Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 701 - Strange

A minute later, Rhea’s figure also disappeared on the ground.

Li Mochen had already been distracted by others, using his “annihilation of the sun” and more than 40,000 particle beam cannons to sweep all the blood feast insects that entered the light world.

But at this time, the army of demon insects had already retreated from the outer realm of the light world. The ones that infiltrated before were all lurking in the depths of the earth and ocean.

So after about twenty seconds, Li Mochen returned to the Outer Realm Void. He could no longer sense a large number of blood feast monsters in the main material world, but it was Outland, and a huge pursuit was underway.

With the death of the gluttonous king Belek, the combat power of all the blood feast worms has generally dropped by 20 to 30%. Loki and Ishtar benefited from this, and both killed an insect queen within four minutes.

This made the power of the blood feast demon even weaker and began to retreat across the board. They are breaking away from the light world with all their strength, free from the influence of law trapping on them.

This was absolutely impossible for Li Mochen to allow. He could not allow these monsters to withdraw to Outland and continue to be a threat to the Destiny Divine Element in the future, nor could he let go of these ready-made ‘benefits’.

Of course, the number of these monsters could not allow him to condense the ninth ray of merit. But Li Mochen expected to be able to obtain more than 100 billion colorful auras, and this huge amount was enough to enable him to directly promote top theocratic powers such as “war”, “battle” and “star” to the truth level.

If it is directly used for the supreme divine power of ‘destiny’, it will allow him to get closer to the root cause and save at least fifteen years of participation in research! So this is what he would not give up anyway.

Next, the resistance of these monsters was extremely fierce. Not only the larvae of the monsters at the bottom, but the duke-level of the gods up to seventeen or eighteen, and even the deputy **** kings of the nineteenth gods, they all tried their best and fearless. Deadly intercepting the pursuit of the Skywing Knight and the Gods of Destiny.

They didn’t care about life and death at all, even if they were facing Li Mochen’s 20’annihilating sun’ and more than 40,000 particle beam cannons, they didn’t have any hesitation or timidity. The hundreds of millions of insect swarms are like moths fighting a fire. They rushed towards Li Mochen and burned under the irradiation of radiation energy and particle beams.

And the purpose of these monsters was just to delay Li Mochen even a billionth of a second, and to buy time for their three remaining insect queens to escape.

Li Mochen was happy to see the result. He was actually able to bypass these monsters and directly chase down the three queens. But in his opinion, those queen worms are easier to pursue, but once these demon worms disperse in the outer domain, it is not easy to clean them.

According to their research, the genes of these monsters are hermaphrodite. Once the queen dies, the male soldiers below can transform into queens at any time, so only in terms of fecundity, these monsters pose a considerable threat.

In just three minutes, there were not many monsters left in the entire Outland. Li Mochen finally turned his gaze to the distant void.

At the speed of the three-headed worm, it is very likely that it has reached fifty star distances at this moment, or is hiding in a nearby world.

Li Mochen didn’t care at all, and behind him appeared a huge magical array combining things.

After undergoing several improvements, the ‘Secret Method of Locking the Stars by the Zhoutian Divine Machine’s Profound Axis’ is connecting all the magic towers in his god’s country, and all the large computers in and outside the world that can be connected via wired and wireless networks.

Then Li Mochen invested a little bit of merit.

In the next instant, a coldness flashed in his eyes.

“go with!”

The little “Judgement Hammer” in Li Mochen’s hand immediately flew into the depths of the void. His power completely ignores time, and naturally ignores distance.

After the ‘judgment hammer’ was blasted out, there was almost no time interval, and it returned to his hands again, as if it had never been thrown out from beginning to end.

At the same time, the power of merit on the Purple Golden Pagoda of Spiritual Destiny has increased by at least 10 billion!

The next worm did not escape Li Mochen’s clutches. He spent a minute calculating the whereabouts of the queen, and then killed it instantly with the hammer of judgment.

But after that, when Li Mochen began to deduct the position of the last insect’s back, his brows constricted slightly.

The ‘secret method of Zhou Tian’s secret mechanism to lock the stars’ was completely invalid, and all the data was confusing.

And after Li Mochen failed to make another move for three minutes, Loki, the **** of fraud, frowned and looked over: “Did someone interfere?”

“Being sheltered, God is at the level of God.”

Li Mochen nodded slightly: “This person’s power is very powerful, and it’s not far from here, within seventy stars.”

The gods gathered here suddenly became slightly nervous. They have just resolved a huge crisis, and the troubles of the Blood Banquet Demon insects have not been completely resolved, and new threats have arrived.

Li Mochen also noticed their worries, and calmly explained: “It’s not a big trouble, it’s not a complete god, it’s limited to a certain world. In addition, he should have been affected. Certain restrictions, or scruples, don’t want to fight me directly.”

But even if it was a head-on fight, Li Mochen was not afraid at all. After obtaining the eighth ray of Merit Purple Qi, his power in this world has been infinitely close to the Supreme God.

In addition, at present, the “Zhenxiao Lingyun Purple Golden Pagoda” has accumulated 170 billion strands of merit and has not yet used it, and the merits of his daily income are also very exaggerated. Li Mochen was confident that in a very short period of time, he could raise his cultivation base and combat power to another level.

“The top priority now is to eliminate the monsters that enter the main material realm.”

Li Mochen raised his eyes to look inside the Bright World, especially in the direction of the Middle East: “His Royal Highness, this task is left to you. I will give you 20 Divine Wing Knights Division and 15 Divine Wing Legions. There are also all the gods of war and the king of angels within the gods. In addition, I will issue an oracle to allow the governments of the alliance to cooperate fully. This is the threat that we must resolve in the next year. My minimum requirement is not to let Those monsters cause irreversible damage to this world.”

Prometheus has extremely high wisdom, but he is not very capable in military strategy, but this prophet and prophecy is worth relying on, he can predict major dangers in advance.

“I try my best!” Prometheus said firmly: “In any case, I will not allow them to be presumptuous in our homeland!”

Li Mochen nodded, and then told Athena: “Your Majesty, Goddess of Wisdom, you also have a task. I will give you the command of all intelligence agencies of the Alliance of Destiny, and’Secret Angel’ Reinhard Heydrich also It is yours for the time being. You need to cooperate with the Lord of Glory to regain the authority of the Church of Truth as soon as possible.”

Athena raised her eyebrows: “Your Majesty, are you sure? This may greatly increase the strength of the Church of Illumination and the Lord of Glory.”

“Of course I am sure, although there is a big threat. But considering the overall situation, the two evils should be the lesser one.”

Li Mochen sighed. At this time, instead of handing the Middle East to the inaction Ahura, it is better to return to the Lord of Radiance.

At the moment of the enemy, Li Mochen must show his due heart and courage.

This is also because he now has enough confidence. As early as three years ago, the Destiny Church was already the world’s most respected and respected No. 1 Church, and the number of all believers had exceeded 20 billion-even the Truth Church and the Bright Church. Add up to no comparison.

“Correspondingly, Horus will also promise us that the Church of Illumination will cooperate with us in the fight against suppression.”

“I will expel Ahura as soon as possible!”

Athena’s eyes showed a look of appreciation: “Your Majesty’s divinity is really noble, and I think people all over the world should thank you for your contribution.”

Li Mochen ignored Athena’s praise: “There is also an expansion. The Outland type of battle armor needs to be further expanded, and there are starships, forget it! I will go back to discuss with Bismarck.”

At this time Anthony also returned to Li Mochen: “There is good news. In the next few years, we can build at least seven mythological weapons that are close to the pseudo-truth level, and 23 extremely defensive armors. Bad. The news is that most of the materials that could be used to build battle armor have been destroyed by you.”

Li Mochen’s “Annihilation of the Sun” and “Particle Beam Cannon” are both too domineering, and those with a godhead below twelve will basically be completely annihilated after approaching him for ten seconds.

However, the blood feast monsters of the main **** and deputy **** king level still have strong resistance. And their carapace, minions and sickle feet, etc., are their weapons and armor. As long as it is slightly refined and refined, it is a very powerful artifact.

This incident made many gods smile, and these artifacts made by Anthony would undoubtedly fall into their hands.

And in this era, no **** will refuse everything that can enhance their strength.


After this, Li Mochen returned to the top of his magic tower in the Kingdom of Destiny, the Land of Destiny.

Angela is waiting for him here, and her eyes are full of regrets: “It’s a pity, you could have made Gaia hurt more, blame me for this.”

A large part of the reason why Gaia was able to break free from Li Mochen’s trial and sanction was because Rhea repelled her blockade and entered the main material world. The mother goddess finally helped Gaia by influencing the land.

“I am very satisfied to be able to slash her.”

Li Mochen smiled and said: “Within fifty years, her power can’t be restored to full prosperity, and she can’t rely on the power of evil.”

The fate, timing, and eternal power that he blasted into Gaia’s body can’t be easily resolved.

Like “Chaos” Kaos, five years after being injured by him, he has not been able to fully recover.

“I wonder why it is not Zeus.”

Angela’s eyes were filled with puzzles: “There is a saying in the East that hurts her ten fingers. It’s better to cut one finger. Gaia is very powerful, but if you can kill Zeus, or even seriously wound him again, it’s actually more beneficial.”

“The chances of killing him are not high. Gaia’s mother and daughter will not sit back and watch. But if I shoot Gaia, Zeus will definitely choose to escape. He knows that the result of staying is likely to be death.”

Li Mochen explained, but knew that this reason was actually far-fetched, but he chose to do this for another reason.

“The biggest reason is for Gaia’s blood and flesh, come with me, Angel.”

He opened a space door and stepped in, Angela followed closely behind. She discovered that this doorway was a huge laboratory, and the many researchers who were busy here had extremely high magic power levels. Basically, they are above legends, and some are even in gods.

“Amo, these are your voters?”

Angela looked curiously. She had known a long time ago that Li Mochen had established a core biological laboratory, hidden in an unknown and mysterious place. Here are the top biological scientists, as well as the best experimental equipment in the world, but she has been suppressing the underworld for several years and participating in the study of her own divine power, so she has only heard of it.

“Mostly, the remaining part will also be granted voter status by me after meritorious deeds.”

Li Mochen nodded slightly: “A total of 72 people, all of them are the deans and the most powerful brains in the biological world.”

In the next instant, several figures flashed in front of them one after another. There are’the **** of surgery, medicine, modern medicine and medical care’ Patrick, the’god of nursing, life maintenance and fertility’ Miss Nightingale, the’god of microorganisms, viruses, bacteria and vaccines’ Carlson, and the newly promoted “God of Genes and Experiments” Gu Hong, “God of Biological Alchemy and Biophysics” Abraham Wiltonstein.

“Has Gaia’s flesh and blood taken?” Abraham’s expression was very excited: “This is really great. This can cut our research and development progress by at least half.”

Li Mochen delivered a large number of glass bottles containing blood to Gu Hong’s hands, who was also very excited. Immediately with this blood, he appeared in a transparent laboratory next to him, and directly began to analyze Gaia’s genes.

“Gaia is the ancestor of the Titan God family, and getting her flesh and blood means that all the secrets of the Titan God family will be opened to us. Just like Kaos, in the past few years, 60% of the genes of the primitive God family have been It was cracked by us. This is also the reason why the “Holy Knight” can break through so quickly. We have also developed a new gene medicine’primitive’. Although it does not have much effect on me, you can still use Angela. It is expected that the ancient gods below the **** level ten can directly strengthen a **** level, but It is not perfect yet. “

After Li Mochen explained a few sentences, he asked Patrick the God of Medicine: “How long do you expect to take?”

“Almost, with the complete genes belonging to Gaia and the Titans, I expect at most three months.”

Patrick didn’t say anything to death, but his voice was very firm: “Even our next sequence of creatures equipped with the’Eternal Knight’ can end the pre-research stage.”

Angela’s mind is slightly awkward. She used her avatar to participate in the armament meeting of the Destiny God system. She knew that the “eternal knight” was a creature with a strong combat power against the gods, and it was also the highest-level series of all creatures in the plan. . It is expected that after the strength of the biological colony surpasses the powerful god, it will no longer be controllable.

In fact, in the assessment of many researchers, the ‘Holy Knight’ is already the ceiling of the biological colony. The latter’eternal knight’ has almost no possibility of successful development.

However, Li Mochen didn’t have much excitement: “I want to know, how is the progress of’Dragon Blood Titan’?”

“Dragon Blood Titan?” Angela’s eyes were stunned. She had never heard of this term before.

“You didn’t attend several meetings before. This is a project that Tianming Biological Laboratory has been pre-researching. The project has been officially launched less than two years.

Li Mochen looked forward to the look: “The nature of the eternal knight predestined that it cannot be mass-produced on a large scale, but the’Dragon Blood Titan’ is different. Once completed, it can be used on a large scale on the battlefield. We will no longer be at a loss for the enemy’s superiority in a war of a level.”

“How do you say it? It is indeed a biological weapon worth looking forward to.”

Carlson, the **** of viruses and bacteria, shrugged: “Your Majesty, you are too impatient. Although we are gods, we are not omnipotent. The research and development of the Dragon Blood Titan is more difficult than those series of biological clones, and you actually I hope we will produce results within two years.”

Although he said so, he still took steps and took them to the No. 7 Experimental Area.

Angela looked through the observation window and found that there were countless large and small culture tanks in these laboratories. And these training tanks are without exception, they are all giants of different heights, but all muscles are knotted. There are also some weird shapes, or their bodies are covered with scales, or covered with insect-like carapace, and some even have dragon-like heads.

“Dragon Blood Titan, combining the excellent genes of the Dragon and Titans, cultivated a one-time war tool to make up for the lack of combat power of the gods. This was originally proposed by Professor Gu Hong nine years ago. In the past few years, we have acquired the complete genes of the Blood Banquet Demon Insect, the Hill Giant, the Frost Giant and the Primitive Giant, so we have added a lot of things in.”

Li Mochen pointed to the inside of the laboratory and said, “Because they are only one-time, their requirements are also low. In addition to the basic identification of friend or foe, there is no need to consider the control aspect too much. Then the stability of the gene can be ignored, and it is not used too much. Good magic material, which reduces the difficulty of mass production.”

Angela couldn’t bear it. The ‘Dragon Blood Titans’ in the laboratory looked like living intelligent creatures.

“They have no intelligence and are weak emotionally. They can only follow instinct, and the intelligent combat system we have installed in them.”

Li Mochen seemed to know his wife’s thoughts: “In addition, considering the lack of magic materials. The strength of the’Dragon Blood Titan’ mainly depends on the battlefield and their enemies.”

Angela was confused by what he said: “What do you mean by battlefield and enemy?”

She soon understood the reason. In a laboratory, she saw a three-meter-tall Dragon Blood Titan fighting with a group of Blood Banquet Demon Insects.

The level of this “Dragon Blood Titan” is not high, only about level 16. What is surprising is that after this giant killed the enemy, countless flesh and blood tentacles grew in his body, devouring the corpses of those blood feast monsters.

After killing seven monsters of the same level, the aura and power of the Dragon Blood Titan have been greatly improved. Angela can be sure that this thing has entered the seventeenth level.

Then the alloy doors in all directions opened one after another, releasing higher-level blood feast monsters.

“The high-level’Dragon Blood Titans’ and the’Holy Knights’ are the same types of creatures that can only be configured on a small scale. The ones that will be mass-produced in the future are the 15th to the legendary ranks. They can rely on swallowing. The flesh and blood of the enemy strengthens itself. In theory, if the number of enemies is large enough, they can be strengthened to the level of the **** king.”

But Carlson, the **** of viruses and bacteria, just said this, the body of the “Dragon Blood Titan” in the laboratory mutated, and its flesh and blood exploded and scattered all over the ground.

Carlson looked embarrassed: “As you can see, this weapon still has a big problem. We must ensure that no matter how strong they grow during combat, they will not cause genetic collapse. Also, “Dragon Blood Titans” ‘The ultimate goal of the plan is to enable them to be used for a long time. Professor Gu Hong envisions that they grow on the battlefield, then maintain a stable state, and have a high degree of taming. They are usually in a frozen state, and they will be unlocked when encountering war. It is one This kind of war weapon that does not require us to invest too much resources and can rely on swallowing the enemy’s rapid growth.”

Angela only listened to Carlson’s words halfway, and she realized the value of this ‘weapon’.

“Amo, if it can be successfully developed, it can indeed become a decisive force on the battlefield and make up for many of our shortcomings. But I also feel that they will be very dangerous.”

She felt that these’Dragon Blood Titans’ had too many similarities with the’Blood Banquet Demon Insects’, and she expected to be even more uncontrollable than the latter.

“It is very dangerous. Once it is not used well, it will be a double-edged sword for hurting the enemy and self.”

Li Mochen nodded in agreement: “Don’t worry, I won’t use them in the main material realm. They are destined to only be weapons of the outer domain. And they are so imperfect that I will never use them.”


And when Li Mochen took Angela to inspect the biological laboratory, the three **** kings who returned here in Gaia’s Pantheon were in an extremely bad mood.

“You still have the face to come back?”

Rhea looked at Zeus, the child she once loved so much, she was extremely angry at this moment.

“The mother **** gave you such trust, did you return it with betrayal again and again?”

If it was before, the intrigue between Zeus and Gaia would not disgust her. But the reason why Zeus was able to escape and recover quickly five years ago all came from Gaia’s help.

Moreover, the current situation of the Titan God System is also extremely bad. If they can’t work together at this time, then they should have no future.

Zeus’s reaction was dull: “Mother, you have to forgive me. In that case, if I don’t leave, I will probably die directly. It is 100% sure that if he can’t hurt Gaia, he will inevitably shift the target. The problem is that my injury has not healed up to now, and Gaia is the mother goddess who once took charge of the earth, and in terms of defense and anti-strike ability, the earth is one of the most powerful divine powers. She can withstand that. The power of truth governed by destiny, I cannot do it in my current state.”


Rhea was not convinced by this person’s words, but Gaia herself was very calm: “Forget it, Rhea, I didn’t count on him.”

Her alliance with Zeus has never been stable, and from the beginning she did not expect to get Zeus’s help in a difficult situation.

At this moment, the figure of ‘Chaos’ Kaos also stepped into this kingdom of God. At the same time, there was also the figure of the Lord of Devil. After he manifested his body, he looked at the Mother God Root with scrutiny eyes.

“It seems that your injury is very serious, Your Royal Highness Gaia. The situation is very bad. It cannot be recovered in a short time. Cause and effect, destiny, timing, eternity, brilliance, it seems that the power of that person has been enormous. Progress, this is a very big leap——”

His voice paused: “Do you need me to help you recover? Complete recovery is impossible, at least it can restore your strength to 85%.”

Gaia’s eyes clearly flashed a fascinating color, but then a bit of fear and defensiveness appeared in the depths of her eyes.

The lord of evil put his hands on his chest and smiled weirdly: “I think you can rest assured, this is your reward for helping Kaos. I will not let my power directly into your body, but just Drive out the power to dissolve the Lord of Destiny. It’s like this—”

With a single finger of the Lord of Sin, Gaia’s body suddenly revealed a red and blue glow, and he forcibly penetrated the space wall of the Pantheon.

That was exactly the’Du Tianlei Martian Sword Qi’ that Li Mochen had penetrated into her body, and at this time, it was only the insignificant wisp of that led out by the evil.

“I want to try and see for myself first, and if there is no other way, I will ask your majesty for help.”

Gaia then changed her voice again, and her eyes flashed with dim light: “Your Majesty, compared to my injury, I am more worried about the current situation. The Blood Banquet Demon has been defeated, and those gods will also Contained in the dark world by the Lord of Glory, they have formed an alliance. In addition, I also found that the destiny that governs the soul has made great progress. He has put a lot of effort into this aspect. I expect the desire to church The expansion of China will encounter great restrictions. The current situation is very unfavorable for us, and the balance has been greatly tilted. If the situation does not improve in the future, I think Rhea and I must consider leaving this world.”

“I can understand that the master of destiny not only grows at an amazing speed, but also manages a powerful force. Although he is not very strong in resourcefulness, he is good at using all the power he can use. This is very good. Quality.”

The Lord of Sexual Sigh sighed: “Today’s war, he wiped out the power of me and the horror in one fell swoop. In the periphery of this world, neither me nor the horror have the power to interfere in this realm for the time being.”

Gaia and Zeus both cast their eyebrows, and looked at each other. If so, then they can only admit defeat and leave now.

Only Rhea’s face was calm, but her eyes were a little relaxed. In her opinion, it would be a good thing if this battle between gods and gods could be ended in this way.

It’s just that **** is not destined to make her wish. His evil and beautiful face smiled slightly: “But as far as I know, a certain force that makes me feel jealous has already approached this world.”


In the Outer Space Void, Li Mochen’s main body is now moving fast in a certain direction with Zhuan Xu.

The two rely on the power of Li Mochen’s time sequence, and it took almost no time, and they had already traversed nearly 1,200 star distances in this boundless emptiness.

But this didn’t take time, referring to the surrounding area, and it was the time sequence of the entire universe. As for Li Mochen and Zhuan Xu, they used seven seconds as countless hours.

The so-called “one day in the sky, one year on the earth” in the Eastern myths and legends is the truth.

It may be boring, or it may be something. Zhuan Xu used Li Mochen’s power to shuttle through the star field, while speaking in a chatty tone: “For the four most powerful gods in the chaos realm except for the’Mala’, At present, the most common view among the heavens and the world is that they are all born from the four greatest emotions of all spirits. Because of the fear of death, Nurg was born, because of war, fear was born; because of desire, **** was born, because Thinking gave birth to Trick.”

“Therefore, their believers think that Nurgle represents’life’, **** represents’love’, trickery represents’wisdom’, and fear of abuse represents’courage.’ Therefore, there are many like brothers Guangchengzi Such a person thinks that it is the incarnation of the three corpses of Emperor Terra.”

“Amo, you have already learned the power of **** and horror. But in my opinion, the other two chaos gods are even more terrifying. The oldest chaos evil god’Nurgle’ was born from a desperate will, and was destroyed. The concept is to breed power from the fear of death of intelligent creatures. This one’s expertise is not in powerful spells or barbaric power, but viruses invisible to the naked eye. Legend has it that there are no such things as viruses and bacteria in this world. Until the birth of Nurgle, all the plagues were produced under Nurg’s careful preparation and under his influence. You may not be able to imagine that he is full of love for all lives and accepts all believers, no matter how old or ugly, good or evil, Life form, so it is also called a loving father. He is tolerant and inclusive of the world, just like a kind father leading his beloved son.”

“I heard that there was a large-scale plague in this world. Is it related to the Ishtar under your command? But you have to believe me. The plague of Nash is not the same as the germs created by the demons in this world. .”

“And Tricky, the most cunning evil god. Some people say that Tricky comes from hope, symbolizing twisted wisdom, and the thinking and hope of all souls are providing him with strength.”

“He is the **** of deceit, and his magical attainments can be called a master. At the same time, he is well versed in’destiny’ and’timing’, and masters the changes and laws of all things in the universe. His plans span thousands of years, and he even knows every one of them. The final destiny of the distant stars, the final destiny of everyone is simply insignificant to him and he does not need to know.”

“This one still has many incarnations, the messenger of hope, the weaver of fate, the conspirator of fraud, the supreme eagle, the lord of deception, and the eagle of fate, Qingbao Tianzun.”

Li Mochen looked at Zhuan Xu in surprise, “Qingbao Tianzun? Brother, are you sure?”

This is a well-known **** in the world of Eastern Immortals, whose fame is almost on par with that of Yuanzi, the ancestor of the earth immortal. He has passed down many orthodoxy, although not as prosperous as the two religions, but it is also one of the orthodoxy of Taoism, and it is not regarded as a side door.

“There are very few people who know this, but we are sure. You don’t need to care too much. Although you don’t know what this intention is, he has not done anything dangerous to our Eastern world. Several leaders, He has always been guarded against him.”

Zhuan Xu waved his big sleeves: “It’s you, you have to be very careful with him. The power of’Nurg’ is more on sentient beings, but’Tricky’, in front of this person, any contract is not enough, yours Relatives and friends will rebel and rebel at any time, and there is no reason to rebel.”

Li Mochen frowned: “Brother mean, these two have entered the light world, or are they about to enter?”

“No! I’m not sure.” Zhuan Xu shook his head: “It is always right to be careful, except for fear of abuse. The power of the other three evil gods is always silent.”

He then sighed softly: “Actually, I’m not sure if it’s appropriate for me to remind you of tricks. This is likely to affect your judgment of the current situation.”

“Then my wishing tower is related to Yin Qi.”

This is what Li Mochen is most worried about. After all, Yan Qi’s power is extremely similar to his’Shenxiao Lingyun Purple Golden Pagoda’.

“It shouldn’t matter. Trick’s power is limited in some way, without touching cause and effect. His direction is prophet and prophecy.”

Zhuan Xu’s tone was uncertain: “He must be interested in the wishing tower, but I think your divine treasure should be avoiding him.”

“So what about the fifth chaos **** Mara?”

“Mara’s position has not been stable so far. He has the strength to match the other four gods, but he has not been recognized by all parties. His strength comes from’dispute’ and’freedom’, so there is some conflict with terrorism.”

Zhuan Xu looked at Li Mochen with a faint smile, “Do you know who bought the Statue of Liberty you sold? It’s Marathi.”

Li Mochen’s mood suddenly sank slightly.

“But rest assured, Mara doesn’t have much interest in the world of light. Even if he intervenes, it must be to disrupt the situation. He will not allow the Chaos Four Gods to go further, nor will he let the emperor get what he wants.”

When Zhuan Xu said this, his figure suddenly stopped.


This one looks ahead a small plane the size of a small thousand world.

“The Ladvin Exchange is the largest and most high-end exchange within one million stars. It is in charge of the “Mother of Stars” Ladvin, so it is called the Ladvin Exchange, or the Stars Exchange. Below the false truth, almost everything in this world can be found here, but—”

Zhuan Xu paused: “This place is far more dangerous than the’World Trade Fair’ I asked you to join before, and the rules are very confusing. You must be careful here and never trust any contracts.”

Li Mochen raised his eyebrows, he had actually heard of the notoriety here. If it wasn’t for the situation in the Bright World to improve, at the top level of combat power, there was no power that could threaten the destiny of the gods for the time being, and he would not let Zhuan Xu bring him here.

“Go in for luck and see if you can find what you want here.”

After Zhuan Xu said this, he immediately stepped in. Li Mochen followed closely. When he broke through the boundary, he felt a great resistance, and an extreme sense of danger oppressed the soul.

But then this resistance was eliminated, and the power that stimulated his soul disappeared without a trace.

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