platform.

Light and Magic Industry is also building an experimental star battleship “Invincible”, which is only inferior to the Moshra battleship “Odro” obtained by Li Mochen in terms of various indicators. Equipped with thirty-six gates of’Fate of Heaven’

This is a particle beam cannon that is more powerful than ‘Fire Dragon Roar’, and its power has increased by 170% on the basis of ‘Fire Dragon Roar’. It is a pity that this ‘sacred mark of destiny’ is still at the testing stage.

Li Mochen’s staff team predicted that only five such battleships would be needed, so their chance of breaking Olympus Mountain was as high as 100%.

Then Rising Sun Biopharmaceutical didn’t let much, they took out a sample of the colony against the ‘jihad fortress’. Since Li Mochen was able to go back in time and space, from the distant chaotic era, and brought back many genetic samples of native gods, the shackles that had trapped Rising Sun Biopharmaceutical had been broken, and it was only a matter of time before the results were achieved.

In fact, the’Holy Spirit Knight’ developed by Rising Sun Biopharma has already had a very powerful fighting power. They just can’t control it and use this cloak safely.

Rising Sun Biopharma also developed a blood puppet named “Tyrant” based on the existing biotechnology and combining the genes of the “Blood Feast Demon Worm” brought back by Li Mochen. It has demonstrated its ability to contend with higher gods in multiple tests. Unfortunately, they also face the same problems as the “Spirit Knight”, and they are temporarily unable to control it. Even if the flesh-and-blood gene of this tyrant is leaked, it may cause a catastrophe throughout the world.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that the “Magic Transmitter” developed by the Light and Magic Industry based on the technical information of the Moshra people can realize the transition transmission between the two worlds.

However, the distance is very short and cannot exceed a thousand’star distance’-this is the hometown of the Moshra people, a metric developed by a technologically advanced star field, the distance is roughly equivalent to 70% of the bright world from the original dome Fives.

The significance of the “Star Jumper” is extremely important, and Li Mochen’s attention to this research and development project is unparalleled. Now he invests more than 30 billion yuan in R&D in this project team every year. Not only gathered many top talents including two magic envoys, seven demigod mages, but even personally came to host.

When it comes to cognition of stars, he should be the leader in the bright world!

And on the third day after this, the second batch of three thousand shots of “Root thorn” created by Anthony also began to be released, which allowed Li Mochen to control the root source authority, reaching 6% in the following days. twelve.

At the same time, Li Mochen also felt the loosening of the seal in the North Pole. Kaos’s awakening suddenly accelerated and could no longer be reversed.

He didn’t have to think about it, it was a move of Gaia and Zeus’s dogs. These two have been forced by him so that he can only use the power of “Chaos” Kaos to trap his footsteps.

Fortunately, the Frost Giant family has migrated from the Arctic, and the three fortresses around the Arctic Ocean are being built in an orderly manner.

Also because of the destruction of the seal, the half-man Ma Karong officially joined Li Mochen as a guest secretary. So that the number of his deputy kings increased to seven.

Because at this time, Li Mochen is already the only choice to stop the pollution of color, and it is meaningless to maintain neutrality.

Li Mochen was not a person who was waiting to die. At the moment when the seal was broken, he directly took Rocky and Prometheus and others to the Arctic ice sheet.

Just here, everyone has sensed that Zeus and other people’s minds are covering this place.

“Do you preempt?”

Ishtar licked the corner of his lips: “This is my favorite style! But it seems that our enemies are not very happy. After a little more than half a year, will it not be another battle of the gods? Hey! Strong—”

It was indeed very strong. The gods on the opposite side did not conceal their malice, and pressed them with cold, pure, and magnificent ideas.

Athena thought deeply: “It seems that the Chaos Giant has given them a lot of confidence. I guess it is Gaia, she should have learned some of the foundations of Kaos.”

This potentially explosive battle is actually somewhat unexpected.

These ancient **** kings, who had just been heavily defeated by the fate of the destiny, had the courage to stand in front of them after they knew that the overall strength of the Destiny Department had surged.

Fenrir was full of disdain: “Fight to fight, with our current strength, are you still afraid of them? I will surprise them. That night goddess, I want to eat her.”

Fenrir was tortured after eating Odin’s flesh and blood, and was in extreme pain for eight months. But in the end it relied on Li Mochen’s wishing technique to digest it. This man gained a lot of merit after completing his destiny, and the result was invested in the absorption of Odin’s flesh.

Although this seemed to Li Mochen more than gains, the merits of Fenrir would be more than enough for him to obtain two truths and theocracy. Unlike now, it seems that it has absorbed Odin’s flesh and blood, but it has also laid a great hidden danger for the future, which may become the cornerstone of Odin’s resurrection.

Kefenlier has also received great benefits. Mastered the flame of truth, the battle of truth, became Li Mochen, another vice-god king.

Its advancement is actually a matter of course. With the blessing of destiny before, Fenrir has been able to enter the ‘God King’ position briefly, and then devoured part of his opponent’s power.

And toxins, flames, battles-these are all very powerful amounts of divine power. At this time, if it is not the restriction of divine personality, Fenrir is now a member of the ‘God King’.

In fact, like Athena, it is not much weaker or even stronger than the real gods.

Karon narrowed his eyes slightly, and anger and helplessness appeared in his eyes: “They are trying to awaken Kaos in advance. This root goddess, she has no idea what she is doing.”

He had sensed that the consciousness of Kaos was rapidly awakening under the broken seal. This aspect was stimulated by Li Mochen’s murderous intention, on the one hand, Gaia and others deliberately did it.

At this time, Karon can only count on this’Lord of Destiny’, hoping that this mastered power can cause enough for Kaus who masters the’space’ of truth,’chaos’ of truth and’cracks of truth’ Kill.

Since it can no longer be stopped, then the disaster will be minimized in advance.

“That’s not necessarily true,” Prometheus smiled. “I guess they know, but it doesn’t matter.”

He was once held down by Gaia and Zeus for thousands of years. He knew that the grandson and grandson could pay anything and use everything for the ‘God of God’.

Even if it’s surrender to sex—

“Fenrill is right, regardless of them.”

Li Mochen really didn’t care about the few: “Go ahead!”

With Li Mochen’s order, countless magical energy can converge in the direction of Li Mochen through the magic net. The ‘Gunnier’s Holy Gun’ in his hands is constantly buzzing.

Li Mochen has not been able to completely refine this pseudo-truth-level mythological armament, but the basic application is no problem. As long as Odin is not reborn, Thor does not appear in front of him personally, and no one is qualified to seize the’eternal spear’ from his hands.

And now, this spear is not only condensing the power of Li Mochen, but also blessed by the gods headed by Rocky, Ishtar-there are Fire and Illusion of Rocky, Venus and Night of Ishtar, Fenrir Poison and ice fire, Athena’s battle and victory, the thunder dragon Io’s thunder, Prometheus’ flames and prophecies, Hercules’ power and beheading, the poison fire and war of’Nidhog’ , Charon’s hit and death.

These truth-level laws condensed on it, causing numerous cracks in the sky around the “Eternal Gun”, and its strength has been tearing and destroying the surrounding laws.

Switching to ordinary mythological armaments has long been overwhelmed with so many blessings. But the “eternal spear” exists forever. It not only bears, but also absorbs the pure magic energy passed from the magic net like a bottomless hole.

At the same time, the “Dutian Thunder Mars Nuclear Sword Array”, which has been scattered by Li Mochen in the sky, is also gathering vast expanse of star power on the body of the gun. Make the eternal spear’s momentum rise infinitely, Wang Yang is strong and overbearing!

This shot will also be the combined force of the three myths armed by Li Mochen!

At this time, it would be a bit stupid to reserve. Only by maximizing the effort, killing Kaos, or being seriously injured, can he get enough time for him.

“The momentum is not weak!”

At this time, on the island about 7,000 kilometers away from Li Mochen, Gaia was also sneering: “It seems to be powerful, it seems better than before. I wonder if I can break the chaos of Kaos?”

Riya next to her, thinking more than not being weak?

Li Mochen’s long-prepared blow, with imposing momentum, made Rhea, who had been in the rank of God King for thousands of years, feel shocked.

Rhea believes that her mother **** is also extremely fearful, which can be seen from the position of the two of them.

They were standing on the edge of the Arctic ice sheet, but after Li Mochen began to charge, the two immediately retreated 2,000 kilometers back to this small island with an area of ​​300 square kilometers.

——For them, the place with land is the safest.

“It should not be weak, after all, it is the combined force of dozens of Divine Nineteen and Divine Nineteen. The Lord of Fate is now even more unfathomable.”

Rhea frowned: “I’m more worried about Kaos now!”

Her mood is actually very complicated. Judging by the grievances of both parties, it seems that it is not a bad thing for Kaos to die in the hands of Li Mochen. But if Kaos was killed or severely wounded, then the Lord of Fate would lose another checkpoint.

“That’s because Rhea you haven’t experienced his power.”

There was some worry in Gaia’s eyes: “Chaos, space, rift, he’s trying to climb to a higher power. A great being told me that Kayos has been trying to get rid of his control, he almost That’s it. Now, he is also the most powerful deity in the world.”

Rhea guessed that this great existence should be erotic, and she also realized that Gaia’s mood was just like her. He did not want Li Mochen to win, nor did he want Kaos to be intact.

The best result is that both sides lose both sides, and even die together.

“His Majesty today is better than before!”

By the side of Li Mochen, Karong was also saying the same thing. He expressed admiration in his words and was full of expectations. The power shown by Li Mochen made him less worried about ‘chaos’.

At the same time, Karon was also puzzled: “Your Majesty, when she heard that Her Majesty the Magic Goddess reinforced the magic net for the second time, she once pointed at the stars and made an oath that she wanted to remain neutral? Will this affect her?”

“Shouldn’t it? This has nothing to do with Diana, I recently got a little extra magic web permission.”

Li Mochen raised his hand and waved, an instant dense network spread across the world.

This is the’Internet’, the ultimate online theocracy. Unfortunately, Li Mochen didn’t have the energy to do more in-depth research. In a short time, the ultimate level was already his limit.

He tried to prove Diana’s innocence, but Karon’s eyes were suspicious.

“His Royal Highness, Her Royal Highness Diana, she did not break the oath, and of course there was no favoritism.”

Athena smiled and shook the balance she had taken out: “In this respect, Professor Estantin and I just happened to be able to arbitrate on this,”

Karon knew this. The goddess of wisdom was also the goddess of court and order. Such a person, Li Mochen, happens to have another one-the **** of truth and justice Estantin, the latter inherits the power of Fan Said and arbitrates all civil.

Just like the preface, after the Middle Ages, Versace and Athena divided the power of the law. One masters civil law and the other masters criminal law.

Gabriel, the king of jihad under the throne of brilliance, and Michael, the sergeant of the gods, were also in charge of the law and judgment, but in the courts of the light world, they never had their icon.

Most of those who can become lawyers and judges are black-hearted guys. Few of them are true believers who belong to the Lord of Glory.

Obviously, this time it was the partiality of the judges, which made Diana careless.

But then Karon was flawless to pay attention to Diana’s secret help, his eyes hard, staring at the long gun in Li Mochen’s hand.

“Fate of truth!”

In addition to the time sequence of truth, Li Mochen still attached the fate of truth to his “eternal gun”!

At the moment, Ishtar, Rocky, and Prometheus, all of them looked stunned, and looked at this scene in surprise.

“It’s really worthy of Your Majesty—”

Athena’s eyes flickered, with luck, admiration, and awe.

How long is this? Alaska was less than a year after the war. The ability of this fateful master has actually been improved in such a leap.

–really! The one in front of her is the destiny of this world and this era.

Now that she has the truth and destiny, it is a natural thing for her monarch to enter the divine 20, which is estimated to be in these few years. At that time, it was a great improvement.

It doesn’t even have to be at that time, this one is already the first person in the world.

Thinking about herself again, Athena couldn’t help laughing at herself. I thought that only such a character could tolerate his brother Polos.

Prometheus said she was still the ambitious Athena, but in fact only she knew that her current ambitions were very different from the past.

Faced with the existence of the Lord of Fate, no matter what kind of thought she has, it is best to dispel it, and it is also the most wise move.

The next moment, Li Mochen’s voice interrupted her thoughts.

“His Royal Highness! Please be prepared.”

According to the scheduled plan, if it is impossible to kill Kaos in one blow. Then Karon will seal the chaotic giant again with his prepared position.

This hope is not great, but it is still worth trying.

Just before the consciousness of the “chaos” Kayos was completely restored, Li Mochen threw the “eternal gun” out. In an instant, the glory of the entire world was bleak.

They are not disappearing, but the light from the “Eternal Gun” is too bright and too dazzling, so that the less intense sunlight in the North Pole is all set off.

Li Mochen also made his wish at this moment: “In the name of the Lord of Fate, this gun will definitely break Chaos!”

At this moment, the merits of the’Spiritual Spiritual Zijin Pagoda’ collapsed almost ten billion strands in a moment, causing Li Mochen’s pupils to expand slightly. I thought this resistance is so strong?

This loss not only exceeded his expectations, but also made Li Mochen feel painful. At the same time, he also looked forward to the final result of this throw.

In theory, as long as the’eternal gun’ hits Kaos, only the additional power of the gun body can kill Kaos!

The first to stand in front of the’Eternal Gun’ are two huge high walls. They suddenly rose up to a height of 70,000 meters and a huge volume of 15,000 kilometers across the world.

“It’s the two mother earth gods.”

The supreme dragon **** Io smiled sarcastically: “It seems that only need to have sufficient benefits, then there is no hatred that cannot be resolved.”

He has played for Gaia for thousands of years, but for the character of Titan gods such as Olympus, Io is really insignificant.

This is also related to his truth “Thunder”. The fierce thunder and lightning made his divinity change a little.

The dragon clan had to take refuge in the root goddess for survival, but his children and grandchildren became weaker and faded with each passing day-the former Aio could be treated with a peaceful state of mind. Looking at the present, whenever Io recalls the past years, he feels a tingling heart.

He never neglected the affairs that Gaia explained, and he did not hesitate to fight against the Church of Light for thousands of years, but in the end they got nothing.

On the occasion of Ao’s distraction, the two high walls were easily pierced by the’Gunnier Gun’, the truth-level’earth’ and’defense’, under the truth piercing of the’eternal gun’ As fragile and thin as a piece of paper.

Then came the thunder of Zeus, wrapped around the ‘Gunnier Gun’, trying to delay it. But this has almost no effect, his strength is not good at defense and sniper. At this moment, this man can only use his power of thunderfire to counteract some of the powers of the rule on the Gun Gunnier.

It really recovered

Li Mochen watched the master of Olympus hiding in the clouds, a glimmer of cold light in his eyes. Only from this fight, he inferred that this injury should recover about 70%.

But next, there was a glare of light, condensing in front of the ‘Gunnier Gun’. It was Ahura, the Lord of Truth, and his’Golden Ring of Sun’ was blocked in front of the gunpoint of the Gungniel Sacred Gun, while condensing countless brilliances, and was delaying the advancement of the Gunganier Sacred Gun. .

——It’s just a delay. Although the “Golden Ring” is in front of the eternal spear, there is no real frontal obstruction. This mythological arm of the same level is also retreating at the same speed. He is constantly creating resistance, delaying the time when the eternal gun hits Chaotic Chaos.

But they still failed in the end. The Gungnir Sacred Gun successfully slammed into the ice sheet before Kaos regained consciousness and nailed Kaos’s body.

The latter instinctively transformed into ‘chaos’, ‘darkness’ and ‘cracks’ from the moment the gun entered the body, and his consciousness was completely awakened, sending out a huge sound that was too sharp to hear. It made all the surrounding ice layers and materials fall apart and disintegrate, and the magnificence and the magnificence of the mind are immense. They firmly locked the culprit Li Mochen and launched a wave of continuous thoughts.

At this time, Gaia, who was under the earth, couldn’t help but let out a groan.

“Fate of truth!”

Riya next to her is pale. At the moment when Li Mochen shot, she sensed that the master of destiny had control of destiny, which had changed dramatically from It was more powerful and more domineering. The weaving of the net is also more hidden.

“This is not possible. How could he master a supreme truth in such a short time?”

But reality had already laid before her, and Rhea found that not only the fate of Kaos was woven, but also her and Gaia.

Of course, the Fate Master did not intend to kill them, but was arranging them, unable to fully mobilize his own power.

At this time, various accidents happened around them.

“Mother, we may have to prepare early. Since there is truth-level fate and timing, then he must now master the ultimate cause and effect! I guess Kayos, he may not be able to fight against it in such a state. “

“I know!”

Gaia sneered again: “Looking at the situation later, if the situation is wrong, we will try again. In no case will he be allowed to kill Chaos, nor will he be sealed again.”

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