Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 705 - 3 thinking

“In addition, we will also provide you with the greatest technical and material support. All the industrial equipment and technical data collected by us in Asera over the years can be provided to you for a fee. Especially in biochemical technology.”

Darker smiled: “Some of it is related to biochemical cloning, but it cannot be compared with you in terms of technology. However, we have a solid accumulation in fighting various plagues, which should be of great significance to you. help.

“I believe in your sincerity, but the matter is big, you have to let me think about it, Your Overseer.”

Li Mochen was a little tempted, but he didn’t immediately agree, he had to think about the gains and losses.

The credibility of the Ashela people is indeed much stronger than that of the “Mother of Stars”, but Li Mochen is more afraid of them and more cautious.

After all, this is a force that is almost on the same level as the Terra Empire, and it is huge. Once they are introduced into the world of light, it is likely to create a strong tendency for the weak and weak. At that time, as long as the Aseras had an attempt to the light world, they would be in the middle of turning their hands against the object.

The current Bright World really needs external help, but Li Mochen thinks they are not yet hungry. Even if he really wants to drink poison to quench his thirst, he needs to delay the onset of the poison as much as possible.

“It is indeed necessary to think carefully!”

Darker nodded in understanding: “I can give your Majesty a month, and you can reply at any time.”

“I think, Junior Brother, you can agree to it now.”

Zhuan Xu smiled and said, “For the military manufacturing of the Bright World, we are also very interested in the Pangu God System and can invest together.”

Li Mochen couldn’t help but glanced at his senior brother. This meant that Zhuan Xu belonged to the Pangu God Family, could it help him to counterbalance the Aserans?

This is acceptable. The checks and balances between the two big forces can effectively avoid a single dominance.

Dak said with a smile: “This is a good thing. We don’t mind sharing it with others. It can even help you attract more investors. How do you say? I understand the so-called “wind” between the Terra Empire and your bright world. From the perspective of venture capital, as long as the project itself is profitable, the more resources all parties invest in a short period of time, the greater the chance of success of the project.”

“Also, Andre, the army we dispatched to you will be formed by a fully mercenary method, and there will not be any Aseraites in it. We guarantee that this is our most elite army, and Will ensure your control of this army. Venture capital also has the so-called A shares and B shares with the same shares and different rights, isn’t it? We are completely acceptable. Asera only pursues income and has no ambitions for the rights of the bright world. I think You are an excellent entrepreneur and believe in your abilities. Unless necessary, we will not interfere with any of your decisions.”

Li Mochen was caught in a long test this time, and the ‘secret method of Zhou Tian’s secret mechanism to lock the stars’ was also operating at high speed. About ten minutes later, Li Mochen smiled slightly: “I agree in principle, but the specific conditions, the way of cooperation, and the distribution of benefits all require you to send someone to Bright World to negotiate with us.”

The Aseras are different from the Mother of the Stars. The latter is a unilateral aid, and the return afterwards is only a certain benefit and alliance, so the contract drawn up by both parties is relatively simple.

However, the Asera people intend to cooperate with them for a long time. Their investment is large, covering all aspects, and they naturally need more, so the terms are bound to be more complicated.

In addition, Li Mochen also felt the Dak warlord’s urgent need for cooperation, which meant that their side would definitely be able to get more benefits and more favorable terms from the Asera people.

Therefore, Li Mochen decided to hand over this negotiation to professional people. His Morgan, Rockefeller and others are the professional business gods.

Just as they were talking, the auction of top magic materials began on the auction stage.

Li Mochen also quickly reduced his mind and began to turn his attention to the auction itself.

In addition to the star origin and the ‘Ancient Dust Mountain Seal’ this time, he also focused on some magic materials.

That was basically what Anthony and the wizards under his command urgently needed. Li Mochen didn’t come for this, but since he ran into it, he wouldn’t miss it.

Then the origin of the stars he was looking forward to, also arrived in an hour and a half.

Li Mochen first observes. At this time, the auction house will provide various conveniences for them to observe the details of the lot.

But Li Mochen couldn’t see what was going on for the time being. In this box, he didn’t plan to use wishing technique to strengthen his abilities.

And only from the results of the current wait and see, this cluster of stars is indeed full of weight, and it is more than enough to generate a pseudo-truth-level mythical weapon.

If the core main sword of the “Dutianlei Martian Nuclear Sword Array” is used as the standard, this group of source quality is enough to directly promote two of them from blank to pseudo-truth level.

However, the many gods gathered here are also very enthusiastic, raising the price to 1.7 billion soul gold coins from the beginning. Then the prices continued to increase until 3.7 billion, and the bidding momentum slowed down.

The price is actually much cheaper than that of the “Wanjie Auction”. Buyers of the Ladvin Exchange still have less financial resources than the powerful kings of the “Wanjie Auction”—this is what Li Mochen has always embraced. There are reasons for doubts.

Li Mochen didn’t intervene until this time, and the price had risen to five billion soul gold coins before taking them. When the hammer in the hands of the auctioneer fell, it determined the origin of this cluster of stars. The sights from all directions focused on Box 3 again.

Li Mochen stood directly in front of the window, looking back at these people coldly. Then when his gaze flicked over, most of the people avoided.

This is the deterrence brought after the instant defeat of Warlord Dark. The conflict between the two has dispelled most people’s coveted thoughts.

After that, Li Mochen continued to raise his placard and spent 600 million soul gold coins to acquire the two groups of Source Quality. They belong to gale and flame, but the weight is very small.

But the source quality thing, you will never lose money when you buy it. Even if Li Mochen doesn’t use it, he can still give it to his subordinates.

He also spent 700 million soul gold coins to buy the spine of the nineteenth godlike “Dark Chinola”-this is an extremely powerful race, they have a racial talent that is not inferior to the Ashra More powerful fecundity. It was just because of lack of organization and gentle temperament that he became the hunting target of many gods.

Their spine can not only provide a steady stream of magic power, concentrate all the power of the ‘Dark Kinora’, but also have ample life energy that can help the gods prolong their life.

So this is an excellent material for making mage rods and magic tools, and some people will implant the spine of’Dark Kinola’ directly into their own gods.

Its fusion and adaptability are very good, and it can be integrated by various lives. These beings can usually use this method to obtain more than 70% of the magic power, divine power, and genius lifespan of’Dark Chinola’.

Li Mochen was going to bring it to Angela and bestow it to her little maid Lena Adric. His wife needs a loyal follower to help her defend her throne in the underworld. His wife’s direct power in the underworld is still too weak.

But now this little maid could no longer keep up with Angela’s footsteps. Even if Li Mochen deliberately supported it, Lena would only have the rank of a higher god, and the foundation was still very unstable. She is more than one grade behind her sister ‘Free Angel’ Delphine Adric.

But now the spine of’Dark Kinola’ can completely reinvent her.

Li Mochen believed that the wisdom and abilities of the magicians like Estantine and Paracelsus would definitely help him design the best integration plan. Let this little maid gain power beyond the main **** level in one fell swoop, and have a better future.

Although the price of this spine is very expensive, he believes that Angela will like his gift.

After all the magic materials were sold out, Li Mochen didn’t make any more moves.

The auction house actually came up with a lot of things, but now the alchemy technology and magic circle technology of Bright World are changing with each passing day, and various high-tech methods have been incorporated. The gods of forging and alchemy represented by Anthony have generally exceeded the level of other worlds.

Li Mochen believed that his slave gods are now more willing to collect materials and forge mythological weapons suitable for them instead of outsourcing them.

Anthony’s faction will also be disgusted. Most of his subordinate gods and allies need to upgrade their gods through the manufacture of equipment and weapons.

Therefore, except for the ‘Ancient Dust Mountain Seal’ that can help them resist chaos pollution, Li Mochen is not interested in other mythological weapons.

He continued to discuss cooperation matters with Duck, mainly about the direction of cooperation, understanding each other’s bargaining chips and other topics. Of course, Morgan and others are responsible for the specific details.

What Li Mochen was most interested in was the mercenary provided by the Asera people, who wanted to understand their strength and composition.

“They are famous and named the Blue Blood Legion. They have helped me conquer six worlds. They are the most elite legion under my command. All members are slaves I bought, including six gods nineteen and forty gods ten. Seventh and Eighteenth, their overall combat power is roughly equivalent to forty angel legions of your world. The reason why they are called blue blood is that they only accept intelligent creatures with blue blood. Then blue is the color of the sky, Represents freedom.”

Warlord Dark said proudly: “And now, because of their outstanding combat exploits, I grant them freedom. However, according to the contract, they will still serve me as mercenaries. So during their campaign in the Light World, all All commissions need to be provided by you.”

“We will provide the commission?” Li Mochen couldn’t help frowning, their financial resources were already very tight.

“We are cooperation, not support. There is no free lunch in this world. The cooperation of equal value exchange is the most reliable. You can get as much as you pay, right?”

Duck smiled: “We will not be like the mother of the stars. We will only give you nominal management rights. I will fully transfer their subsequent employment contracts to you. As for the commission, only a few of our plans When the production base is completed, you will have enough financial resources to pay. Before that, we can provide loans.”

Li Mochen couldn’t help but his face was slightly drawn. He recognized that Dak’s words did have some truth, but the specific details were open to question.

“We can also provide you with intelligence support. I know that you have the Pangu God System to rely on, but I believe that there must be a part of our intelligence sources that they cannot grasp. Of course, this also requires money. Then you think We can help you find all kinds of things you need in the whole star. We don’t have any stock, but we can find them for you, and then bring them to you. For example, the Star Origin Quality you need this time, we can easily To help you find a suitable source of goods, the price is relatively cheap. Of course, you have to pay a commission. You need to know the value of this relationship, and there are few who can reach an employment agreement with us. We can even help you conquer the world—”

“Two of you, the auction of’Ancient Dust Mountain Seal’ has begun!”

Zhuan Xu interrupted them, and this one was looking at the stage: “They disrupted the order of the auction.”

Li Mochen couldn’t help but concentrate slightly, and looked towards the stage.

In the list provided by the Ladvin Exchange, the “Ancient Dust Mountain Seal” was the last lot, but now its order has been advanced.

What Li Mochen did first was still observation.

Of course, he couldn’t detect any anomalies in this situation, only knowing that the’Ancient Dust Mountain Seal’ could indeed help him.

In fact, Dongfang has no theocracy. This ‘Ancient Dust Mountain Seal’ specializes in an evil magic power, ‘the supreme law of the five thunders to suppress evil’.

If it were to be interpreted forcibly as the theocracy of the West, then it does have the “repression” of truth introduced on the list, the “Thunder” of the pseudo-truth level, the same truth-level “eliminating evil spirits” and “devil”, and the pseudo-truth ‘Purification’.

“Suppression” can be used on many levels and is a powerful ability like a panacea. As for “shielding evil” and “eliminating evil”, they belong to the conceptual laws of the old age.

Both the East and the West regard the plague as belonging to the evil spirits, so these two divine powers can play an effect on the plague to a certain extent.

In addition, ‘eliminating evil’ and ‘elimination of evil’ are also powerful against chaos and demons. As for ‘purification’, not to mention, this is a special artifact against evil.

It was the ‘Thunder’ of the pseudo-truth level, which was the least valued by Li Mochen. He even hoped that this divine power would disappear. Just because of this ability, there will be a certain degree of mutual consumption and conflict with the’Thunder’ of the’Dutianlei Martian Nuclear Sword Array’.

“12 billion soul gold coins!”

This sound came from the second box, and a shocking price was directly quoted there, which also silenced almost everyone interested in this item.

Li Mochen took a meaningful look at the box over there, and then after the auctioneer asked twice in a row, he held up the placard with a calm expression and included a price of 12.1 billion yuan, which is the lowest price of the’Guchen Mountain Seal’ The price increase is 100 million.

Li Mochen had the’Life Right Seal’ in his hand, and he had no intention of winning the magical artifact of the’Ancient Dust Mountain Seal’.

If the other party wants to raise the price and make him pay more in this way, then he will disappoint this person. The 12 billion soul gold coins are already close to his psychological bottom line.

Sure enough, after he quoted the price, the second box took a deep look at him and then gave up the offer.

This situation also made some buyers present around the corner. Li Mochen obviously has no desire to increase prices, and it may be a disguise. At this time, they only need to increase the price slightly, and it is very possible to win this powerful Eastern Lingbao.

But in the end everyone remained silent and did not continue to follow up the offer. This is due to the purchasing power of the kings of the realm, and 12 billion soul gold coins are unbearable for most people.

This is also because they have received a temporary notice from the organizer and learned of the changes in the final lot.

“Another false truth?”

When Zhuan Xu heard the news, he was also taken aback: “This is really amazing. This small exchange, an “Ancient Dust Mountain Seal” is already very surprising. Strong pseudo-truth level.”

“Three truths, silence, thunder and destruction, this’Tall of Thunder Silence’ is really good, no wonder it can be replaced as the finale.”

Just as Duck made a calm evaluation, he discovered that Li Mochen’s expression was different: “Andre, it seems you are interested?”

Li Mochen thought he was more than interested? He had encountered Kang Xiuli’s chance of enlightenment.

His grandfather was talented and grew very fast, especially after Li Mochen got the slate of law. Now Kang Xiuli is a magician and **** with a powerful **** rank, and even mastered the ultimate ‘silence’.

But if this person does not follow the path of an angel, it will take at least two to four hundred years before he can go further–even if Li Mochen had already included him in the scope of supply of the wishing tower long ago.

This is because Kang Xiuli needs to complete his divine power purification and savings. Before his godhead was promoted to the position of the main god, he was not qualified to contact false truth.

——This is very difficult. So far there are less than 1.5 million followers of Kang Xiuli. Unless he can make another breakthrough in the forbidden curse, it will be difficult to accumulate enough divine power to break through the Sixteenth Godhead within two hundred years.

Therefore, although the appearance of the’Lei Ji’s Robe’ is more suspicious than the’Ancient Dust Mountain Seal’, Li Mochen spoke completely without thinking: “Brother, this time I may want to borrow some money from you.”

He has spent more than 20 billion in this auction, but the next artifact is less than 25 billion, and there is no possibility of winning it.

Zhuan Xu was about to agree, and Warlord Dark smiled slightly: “You don’t have to worry about financial resources. We can now provide you with a loan of 10 billion soul gold coins, with a profit and an annual interest of 10%.”

——For the gods who have countless lifespans, this is already a very exaggerated interest, which is a bit stronger than loan sharks. You know, this soul gold coin has no possibility of inflation, it has been deflation.

So Zhuan Xu condensed his eyebrows immediately, and Li Mochen agreed, “Yes!”

He knew that Zhuan Xu would not refuse him, but Li Mochen didn’t want to continue to owe this senior man favor, he already owed too much.

Da Ke laughed loudly: “A refreshing choice, then I can give me another piece of information. I don’t know whether the “Ancient Dust Mountain Seal” is reliable or not. Its origin seems innocent, but the problem is that it is too clean. Make sure of its reliability. But for this’Thunder Solitude Tabard’, I can assure you that there must be no problem with this thing.”


Half an hour later, God King Lamul personally took Li Mochen’s “Lei Ji Tabard” and “Guchen Mountain Seal” to Li Mochen’s hands, and took away from him a total of five hundred and thirty-seven. Huge wealth of billion soul gold coins.

At this time, the Dark Warlord of the Aseras had also left.

When Lamour left with joy, Li Mochen looked at Zhuan Xu: “Brother, what do you think?”


Zhuan Xu shook his head slightly: “Junior Brother, you are right to guard, but there is no need to make too many guesses about this one. This is because you have shown enough value, Junior Brother, in the past time. Many people in Star Territory are qualified to place bets, and the Aseras are one of them.”

He then smiled sarcastically: “I think the conditions they provide seem to be generous, but they are actually too small. Duck’s Blue Blood Legion does have some strength, but in the final analysis, it is Duck’s abandoned son. As for the industrial equipment and drawing technology, it is not costly. They can’t use it in the first place, and now they can change something from you. As for the money they took out, it is even more of a drop in the case of the Asera people. , They have to collect interest. In short, they can get rich returns in the future with only a small amount of effort.”

“But even just such a little investment is a huge help for me.”

Li Mochen smiled, his judgment was similar to that of Emperor Zhenwu, thinking it was a normal investment.

The Aseras may help him to fight the emperor’s mind, but he is not willing to pay too much, and he is not willing to intervene too deeply.

Duck said in front of him that there are only three things that are used to make amends for him. They are sincere. They are three eight-rank purple gold pills from the Pangu world, which can be used to improve cultivation and strengthen. Physical body. The effect is very powerful, one can allow the ancient gods below the main **** level to directly upgrade two gods.

This kind of precious pill, even Zhuan Xu, who was a disciple of a saint, didn’t have it.

Although these eight ranks of Purple Gold Pills were useless for Li Mochen, Angela, Robert, and Harou, their ancient gods were very low. Especially Angela and Robert, who have become gods by law, are only the twelfth godhead, and the effect of this thing is very useful to them.

If his relatives and subordinates can have a powerful ancient **** personality, then even if he eventually fails in the future, he can still escape from the light world with his **** system.

Thinking of these three eight-turn fund pill, Li Mochen immediately took them out of his sleeves: “Please also ask brother to give me a palm.”

He knew that although the Zhenwu Great Emperor was not good at alchemy, he had a strong ability to discern.

The latter did not disappoint him. After carefully identifying them for a while, he sent them back: “This is a genuine product, and there is no problem with the medicinal properties. As for whether there is any hidden means, you need to distinguish by yourself.”

Then he paused again, and asked in a condensed voice: “Everything is in your hands. How are you going to do it next? Should you leave now or stay here.”

“I have to stay here for a few more days. The origin of the stars and the Ancient Dust Mountain Seal need time to refine, don’t they?”

Li Mochen smiled meaningfully: “But brother, there is no need to be with me here. With you by my side, they are afraid they don’t have the courage to do it.”

“Are you really planning to use them to establish power? That is the Terra Empire and the Landless King.”

“It doesn’t matter! I think very clearly, if they can be brought into the game now, it would be a good thing for the Bright World.”

“Good thing?” Zhuan Xu thoughtfully: “It feels a bit absurd, but after careful consideration, I found that there is some truth, at least Nurgle will not be too eager to shoot.”

At this time, if there are multiple checks and balances, several chaotic evil gods will definitely have more considerations and more scruples, which can buy Li Mochen time.

Li Mochen lightly stroked the ring seal he was wearing, this new mythical weapon gave him great confidence.

“Relax, if possible, I don’t want to conflict with the Terra Empire in advance. But if those who think I and my **** system are weak and deceptive, then I will never avoid the war.”


Zhuan Xu agreed very readily: “I’ll wait here for a few more days, and wait for you to integrate the origin of the stars before leaving.”

He knew that Li Mochen actually thought he was cumbersome, and if it was just Li Mochen, he could escape if he couldn’t fight. But if Zhuan Xu was there, it would greatly hinder Li Mochen’s ability to move.

Although in terms of combat effectiveness, Zhuan Xu was not under Li Mochen at all, and even more victorious. But the guy in front of him was the most terrifying when he was a lone wolf.

In the narrow, bright world, Li Mochen’s ability in this area cannot be used, but in the vastness of the vastness, the terribleness of this guy must be multiplied ten times.

Especially during the time when he came to Outland, Li Mochen’s strength was transformed again under the accumulation of many mythological weapons, which was no longer the same as the day when he killed the King of Glutton.

In particular, his immortality may be no better than good luck. Compared with him, the king of gluttony can only be regarded as a dregs.


After coming out of the auction house, Li Mochen went straight back to the manor provided to him by the exchange, and began to study the group of ‘stars’ origin’ and ‘the ancient dust mountain seal’.

He didn’t even let the Eighth Rank Golden Core and the’Lei Ji’s Battle Robe’ have been spared. He couldn’t be careless because of Dak’s guarantee.

And at this moment, under the influence of the eight merits and purple energy and the “Life Right Seal”, his discernment ability is infinitely close to the creation pole. Even if it is a real good fortune, it is difficult to hide from his eyes.

After a full hour, Li Mochen stopped the blessing of wishing technique. He smiled coldly, and began to incorporate the ‘Star Origin Quality’ into the sniper rifle ‘Divine Will’ he brought over.

This sniper rifle is not commonly used now, and for those with a godhead of nineteen or more, its deterrence and lethality are very insufficient.

But now, this situation will undergo a fundamental change. A pseudo-truth-level sniper rifle, coupled with his own power, can no longer ignore the threat of this gun by any existence under good fortune.

Zhuan Xu left on the fourteenth day after Li Mochen began to integrate into the’Star Origin Quality’.

And Li Mochen spent a total of twenty-nine days for the strengthening and refining of the ‘Divine Will’.

There is no problem with the material of “Divine Will” itself, whether it is Typhon’s body or the mythical alloy used by Anthony to cast the gun body, it is very strong.

The problem is that in the process of integration, he must ensure the maximum use of this group of ‘star source quality’ to maximize the benefits of ‘divine will’.

The “Dutianlei Mars Nuclear Sword Array” was created by him alone, and everything is well understood, so Li Mo was able to integrate the “Star Origin Quality” without thinking.

But the “Shenyi” gun can’t work. This is Anthony’s creation. Although Li Mochen has a full set of instruments provided by this, he must spend a certain amount of time researching to ensure that it is safe.

After the “God Will” spear, it is the refining of the “Guchen Mountain Seal”.

It still takes some time of water milling to be able to refine it to whatever one wants.

But on the seventh day when he refined the “Ancient Dust Mountain Seal”, God King Lamour came to visit him in person. This person humbled and asked him warmly, and did not show the slightest difference, but Li Mochen knew that this person was actually driving people.

He laughed blankly, and did not continue to leave the mind of being a villain. After going to the Sanctuary of Stars to say goodbye to the “Mother of Stars” Radvin, Li Mochen simply stayed away from the Radvin Exchange.

Now in Outland, Li Mochen not only has Zhuan Xu to provide him with information, but also the information channel that Dak has promised to belong to the Ashela people.

Therefore, Li Mochen knew that the trade representative of the Terra Empire had been continuously exerting pressure on the Mother of the Stars for more than a month. Li Mochen was very surprised that the latter was able to persist until now.

Regardless of what kind of intention the Mother of the Stars holds, at least for now, this one still has kindness to him.

Lamour was also quite interested, and before he left, he specially reminded him to be careful on the way, it is best to take a detour. Although Cachino can use the reputation and authority of the King of the Land to mobilize a large number of Godheads Nineteen and Twenty, he may not be able to intercept him.

And as long as Li Mochen returns to the Light World, unless he has the level of strength of the King of Glutton, the general God King level can be slaughtered by him.

Li Mochen did the same, although he was not afraid of Cacchino, he even looked forward to killing others. But if this conflict can be avoided, it is not unacceptable.

The emperor, the landless king, still made him somewhat hesitant. Introducing the Terra Empire into the game in advance can indeed make several Chaos Evil Gods hesitate, but it will also cause great variables in the future.

It was only when Li Mochen circled the void in Outer Realm and approached the Bright World. He saw a huge chain phantom, which penetrated the temporal void and nailed through his chest.

This is a powerful divine weapon. Although its lethality is insufficient, the shadow of the chain is imaginary and has no actual lethality, but it has the two truths and divine powers of “locking” and “pull”.

Li Mochen couldn’t get rid of it for a while, and then in the next instant, his people were dragged into a time gap that was forcibly divided.

This is like Ms. Misera’s method against him at the time, but the one who is now shooting is much better. Combining the bizarre concepts of ‘prison’ and ‘seal’ these theocracy, turned this place into an unbreakable prison.

“I thought Radvin really had the guts to let you stay on the exchange.”

Just as these words passed to Li Mochen’s ears, Caccino, the trade representative of the Terra Empire, stepped into this time gap with a group of figures with different descriptions and appearances and different races.

The Terra Empire has always been dominated by humans, and the army is also all humans and genetically modified people.

But they also conquered numerous planets, star fields, and countless races. Powerful individuals of these races usually serve the Terra Empire in the form of a servant army, or are hired by Terra power.

As the foremost business tycoon of the Terra Empire, the Landless King is the biggest employer of these people.

The seventeen Godheads Nineteen and Godhead Twenty brought by Cachino did not belong to the same race. What surprised Li Mochen was that Duck was among them. He put his hands on his chest, and stood at the furthest distance away, and blinked at him grinningly.

This is to indicate to him that there is no hostility, this time it is purely for watching a show.

Li Mochen probably guessed it too, he didn’t care when he glanced at this guy. He was looking at Cacchino and the people around him.

The former’s gaze is as sharp as a sharp knife, but also contains undisguised greed, which makes people extremely uncomfortable.

“Do you know why I came? Andre Lee Wiltonstein. My master, he needs your wishing tower, and you can use it for your life.”

Li Mochen looked at this person carefully, and then asked, “I’m a little curious, are you doing it for your master or yourself? Did you ask your master or the emperor for instructions before planning this operation?”

He believes that the current emperor is happy to see him resist chaos in the light world, which can buy time for the emperor and the Terra But the trade representative of the Terra Empire in front of him, obviously Don’t think so.

So this guy’s answer allows him to judge the situation and situation within the Terra Empire, as well as the attitude of the emperor and the landless king.

“What do you say? My master knows everything!”

Caccino sneered, and seemed to disdain to explain. He only said this sentence and waved his sleeves, indicating that the many gods behind him were ready to take action.

“Your attitude is very bad, especially these eyes make me very annoying. I will give you the last minute, if I can’t give me a satisfactory answer. Then I will let your eyes become my collection. I I promise, this will be my favorite one!”

“It doesn’t take a minute, I can give you the answer now, I refuse!”

Li Mochen jokingly said, “But I suggest you think twice. You can’t bear the consequences of angering the Lord of Fate.”

His long sleeves flicked, and in an instant, more than four hundred sword weapons shuttled out, coiled in the void like a nebula, reflecting each other with the heavens and stars, echoing each other.

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