Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 709 - Retreat

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“Your Majesty, your current wings are really daunting.”

Inside the magic tower, Isis looked at Li Mochen with deep meaning: “It seems that your Majesty doesn’t need to attack in person this time, and it will be difficult for Ahura to leave here.”

The destiny at this time-the army of the Brilliant Alliance, is indeed in the light of tomorrow’s domestic power.

Their temporary attack was indeed beyond the other’s expectation. The several angel kings under Ahura’s command, and at least six angel legions, were not able to return to Ahura’s realm.

But now this force is being blocked by a military force commanded by the ‘Angel of War’ Robertobert in the interlayer between the main material realm and the outer realm and cannot escape.

Even Ahura Mazda himself made a dangerous return when their coalition forces were about to arrive.

This also led to the additional weakness of Guangming’s domestic defense forces. There are only four angel legions and six demon legions under the banner of Angela Manuel.

The opposite party is already using petitioners, and Ahura has accumulated a huge number in this regard. But the gap in combat power is hard to make up. Due to the existence of the Magic Tower in the Land of Destiny, Ahura’s God’s Domain advantage cannot be used.

“I don’t expect to be so big. The reason why I can sit here is that it’s not time yet.”

Li Mochen responded calmly: “His Royal Highness Ahura is not an opponent that can be solved casually.”

Zhuan Xu and Isabel here are to guard against Gaia and Zeus, as well as those chaotic evil gods.

And it is foreseeable that Ahura’s struggle and counterattack will definitely be extra crazy. It is impossible for him to give such a dangerous opponent to his subordinates and friends.

In fact, the battle between him and Ahura is already underway, except for the entanglement between the magic tower of the land of destiny and the glorious kingdom, the two laws trapped the confrontation. Li Mochen is constantly intercepting the past time faults from the outer realm, to fill up with Ahura’s ‘tolerance’ and ‘chaos’, so that his subordinates can rampage on this divine soil.

At this moment, a blue light flashed in front of Li Mochen.

It was an extremely sturdy figure, about four meters high, and shaped like a combination of a deer and a person-half human and half deer, with scales covered on its body and a single horn on its head.

This man knelt down in front of Li Mochen: “I’m late, Your Majesty. Due to some power blocking, I spent a little time on the road.”

“No! You came at the right time.”

The corners of Li Mochen’s lips twitched slightly: “I believe more deeply now that luck is on my side.”

This is the commander of the Blue Blood Legion, Genos, a powerful king who is in charge of “Thunder” and “Space”.

“Go and take part in the battle, Jenos, lead your men, and help me smooth out the realm of this Majesty Ahura Mazda as soon as possible.”

Jenos didn’t have any extra words. After he nodded slightly, he turned into thunder and lightning again, and descended on the battlefield.

He is a mercenary who uses money to do things. There is nothing unreasonable about Li Mochen’s request. With sufficient commissions, he has no reason to refuse.

After this one directly intervened in combat, the situation became even more skewed towards the Allied forces.

With rigorous and thoughtful wisdom, the doomsday giant Sulter, the **** of deception Loki, the goddess of darkness Ishtar, the lord of dawn Apollo, the king of jihad, Christine, the angel of earth, the goddess of nature Al Themis, leading their subordinates, marched forward in all directions.

They are strangling Ahura’s legion, interspersing, encircling, assaulting, turning sideways, using various outstanding tactics and absolute strength to crush every bit of the ancient light god.

Even Ahura’s evil body Angela Manuel appeared directly, and it failed to change the situation on the battlefield.

It turned out that it was not the mighty ‘Blue Blood King’ Jaenos who shot and restrained this, but Artemis, the goddess of nature.

After obtaining the ‘Hand of Natural Order’, this woman seemed to have a certain switch turned on in her body. Not only was she surprisingly diligent recently, but her combat effectiveness far exceeded what outsiders expected of her.

Nature, life, toxins, penetration, shooting, hunting and the moon, Artemis used the method of flying a kite, moving and transforming quickly where the moonlight can reach, and every arrow she shoots is aimed at Angela · Manuel poses a huge threat.

Therefore, this person’s theocracy did not reach the truth level, but Angela Manuel had to allocate most of the power to deal with it.

Angela Manuel is powerful, and he is the deputy king of darkness and destruction. Unfortunately, the concept of the moon is the best force against darkness. As the yang in the yin, the power of light bred in the darkness allows Artemis to easily tear through the darkness of the opponent with every arrow.

At this time, almost everyone knew that Ahura’s remaining skills were already poor.

However, it may be to wait for reinforcements. The Zoroastrian Lord has always stayed in his light court without showing up, allowing the ‘Destiny-Glory Alliance’ to slaughter his army.

“If he doesn’t show up again, our army can directly smash the core of his kingdom of God.”

Two hours later, Isis bowed to Li Mochen and said, “Your Majesty! I can now transfer command.”

At this time, the resistance of the Kingdom of Guangming has approached nothing. Most of the ten angel legions staying here were wiped out, and 30 million petitioners disappeared. All the fire-worshiping gods also retreated to Ahura’s side.

The army of the ‘Destiny-Glory Alliance’ has already placed soldiers in front of the God’s Court of Light, which has also enabled Li Mochen’s ‘Magic Tower in the Land of Destiny’ to gradually gain the upper hand in the battle of the law snare.

By this time, there is indeed no need for too fine command, and the battle belonging to the Divine Army has ended.

There are two options next, one is to use this huge army to encircle Ahura; the other is Li Mochen himself, with the assistance of the gods, to kill Ahura! This can effectively avoid the casualties of the Divine Army, but at the same time, he must also endure Ahura’s dying fight, and the ancient glorious Lord who is ready to die and break the net still has a full deterrent.

“I personally thank you for your command, Your Royal Highness Isis’s ability to command operations is amazing.”

In fact, Li Mochen didn’t think Isis’s strategic and tactical ability was so strong that it was still far behind his Guderian, Rommel and others.

What’s more, this man still has a lot of selfishness. During the course of the campaign, they intentionally or unintentionally arranged their angel army in a safer position, allowing the army of the destiny to take more risks.

However, this one is rather restrained and very hidden, and Li Mochen doesn’t bother to care about her. The key is that their casualties themselves are not many. People who died in battle will also have Angela’s angel of death to collect souls, and they will be reborn soon.

Then Li Mochen began to look at the void again, a little confused in his eyes.

“They shouldn’t show up anymore.”

Isis guessed Li Mochen’s thoughts, but disagreed: “I think it is unlikely that they will participate.”

Just look at the strong strength of the’Destiny-Glory Alliance’-the blue blood king of Outland Jenos, the goddess of life and war Isabel, the great Emperor Zhuan Xu, the mother of darkness, Ishtar, the **** of deceit Ji, the poisonous dragon Nidhog, and her Isis, as well as the initially restored king of the abyss, Satan, there are only eight of them at the God King level.

Below this, there are those who can display the power of the **** king in a short period of time, including Prometheus, the angel of supernatural power Hercules, the goddess of wisdom Athena, the lord of dawn, Apollo, the highest dragon **** Io, and Micah. Le, Gabriel and more than ten people.

Instead, she is Gaia and others. Faced with such a lineup, it is impossible to rush into the war without an absolute geographical advantage.

They even have to wonder whether this is a trap set by Li Mochen, to lure them here for a decisive battle.

“But this can’t be explained. Ahura hid in his court and couldn’t get out, sitting and watching us slaughter his petitioners and army.”

The goddess of wisdom Athena also had doubts in her eyes: “He should choose to fight against His Majesty when he is strongest, rather than let us cut off his wings a little bit.”

“I have been waiting for Gaia and Kaos to show up, but so far, I have not sensed their presence nearby.”

Li Mochen stood up while speaking, “Although I don’t know what they are making, it doesn’t matter.”

At this time, his “Du Tian Lei Mars Nuclear Sword Array” has been scattered outside the battered Guangming Kingdom, responding to the heavens and stars, exuding infinite stars.

And when the word’indifferent’ came out of Li Mochen’s mouth, his figure had already left. With thirteen kinds of forbidden curses, like a meteor, blasted past the opposite light court.

Everything in front of him was shattered at the point where his Gunganir holy spear was pointing. Whether it is the snare of the laws of the Kingdom of Guangming, or those glorious and holy buildings, they are directly crushed into particle states under the pressure of his power.

The latter is derived from one of the forbidden spells he has mastered, ‘atom decomposition’, which can decompose everything into atoms, and Li Mochen has elevated this door forbidden spell to a realm that can keep pace with false truth and divine power.

Then most of these atoms will go further and become the raw material for nuclear fusion at a high temperature of tens of billions, igniting everything! Let this glorious world become even more dazzling. Countless flames and boundless radiant energy impact every corner of this world.

With this shot of Li Mochen, this whole piece of sacred soil has the potential to collapse. Even the destiny army that had been prepared for a long time could not support it, and under the divine power of many main gods and kings, there were still many people whose spirits were turbulent, and even their facial features were bleeding.

However, before it was truly fragmented, Ahura’s “Golden Ring of the Sun” had already been cut out from the interior of the God of Light.


The fight between the two exploded more light, but Li Mochen’s snare to the law, the destruction of the structure of the kingdom of God itself was prevented.

“Does light and dark fit together?”

Li Mochen’s eyebrows raised slightly, and his eyes showed admiration. What Ahura showed at this time was somewhat similar to the concept of “Tai Chi” in the East. The combination of light and darkness, the combination of yin and yang, combined with transportation and transportation, dispelled most of the forces he had attacked.

“It’s a pity–“

It is a pity that his evil body, Angela Manuel, the **** of darkness and destruction, has not yet reached the extreme, nor can he achieve the extreme.

The Western system is fast and swift in power practice, but it is far behind the Taoist sect of Pangu civilization in terms of integration and coordination.

Li Mochen didn’t shoot a second shot, but the “Du Tian Lei Martian Nuclear Sword Qi” he summoned had already helped him break through all the obstacles ahead. The power of the destiny gods in the distance helped him destroy the snare of all laws that he should destroy.

When Li Mochen came to the gate of the **** court, the bright **** kingdom was on the verge of breaking.

Eight **** kings with twenty **** ranks, fourteen quasi **** kings with nineteen **** ranks, plus the power of Li Mochen himself and the magic tower of the Land of Destiny, are tearing the world.

With such a majestic mighty force, even Ahura, the master of this place, could not suppress resistance.

“His Majesty Ahura, you really opened my eyes this time, so I just dared to shrink into your shell? Are you still looking forward to Gaia and Kaos?”

Li Mochen stood in front of the sacred court, smiling with coldness and disdain: “But if they are willing to come, they have already come, why wait until now?”

Li Mochen did not rashly push open the closed metal gate. He was orderly disintegrating everything here, subverting the law established by the original Glory Lord, and was excluding or offsetting Ahura’s supernatural power, unless Ahura was confirmed. The geographical advantage here is completely disintegrated, otherwise he will not rush into this place where his combat power cannot be fully utilized.

Li Mochen can also do this, which is why he chose to join forces with Horus and lead a huge coalition force into this place.

But although he didn’t try to break the door, but after only a second, the door opened on both sides, revealing everything in this glorious palace to Li Mochen.

It was just the scene in front of him that made Li Mochen’s eyes a little surprised.

The remaining gods of Zoroastrianism at this time, such as the Void Angel Wahman, the Flame Angel Atahesht, the Earth Angel Spandalmat, the Moon Angel Maher, the Timing Angel Zulwan, the Disorder Demon King Saruva, hypocrisy Demon King Drudge and so on are on both sides.

Angela Manuel’s figure is not in the temple, but Ahura Mazda, who is on the throne, is in black and white. Half of the body was as smooth as jade, and the other half was dark in color-the imbalance of black and white, which also caused continuous bleeding marks where they merged.

Surprisingly, Ahura Mazda showed a pair of huge wings behind him. But almost every feather on this wing was dripping blood, and there was a trace of black air in the center of Ahura himself.

Li Mochen took a look and immediately understood what was going on.

At this time, instead of rushing to do it, he asked with some curiosity: “This is contaminated by the power of evil? When?”

“four years ago.”

Ahura’s expression and mood were still calm: “Shortly after the war in Alaska, many imams and priests of the Shinrikyo Sect were depraved because of the drug bliss.”

Li Mochen suddenly realized, and then smirked and laughed, thinking that this man is really self-inflicted, and eating chicken is not a typical example of eating rice.

The Lord of Sins spreads drugs in the mortal world for the purpose of targeting the Destiny and the Light.

But the Lord of Glory has always been very strict with his believers, and the strictness of the Destiny Church is even higher. Only Ahura, in order to usurp the dominion of truth, had to accept some not-so-pure believers and imams in the religion of truth in an inclusive manner.

Therefore, these drugs, headed by “Elysium”, failed to shake him and Horus, but caused Ahura to miss the vehicle.

Fortunately, it is this one who holds the truth and tolerance, otherwise he would have been controlled by evildoers.

Therefore, the absence of Ahura and his gods in the battle of the blood feast is understandable. On the one hand, the divinity is indeed contaminated, on the other hand, it is powerless.

Li Mochen looked at Ahura’s wings again: “Mitra was swallowed by you?”

“I’m resisting sex, he saw the opportunity.”

Ahura answered without saying a word, with a very candid attitude: “His resentment towards me is well known, and it is indeed possible to replace me in this world, but I also have enough defense on my side.”

Li Mochen laughed: “In your state, still dare to compete with the Lord of Radiance for the God of Light in the dark world?”

He guessed that the reason why Ahura fell to this point was mostly distracted from the fight with the Lord of Radiance.

“That is my only chance, I can’t help but argue. With the help of the sun you created, I can resolve all the problems in my body. But unfortunately, the state of Horus at the time was ultimately above me and also took the lead. “

Ahura’s face didn’t have too much regret. He looked at Li Mochen: “You have seen my current state, what are you going to do with me?”

Li Mochen thoughtfully: “You mean, as long as I continue to do it now, you are ready to completely fall into the evil, right? A ridiculous threat!”

“But this is very effective.” Ahura looked at her body and said with a wry smile: “If there is a better choice, I would not choose Chaos anyway. It depends on you, Your Majesty.”

“But I’m thinking now, it’s not impossible to kill you before you fall, or after you fall.”

At this moment, Li Mochen’s killing intent is indeed cold as a knife: “Are you sure you can threaten me?”

“I have never doubted the power of destiny, but I also know that after my fall, there must be a way for me to escape.”

Ahura was unmoved: “Or, let you pay a certain price with your **** system. My body can get more and stronger power from him, just like Kaos. If you must want to If you want to kill me, you can try.”

Li Mochen thought for a long time, then put away his Gungnir Holy Spear, and then looked back behind him: “I can promise you that after you pay a sufficient price, let you and your divine relationship safely leave the light world. , Can even help you purify a part of the power of chaos. But I am still curious, ten angel legions, thirty million petitioners, are you so dismissive in your eyes?”

“But before that, would you believe me?”

Ah Hu Ramen asked without expression: “I think I can only truly trust you if I lie on your cutting board without any room for resistance. Besides, at least one-seventh of them have been contaminated. I can’t tell, and I can’t choose. At this time, what would you do if it was Majesty Wiltonstein?”

Li Mochen was speechless. He thought that if he faced this situation, he might not be any better than Ahula.

He definitely couldn’t be as ruthless as Ahura, but an extremely **** cleansing was also imperative, so there was no need to find any moral superiority in this person.

“Then talk about the price. I want all your wealth, including magic materials, etc.. The’Golden Ring of the Sun’ must also be left. This mythical weapon originally came from the world of light. I think it is still in the hometown. it is good.”

Ahura was still expressionless: “Yes! This is reasonable.”

“Also–” Li Mochen pointed to Ahura’s pair of wings: “Mithra, transfer his contract with him to me.”

“Mithra?” Ahura was a little puzzled: “Are you sure? He should have no place under your command. And this one, like me, is now tainted with divinity.”

“It’s not that you care about your Royal Highness Ahura, I naturally have a way to deal with him.”

Li Mochen smiled: “But this is only a condition on my side, and your Highness Isis, you have to say it yourself.”

At this time, Isis has already entered this hall. Seeing Ahura’s current state, she was also very surprised, with surprise, pleasure and mockery in her eyes.

But Ahura’s attitude towards her was completely different. He looked at Isis with a cold gaze: “But I don’t intend to make any concessions to their mother and son. They have not yet allowed me to admit that they have failed. If you must Give me such a humiliation, then I’d rather take refuge in evildoing.”

Isis’s eyes became gloomy in an instant.

In other words, in their alliance this time, the Destiny Divine Element took away all the benefits, but she and the Lord of Radiance had nothing.

But then Isis adjusted his mentality: “Let’s do it, I can accept it.”

The most important thing now is not the spoils, but after solving the threat of Ahura, they can calmly deal with the dark sea and deal with another Horus.

“But how should this contract be signed? Tricky’s power can invalidate most of the contracts in this world, and this one’s power has obviously entered this world. Therefore, it is difficult for me to believe the star contract or the root contract now. This way.”

Li Mochen thought it was simple. All of his contracts now don’t need roots and stars. Almost all the oversight and reporting parties of the contract point to himself.

The disadvantage of this is that it is not as effective as the restriction, but the advantage is that it saves money and is safe. He couldn’t stop Trick’s ability, but he could get the induction at the first time the contractor betrayed.

As for the problem of Ahura, it is also easy to solve. It is enough to replace an existence that can contend with Yin Qi as a supervisor, such as the nobleman of the Taoist Three Sects, or the great emperor of the Ashra people——


The Antorian Continent is still that desolate little dock, and the figure of the Lord of Evil is here again.

“You puzzled me, my fellow.”

His tone was very bad, and his slightly messy voice revealed his mood: “I have been waiting, but in the end I found nothing.”

“Are you complaining that I didn’t intervene?”

The old man dressed as a fisherman fixedly looked at the buoy ahead: “I am not obligated to help you, because in your opinion, the situation has been tilted towards him infinitely?”

The evil master looked at him expressionlessly: “Could the situation be worse than this? My two poor little allies, they can only move the Olympus Mountain and the Pantheon to the Outland, they There is even no confidence in holding the kingdom of God.”

“Ahura is out, and there is one less force able to fight the Lord of Destiny. Of course they can’t keep it.”

The fisherman’s words were ironic: “But sorrow, isn’t this caused by your greed? You saw the opportunity and tried to turn Ahura into your pawn, but you never thought that this would in turn give destiny. The Lord can take this opportunity. This is your limitation, shameless, you are very cunning and smart, but you never know how to restrain your desire.”

When he was speaking, he gained another harvest. A newly caught yellow croaker was put into a cage by him.

“You should be able to understand that your pollution will definitely lead to the weakening of Ahura’s power, and you must also be able to think that with the acting style of the Lord of Destiny, you will surely do everything at this time to wipe out all that can threaten him. Exist. But you still did it. Desire and greed blinded your wisdom. So now you want my help and you want me to clean up the mess? Isn’t it ridiculous? What obligation do I have to take me out The power of the people involved in this war that I think is bound to fail?”

The lord of evil could not help but fall into silence, he was very upset, but he also agreed with the accusation made by Yin Qi.

After about a minute, he adjusted his mind: “Tell me, what do you think? I guess the power of Nurgle can’t shake his rule over this world.”

“It is obvious that he has made sufficient preparations. In particular, this divine power displayed, when fighting against Ahura, can actually allow the magic towers of all mortal cities to survive forever, and it can always be for him. The believers provide the strength to make them vigorous enough to fight the plague. This is really amazing!”

The fisherman smiled: “What I think is that since there is no way to stop it, then there is no need to stop it. I even hope you can help me fuel the flames and make him go further.”

The Lord of Pervert was taken aback for a moment, and then fell into meditation: “I guess your idea is to use the power of the emperor to retreat, right? Use this method to force the Tyra Empire to intervene in advance, this Is it really feasible?”

“I’m not sure, but your plan to get that thing before the emperor has failed? Neither I, you, nor Nurgle, did not bypass the Lord of Destiny and get the thing. It’s possible. Are you still reluctant to admit this result?”

The fisherman didn’t hear the retort of Lu Xie, he continued: “I think you have to change your mind. We must be entangled with this destiny master, and then wait for the emperor to complete the transformation of this world and bring the army here? Didn’t you notice that the emperor and his princes are still out of the picture?”

Lu Xie couldn’t help but his eyes flickered: “I admit that what you said makes sense, but I have to consider it carefully.”

“Let’s think about it.” The fisherman looked disapproving: “But I think it doesn’t matter whether you take the test or not. After being defeated so many times by the Lord of Destiny, how much power can you still use now?”

Lu Xie hummed softly to show his disdain, and then his body disappeared on the sea again.

At this time, the fisherman also muttered to himself in a mocking tone: “Don’t you want to give up? We have always been good at disintegrating the enemy from the inside, not stupid enough to confront them. And my fellow, you seem to Forgot this truth.”

“The most troublesome thing about that guy is neither his ingenuity, nor his personal strength, nor the gods under him, but his horrible luck-if you don’t wipe away this luck, Who can do anything to him in this world?”


About thirty-two hours later, Li Mochen watched Ahura and his go away from the gods, disappearing into the boundless emptiness.

At this time, he had completed the agreement with Ahura, helped him purify part of the chaotic power, and separated Mithra. In fact, Li Mochen could do more. If Estantine and the others lay out a set of targeted magic circles, he could even be sure to restore Ahura’s divinity to purity.

Li Mochen also had such a willingness. He was worried that Ahura would not be able to resist the pollution of evildoers and would eventually become his enemy.

What’s more, the contract that Li Mochen and Ahura finally signed was that during his alliance with the Lord of Radiance, Ahura and his **** system could not return to the light world and the dark world.

——This is obviously to check and balance the Glory Lord, but even Isis can’t say anything. As the balancing force Li Mochen expected, he certainly hoped that this person could improve his current state.

The problem was that Ahura couldn’t rest assured of them. After Li Mochen helped him remove some obvious pollution from his body, this man refused Li Mochen’s more help, unwilling to let the latter have the opportunity to touch his divinity.

Li Mochen felt regretful, but since Ahura insisted on doing this, he didn’t need to force it.

And just after Ahura left, Li Mochen returned to his magic tower, the land of fate, to meet his other trophy, the sun **** in the Middle East, and the angel of light Mithra of Ahura.

“I must remind you that you made a wrong choice.”

Mithra looked at him blankly: “The contract cannot bind me, and you cannot gain my loyalty. At this point, I would rather face death than become anyone’s so-called “angel”.”

“It means that if Trick’s power provokes you, you will definitely betray?”

Li Mochen said with a smile: “So decisive, don’t you ask me the price I offer you?”

Mithra frowned slightly: “I don’t think there will be a second sun **** in this **** system, heh, there has never been, there is only one Lord of Dawn. You can’t give me a better priesthood, otherwise How to appease your subordinates?”

“What if it is an angel of order?”

Li Mochen noticed that Mithra was stunned for a while, and then there was a little luster in his eyes.

“Order Angel?”

“In charge of order and punishment.”

Li Mochen smiled: “There is no such power under my banner. In addition, given your power, I also hope that you can become my divine envoy.”

Mithra fell into deep thought. In ancient times, he was indeed a symbol of order, and he held a certain order force.

His heart moved involuntarily, and the power of order and discipline was not inferior to glory.

“Just an angel?”

“It’s just an angel, I don’t plan to give you more.”

Li Mochen said frankly: “The only thing I can guarantee is that you will not be named or not under my command. I will let you take charge of a complete angel army and be responsible for the order of the kingdom of God and the world.”

The Mithra under the control of Ahura is actually very aggrieved. There is Ahura, the **** of light, underneath, the angel Wahman who has the power of void and flame, and the angel Atahisht who masters flame and light. .

There is no authority in the Zoroastrian **** system, and it is not even included in the six angels.

This one’s final backlash is not surprising at all.

“If it is the priesthood of order and punishment, I can accept it, but can you trust me?” Mithra looked at Li Mochen suspiciously: “Even if the Lord of Tricky is watching you?”

“That’s my problem.”

Li Mochen looked at Mithra: “The only thing you have to do now is to wait for my purification, and then get meritorious service. Try to gain my trust and the approval of your colleagues.”

However, it was obviously not only Mithra himself who had doubts about Li Mochen’s move. After the new Angel of Order left, Prometheus frowned: “Your Majesty, I don’t think this person can be trusted. Especially at this time, it is likely to bury hidden dangers for us.”

Not to mention him, Prime Minister Bismarck did not approve: “Your I have heard of this god, and it is hard to believe that he will subdue.”

“But this one is also very powerful, isn’t it?”

Li Mochen looked forward to the hope, “If he hadn’t stupidly marched into Rome when his foundation was not stable, he might not have lost to Ahura. And now, as long as I let go of the restrictions on him a little bit, Godhead II Ten is easy.”

In its heyday, Mithra was indeed very powerful. On the one hand, his sect was fighting against the Zoroastrianism of Ahura; on the other hand, it invaded Rome and fought against the Olympus gods under Zeus; on the other hand, it invaded and killed the body poison. The gods retreated steadily; then he entered Egypt and almost replaced the nine pillars.

On the mainland of Rome, Mithra suppressed the Lord of Radiance for at least thirty years.

In that era, this is the most powerful god, who can have the upper hand in all battles. And this person’s defeat was actually the result of multiple encirclement and strangulation.

Such a person is indeed not subordinate to others. but–

Li Mochen smiled and looked at her goddess of wisdom: “His Royal Highness Athena, what do you think?”

Athena did not let him down: “One of your majesty’s purposes is for the Pantheon?”

Mithra was the original master of the Pantheon. He was once recognized as the lord of the pantheon by most races in this world until he was defeated.

“And this war has given you insight into Trick’s intentions. They have almost no decent resistance. It can be seen that the treacherous king does not intend to prevent you from becoming the **** of this world. Therefore, we now have to consider the next one. Opponent.”

Athena glanced at everyone present: “Everyone, the arrival of the Terra Empire army may not be long after. Now, every power in this world is worth cherishing. Mithra is not credible, but it is against the emperor. When the emperor, he must be reliable.”


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