Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 714 - Dragon Qi

“The future of the bright world is dim, but the chosen people have the hope of surviving. As the ministers of merit in this world, we can be the minions of the chaos, receive the favor and blessing of the lord of chaos, and even gain eternal life. This opportunity Not much. Mr. Clark, tickets have always been limited.”

   The priest of Nurgle made a wicked, hoarse laugh: “Your daughter, she is at Ronald Reagan Medical Center right now? As far as I know, you are the main target of my lord’s oracle.”

   Edie Krank did not answer, he watched the mosquitoes surging like clouds, and then scattered into the streets and alleys, and even various buildings.

   The magic tower defense array in this city can detect this tiny creature and kill it at the first time, but it is more of an external error.

   What’s bad is that these mosquitoes in the urban area almost all come from the interior of the city. They come from gutters, sewers, and a large number of worm eggs hatch in a very short time, and mix into the crowds and neighborhoods of residential houses, making the magic tower defense array in the city throw rat traps.

   This makes the number of mosquitoes grow rapidly, rolling like clouds, and thanks to their body structure, they can ignore some weaker magical barriers to a certain extent. This also makes the magical defense array of all buildings in the city unable to refuse them.

   Just a few seconds later, Edie Crank heard a buzzing sound. It is a few mosquitoes that have entered this floor.

   But when Edie Krank’s eyes showed a wry smile, his expression was slightly taken aback.

“Please make a decision as soon as possible, Senator, for your wife and daughter, and for your personal future. I will only stay here for three minutes at most. Nurgle voters, this is the best I can give you now. , Next time, there won’t be such a good thing again—”

   The voice of the priest Mint Bod of Naju choked, and he looked out the window with the same look in amazement.

   He found that a large number of mosquitoes were falling to the ground. Most of them had lost their vitality. Some exceptions would die in a very short time.

   The overwhelming and desperate swarm of insects was swept away by a force in an instant. The dark sky is also bright, and warm daylight shines into the city from above.

   Even the mosquitoes that have infiltrated the building are no exception. Mint Bod can no longer hear their wings flapping.

   can be seen from this glass curtain wall, many people are surprised by this, the pedestrians on the road have hid in the nearby hotels, office buildings and shelters. But at this moment, some of them with higher strength all walked out the door one after another, looking out in awe.

   “This is Angela, the queen of fate!”

   “The mighty power of death killed these worms.”

   “This is the power of the goddess of dreams and the underworld.”

   “This is a miracle! God is watching the mortal world and protecting us! Cthulhu cannot succeed.”

   “Great Queen of God, thank you for your shelter to our mortals. You saved this world.”

   After confirming that all the mosquitoes had died, most of the people who took to the street knelt down with excitement and began to pray sincerely.

   Edie Krank, who was standing in front of the glass curtain wall, also had a solemn expression. He clasped his hands in front of his chest and prayed silently.

  He is not a believer of Angela, but in the doctrine of the Destiny Church, the Lord of Destiny and Angela are always one and inseparable.

   About thirty seconds later, Edie Krank turned his head again to look at his former friend, but there was a little pity in his eyes.

   “Your Excellency Bode, it seems that our **** is not as fragile and incompetent as you think.”

“Is this going to leave? To be honest, I want you to stay here now. I know you believe in nurture because of cancer of your liver. You have undergone three operations and used the best medicine, but three times Due to the recurrence of heavy work, the pain spreading throughout your body made you choose Cthulhu. I sympathize with you, Mr. Bode. Isn’t it good to welcome death with peace of mind? Angela is a benevolent goddess, she can make all serious sins not committed People who enjoy happiness in her kingdom and the land of God, and will usher in eternal sleep someday in the future. And the kingdom of God of the Lord of Destiny is no different from the heaven preached by the Light Church. Why should you become this ugly What does it look like?”

   “Narrow! Whether it is ugly or beautiful, it all comes from the perception of the human self, which is meaningless in the eyes of higher beings.”

  Mint Bode said as he walked into the darkness behind him.

   He knew that a powerful group of ‘land purifiers’ had entered this building.

“You will regret it, Mr. Clark. The struggles of the Destiny God system make you mistakenly believe that they still have power, but it is definitely not the case. The four chaotic gods are working together to subvert the world. They only need to make a small mistake now. Human civilization will be ruined. Our only way out is to obey and join in. Clark, I know you are ambitious and you are by no means a stickler—”


  As the office door was blasted open, the figure of the priest Mint Bod of Nurgle completely disappeared into the darkness, and his voice was no longer followed.

   While on the surface, Edie Krank, who maintained his composure, picked up the phone immediately.

   At this time, his wife and daughter are at the Ronald Reagan Medical Center at UCLA, and he must confirm their safety as soon as possible.


   At this time, Li Mochen let go of his wife’s hand in the underworld.

   Angela’s breath is a bit weak, due to the need to cover all five continents with death power, as well as four misty continents with trillions of mosquitoes.

Her divine power consumption is extremely huge. In the previous three months, the 288 energy pools in her 36-story magic tower drained all the energy to store divine power, but at this moment they are all consumed. .

   But even that was not enough. In the end, it was with the support of Li Mochen’s supernatural power to accomplish this pioneering move today.

   But this weakness is only temporary. At this time, Angela already feels that no fewer than tens of billions of people in this world are praying to her. Brought her a lot of power of faith before, allowing her to recover in the shortest possible time.

   Presumably after today, her number of believers in the mortal world will also be greatly increased. The dream of the goddess church will become one of the mainstream beliefs in the world, rather than the church that can only depend on her husband as before.

   “Amo, I don’t understand, you can clearly remove these mosquitoes in advance, and kill the disaster before it strikes.”

   Angela’s mood is very complicated, feeling both happy and guilty.

   The reason why she was able to kill all the huge numbers of mosquitoes in one fell swoop was because of the ‘Internet’, a theocracy that covers the whole world, and the second was that she relied on a virus that Li Mochen spread in these mosquitoes in advance.

   They are very contagious, but they are not fatal. There is almost no threat, but it is enough to become the fulcrum of Angela’s death power transmission.

   But this also means that Li Mochen had already predicted this change a long time ago, and then he was ready to deal with it.

  He can completely let these mosquitoes die early, so that this disaster has no possibility of outbreak.

   Although the miracle and faith increase this time made Angela feel very happy, but Angela’s divinity made her feel uneasy.

   “But in fact, I can’t stop it.”

   Li Mochen shook his head slightly and began to explain, he knew he had to comfort Angela.

“I was aware of this three months ago with my paraphyseal, and then I went back in time to spread this virus in the past. It lurks in the blood of cattle, horses, and other livestock, and eventually enters the mosquitoes cultivated by scum. But I cannot Kill them all, most of the offspring they give birth to are lurking in the state of worm eggs. Acting rashly will only surprise Nurgle and change its plan, which is of no benefit to us.”

   “Sorry, it’s my fault.”

   Angela thought for a while, and realized that what Li Mochen had said was true, and then blushed with embarrassment.

   She thinks she shouldn’t doubt Li Mochen. Her husband’s control over her own consciousness is very powerful, and she is rarely influenced by faith, but his divinity has always been as high as jade.

   If there is a way to stop it in advance, it would never be possible to sit back and watch his believers get hurt by the Chaos Four Gods.

   But she shouldn’t have made such a mistake, the truth is, you only need to think a little bit to find out.

   Her own unprovoked speculation is not only a humiliation to her husband, but also puts herself in the position of a’little man’s heart’.

   “You don’t need to apologize, Angie. The cunning of Chaos Cthulhu is well known to everyone. If we only act according to our own divinity, we will only be played by them in the end.”

   Li Mochen held Angela in his arms to a great extent, he knew why. His wife was still affected by the divine nature.

   Angela’s growth is so fast, almost comparable to him. But his wife, without a top-level artifact like the “Shenxiao Lingyun Purple Pagoda” to suppress Qi luck and mind, will inevitably be disturbed.

   So this time, although Angela performed miracles all over the world. But if he had a choice, Li Mochen would rather give up this opportunity.

   After today, although Angela’s power will be stronger, the situation facing her divinity will be even worse.

   Therefore, another top priority for him now is to find an artifact for Angela that can suppress the divine nature as soon as possible.

   Then Li Mochen was not eager to return to the kingdom of God. He stayed with Angela all day and helped her stabilize the divine restlessness caused by the surge in faith before leaving Angela’s underworld.

   After his return, the ‘Secret Angel’ Reinhard Heydrich summed up this loss to him the first time.

“Excluding the Middle East and the Misty Continent, which the Queen of God cannot take care of, at least 12 million people have been infected this time. This has greatly increased the burden on our medical system, and future epidemics will be more difficult to control. Fortunately. Yes, thanks to emergency protective clothing, our medical staff rarely get infected.”

   “Because of the miracle of Her Majesty the Queen, people don’t have much panic and despair. However, this time the force of hope has greatly increased, which is beneficial to Qi Qi.”

   After listening to Li Mochen, his expression was tangled and helpless. The four chaos gods cover almost all human emotions, and any large-scale emotional fluctuations will increase their power.

   This also means that no matter what they do in response to the crisis is wrong.

“They are such rascals.” Warlord Dark also expressed sympathy: “So you have to be promoted to the gods as soon as possible, or further control the root cause, or they will grind you to death sooner or later, and many gods and civilizations will be destroyed because of this. . And the more developed the civilization, the higher the degree of information dissemination, the more susceptible to their influence.”

  Dak Warlord left after being a guest in the Bright World for seven days. During this period, the gods and military power of the Alliance of Heaven’s Mandate had done a comprehensive inspection, and Li Mochen accompanied him throughout.

   Of course, the entire Destiny God System also has certain reservations. It is impossible to completely trust the Asera people, but Li Mochen still showed most of their power to Dak.

   And the only suggestion that this one left was to let them expand their army as quickly as possible.

   “The military strength gathered by the Terra Empire is at least a thousand times higher than yours. I mean to add the Blue Blood Legion I lent you.”

“It is expected that after the war begins, all parties will not sit back and help you reduce the pressure. But Andre, you must also have the strength equivalent to 220 Divine Will Legions in order to compete with the Terra Empire in the star realm. Confrontation. According to our calculations, this is the minimum requirement.”

   Li Mochen was also very helpless about the expansion of the army. Magic professionals are not leeks, and their cultivation takes time. The number of divine will warriors and angels is even more difficult. The time of the destiny divine system is too short, and the background is a flaw.

   In addition, he has to fight against the low fertility rate of various countries.

   Li Mochen has no tolerance for the declining number of births. He even plans to issue an oracle directly to prohibit sterilization operations and condom production. However, due to the huge opposition from the people, it has not been implemented yet.

   What made Li Mochen gratified was that the Destiny Alliance had spared no effort in training magic professionals in the past two decades, and it was close to the harvest period.

   A large number of high-level magic professionals and legends, demigods, etc. will emerge in large numbers.

   As long as the financial resources and production capacity can keep up, the two hundred and twenty divine wills can still be achieved within five years.

   “The fertility rate is indeed a problem. I will help you figure out a solution. I know that there are some artifacts that are dedicated to solving race reproduction. But my next visit should be in two years.”

  Dak knew that Li Mochen could not trust the “Goddess of Life and War” Isabel, so he didn’t even mention it.

   “In fact, you can properly relax the control over desire and pleasure, which will help fertility, and you can’t give up eating because of choking. Then you can find a powerful goddess of life. Your gods don’t even have life-related gods.”

   In fact, Li Mochen himself is, and his theocracy of life has entered a false truth.

   But limited to divine nature, Li Mochen did not let his priests publicize his power in life on a large scale, so his influence was relatively limited.



   Above the top of the Olympus Mountain, a thunder light suddenly exploded, making a huge shock. And the dark clouds in the sky filled this beautiful kingdom of gods with a gloomy atmosphere.

   This also symbolizes the mood of Zeus, the master of this country, who sits high on the throne, looking down at the mortal world with gloomy eyes.

  Because of being too far away from the main material world, Olympus’s belief in the human world has also been greatly reduced. Zeus’s divine power can no longer see the entire main material world. However, important cities like Manhattan and Los Angeles can still be seen by Zeus. But these pictures from the mortal world made him feel extremely bad.

   “Your Majesty, our army is ready. But–“

Under the steps of the throne, Weimar Medici, the **** of wisdom and miracles, leaned slightly: “I suggest you terminate this expedition. For us, this will be a war with great risks and not worth the gains. .”

   “Shut up!”

   Gaia sat beside Zeus, her expression was majestic, and she looked at the miracle **** below with a little dissatisfaction.

   “Pay attention to your identity! Mortal gods, even if you want to stop the war, it should be up to us to decide. This is not what you should interrupt.”

   Because of someone, she now has a great aversion to all the gods who grew up in the world.

   And Weimar Medici is not only of the same background as that, but also has a certain degree of kinship with each other, which makes Gaia hate even more.

   “His Royal Highness Gaia, I just made suggestions to my lord as a subordinate **** of Zeus.”

   Weimar Medici did not flinch, he did not even look at Gaia: “Your Majesty, we have exhausted all our resources, and currently there is only the equivalent of fifteen Divine Will Legions—”

   Only when he said his words, a huge stone hand rushed out from the ground, grasping his body firmly.

   At the top of the steps, Rhea’s breath was as cold as frost, she knew that this guy was provoking and ignoring the authority of Gaia.

   In the next instant, Zeus waved his hand, causing the stone hand that was about to squeeze the body of the **** of wisdom and miracle into powder and scattered.

   “Your Majesty!” Rhea frowned suddenly and looked at Zeus.

   “His Majesty, please note that this is my obedience, and this is also my Olympus mountain.”

   Zeus looked plain: “I don’t think he is at fault. Let him go on, as the **** of wisdom, he has the right to make suggestions to me.”

   Ria was a little angry instinctively, but then she noticed the many gods in the temple, frowning at this time, showing more or less dissatisfaction.

   She realized that her behavior was indeed an offense to the authority of Zeus. At the same time, I was surprised that this mortal **** already had such a network in Olympus.

Weimar Medici bowed to Zeus with great gratitude: “And now, the Lord of Destiny alone has more than forty divine will legions and 65 divine wings knights. They now only have three of them. One part of the power is used to cleanse the blood feast monsters. Now the power of Nurgle has not caused chaos in the main material world as we expected, and they still have more power. The destiny master even expects us When they arrive, they can calmly destroy our army in the main material realm, and then razing the entire Olympus Mountain.”

   “He was right!”

   This is Hephaestus, the **** of forging. Now that many gods such as Apollo and Athena have betrayed the Olympus **** system, he is the only surviving powerful **** in this sacred mountain.

   “Father, a rash attack will only ruin our last strength.”

   “But the great evil lord also promised that he will resurrect the primitive protoss and primitive giants again, and their power can also be equivalent to twenty divine legions.”

   This is Hera, her eyes are full of unwillingness: “They still have many powerful gods.”

   “His Royal Highness, if it is useful to resurrect the primitive protoss, Ahura will not be flattened by the Lord of Destiny and be forced to leave the light world.”

Weimar Medici glanced at the expressionless evil **** of Chaos: “The fifth fortress built by the Alliance of Destiny in the Arctic Circle was completed a month ago. Now at least 3,000 fortress particle beam cannons are aimed at them. There are also seven permanent fleets. I personally expect that they will all be killed by the Alliance of Destiny the first time they are resurrected—”

  His voice could not continue, only because a slim figure appeared in the hall: “No need to argue, everyone, this time the plan is bankrupt.”

   This is exactly the shame, this one’s expression is as usual, not too depressed.

   “We don’t need to make unnecessary sacrifices. Instead of continuing this doomed plan, it is better to invest resources in the future.”

   Then he looked at Zeus with pitying eyes: “Then I brought you bad news.”

   Zeus couldn’t help but stunned: “Is it related to the Lord of Destiny?”

   “Related, just now, your love and desire goddess Venus, hope goddess Pandora, and hindsight **** Epimetheus have entered the kingdom of the Lord of Destiny.”

   Seinie let out a sigh: “They obviously betrayed you.”

   Zeus condensed his eyes and glanced at Venus and Pandora in the crowd. But his gaze just touched these two goddesses, and their figures collapsed like bubbles.

   “Venus! Rocky!”

   At this moment, there was a roar like a beast in the temple. Boundless thunder and lightning exploded on the top of the Olympus Mountain.

   “Be calm and not restless, Your Majesty Zeus.”

   Seinie shook his head: “I also brought you good news, but—”

   She squinted at the gods in this temple with a smile but a smile: “It’s not easy to talk here.”

   Zeus waved his hand to signal the gods of Olympus to retreat, only Gaia and Rhea remained in the temple.

   Both of them frowned tightly, their eyes worried. If it were twenty years ago, Venus and Pandora, two deities that had nothing to do with battle, would not matter to the plump Olympus **** system.

  Hope and disaster, love and desire are indispensable, but there are people in the Olympus **** system that make up for it.

   But now, the loss of any main **** is unbearable for Olympus.

   “Fortunately, I met Venus before this.”

  Serious evil only said a word, which made the expressions of the few present slightly loose. Although the Lord of Chaos was vague, they could probably guess what happened.

   “Then, I will also introduce you a friend.”

   In the next instant, a black figure walked directly into their eyes from outside the Olympus Mountain.

   “Good day everyone!”

This black figure has impeccable courtesy. He smiled and touched his chest, and bowed to the three of Zeus: “You can call me Fogrim, I have brought the friendship of the Terra Empire. “


   At the same time, at the small pier on the mainland of Antoria, another gangster was talking to a middle-aged fisherman who had been staying here. The latter chuckled: “I thought you came to me to inquire about sin.”

   “I’m not so small, nor so boring. In the past years, have we rarely held back each other?”

The figure of the evil man appeared behind the fisherman, and his expression was lazy and indifferent: “What’s more, this time, I am not without gain. I have recovered some strength and more believers. Only Nurg was very angry. This time he invested a lot. These genetically modified mosquitoes require a lot of divine power from cultivation to outbreak. Nurgle has no foundation in this world, and he must use ten times the loss of divine power to support his deeds in this world . But the final gain was far lower than what he had imagined, and he failed to collect more’despair’.”

  Senior said that, she glanced at the fisherman coldly: “I just want to know, did you help them?”

   “Is it just because of my strength?”

  Tecchi shrugged: “But in fact, I didn’t do anything this time. Just looking at it from a distance, you failed.”

   wicked eyes, but still condensed. It is impossible for him to believe in trickery, or the master of tricks, deceit and lies because of this sentence, but he is much better than Loki, the **** of fraud in this world.

   Lying is commonplace for him. Of course, this man generally doesn’t tell lies that are totally baseless. Clever lying skills are nine points true and one point false.

   Yanqi always does this, and his deception power will make people instinctively believe it.

   “Then you must know how he did it, right?”

“I know, he looked back in time and planted the foreshadowing of Nurg’s failure three months ago. Nurg wanted to use mosquitoes to spread his plague, but the virus made by the Lord of Destiny also entered these mosquitoes. Under his command, there is a very good virus god, and there are at least 500 kinds of viruses lurking in mosquitoes in this world, but Nurgle has no idea.”

   Chen Qi smiled: “My dear, you shouldn’t blame me, didn’t you remind you and Nurgle?”

The sorrow is a’tsk’: “No, of course I won’t blame you for it. As I said, things that we hold back each other happen all the time. However, I now doubt that you are not I would like to remind, but there is no way to remind. You know the exact time will not be much earlier than me, right?”

“The Lord of Destiny is able to combine timing with jumping, which you can’t do anyway. His actions in the past are also very concealed, which means that he is well prepared for you, and at the same time he is in timing with The power of destiny is above you.”

  A treacherous smile is not a smile, seemingly disdain to excuse.

   Ernie is even more determined, and he mocks his lips: “Even so, do you insist on allowing his strength to continue to grow?”

   He did not wait for Yin Qi’s answer, the figure of the Lord of Chaos has disappeared from this dock.

“It doesn’t matter, you don’t need to answer. I have also changed my opinion now. Since the emperor can’t solve it before the emperor wakes up, it seems that it is a very good drama to let him touch the soldiers of the Terra Empire. Your last piece of advice. I don’t know what you’re planning, but sooner or later you will take care of yourself.”

   “But you know I didn’t do anything, my compatriot?”

   Soon after the evil will disappeared from this place, the fisherman sighed and took back the nothing hook from the sea: “I know some of your arrangements, but if it is just like this, you can’t win to the end.”


After    Warlord Dak left, Li Mochen returned to the top level of the Magic Tower in the Land of Destiny to retreat.

   He first counted the gains from the previous trip to Outland. He killed two godlike twenty in front of the eyes of “White Scar”, and he also harvested seven mythical weapons.

   Two of them are pseudo-truths, but unfortunately their theocratic abilities are not very good. Not to mention that it is compared with the “Gangnir Holy Spear”, even the “Thebes Holy Shield” is far inferior.

   But this is the normal state of this world, don’t look at Li Mochen’s easy acquisition of artifacts. But a normal godhead for twenty, hundreds of thousands of years may not be able to obtain a powerful ‘false truth’ artifact.

   On the one hand, it is difficult to find artifacts and source quality, on the other hand, because of its own divine power is low and weak, it is difficult to compete with those powerful divine kings, and it is impossible to obtain better resources.

   And Zeus and Odin, placed in the entire outer realm of the heavens, their strength is very high, and they are rare among all the twenty gods.

   What disappointed Li Mochen was that these two gods didn’t have much property except for the artifacts.

   The battle between him and the subordinates of King Wudi didn’t let these two learn from the past. The two of them still carried almost all of their net worth.

  The problem is that their financial resources are indeed poor, and there are not many things that interest Li Mochen among their belongings. Even the total value of these things did not exceed 20 million soul gold coins.

  Only among them were three red pills of unknown effect, which made Li Mochen a little interested.

   He could not identify its origin. After consulting the knowledgeable Zhuan Xu, the latter was also at a loss. Only wait for the next Ten Thousand Realms Fair to see if we can find out its origin.

   Those artifacts were rented out by Li Mochen in the first place, and they didn’t stay in his hands for more than three days. He couldn’t let these artifacts be covered in dust in his treasure house. Li Mochen knew that only by sending them to the right people could he benefit him and the destiny system to the greatest extent.

   Artemis and Apollo are an example. After obtaining the “Golden Ring of the Sun” and the “Hand of Natural Order”, the two brothers and sisters were trying to repay their debts. From the previous Buddhism line, the rate of participation rose to the top three of all the gods in one fell swoop.

   Recently, the two have been fighting at the forefront, and they have gone all out to help the forces of the Alliance of Heaven to suppress the blood feast. Other powerful slave gods are also doing their best to accumulate merits, and the centripetal force of the entire **** system has been greatly enhanced.

   They think that Li Mochen will not only obtain these few false truths in his life, and that this man’s generosity and justice have convinced all the gods.

   It can be seen that Li Mochen’s strategy is effective and recognized by the gods.

   It is a pity that the strengthening effect of these artifacts on the entire **** system is still not strong enough. Otherwise, Li Mochen would choose to raise his troops again and take down the Olympus Mountain to completely solve this last hidden danger.

   Then the biggest gain this time is the ‘Scepter of Time’.

   Li Mochen placed this thing in front of him, then took out the dragon-raising pot and placed it in front of him.

   As early as three months ago, Li Mochen had put the dragon qi he had in it, and the number of complete dragon qi in the tank had increased to four.

   The piece of jade promised by Zhuan Xu has already been delivered to him.

   Li Mochen originally planned to transform this jade bi into a jade seal, and then merge these four dragon qi.

   But this ‘scepter of the king of time’ made him change his mind.

  In the West, the scepter has the same status as the seal of the East. It is an instrument that symbolizes royal power and imperial power. It ranks first in the royal power symbols such as scepter, sword, crown, orb and armband.

   And this ‘Scepter of Time King’ itself has an interface for holding ‘Dragon Qi’. Of course, there is no such thing as dragon spirit in the West. They think this is the manifestation of the’mandate of heaven’.

  The essence is that it is indeed destiny. It is a kind of inexplicable matter, and its origin is very complicated. Some are formed by topography, some are derived from the will of the world, and some are derived from the human heart.

   This divine tool that can transform between the scepter and the sword has the ability to accept the destiny.

   Li Mochen considered that he was in the Western world after all, so this ‘scepter of the king of time’ is more suitable as a symbol of authority to command the destiny in the future.

  Because it is an unowned thing, the inner part belongs to the imprint of the predecessor’s divine consciousness, and it has also been consumed by the years. Li Mochen easily refined it, and imprinted his spiritual knowledge into the core of the artifact.

   Next, Li Mochen only took care of it for a while, so he patted his right and opened the seal of the dragon-raising pot.

   In an instant, four golden lustre rushed from the dragon-raising tank. They hovered slightly in mid-air, and then dropped down, rotating around Li Mochen.

   Dragon Qi is attached to the King, Li Mochen, as the lord of the gods, has the ability to attract them, and is very attractive.

   But if there is a better dependent object in the future, or someone else tries to get it, these dragon spirits will also abandon him. In addition, they will also be consumed.

   With the expansion of the Destiny God System and the long history, Li Mochen’s dragon spirit will naturally fall into decline.

   This is the law of natural development. Looking at the past history of the world, there has never been a country, a **** system, that can make its own ‘destiny’ immortal and eternal.

   They will die sooner or later, they will die, it’s just a matter of time.

To keep the dragon qi from declining, one way is to keep the internal politics clear and to stabilize the people’s minds. This will also cultivate the “dragon qi” and make it continue to grow; the other way is to restrain it in a human way. Confinement.

   In both the East and the West, there are a whole set of methods to continue the dragon qi, cultivate it, and strengthen it.

  It also has many benefits. When the four dragon qis are all locked in the scepter by Li Mochen’s restraint, he first sensed a change in his own’Shenxiao Spirit Luck Purple Golden Pagoda’. The purple-gold tower body before, gave birth to auspicious light.

  Then the ‘king of god’ and ‘king power’ on the scepter were all elevated to the pseudo-truth level in one fell swoop.

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